divine talisman

Chapter 1850 1 month later

Everyone was silent.

Seeing this, Leng Xinghun couldn't help thinking thoughtfully: "It seems that our luck is pretty good, at least one Shenyan Mountain disciple has been eliminated."

A strong ancestor god of the Supreme Sect said: "Brother, although we haven't found the whereabouts of the other disciples of Shenyan Mountain today, we have encountered many disciples of Nuwa Palace..."

Before finishing speaking, Leng Xinghun interrupted: "Don't pay attention to the descendants of Nuwa Palace, the most urgent thing is to eliminate all the other nine people from Shenyan Mountain, especially that Chen Xi, he must not be allowed to enter the second round of discussion. Got it."

The sound is unmistakable and unmistakable.

Although everyone didn't know what it meant, but no one dared to question Leng Xinghun's order, and they could only accept it.


"Hehe, a total of 54 people were dispatched together, and it took a whole day and a night, but in the end they got nothing. Should I say that we are very lucky, or are we too incompetent?"

On the bank of a lake in the dark of night, Donghuang Yinxuan's clothes were fluttering, and he chuckled softly and slowly.

The faces of the other disciples of the seminary all changed slightly, a little ugly.

"Senior Brother Donghuang, there are still three months left. With our strength, we will definitely be able to accomplish this goal."

Someone spoke in a deep voice.

"Is three months a long time?"

Donghuang Yinxuan's eyes glowed with fire, and his voice became low and indifferent, "From tomorrow onwards, if you can't complete your goals, don't come back to see me."

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeve robe and stepped on the lake.

The expressions of all the disciples in the Divine Academy suddenly became gloomy, and they were quite depressed in their hearts, and they were reprimanded unceremoniously by Donghuang Yinxuan, and they couldn't be in a better mood.

"You all heard what Senior Brother Donghuang said, so start taking action now, and continue to search for the whereabouts of the disciples of Shenyan Mountain while it's dark!"

Zhu Qianyu took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice, breaking the silence.


From the second night of the Dao Discussion Competition, all ascetics who have been paying attention to all of this are keenly aware of——

The storm is coming!

That night.

Yue Youling, a disciple of the third generation of Shenyan Mountain, was besieged by six ancestral god-level powerhouses from the temple, and finally wiped out his opponent with a single blow!

Unfortunately, after going through this battle, Yue Youling was also seriously injured, and before he could escape, he was besieged by disciples from another group of gods who rushed over, and finally escaped out of the game.

After this battle happened, it also caused an uproar among many ascetics, all of them lamented Yue Youling's defeat.

Everyone knew very well that with the combat power Yue Youling displayed, it was absolutely impossible for him to be eliminated so early in a one-on-one situation.

Even, he is very likely to participate in the second round of discussion.

Unfortunately, all of this has become a reality and cannot be changed.


The third day of the Dao Contest.


Chen Xi, who was constantly trekking forward, unfortunately once again ran into a team of five from the Supreme Sect, and a fierce battle broke out.

This battle broke out quickly and ended quickly.

In the end, under the gazes of the shocked people from the outside world, Chen Xi simply wiped out his opponent with an absolutely crushing attitude!

Compared with the battle on the first night, the combat power that Chen Xi displayed this time was even more terrifying, and he seemed to be able to do a job with ease and effortlessly from beginning to end.

This made people more and more aware of Chen Xi's strength, and they couldn't even guess where his real limit was.

It was also on this day that the three female disciples of Nuwa Palace who were traveling together accidentally obtained an ancient inscription tripod, but they were robbed and killed by six descendants from the temple on the way, and were unfortunately eliminated.

Not long after the outbreak of this battle, Kong Youran, No. 1 of the Ancestral God Realm of the Nuwa Palace who rushed over, noticed it, and shot out with anger, and defeated all the six powerful ancestor gods in the temple with his own power!

After the battle ended, Kong Youran immediately became the focus of outside ascetics' attention.

The reason was that the combat power she displayed was too stunning and dazzling, not inferior to what Chen Xi had achieved before.

Even, even a little bit better.

After all, Chen Xi is one against five, while Kong Youran is one against six!

Don't look at the difference between just one opponent, but you must know that each of those opponents has peerless power, and they can be called arrogance among the same realm.

Kong Youran was able to completely wipe out his opponent in a one-on-six situation, which shows how powerful his combat effectiveness is.

Of course, Chen Xi was not inferior either.

Even from people's point of view, if Chen Xi met the same six opponents, he would definitely be able to win the final victory.

After all, when he fought against the disciples of the Supreme Sect before, he seemed to be in a crushing posture, and he won effortlessly, obviously because he was much stronger than the opponent.

All in all, on the third day of the Dao Discussion Competition, three disciples were eliminated from the Nuwa Palace, six disciples were eliminated from the Divine Academy, and five disciples were eliminated from the Supreme Sect.

This number seems to be rare, but it is particularly shocking for the entire Dao Discussion Competition.

Too bad!

This is only the third day of the Dao Discussion Competition, and the situation has exploded into such an extremely intense state, which is beyond the expectation of all outside practitioners.


The fourth day of the Dao Contest.

