divine talisman

Chapter 1849

It seems that this is indeed a conspiracy that has been preparing for a long time!

Chen Xi stood on the top of a mountain, looking into the distance, thinking of everything he encountered that day and night, his expression gradually became indifferent.

At this moment, the night is dark and dawn is about to break, everything is silent, and there is a strange silence between the heaven and the earth.

"If something happens to Gu Yan and the others, you... will all have to pay for it!"

After standing silently for a long time, Chen Xi's eyes burst out with a frightening murderous intent, which disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, with a flash of his figure, he left the mountain and continued walking forward.

He couldn't stop where he was, and he really didn't have the mood to stand still until he found Gu Yan and the others.

Not long after, a ray of golden light pierced the ink-like night and appeared on the sky. It was a golden crow bird, which suddenly turned into a round of scorching sun, illuminating the entire Dao Cauldron World.

The night fades away, and the day is born.

A new day has come.


A new day is coming, but no matter whether it is the big figures in the ancient gods in the auditorium of Zhengming Dojo, or the many ascetics in the city of ten directions, there are still many people talking about what happened last night.

They were discussing Chen Xi's peak duel in which he won more with less.

This battle is too beyond imagination, like a miracle, people can't help but pay attention to it.

But soon, a sudden scream broke the atmosphere.

"That is?"

"My God! How could this happen?"

"It seems that he is the descendant of Shenyan Mountain!"

These screams sounded one after another, not only in the Ten Directions God City, but even the audience in the Zhengming Daoist Hall were also attracted by the screams.

In the Guiyuan Hall.

Huai Kongzi's eyes suddenly shrank, and the corners of his lips twitched uncontrollably.

Wen Ting, Yu Zhen, Lu Fu, Chi Songzi and other five great figures in the imperial domain also all looked at the "God's Curtain".

Just a moment later.

The wine glass held by Wen Ting quietly shattered and turned into dust, but she didn't seem to know it, but there was a chill in her clear eyes.

Yu Zhen raised her eyebrows and looked at Wen Ting worriedly.

The originally gloomy faces of Lu Fu and Chi Songzi became much more relaxed at this moment, and they even sneered complacently.

"Retribution is coming."

After all, Loew couldn't hold back and let out a loud voice.

A few words echoed in the silent and empty hall, vividly interpreting his joyful state of mind.


In the world of Dao Ding, the sun hangs high and shines brightly.

However, at this time, a vast and beautiful mountain range has now turned into devastation, the ground is cracked, time and space are turbulent, and there are signs of destruction and chaos everywhere, which is shocking.

It is obvious that an extremely tragic battle took place here, turning the land with a radius of [-] miles into ruins, and dying.

At this time, a solitary figure stood on the ruins. His whole body was covered in blood and scars. Every inch of his skin could not be found intact. His face was extremely pale and transparent.

From a distance, he looks like a blood man, with the glaring sunlight shining on his body, the scars and blood stains on his body are particularly clear and bright red, which makes one's heart jump.

It was really hard to imagine that with such a serious injury, he could still stand upright, with his waist and spine still so straight, like a spear, exuding an unyielding spirit.

Especially in his eyes, there is a firmness and composure!

If Chen Xi was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this person was Ai Dongqing who was ranked fifth among the three generations of disciples of Shenyan Mountain!

huh~~ huh~~

At this moment, Ai Dongqing panted heavily, like a fish struggling at the bottom of a dry river.

It's a pity that even if he has a super will and amazing endurance, he still can't completely suppress the violent power that is constantly raging in his body.

On the contrary, as time passed, this violent force was spreading all over his body, bringing incomparable torture and pain.

But he didn't cry out in pain, didn't cry out angrily, just kept silent like that.

In the end, no miracle happened.

Ai Dongqing's figure, which was standing like a straight spear, fell down suddenly.

"So unwilling!"

Ai Dongqing couldn't help letting out a sigh at the moment when she felt a force of heaven and earth pouring out to force her body away.

In front of his eyes, figures flashed like fleeting shadows.

Those are disciples of the Supreme Master.

Before, Ai Dongqing was surrounded by the opponent.


Not long after Ai Dongqing's figure disappeared in Dao Ding World, figures appeared out of thin air on this devastated battlefield.

The leader is tall and majestic, with blood-like long hair, standing up at will, like an overlord emperor coming to the world.

This person is none other than the No. 1 Leng Xinghun in the Ancestor God Realm!

"Eldest brother, why didn't you send him out early?"

Someone wondered.

"That would be too cheap for him."

Leng Xinghun said softly, he was playing with an ancient Mingdao cauldron in his hand, and his voice was calm and breezy, "Through this guy from Shenyan Mountain, let all the ascetics in the outside world take a look, wouldn't it be the end of offending our Supreme Master?" better?"

