divine talisman

Chapter 1846 The Storm Comes

Dao Ding World.

The night is as dark as ink, and a full moon hangs high in the night sky, shedding bright and clear brilliance.

In a quiet valley, a clear stream gurgled past. Chen Xi sat down on the edge of the clear stream, looking up at the full moon in the sky, and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

On this day, he had been on his way, cautiously, and for fear of being exposed, he did not choose to fly away in the sky.

But even so, he was still discovered by many opponents along the way, some from the Taoist Academy, some from the Supreme Sect, and the Divine Academy, but there was no one from Shenyan Mountain.

Chen Xi didn't have the intention to fight head-on with the other party. He had already obtained an ancient inscribed cauldron. For him, the most urgent task was to protect this thing, and then go to join the other disciples of Shenyan Mountain.

As for killing the enemy, he would not choose to go to war unless he had to. After all, once he was entangled, accidents would inevitably happen.

Fortunately, when he was on his way, he never used his mind, but sacrificed the forbidden path secret pattern. Before the other party found him, he had already noticed the other party, turned around and left calmly.

"It's strange, how did the disciples of the Taoist Academy, the Supreme Sect, and the Divine Academy get together?"

Recalling today's experience, Chen Xi frowned, and vaguely smelled an unusual smell, which made him feel a little worried for Gu Yan, Hua Yan, and Tu Meng.

Soon, Chen Xi couldn't help sighing again, this cauldron world was really too big, and it became extremely difficult to find Gu Yan and the others.

"Forget it, we can only take one step at a time."

Chen Xi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.


Under the same night.

In a barren desert.

Whoosh whoosh~

In just a stick of incense, one after another figure pierced through time and space, and gathered from all directions towards the desert one after another.

Along the way, they were all silent, without saying a word, like ghosts in the night, and finally, they all gathered in front of a bare rock in the desert.

At this time, there was already a figure sitting cross-legged on the rock. He had long blood-like hair, dazzling scarlet red, fair complexion like jade, and a pair of eyes filled with brilliant divine brilliance, like the flames from the abyss of the imperial domain. Dazed.

He sat there casually, his whole body was like a spear piercing the sky, his whole body was filled with an air of contempt, as if the emperor was overlooking the world.

This person is the No. 1 Leng Xinghun in the God Realm of the Supreme Sect Ancestor!As early as ten thousand years ago, it had the title of "One of the Best in the Emperor's Domain".

"Meet Senior Brother!"

Those figures who dared to come from all directions saluted together.

"Yes, everyone is here."

Leng Xinghun's eyes swept across the crowd, there were 39 of them in total, not too many and not too many.

"The next action, I don't need to say much, just act according to the previous plan, five people in a group, take advantage of the night, let's start."

Leng Xinghun stood up and stood on the rock, his clothes were loose, and his long blood-colored hair fluttered in the night wind.


In the uniform voice, the 39 figures seemed to have a tacit understanding, forming a team of five together.

The remaining four stood silently behind Leng Xinghun.

All of a sudden, these powerful ancestral gods from the Supreme Sect were divided into eight groups, five people in each group.

"Remember, every day when night falls, you will gather with me, and you must not act without authorization."

Leng Xinghun gave another order, then waved his hand, indicating that they can start to act.

Whoosh whoosh~~

The next moment, these Supreme Master Patriarchs scattered again, flying away in all directions, and soon disappeared into the vast night.

"Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace... Heh, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to enter the second discussion..."

Leng Xinghun stroked his chin, smiled lightly, and said to the four people around him, "Go, it's time for us to set off."


Dao Ding World, in a lush and primitive ancient forest.

A melodious and soothing flute sound like the sounds of nature, curled up in the night, like a breeze singing, making people feel peaceful.

A man with long hair in a ponytail, a gentle face, a refreshing and free and easy temperament, leaning lazily on the branch of an ancient tree, the soft silver moonlight passing through the leaves sprinkled on him, adding a sense of remoteness and holiness smell.

This person is Donghuang Yinxuan, the chief disciple of the God Academy's palm print!

At this moment, he was leaning on the old tree, playing a green flute with bamboo leaves, his demeanor was lazy, he seemed very free and easy, he didn't look like he was here to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition.

Under the ancient tree, many figures had already gathered, including Zhu Qianyu, Gongsun Mu and other 36 disciples of the seminary's palm seal, and the [-] black deacons of the seminary.

They just stood there quietly, and no one dared to express their dissatisfaction with Donghuang Yinxuan's behavior of "not doing business properly".

After a long time, the sound of the flute gradually became low until it disappeared. Only then did Donghuang Yinxuan stretch out contentedly, glanced at the tree, and said with a gentle smile, "I'm afraid you're getting impatient with waiting, aren't you?"

While speaking, he jumped down from the tree and said: "After counting the time, it is time to act, Junior Brother Qianyu, you are here to announce the matter of action."

