divine talisman

Chapter 1845


The body of that Taoist disciple slammed into a mountain wall, and the rock burst into pieces.

The strength of Chen Xi's sword was too strong, and it caught him by surprise. Although the Taoist disciple possessed peerless power, compared with Chen Xi, he was far behind.

If it wasn't a critical moment, he sacrificed a purple copper shield in front of him, maybe this sword would definitely kill him.

But even so, Chen Xi's sword was still something he couldn't completely forcibly defeat.


In the blink of an eye, the Taoist disciple who was sent flying out had no time to scream, and was wrapped around his body by a terrifying force of heaven and earth, and was forcibly moved out of this tripod world.

In other words, he was eliminated directly by Chen Xi's sword!


All of this happened too quickly, from Chen Xi's sudden attack to the elimination of this Taoist disciple, it took only the blink of an eye.

Even people like Feng Wuling didn't have time to rescue them, so one can imagine how swift and fierce Chen Xi's blow was.

This was not the end, after chopping that Taoist disciple flying, Chen Xi's figure flashed, barely dodging the blatant blow from Feng Wuling.

Then, his palms were like swords, and once again he slashed out sword qi, criss-crossing in all directions.

Every sword qi contains the terrifying and incomparable power of the laws of the divine way, dazzling and blazing, and powerful and majestic.

This is the sea cliff style of Xuanxin swordsmanship, which is as boundless as the sea, as stable as a cliff, and possesses the power of crushing the dead and crushing the universe.

Regrettably, after experiencing the previous scene, Feng Wuling and the others had long been on alert. Facing Chen Xi's attack, they each displayed their own powerful means to counter it.


All of a sudden, the world was filled with unparalleled sword energy, time and space exploded, divine splendor flowed, and there was chaos.


"A sneak attack!"

"Huh? What about others?"

There was a burst of shouting in the smoke and dust, but when the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone including Feng Wuling found out in horror that Chen Xi had disappeared from the arena!

"Everyone, please take care of yourself. When we meet again next time, Chen will not be so polite."

An indifferent voice rang through my ears.

This caused Feng Wuling and the others to change their expressions slightly, and Qi Qi raised his eyes to look, and saw Chen Xi's majestic figure on the sky far away in a flash, before disappearing.

"This damn bastard actually escaped, chase after him!"

A Taoist disciple gritted his teeth and shouted with a livid face.

"No need to chase!"

Feng Wuling stopped everyone resolutely, his face was extremely cold, "Even if we catch up now, we... I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to snatch the ancient Mingdao cauldron from him."

By the end, the voice had become a little muffled.

Everyone's expressions fluctuated, and finally they all remained silent.

Indeed, just now Chen Xi was able to eliminate one of their companions with a single blow, and he was able to withdraw from their group attacks with ease.

From this point alone, it can be judged that if one does not pay a heavy price, it is impossible to keep the other party.

"Unexpectedly, this guy who has only risen in the ancient gods in recent years is actually three points more powerful than the rumors."

Someone couldn't help sighing.

"I have a vague feeling that this son's strength is probably not much worse than that of the third generation disciple of Shenyan Mountain, Gu Yan."

Someone made a dignified sound.

"Let's go, he carries the Ming Dao ancient tripod with him, and the situation will only become more and more unfavorable. Don't forget, his real opponents in Shenyan Mountain are the Taishangjiao and the Temple. I want to see if he can persist until Three months later, this round of Dao Discussion Competition will end."

Feng Wuling took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the unwillingness in his heart, and led everyone away.


In a deep mountain hundreds of thousands of miles away, Chen Xi's figure quietly appeared.

"It seems that if we want to keep the Ming Dao Ancient Cauldron in our hands, we can only adopt more cautious tactics."

Chen Xi pondered, he could feel that even though the Ming Dao ancient cauldron was carried on his body, there was an obscure and ancient Dao Qi continuously spreading out, which could not be concealed at all.

"This time it was discovered by those disciples of the Taoist Academy. I'm afraid I won't be so lucky next time."

The reason why Chen Xi chose to withdraw and leave before was not because he was afraid of the other party, but because he knew very well that it would be meaningless to keep pestering him, and it would easily attract the attention of other cultivators. Once he surrounded himself, the consequences would be a bit serious. up.

"In the next action, you must be careful and kill quickly, and you must not be entangled by your opponent!"

A flash of determination flashed in Chen Xi's eyes.


Contending on the dojo.

The ascetics from all the top forces in the ancient gods all looked up, staring intently, extremely nervous.

Before, they thought that their disciples who participated in the discussion were very good, but now they saw that they were all peerless and brilliant, and their methods were sophisticated and clever, and they were not easy to mess with.

"Beautiful! One hit is sure to hit, and he retreats away. This guy Chen Xi is far more powerful than I expected."

Le Wuhen slapped his thigh, admiring.

"Unfortunately, I didn't kill all those guys from the Dao Academy."

Yu Qiujing was a little unsure.

"Chen Xi's real opponent is not the Dao Academy, but the Supreme Sect and the God Academy. This is just the beginning, and it is the most sensible thing for him to do."

Zhuan Yushui pondered.

Shentu Yanran didn't say much, his gaze was always on Chen Xi, wherever Chen Xi went, he would stare there.

