divine talisman

Chapter 1842


In front of the Sifang City Gate, the mighty gods and demons beat the big drum, shaking the surrounding fields with great momentum.

Accompanied by the sound of the drums, strange and obscure fluctuations spread like ripples throughout the Ten Directions God City.

Looking down from the sky, it seems that there is a huge eggshell covering the entire city of God. This is a kind of ancient god's taboo, which can defend the entire city of God, and is enough to withstand the full blow of the powerful master of the lower realm. .



The majestic and tall city gate also slammed shut at this moment.

All of a sudden, the entire Ten Directions God City was completely sealed off, and it was difficult for outsiders to cross one step.

"The city is closed, the city is closed!"

"In less than a quarter of an hour, the Dao Discussion Competition will begin!"

In the city, the ascetics on the streets and alleys all made comments, and their faces were full of anticipation.

And in the monastery "Zhengming Dojo", all the ascetics present also keenly noticed the changes between the heaven and the earth.

"The reason why the city is closed is to prevent external forces from disrupting the Dao Contest."

Wen Ting casually explained.

It was only then that Chen Xi and the others came to a sudden realization, and became more and more aware of the extraordinary nature of this Dao Discussion Competition.

"Everyone, there are a total of 180 disciples participating in this Dao Discussion Contest, including ten from Shenyan Mountain, 40 from the Supreme Sect, 36 from Nuwa Palace, 54 from the Divine Academy, and 40 from the Taoist Academy. .”

In front of the main hall, the highest part of the Guiyuan Hall, Huai Kongzi, the chief elder of the Taoist Academy, spoke again, his voice resonating loudly, reverberating throughout the world.

In that vast square, all the ascetics from all the top forces in the ancient gods' domain could hear clearly.

"It seems that our Shenyan Mountain has the least number of people."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows. Although he knew the situation already, when the final result was announced by Huai Kongzi, he still couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

Compared to the other four major forces, in terms of numbers alone, their Shenyan Mountain is indeed a bit thin.

Huai Kongzi's voice continued: "This Dao Discussion Competition is different from the past, but no matter what, our Taoist Academy will uphold the principle of fairness and fairness to safeguard the smooth progress of this Dao Discussion Competition. All actions will be severely punished, and no one will be spared!"

"As soon as the meeting time comes, I will open the 'Dao Cauldron World', and let all the disciples participating in the discussion of the Tao enter it. I will announce the specific rules at that time."

"Remember! Everything in Dao Cauldron World will be presented in the eyes of the world. Don't act recklessly. Those who violate the rules will be killed without mercy!"

Kill without mercy!

The last three words, bursting with murderous aura, made everyone present tremble when they heard it.

All the disciples, including Chen Xi, who were going to participate in this discussion, felt a kind of fierce battle that was coming at this moment.

It should be noted that almost all the participants in this Dao Discussion Competition are the top peerless figures in the Ancestral God Realm, and each of them possesses almost invincible power in the same realm. How could such a battle be unusual?

"Wen Ting, what is the Dao Ding World?"

Chen Xi's heart moved, and he asked aloud.

"This thing's real name is 'Mother of Transforming Dao'. It is rumored that it is a treasure born in the beginning of chaos. It has been controlled by the head of the Taoist academy. Its power is unpredictable, and it can be compared with the 'Jiuyan Linghui' of our Shenyan Mountain. Wheel', Taishangjiao's 'Xingtian Ruler', Nuwa Palace's 'Wuyun Shenshi', and the Temple's 'Jingwei Town Road Map'."

Wen Ting said slowly, "Even I didn't expect that for this Dao Discussion Competition, the head of the Taoist Academy would actually take out this treasure."

There was also a hint of surprise in the voice.

At this moment, it wasn't just Chen Xi and the others. When the other cultivators heard the name "Dao Cauldron World", their hearts were filled with astonishment, and their expressions became even more solemn.


In this solemn and silent atmosphere, a bell sounded like the sound of the heavenly voice came from a distance.

In an instant, Huai Kongzi's expression became serious to the extreme, he took a step forward, his clothes fluttering, and his beard and hair flying.


With a wave of Huai Kongzi's sleeve robe, an ancient bronze tripod appeared in the void, its whole body was shiny and moist, surrounded by chaotic energy, as soon as it appeared in midair, thousands of rays of light, ten thousand rays of auspicious light floated out, illuminating the nine heavens and ten earths.

At the same time, waves of terrifying and obscure fluctuations spread, like the sound of the great avenue from the beginning of the primordial chaos, or the sages of the heavens chanting scriptures, the heaven and the earth are holy.

The eyes of all the ascetics present lit up.

Transforming Dao Mother Cauldron!

This is the property of the head of the Taoist Academy, and its power is immeasurable. It can be seen that even the head of the Taoist Academy and other supreme figures attach great importance to it for the sake of this Dao Discussion Competition. "As a place of discussion, it can be seen.


The cauldron of the Taoist Mother is suspended in the air, like a great avenue releasing divine power in the air. The body of the cauldron spreads out strange and vast scenes, which are constantly combined and evolved...