Zhu Qianyu nodded, and then said in a deep voice, "We have the same target as the Supreme Sect. The first thing we have to deal with is Shenyan Mountain, and then it's Nuwa Palace's turn."

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, while taking action, everyone must not forget to obtain the ancient Mingdao cauldron."

"Later, our 54 people will be divided into nine groups, each group consists of six people, consisting of one palm print disciple and five black deacons."

"Do you understand?"


Everyone promises.

Zhu Qianyu nodded, turned his gaze to the 36 black deacons, and said, "Do you understand the purpose of sending your 36 black deacons here this time?"


All the black butlers replied in a low voice.

"Remember, once the palm print disciples are in danger, what you have to do is to block the danger for them, not to fight the enemy desperately!"

After Zhu Qianyu announced all this, she turned her gaze to Donghuang Yinxuan.

"Then let's get started."

Donghuang Yinxuan smiled, and after finishing speaking, he put his hands on his back and strode towards the depths of the forest.

Seeing this, five black butlers immediately stood up and followed.

Zhu Qianyu and the others also divided into groups and fled in different directions. Soon, there was no one in this ancient primitive forest.


Dao Ding World, a vast as if boundless plain.

"Boring, please do whatever you want, I don't have the intention to act together with you, in that case, what fun is there?"

Yechen shook his head, turned around and left.

Watching him leave, all the Taoist disciples couldn't help being a little surprised, not knowing what Ye Chen was thinking.

Only the man in the lead with a calm demeanor wearing a Taoist robe looked a little gloomy.

His name is Li Lufeng, and he is the senior brother of the disciples of the ancestors of the Dao Academy present, and he is also the leader of the Dao Academy in this Dao Discussion Competition. action.

But now, before he could arrange everything, Yechen turned around and left. This undoubtedly slapped him in the face and made him feel a little unhappy.

"Brother Yu, where are you going?"

Suddenly, a disciple called out.

Everyone followed their gazes, and immediately saw that Yu Jiuyue was also walking towards the distant night without a sound.

"My goal is different from yours, so I won't participate in it."

Yu Jiuyue didn't even turn her head, she spoke calmly.

Under the moonlight like water, his figure was tall and straight, his brows were like black ink, his face was stern, and his whole body was filled with a biting cold and oppressive aura.

"Junior Brother Jiuyue, are you going to act with Yechen?"

Seeing this, Li Lufeng frowned even more.

But Yu Jiuyue didn't say a word, and his figure gradually disappeared into the night.

This made Li Lufeng's face completely gloomy, and he was extremely annoyed. These two guys are too ignorant!

"Brother Li, what should we do next?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

"We are naturally acting in accordance with the previous agreement."

Li Lufeng said without hesitation, and immediately, he couldn't help but smile, and hummed, "This Dao Discussion Competition is extraordinary, it would be really unwise not to act together."

Everyone was stunned, all at a loss.

However, Li Lufeng didn't explain this further, saying: "Starting tonight, we will act together, remember, we have only one goal, to obtain the ancient Mingdao cauldron, other than that, we must not interfere with other things!"


Everything that happened that night was clearly seen by the people in the Guiyuan Hall. Although they couldn't hear the conversations, they all vaguely judged something.

For a moment, Huai Kongzi frowned.

Taishangjiao Lu Fu and Chisongzi of the Holy Academy talked in a low voice with a smile, as if they didn't realize it.

Wen Ting was unusually silent, but in his mind he remembered the "variables" that elder brother Wu Xuechan said when he left Shenyan Mountain.

Yu Zhen was drinking, one cup after another, the temperature in her eyes became more and more indifferent and colder.

"Something's wrong!"

"A good show seems to be on the way."

"The Supreme Sect, the Divine Academy, and the Taoist Academy have all started to take action, but Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace seem to be unaware of this. The situation of their disciples seems to be a bit bad."

Not only the Guiyuan Hall, but even the ascetics sitting in the viewing seats of the Zhengming Dojo are keenly aware that the situation in the Taoism World is changing silently, undercurrents are surging, and storms are about to come!

"It seems that Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace will suffer a big loss this time."

"How could this be? The situation is a bit strange."

"This situation is inevitable. For the present plan, it depends on how the disciples of Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace will resolve this coming storm."

"The battle is coming!"

This change is so obvious that anyone who is not blind can detect it.

All of a sudden, all the ascetics in the entire city of ten directions stared at the "curtain of the gods" in the sky, realizing that from tonight onwards, the situation in the world of Taoism would change drastically!


ps: With the involvement of the five major forces, it is inevitable that the description will be too many and long-winded. Then there will be fierce competition, so I won't write too much. The finale will be the second ** match.

Don't be impatient, everyone, and let Goldfish write them out in as much detail as possible.


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