The disciples of the Taoist Academy who were almost ignored by others inevitably clashed with the six disciples of Nuwa Palace when they competed for an ancient inscribed Tao tripod.

There are a total of 37 people in the Dao Academy, and the leader is Li Lufeng, the great disciple of the Dao Academy's Ancestor God Realm, which can be called a large number of people.

On the side of Nuwa Palace, there are only six people.

Comparing the two, the disparity in strength is too great, and this battle also ended without any suspense with the elimination of six female disciples from Nuwa Palace.

The price paid by the Daoist Academy was only the elimination of two disciples.

However, they obtained an ancient Mingdao tripod, which can be regarded as gaining more than losing.

Witnessing this duel, many ascetics from the outside world secretly scolded the people of the monastery for being too shameless, even more so than the Supreme Master and the God Academy.

Others either sent out five people or six people, but the God Academy was good. Except for the two disciples Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue, the other disciples were all mobilized.

This is obviously bullying!

Huai Kongzi and other big figures in the Taoist temple also witnessed this scene, and they all felt a little embarrassed.

"Good trick!"

Faced with all this, Yu Zhen, the Taoist elder of the Taishang Sect, only uttered three words lightly, and then remained silent, but everyone could see that after hearing Ting, Yu Zhen was also completely enraged.

Huai Kongzi opened his mouth, as if he wanted to explain something, but in the end he sighed and didn't say much.

He just glanced at Ying Qin who was on the side indiscriminately, and he had roughly confirmed something in his heart. He was both annoyed and sad, and his emotions were extremely complicated.

Even Huai Kongzi didn't expect that not only the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy, but even the disciples of their Taoist Academy who participated in the discussion of the Dao could gather together and act together. This is obviously something wrong!


The fifth day of the Dao Contest.

The sixth day of the Dao Contest.

Seventh day.

Eighth day.


It wasn't until one month into the Dao Discussion Competition that the competition lasted for many days, and the extremely fierce competition gradually calmed down.

The reason is very simple, no matter which side it is, they have eliminated many disciples in this month, which can be described as a heavy loss.

On the side of Shenyan Mountain, during this month, seven disciples were lost, leaving only Chen Xi, Gu Yan, and Tu Meng.

That's right, even Hua Yan, who was ranked second among the three generations of disciples of Shenyan Mountain, a master of the Ancestor God who had reached the second level of the Sword Emperor and reached the peak Perfection Realm, was also unfortunately eliminated.

He was besieged by two groups in one day, one group was from the Taishang Sect, three of them were defeated by him, and two escaped.

The other group came from the Divine Academy, and he defeated five people, but in the end they were defeated by Gongsun Mu, the third disciple of the Divine Academy.

This battle shocked the outside world at the time and caused countless uproars.

Nuwa Palace lost 29 disciples in this one month, leaving only 11 disciples. Such a serious loss also exceeded everyone's expectations.

Because in just one month, more than half of the disciples participating in the discussion in Nuwa Palace have already been lost!Who would have believed this before?

On the side of the Supreme Sect, 26 disciples were lost, leaving only 14. In comparison, the loss is not bad, but in the eyes of the outside world, this is a reasonable thing.

The reason is very simple, they blindly stared at the descendants of Shenyan Mountain and besieged and killed them. Although they eliminated six disciples of Shenyan Mountain one after another, each one of them was extremely powerful in combat, which made the Taishang Sect also suffer. A lot of losses.

Especially Chen Xi, in this month alone, he eliminated fifteen disciples of the Supreme Master Sect, and his record was outstanding.

On the side of the seminary, 32 disciples were lost, of which 26 were black deacons alone, and six palm seal disciples were lost, leaving only 22 people, including ten black deacons and 12 palm seal disciples.

This kind of loss is also quite tragic, but compared with Nuwa Palace, Shenyan Mountain, and Taishangjiao, it already has a lot of advantages.

Because most of their losses were black deacons, and those black deacons originally acted as "shields" for those palm print disciples.

Only on the side of the Taoist Academy, only 12 people were lost, and the remaining 28 people seemed extremely outstanding, but in the eyes of the outside world, they were the ones who despised the disciples of the Taoist Academy the most.

There is only one reason, they gather together to act, and there are a lot of people. Under such circumstances, in any battle, they all have a great advantage, and it is impossible for serious losses to occur.

The above is the general situation of the Dao Discussion Competition for a month.

There were too many fierce duels, and there were scenes that shocked the world, which caused an unknown amount of uproar and shock.

But no matter what, if you compare them carefully, you will find that Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace are clearly at a disadvantage.

The Taishangjiao and the seminary are slightly better.

On the contrary, the Taoist Academy, which never intervened in any disputes, became the biggest winner in this discussion, which was far beyond people's expectations.

But when Huai Kongzi saw this scene, he couldn't be happy no matter what, instead there was a haze between his brows.


ps: The preset plot has been overturned, and this chapter has been temporarily adjusted. To be honest, writing the confrontation between the five major forces is too complicated and difficult, and it is very difficult. The next plot will be smoothed out, and only the exciting parts will be kept. Other cumbersome details will be cut off with a click.

In addition, there is no third shift at 12 o'clock in the morning, so it will be the third shift tomorrow. Please bear with me, it is Zhenka who is scratching his ears and cheeks in pain.


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