In the Guiyuan Hall.

A group of dignitaries from the five poles of the imperial domain behaved much calmer and calmer. They knew very well that this round of Dao debate had just begun.

The exciting moments that really deserve attention are yet to come.

"That Chen Xi of your Shenyan Mountain is much stronger than the rumors say."

Huai Kongzi said with a smile, even if he saw a disciple of his Taoist school being eliminated by Chen Xi, he didn't seem to mind.

"you flatter me."

Wen Ting said calmly.

"Hehe, this Chen Xi is indeed extraordinary, but since he obtained the Ancient Inscription Dao Cauldron on the first day, I'm afraid there will be more bad luck in the days to come."

Lu Fu, the red-robed priest of the Taishang Sect, spoke with a smile, but there was a needle in his words.

"Luo Fu, it's better for you to take care of the disciples of your Supreme Master. I, the disciples of Shenyan Mountain, don't bother you to think about it."

Wen Ting glanced at the other party and said calmly.

Right at this moment-

Yu Zhen, the Taoist Elder of Nuwa Palace, suddenly said lightly, "Something is wrong. I heard Ting, you see, in today's Dao Cauldron world, disciples from the Supreme Sect, the Divine Academy, and the Taoist Academy are all gathering together, but you Shenyan Mountain and our Nuwa Palace disciples are all acting independently, disorganized."

Wen Ting frowned, and suddenly looked up, and found that just as Yu Zhen said, Chen Xi and his ten Shenyan Mountain disciples who participated in the discussion were scattered in every corner of the Dao Cauldron World, acting independently, and there was no convergence at all. sign.

On the other hand, the disciples of the Taishangjiao, the God Academy, and the Taoist Academy who participated in the discussion of Dao seem to be scattered in different areas of the Dao Cauldron World, but if you look closely at their movement trajectories, you can clearly find that they are all in the court. Gathering in the same direction!

This situation is a bit strange!

If this situation is allowed to continue, the disciples of the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy will definitely gather together to form an incomparably powerful force. At that time, Chen Xi and the others who act alone, how can they be their opponents?

It will definitely be broken by each of them!

At this moment, not only Wen Ting and Yu Zhen, but everyone else in the hall also noticed this scene.

But Taishangjiao Lufu and Shenyuan Chisongzi all smiled and said nothing, looking on the sidelines with cold eyes, sitting and watching the excitement.

Huai Kongzi frowned, with a hint of surprise in his heart. He had been aware of this problem before, but he had no idea that this situation actually happened.

"Huai Kongzi, what's going on?"

Wen Ting's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he looked at Huai Kongzi, with a questioning taste, echoing in the empty hall.

"If I remember correctly, your Dao Academy claims to hold this Dao Discussion Competition in the spirit of fairness and justice!"

Yu Zhen also spoke, her voice was extremely soft, but anyone who knew her character well knew that the more she behaved, the more sullen she became.

Huai Kongzi took a deep breath, then smiled and said: "The two fellow Taoists seem to have misunderstood, the Dao Cauldron World was derived from the treasure 'Hua Dao Mother Cauldron' held by the head of my Taoist Academy, in which only Any violation of the rules will be noticed immediately and punished, and there is absolutely no unfairness."

"Then what's going on in this situation?"

Wen Ting asked coldly.

"Wen Ting, this is a Dao competition. Seeing that your own disciples are not as good as others, it is a bit excessive to question the fairness of the rules."

Before Huai Kongzi could speak, Grand Priest Loew spoke slowly.

"If you can't afford to lose, why come to participate in the discussion?"

Chisongzi of Shenyuan sneered.

Both Wen Ting and Yu Zhen frowned, feeling sullen in their hearts, they could see that something was wrong, but someone was pretending to be deaf and dumb.

"Huai Kongzi, I just want to ask you, if someone breaks the rules of this Dao Discussion Competition, how should we deal with it?"

Wen Ting didn't argue with Lu Fu and Chi Songzi, but looked at Huai Kongzi, her voice paused every word, revealing a touch of chill.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became silent.

Huai Kongzi frowned, remained silent for a moment, his expression became extremely solemn, and said calmly: "Everyone can rest assured, if such a thing happens, our Taoist Academy will definitely give a satisfactory answer!"

The voice is equally sonorous and powerful!

Seeing this, Wen Ting stopped talking, but his expression became more indifferent than before.

"Hehe, a satisfactory answer? I'm really looking forward to it."

Yu Zhen smiled softly, but there was no emotion in her eyes.

Huai Kongzi fell silent when he heard the words, but glanced imperceptibly at Emperor Yingqin next to him.

Only he and Ying Qin are clear about the rules and matters of this Dao Discussion Competition, and they thought that when the Dao Discussion begins, there will be no accidents that break the rules.

But now it seems... the situation seems to be a bit unexpected.

The only thing that makes Huai Kongzi rejoice is that the rules all over the world of Dao Ding still exist, and no violations have been found so far.

This also means that, at least for now, this Dao Contest is still in a fair and fair situation.

"I just hope that everything will go on smoothly and nothing will go wrong..."

Huai Kongzi sighed inwardly, and looked at the "curtain of gods" outside the main hall.


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