divine talisman

Chapter 1847 1 to 5

late at night.

Chen Xi, who was meditating, suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart.


Subconsciously, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

With a bang, almost at the same time, a black glow suddenly appeared, cutting the rock that Chen Xi was originally sitting cross-legged into two.

That black divine light was too fierce, it came out of the blue without any warning, and there was no sound from the beginning to the end.

But its power is extremely powerful, not only easily cut the rock, but also pierced the ground with an unfathomable crack!

Chen Xi had once observed that the world and everything in this Dao Cauldron World were different from the outside world, filled with unparalleled power of the Great Dao, even if it was just an ordinary rock, it was extremely solid, comparable to a divine object.

Now, under this blow, it can cause such destructive power. It is conceivable that if he hadn't dodged in time just now, he would have suffered serious injuries!


Under the darkness of night, Chen Xi stood in a void in the distance, his gaze was like lightning, and he suddenly scanned his surroundings.

In an instant, five figures were captured in his incomparably huge mind.

Their aura is restrained, as if merging with the night, like demon gods walking in the dark, silently.

If you don't perceive them carefully, it's even difficult to find their existence.

Obviously, these figures all possessed some kind of secret method to conceal the aura, and they were able to achieve this step just now.

Too good to teach!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and suddenly a cold light appeared.

He recognized the other party's origin, even if the other party restrained his breath, he still couldn't escape the lock of Chen Xi's forbidden path secret pattern.

"Wen Yan, the elder of the Taishangjiao, the ancestral god exists in the Great Perfection Realm, and he ranks 26th in the Ancestral God Realm on the list of gods."

"Lv Changhen, the elder of the Taishang Sect, the ancestor gods exist in the Great Perfection Realm, and they are ranked 29th in the ancestor god realm on the list of conferred gods."

"Elder of the Supreme Master Zhan Ying..."


In Chen Xi's mind, the identity of the other party emerged in an instant.

When he came to participate in the discussion, Wen Ting had already informed Chen Xi and others of the information of all the ascetics participating in the discussion.

Doing this is also to know yourself and the enemy, so that you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Obviously, these news provided Chen Xi with an extremely accurate judgment at this moment.

Whoosh whoosh!

All of this sounds slow, but actually it all happened in an instant. When Chen Xi sensed the figure of the other party, the other party had already come from different directions.


The first man in a dark blue robe came first. He sacrificed a purple scimitar in the shape of a waning moon, which evolved into billions of purple rays of light and rain, and shrouded Chen Xi like a radiant pop.

Under the night, the purple swords were like rain, densely covering the sky and the earth, pouring endlessly, and time and space were like torn rags, completely chaotic.

This blow is terrible!

The power far surpasses that of ordinary Ancestral God Realm powerhouses. If you don't make a move, it will be a thunderbolt. From the beginning to the end, you don't say a word. Obviously, the opponent has already launched a murderous plan to eliminate Chen Xi in one fell swoop!


Almost at the same time, in the four directions of the east, south, west, and north of this world, the other four masters of the Ancestor God Realm of the Supreme Sect also made a bold move.

There is an unsurpassed way of deriving the torrent of disaster.

A peerless divine treasure with divine power and shocking world.

Has the most brutal and violent power of gods and demons.

There are secret and vicious soul attacks.

At the same time, they dispatched from four directions, cooperated with the leader, and completely sealed off the land with a radius of [-] li, shrouded in that terrifying and monstrous attack.

Such scenes are like the end of the world. In an instant, the dark night is illuminated by billions of brilliant lights, just like the day, dazzling and magnificent.

At this moment, not to mention the ordinary Ancestral God Realm powerhouses, but even peerless figures with the aura of being an enemy of ten thousand people, facing such a terrifying scene, they have to avoid the edge for the time being.


Chen Xi didn't dodge.


Before this battle broke out, many people outside the Dao Cauldron World had already paid attention to this scene.

Wen Ting, Lu Fu, and Huai Kongzi in the Guiyuan Hall competed with Shentu Yanran, Le Wuhen, and Yu Qiujing in the auditorium of the dojo.

Even Emperor Zhenwu, Emperor Ziwei, and other figures related to Chen Xi, and even many ascetics in the Ten Directions God City.

All set their eyes on the past.

They knew that this battle was inevitable. From the moment Chen Xi encountered a sneak attack, many people's hearts were suspended, and they were worried about Chen Xi.

Because they are in the outside world, they can clearly see the development of the whole situation. When witnessing the five Ancestral God Realm powerhouses with peerless powers from the Supreme Sect jointly attack and deal with Chen Xi alone in the way of "encirclement and suppression", no one can help Startled and nervous.

After all, how can there be an ordinary person who can participate in the Dao Discussion Competition?

Now, the five ancestral god realm powerhouses of the Supreme Sect brazenly dispatched together, killing without saying a word, even those who had the most confidence in Chen Xi's strength could not help but feel an indescribable nervousness.

At this time, when the battle broke out, the monstrous power displayed by the five ancestral gods of the Taishang Sect made Wen Ting's expression change slightly, and his heart sank.

Even Wen Ting is like this, let alone other people.

