divine talisman

Chapter 1843 Invisible Struggle

After the gods of the gods were sacrificed, Huai Kongzi went back to the main hall and asked the Taoist school to teach Xi Rongxun, Linheng, Yingqin and others to entertain Wen Ting and them.

However, Huai Kongzi hurried into the depths of the hall, turned around, and entered a secret realm filled with chaotic energy.

"Uncle Caiya, the first round of Dao Discussion Competition has begun."

Huai Kongzi bowed and said.

"Go, no matter what accidents happen in the Dao Discussion Competition, remember to uphold the sense of justice and never favor any party, including our Dao Academy itself."

Cai Ya's old voice sounded.


Huai Kongzi took the order and left.

Just as he left, an old figure appeared in the vast chaotic atmosphere, faintly visible.

"Dean, do you see?"

The old figure faced the depths of the chaotic atmosphere and asked softly.

"Let them make their own calculations. Our Daoist Academy can't take care of it, and we don't bother to take care of it. It's enough to follow the rules."

After a long time, a sigh resounded in the depths of the vast chaotic atmosphere, filled with a sense of compassion.


The old figure was taken aback, keenly aware that the situation seemed a little unusual.

Unfortunately, that voice of compassion never sounded again.

This made the old figure stand still and ponder for a long time, and finally he couldn't help sighing, and murmured: "Indeed, on the surface, this battle is for a chance to enter the chaotic ruins, but in fact...why isn't it another battle?" A game between Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, Taishang Sect, and God Academy?"


Almost at the same time, Shenyan Mountain.

Wu Xuechan stood on the top of Shenyan Mountain, with deep eyes, looking at the rolling sea of ​​clouds in the distance, silent.

"If the master is still there, he wouldn't be so passive."

After a while, Wu Xuechan suddenly sighed.

"It is indeed difficult to deduce the means of the Supreme Leader, but this confrontation does not necessarily mean that we will lose."

Suddenly, a majestic voice filled with indifference suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by the sound, Di Shun, the second patriarch of Shenyan Mountain, stepped on a green lotus in the starry sky, and came to Wu Xuechan's side.

"Uncle, I'm just a little worried about Junior Brother."

Wu Xuechan frowned and said, "He is pregnant with He Tu, and his father Chen Lingjun was the teacher of the Supreme Leader when he was reincarnated in the Three Realms. In addition, I killed the holy priest Molin a few years ago. Under these circumstances, The Supreme Master will definitely take this opportunity to make trouble."

"Don't forget, Chen Lingjun back then was also your junior disciple, Taoist Ji. Chen Xi's son has been able to get to where he is today, and he already has his own path. No matter what happens, as long as it is not a catastrophe for him, , are all his whetstones."

"The knife will only get sharper and sharper."

"It's the same with this son."

Emperor Shun put his hands behind his back and said calmly, "Actually, what I value the most is not this Dao Discussion Competition, but the chaotic land."

A terrifying light suddenly appeared in Wu Xuechan's eyes, and he said, "Uncle, could this event of change explode from the chaos left?"

Patriarch Di Shun's lips showed a complex taste: "Maybe, it's too unpredictable there, no one dares to speak nonsense."

Wu Xuechan was startled, and then smiled and said: "Forget it, I don't think so much. At this moment, the Dao Discussion Conference must have started. I want to see what tricks the Supreme Master and the Academy have played this time." .”

Emperor Shun also smiled: "With Chen Xi as his son, all calculations will only be confusing and difficult to deduce. We can only wait and see."


Too taught.

In the most supreme "Taishang Boundless Realm".

The world here is gray and dark, boundless and dim, as if everything does not exist, time and space do not exist, and everything falls into a "empty" artistic conception.

Tao is omnipresent, so it is empty!

However, just a moment later, an old man who was as thin as a bamboo, with a stooped body, a wrinkled face, and cloudy eyes suddenly appeared in this empty world.

This person is surprisingly the Supreme Priest Xutuo!

"Master, the discussion has already begun, and everything is going on as expected, without any surprises."

Xu Tuo spoke, his voice was hoarse and deep, floating in this empty world, like a person muttering to himself.

"No accidents? This is a bit unusual."

Almost as soon as Xu Tuo's voice fell, a grand voice full of endless majesty, indifferent and without a trace of emotion suddenly shook the world.

Xu Tuo raised his head, his cloudy eyes suddenly became extremely bright and deep at this moment, and thoughtfully said: "Master, what do you mean, Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace have already prepared means?"

"This is normal. Remember, don't think too easily about them. After so many years, we have only forced away one Fuxi. To eradicate them, not only time and patience are needed, but also a big battle is required. opportunity."

"Without this opportunity, everything would be out of the question."

The voice of the Supreme Leader is calm and flat, as if the will of heaven is pronouncing the will, full of shocking power that reaches people's hearts.


Xu Tuo sighed, a little disappointed.

At this moment, he didn't know that Caiya Daoist of the Taoist Academy and Wu Xuechan of Shenyan Mountain were all sighing in the face of this unpredictable battle.

