divine talisman

Chapter 1844

"The top priority is to find the ancient Mingdao cauldron and join Gu Yan and the others at the same time."

While flying away, Chen Xi quickly deduced the changes in his mind.

In the first round of Dao Discussion Competition, there were only 25 ancient inscriptions, which meant that only 25 people could enter the second round of Dao Discussion Competition.

One can imagine how fierce the competition will be.

According to Chen Xi's thinking, if his side of Shenyan Mountain can obtain more ancient Mingdao cauldrons, the better, but he is also clear that in the end, it is inevitable that some disciples on their side of Shenyan Mountain will be eliminated Lose.

After all, there are too many masters participating in the Dao Discussion Grand Competition this time, and none of them are ordinary people. In addition, the Dao Cauldron World is extremely vast. If any accident happens to other Shenyan Mountain disciples, it may be too late to rescue them.

As the only senior at the level of "Master Uncle" in this operation, the only thing Chen Xi can do is to do his best to help the other disciples of Shenyan Mountain to obtain more Ancient Inscription Dao Cauldrons.

"According to the rules of this Dao Discussion Competition, it is obvious that we will not easily join forces, but in order to compete for the Ming Dao Ancient Cauldron, if I don't kill people, other people will definitely come to kill me. Under such circumstances, it seems ...the only option is to keep fighting."

After Chen Xi made a decision in his heart, he immediately stopped thinking about it.

After a stick of incense.

Chen Xi's heart suddenly moved.


Almost at the same time, an obscure wave came from afar.

A strange gleam suddenly appeared in Chen Xi's eyes, and his gaze was fixed on a sacred mountain in the distance.

That sacred mountain was shaped like a bullock, reckless and majestic, and that obscure wave spread out from the depths of that sacred mountain.

If Chen Xi hadn't sacrificed the "Forbidden Dao Secret Pattern", it would have been hard to detect.

"Could it be..."

With a whoosh, without any hesitation, Chen Xi's figure flickered and moved over.

A moment later, Chen Xi appeared in front of a canyon full of ravines, and in the chaos of the canyon, there was a brilliant dao light transpiring, as pure as glass, releasing an ancient and holy aura.

Looking carefully, in that piece of Daoguang, there is a fist-sized bronze tripod with three legs and two ears suspended impressively!

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised, his luck was really good, right?

If he guessed correctly, the exquisite and small bronze tripod in front of him must be one of the 25 "Ming Dao Ancient Tripods"!

This was really like a stroke of luck. He had just arrived in the Dao Cauldron World for a little more time, but he accidentally found an ancient inscribed Dao Cauldron. Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised.


Chen Xi didn't dare to have any hesitation. With a wave of his sleeve robe, he brushed away the dense dao light, and took the ancient cauldron with inscribed dao.

When holding it in his hand, Chen Xi realized that this tripod seemed to be only the size of a fist, but it was actually extremely heavy. It weighed at least one hundred thousand catties, which was comparable to the weight of a mountain.

The whole body of this tripod is imprinted with ancient textures such as flowers, birds, insects and fish, mountains, rivers and lakes, ancestor sacrifices, totem secret patterns, etc., imprinted with the breath of time.

It looked like a divine treasure, but after Chen Xi carefully inspected it, he discovered that apart from the many mysterious dao energy contained in this ancient cauldron, it had never been found to have any other uses.

Of course, maybe it has other mysteries, but Chen Xi doesn't know about it.

But no matter what, being able to obtain this item so quickly still made Chen Xi overjoyed.

However, just when he was about to put this treasure in his pocket and hide it, he was shocked to find that this treasure could not be put into the magic treasure of storage at all, and even Zhouyu in his body couldn't carry it!

It seems that there is an invisible force imprisoned around this Mingdao ancient tripod, making it impossible to put it away.

This made Chen Xi's heart skip a beat, and he realized that something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next moment when he wanted to cover up the Dao Qi released from the whole body of the cauldron, he also found that this step could not be done!

what does this mean?

It means that as long as he takes this tripod on the road, he will inevitably emit the unique aura that belongs to this tripod, which is no different from having a shining night pearl inlaid on his body. How conspicuous.

Don't even think about it, once this happens, the opponents you meet will definitely find out immediately!

Even hiding is useless, unless the opponent can't find him, but this is simply impossible.

The reason is also very simple, the aura of this Ming Dao ancient cauldron cannot be concealed, which means that the signal is spreading out all the time, it is difficult not to be discovered by others!

At this moment, most of the joy in Chen Xi's heart disappeared immediately, and he frowned endlessly. Only then did he finally understand why Huai Kongzi said when announcing the rules of this Dao Discussion Competition that even if he had the chance to obtain an ancient tripod with inscription on Dao, he would not It doesn't mean you've won this Dao Contest, because there is a danger of being taken away by others at any moment!

"This thing is really hot. If you take it on the road, doesn't it mean that you have to hold on for three months until the end of the first round of Dao Discussion Competition?"

Chen Xi sighed in his heart. He knew very well that if he really did this, he would be like a lighthouse along the way, and he would attract many opponents to watch him.

"Sure enough, I knew it wouldn't be that simple."

Chen Xi smiled wryly.