Seeing this, Lu Fu, the red-robed priest of the Supreme Master Sect, couldn't help but smile on the corners of his lips, which was a gesture of winning.

However, when they saw Chen Xi's reaction, everyone froze and were somewhat surprised.

Facing this terrifying attack that seemed to destroy the world, he... didn't dodge it, but took the initiative to meet it!



The blue-colored and lustrous Banchen Sword came out of its sheath, and uttered a clear chant that resounded throughout the nine heavens and ten earths.

Amidst the sound of the sword chanting, Chen Xi stepped forward in time and space, rushing forward.

At this moment, he was dressed in clothes, his eyes as deep as the abyss were full of indifference and sternness, strands of fiery sword intent evolved into mysterious and obscure runes, lingering around his body, making him look down on the world with contempt spirit.


As he stepped out, the world suddenly collapsed, and billions of tides of sword energy burst out from his body, disturbing yin and yang, and crushing the ten directions!

Wherever they passed, it could be clearly seen that one after another attack was crushed, shredded, and pulverized, and they couldn't get close to Chen Xi at all.

Such a scene can be described as overwhelming and overwhelming!

Everyone outside was shocked, their eyes widened, and they almost couldn't believe what they saw. All this exceeded their expectations.

None of them could have imagined that Chen Xifu would display such heaven-defying fighting power once he made a move!


The battle broke out, the divine brilliance was blazing, and the sky and the earth there were covered by the billowing rays of light. I couldn't see everything, but I could only see one after another figure reflected in the divine brilliance, moving and shifting, from the ground to the sky, killing the sky and the earth. Light, turning the land of millions of miles into a battlefield!

On one side are the five peerless ancestor gods of the Taishang Sect, and on the other side are the direct disciples of Shenyan Mountain who have risen like comets in the ancient God Realm in recent years.

How could such a world-shattering battle be seen in the ordinary?

Although they couldn't see the specific situation of the battle clearly, everyone outside couldn't help being dazzled and shocked.

This is the cultivator in the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain, and this is the duel between the heirs of the two great powers, Shenyan Mountain and the Supreme Sect!

No matter which side it is, they are all powerful beyond imagination. Only after witnessing the duel between them can they clearly find out how big the gap is between ordinary people and them in the realm of ancestor gods.

"It's amazing. Even if this Chen Xi is eliminated in this battle by himself, even if he is eliminated in this battle, he will still be defeated with honor, which is enough to amaze the world."

Many people are emotional.

"In my opinion, the combat power displayed by Chen Xi from Shenyan Mountain is probably not inferior to that of Leng Xinghun, Kong Youran, Donghuang Yinxuan and others."

Some people are comparing Chen Xi with other people who have been famous for a long time.

"I don't want Chen Xi to be eliminated just like that. After all, it's a little bit bullying with many against few. If Chen Xi and Leng Xinghun and the others can have a duel one by one, it will be a joy, and only then can we tell the real superiority. "

There were also many people who were worried for Chen Xi, and couldn't bear to see him lose and be eliminated.

But in Guiyuan Hall, the atmosphere was silent.

Seeing that Chen Xi was not suppressed in one fell swoop, Wen Ting heaved a sigh of relief, but his expression still appeared extremely indifferent and cold.

Because this duel might not be fair or unfair, but Wen Ting knew very well that the attack Chen Xi encountered was definitely a long-planned conspiracy by the Supreme Master!

How can this make Wen Ting happy when a fair and just debate is mixed with the taste of conspiracy?

"Heh, I didn't expect this son to be as powerful as the rumors said, and it didn't insult the prestige of Shenyan Mountain. It's just a pity."

Suddenly, Loew, the red-robed priest of the Grand Priest, smiled and spoke with a hint of regret in his voice, and it was unclear whether he was mocking or gloating.

"Indeed, he's a bit unlucky."

Chisongzi, the great elder of the seminary on one side, added leisurely, "The fortune is not good, and it is useless."

The corners of Huai Kongzi's lips twitched imperceptibly, but in the end he still didn't stop this "provocative" conversation.

He kept in mind his master Caiya Daoist's instructions, as long as the Dao Discussion Competition goes on smoothly, he will not interfere with other things.

Wen Ting frowned, then suddenly raised her head, her gaze coldly glanced at Lu Fu and Chi Songzi, just about to say something.

At this moment, she was suddenly startled again, as if she had sensed something, a smile could not help showing on the corner of her lips, and she said slowly: "There will be no good end for those who commit suicide."

This sentence seems a bit inexplicable.

But when everyone looked at the "Curtain of the Gods" on the sky outside the hall again, they immediately understood the meaning of this sentence.

Because at this moment, they all saw clearly, like a kite with a broken string, a figure was violently blown away from the smoky battlefield.

The man let out a scream from his mouth, spurted blood from his mouth and nose, and his face was twisted into a ball due to pain, looking extremely hideous.

But after careful identification, it can still be seen that that person is a powerful Ancestral God Realm of the Supreme Sect!

He seemed to have suffered a terrible trauma, and an incomparable panic was uncontrollably showing on his cheeks.

The next moment, his whole body was engulfed by a force of heaven and earth, and he was forcibly brought out of the Dao Cauldron World!


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