It is a state of mind that cannot be predicted or controlled. No matter how lofty their cultivation is, they will always encounter such difficulties.

This is the so-called mortals have their own suffering, so why don't gods be troubled.

"Don't bother yourself, the big change is yet to come, this fight is just a breath, a luck."

The voice of the Taishang leader continued to sound, "Go, guard the adversity disk, and everything can be easily solved."


Xu Tuo nodded, his skinny figure became hunched again, his eyes became cloudy again, like an old man in his twilight years, he staggered and disappeared into the gray world.


"After so many years, it's time to fight."

This is the sigh of the Patriarch of Nuwa Palace today.


"It's very difficult for this ancient god's domain to have such luck again. This time, the discussion is a small matter, but its significance is enough to affect the ancient god's domain for thousands of years!"

On the same day, the dean of the seminary also sighed.


"There are 180 peerless and stunning ancestor gods, but only 25 of them can finally get the ancient Mingdao tripod and enter the second round of discussion. This rule is too cruel!"

"That's right, 150 five people were eliminated at once. This discussion is destined to be extremely fierce. In the end, I don't know how many people among the five supreme forces will be able to capture an ancient Mingdao cauldron."

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

"In my opinion, although it is impossible to determine the number of people from the five major forces who can obtain the ancient Mingdao cauldron, I am sure that Leng Xinghun from the Taishang sect, Kong Youran from Nuwa Palace, Gu Yan, the three-generation disciple of Shenyan Mountain, Shenyuan, etc. The big disciple Donghuang Yinxuan and Ye Chen from the Dao Academy can all successfully advance to the second round of discussion."

"Is not this nonsensical?"

"Hey, it's really simple for you guys. None of the strong players participating in the Dao Discussion Competition this time is an ordinary person. In the end, whoever wins and who loses, don't jump to conclusions too early!"

In the city of gods in the ten directions, all eyes were on the "curtain of the gods" in the sky, discussing topics related to this first round of discussion.

"Where's Chen Xi?"

At the audience seats in the Zhengming Dojo of the Daoist Academy, Shentu Yanran, Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and others were also staring at the "Curtain of the Gods", following the usual traces of Chen Xi.

"Don't worry, this son of Chen Xi is Wu Xuechan's younger brother of Mr. Shenyan Shanda. He has a heaven-defying posture. He will definitely not be eliminated in this round of discussion."

Shentu Qingyuan on the side spoke with a smile. Even so, his eyes were also searching for the "God's Curtain".

All the scenes of Dao Cauldron World will be presented one by one on the screen of the gods, so that everyone can clearly see what happened there.


Shentu Yanran's eyes lit up, staring at one of them.

The others looked over, and sure enough, they saw a majestic figure in a mountain valley in the Dao Ding World.

"Okay, now you can always take a look at how powerful this guy has been all these years!"

"Yes, I heard that Ye Nandu, the one-star emperor of the Eternal Family Ye Clan, died at the hands of Chen Xi. This time, I have to see it with my own eyes."

Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing and others all showed excitement and anticipation.

At this moment, in the densely packed viewing seats, ascetics from all the top forces in all directions are also looking for their own people, and they are all looking forward to it, hoping that their people can persist until the end and win the final victory.

Dao Ding World.


Chen Xi's figure flickered, like an illusory shadow, shuttling between thousands of mountains and rivers.

Out of caution, he didn't use his mind, but sacrificed the forbidden path secret pattern in his soul, because once he used his mind, he would reveal his traces while discovering the enemy.

But the forbidden path secret pattern is different, invisible and qualityless, it is the most secretive, not only can it not be noticed by the opponent, but also can capture the opponent's thoughts and conversations.

"180 people have been moved to different corners of the Dao Ding world, which is a bit difficult..."

Chen Xi keenly noticed that this Dao Cauldron World was very special. There was an invisible restraining force that made it impossible for him to use Shenyan Mountain's unique secret method and the other nine Shenyan Mountain disciples including Gu Yan, Hua Yan, and Tu Meng. connect.

Regarding this, Chen Xi could only think that this was a test, not only he would encounter this kind of situation, but also the children of other forces.

It's a pity that Chen Xi didn't know that at the same time, the disciples of the Supreme Sect and the seminary seemed to have a good understanding. As soon as they arrived in this world of Taoism, they gathered towards the same area in an extremely tacit understanding!

This is clearly not normal.

It's a pity that all of this happened very secretly, and the outside world would never have thought that there would be such restrictions in the Dao Cauldron World, so they didn't notice anything wrong.

Only Huai Kongzi frowned imperceptibly, and glanced suspiciously at Emperor Ying Qin next to him.

The latter looked calm, and was talking in a low voice with Emperor Linheng next to him.

In the end, Huai Kongzi sighed inwardly, shook his head, and stopped thinking about it.


ps: The fourth update is after 1:[-] in the morning, friends who can't wait to wake up tomorrow and watch it again.


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