Only then did the other four Supreme Master ascetics finally understand why Leng Xinghun didn't eliminate that guy earlier.

"Let's go. Although this guy's combat prowess is good, he can't compare with Gu Yan, Hua Yan and others after all. However, he was lucky enough to get an ancient Mingdao cauldron."

Leng Xinghun smiled, put away the ancient Mingdao cauldron he was playing with in his hand, put his hands on his back, turned and left.


"This Leng Xinghun's methods are so ruthless!"

In the outside world, when witnessing all this, many ascetics felt palpitations, shocked by Leng Xinghun's cruel methods of torturing people.

"Hmph, if it's one-on-one, the disciple of Shenyan Mountain may not be eliminated. What's more, this is just a discussion. Is the method so cold and cruel?"

Some people also expressed dissatisfaction with the practice of the Taishangjiao.

"This is also unavoidable. Don't forget, the Taishangjiao and Shenyan Mountain are feuds. They have been confronting each other since ancient times. The confrontation between their respective descendants is naturally impossible to be friendly .”

Someone sighed, realizing that Leng Xinghun's move was probably killing a chicken for the monkey to see.

"For this Dao Discussion Competition, only ten people from Shenyan Mountain participated in it, and now they are scattered all over the Dao Cauldron world, acting alone. Compared with the Supreme Sect and the God Academy, the situation is a bit dangerous."

"Although Chen Xi has successfully resolved a siege, Ai Dongqing has already been eliminated. If this situation continues, there will only be more and more descendants of Shenyan Mountain who will be eliminated!"

"Observe carefully, you can find that no matter whether it is the Supreme Master or the disciples of the seminary, they are all acting in groups. Eliminate the descendants of Shenyan Mountain first!"

This is the consensus of most ascetics. Judging the situation in Dao Ding World, they are extremely pessimistic about the descendants of Shenyan Mountain.

Wen Ting naturally also realized this.

But she didn't say much, just stared at the "Curtain of the Gods" with a calm and cold expression, no one could guess what was going on in her heart.


On the first day of the Dao Discussion Competition, people were astonished by Chen Xi's record of winning the final victory with a few against many.

And on the second day of the Dao Discussion Competition, after witnessing Leng Xinghun's cruel methods, people began to worry about the situation of the descendants of Shenyan Mountain.

Chen Xi was completely unaware of all this.

He trekked all the way, hoping to find traces of other Shenyan Mountain disciples, but when night fell again, he found nothing.

This made Chen Xi's face become more and more indifferent, to the point where he seemed expressionless.

Whoosh whoosh~~

Until it was very dark, when Chen Xi's figure appeared in front of an incomparably steep mountain and stone peak, he suddenly felt a jump in his heart.

At this moment, a group of mighty figures appeared in the sky far away, at least 30 people.

"A Taoist disciple."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and was about to dodge and retreat. He never thought that just when he was about to leave, the group of Taoist disciples suddenly changed direction and flew towards the other side.

Because of the ancient inscription cauldron in his body, Chen Xi couldn't believe that the other party didn't find him, but the other party actually reacted like this, which made Chen Xi frown.

"Are these guys planning to stay out of the matter? But wouldn't it be too conservative to do so?"

Chen Xi keenly realized that there was something wrong with the reactions of everyone in the Taoist academy, but he couldn't judge where the problem actually occurred.

"Could it be that they have heard the rumor that the Supreme Master is dealing with my disciples of Shenyan Mountain, so they don't want to intervene?"

After deliberating over it, Chen Xi finally decided that this reason was somewhat reasonable.

Suddenly, an extremely cold light appeared in his eyes again, because he suddenly realized that all the disciples of this Dao Academy had gathered together to act together!

In the ordinary world, this is not a problem at all, but in the world of Dao Ding, it seems very unusual.

You must know that now, he has seen the disciples of the Supreme Sect gathered together, and he has also seen the disciples of the Taoist Academy gathered together, but they cannot get in touch with the disciples of Shenyan Mountain, which is obviously unreasonable!

"It seems that the Taoist Academy has long been aware of this conspiracy..."

An indescribable anger welled up in Chen Xi's heart, and for the first time he began to doubt the fairness of this Dao Discussion Competition.

"After this round of Dao Discussion Competition is over, if you don't give an explanation, don't blame me, Shenyan Mountain, for not agreeing!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the anger and murderous intent in his heart, turned around and disappeared into the vast night.


Under the same night.

A group of ascetics who participated in the discussion of the Supreme Sect have gathered together again.

"So, from last night to now, five of our companions have been eliminated, but only one Ai Dongqing has been eliminated from Shenyan Mountain?"

There was a hint of coldness in Leng Xinghun's voice.

The others were silent.

"There has been no movement at the temple?"

Leng Xinghun changed the subject and asked suddenly.


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