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from outside the canyon in the distance.

"That obscure wave is released from here!"

"Move quickly, maybe it's the Ming Dao ancient cauldron."


"Someone got there first!"

"Everyone be careful!"

Accompanied by the sound, one after another silhouettes came through the air. There were five people in total, three men and two women. The leader was a silver-robed man with a strand of white hair on his forehead, thick ink like a knife, and a lonely and stern face.

This man grasped two six-foot silver short halberds, and his every move gave off a strong, contemptuous, and iron-blooded smell.


At this moment, Chen Xi had no time to dodge, and when he raised his eyes, he recognized the origins of these five people. They were none other than the Ancestral God Realm powerhouses in the Taoist temple.

Even Chen Xi recognized that the silver-robed man at the head was named Feng Wuling, who existed in the Great Perfection Realm of the Ancestral God, and was also a peerless figure second to none in the Taoist temple.

It is rumored that this person possesses the power of the blood inheritance of the "Yanfeng God Clan", and is a top figure after Na Yechen and Yu Jiuyue.

As for the other four people around Feng Wuling, all of them are also the one-in-a-million generation of arrogance.

All in all, the same sentence, there is no top powerhouse in the usual sense who can participate in this discussion.

"Shenyan Mountain Chen Xi?"

Feng Wuling and the others also recognized Chen Xi's identity at the first time, and they couldn't help but frowned, as if they didn't expect to meet this guy who had recently been in the limelight in the ancient gods.

Soon, Chen Xi lost interest in them, turned around and planned to leave.

The Daoist Academy is a neutral faction among the five major forces. If it is not a last resort, Chen Xi does not want to fight with the other party. If he meets someone from the Supreme Sect or the Divine Academy this time, he will definitely not say a word, and kill him immediately. Enemy.


However, Chen Xi planned to leave, but Feng Wuling and the others refused to agree. Almost at the moment Chen Xi made a move, their figures suddenly flashed and dispersed, completely blocking Chen Xi's escape route.

If he wanted to run away, Chen Xi thought that the other party would not be able to stop him at all, but what he didn't expect was that the other party seemed to want to attack him.

This made him frown immediately, glanced at Feng Wuling and the others, and said indifferently: "Why, do you want to do it?"

A Taoist disciple let out a snort of laughter, as if he felt that Chen Xi's words were childish and ridiculous.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, you should be clear that this is a Dao Discussion Competition, and everyone is here to win the Ming Dao Ancient Cauldron. Under such circumstances, if you still talk about affection, your mentality will be wrong."

Feng Wuling, the silver-robed man in the lead, said seriously.

Chen Xi said thoughtfully, "So, you have already made up your mind to take away the Ancient Inscription Dao Cauldron from me?"

"If you don't want to fight, Fellow Daoist, you can leave the Mingdao Ancient Cauldron behind, and we won't embarrass you."

Feng Wuling said calmly.

"That's right, when you enter this Daoist world, there is no difference in power at all. It's not just our Dao Academy that wants to compete with your Shenyan Mountain, but also our Dao Academy's brothers and sisters. In the end, it all depends on who you are." Who can beat it."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, lest you have long nights and dreams."

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, please make a decision, otherwise we will have to make a move."

Others also spoke one after another, as if they were convinced of Chen Xi.

This made Chen Xi feel a little emotional, and said, "I admit that the actions just now were a little naive, but you guys have talked to me so much, but you have been slow to act, it's a bit..."

Speaking of this, a cold gleam suddenly appeared in Chen Xi's eyes, and in an instant, his whole body moved, like a peerless sharp blade, suddenly unsheathed in the darkness!


A wisp of sword energy seemed to be floating in the sky, with an incomparably precise and unparalleled aura, it broke through time and space, and slashed at Feng Wuling!

All of this happened too quickly, unexpectedly, and most of the Ancestral God Realm powerhouses could hardly resist this blow.

However, Feng Wuling is not comparable to the vast majority of Ancestral God Realm powerhouses, he has outstanding combat prowess, and since he decided to win the tripod, he has entered a fighting state.

Therefore, when Chen Xifu made a move, although he was slightly surprised, the movement in his hand was not slow, and he subconsciously waved two short silver halberds, like two bolts of lightning, to meet him.


Those two short silver halberds were obviously a pair of extremely powerful innate spiritual treasures. As soon as they were sacrificed, the silver divine light burst out, resounding like a thunderous roar, smashing the time and space in front of him, extremely overbearing.

However, at the next moment, Feng Wuling's pupils suddenly shrank.

Because Chen Xi's attack unexpectedly snapped in the middle, and slashed fiercely to the other side from an extremely mysterious angle!

not good!

Feng Wuling thumped in his heart, when he wanted to help, it was already too late.


In an instant, the sword light appeared, Ruo Jinghong glanced at it, flashed lightly, and then heard a deafening collision sound.

A Taoist disciple standing ten feet away from Fengwuling was slashed by the sword like a torn sack, and flew backwards viciously.


ps: The fourth update is delivered, the promise has been fulfilled, and I finally feel relieved. I don’t ask you how many monthly votes, but I ask you to understand that the life of the goldfish these days is not going well, and everything will inevitably go wrong.


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