Chen Xi and the others raised their heads and looked towards the mid-air, and everyone else present also looked over at the same time.

Under the eyes of everyone in the audience, the Taoist Mother Cauldron in midair quickly evolved into a huge light curtain with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and the world inside could be vaguely seen.

"Attention the disciples participating in the discussion, you can set off to enter the Dao Cauldron World now!"

Huai Kongzi's deep voice resounded.


As soon as the words fell, the Taishang Sect and a group of Ancestral God Realm powerhouses who were standing up had a tacit understanding. They all rose into the sky and entered the huge light curtain in a flash.

"Let's go too!"


The next moment, all the disciples of the God Academy, the Taoist Academy, and the Supreme Sect also set off and flew away.

"It seems that only when you enter it can you understand the rules of this Dao Discussion Competition."

Chen Xi smiled, and said, "Everyone, let's go too."

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time, not only to compete with the disciples of other forces, but most importantly to obtain the quota to enter the chaotic ruins!

Swish swish!

Following Chen Xi's departure, in the blink of an eye, all the 180 ascetics from the five poles of the imperial domain who participated in the discussion this time disappeared.

Seeing this, Huai Kongzi nodded his head, and said to Wen Ting, Yu Zhen, Lu Fu, Chi Songzi and others in the square: "Fellow Taoists, this first round of debates will probably last for three months. All of you, please follow me into the main hall and watch the battle slowly."

At that moment, Wen Ting and the others stepped forward and entered the Guiyuan Hall.

Immediately, one by one the attendants brought the case letters, divine wine, fresh fruit preserves and other things.

Wen Ting and the others sat on the ground. Although they sat in different positions, they all looked at the sky outside the hall.

It wasn't just them, those big figures of various influences who sat on both sides of the Zhengming Dojo and came to watch the ceremony, as well as the juniors around them, also looked in the same direction.



Chen Xi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and in the next moment, he appeared in the middle of a high mountain, and the place where he landed was on the side of a cliff.

Looking around, the sky in the distance is boundless, filled with chaotic air, and there is a primitive, ancient, and prehistoric atmosphere everywhere.

It seems that in an instant, people have come to the ancient days of Hongmeng when the world first opened.

"It seems that this is the Dao Cauldron World."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and his whole body was activated. His body was like a big bow that was fully drawn, and he entered a peak fighting state in an instant.

"All disciples listen to the order, and now we will announce the rules of this Dao Discussion Competition!"

In the sky, Huai Kongzi's majestic and solemn voice suddenly resounded.

At this moment, including Chen Xi, all the ascetics who entered the Dao Cauldron World held their breaths and listened carefully.

This will be related to their next actions and competitions!

"This Dao tripod world has a territory of 25 miles, and there are [-] 'Ming Dao ancient tripods' buried in it. Those who obtain this object and can persist for three months can enter the second round of discussion."

"You can fight and fight as you like in it, and those who lose miserably will be forced out of the round by the Dao Cauldron World, completely missing the second round of discussion."

"Remember, the time is only three months. During this period, even if you have a chance to obtain an 'Mingdao Ancient Ding', this does not mean victory, because it will be taken away by others at any moment!"

"The final promotion disciples are the 25 disciples who can possess the Ming Dao Ancient Ding, and the others will be eliminated."

"Remember, in the Dao Cauldron World, it is forbidden to use all things that violate the law. This time, the test of the Dao Discussion is to test your respective combat effectiveness. Every move you make in it will be seen by all the practitioners outside. Use actions that violate taboos, kill without mercy!"

Another Unforgiven Killer!

It fell into the ears of everyone, revealing a forceful deterrent force.

At this moment, not only Chen Xi and the others who had entered the Dao Cauldron World, but also those who were watching the ceremony outside, and even the entire Ten Directions Divine City, echoed Huai Kongzi's voice.

So far, all the talents have roughly understood some rules of this Dao Discussion Competition, and finally realized that, it turned out that this Dao Discussion Competition was actually divided into two rounds.

In the first round, Chen Xi and other 180 peerless figures from the Ancestral God Realm entered the Dao Ding World to compete and fight to capture the 25 "Ming Dao Ancient Ding".

As for the rules of the second round of discussion, it has not been announced yet. Obviously, everything about the second round of discussion will be announced after the first round of discussion is over three months later.


Not long after Huai Kongzi's voice fell, a wave of extremely dazzling divine brilliance suddenly appeared in the sky above the Ten Directions Divine City.

Soon, under the astonished gazes of all the ascetics in the city, a huge and incomparably soft and clear light curtain like glass appeared in the field of vision.

What was shown on the light curtain was the scenes in the Dao Ding World, every scene was clearly visible, as if it was right in front of your eyes.

"The curtain of the gods!"

Everyone recognized that this was a masterwork of the Taoist monastery, a kind of supreme space enchantment power from ancient times, which could present everything that happened in the Dao Discussion Competition to the eyes of all monks in the city.


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