divine talisman

Chapter 1851 The theory of luck

It wasn't just that Huai Kongzi was unhappy, but also the other great figures from the Emperor Realm in the Guiyuan Hall were also unhappy.

The Taishang Sect's red-robed sacrificial priest Lu Fu and the Taoist teaching elder Chi Songzi have no intention of mocking and attacking Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace.

They looked gloomy at the moment, and there was a touch of sullenness in their hearts.

Even in this month, compared to Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace, which suffered heavy losses, their Supreme Sect and Taoist Temple obviously had a lot of advantages, but after all, they also lost a lot!

This exceeded their expectations and was unexpected.

Originally, all the plans were proceeding as they expected, but they never expected that under such circumstances, so many disciples would still be lost!

On the other hand, those disciples who participated in the discussion of Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace were trapped in the siege of isolation and helplessness in most cases, but they frequently broke out extremely amazing fighting power, winning more with less, making them too high-spirited. He Daoyuan also suffered a lot.

Especially Chen Xi, relying on his own strength, eliminated fifteen disciples of the Supreme Master Sect and fourteen disciples of the Taoist Academy within one month!

This is something they never expected before!

It was also at this time that Lu Fu and Chi Songzi finally realized that they had calculated everything correctly, but they only neglected this Chen Xi's combat power.

Before, they only thought that Chen Xi had only advanced to the Ancestral God Realm for a few dozen years, and no matter how powerful his combat power was, he could at most be on par with disciples like Shen Yanshan Gu Yan and Hua Yan.

But everything that has happened now proves that Chen Xi is the biggest trump card sent out by Shenyan Mountain this time!

They witnessed every battle Chen Xi fought in this month, and they finally understood that this Chen Xi possessed a combat power that could completely compete with existences like Leng Xinghun, Kong Youran, and Donghuang Yinxuan. !

As for how powerful Chen Xi was, even old fellows like them couldn't see through it.

But fortunately, less than half of the Dao Discussion Competition has been carried out now, and they are too high to teach and the seminary still has a clear advantage.

Lu Fu and Chi Songzi were not worried, and Chen Xi could continue to make waves.

Because in this month, although many disciples were eliminated from their Taishangjiao and the seminary, all those who remained were the elite of the elite, the strongest of the strong!

Even Lu Fu is confident that if this Chen Xi meets Leng Xinghun, he is destined to end badly!

Of course, Chisongzi thought so too.

In fact, it was not these things that really made Lu Fu and Chi Songzi angry, and it had nothing to do with Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace.

The reason for their sullenness came from the Taoist temple!

Comparing the situation of Dao discussion in this month, you will find that among the successors of the five poles of the Emperor's Domain, the Dao Academy has the least loss and has become the biggest winner in this month!

This result, not to mention Lu Fu and Chi Songzi, even most other ascetics outside, did not expect it at all.

"Amazing, good trick, is this trick of the Taoist school called a fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman wins?"

Loew looked gloomy and sneered.

"Now it seems that the disciples of the Taoist Academy who participated in the discussion of the Dao are indeed all hiding their secrets, and they are well versed in the strategy of using strength to fight."

Chisongzi also snorted coldly.

The two spoke one after another, making no secret of their sarcasm and anger, which made Huai Kongzi and the other Taoist teaching elders unhappy.

"Two fellow daoists, let's go to the army to attack and plan. These things are not as complicated as you imagined. What's more, everything that happened in the world of the Dao tripod was done by the disciples, and there was no external interference. Naturally, there is no violation. Violated the rules of fairness and justice."

Huai Kongzi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, fellow daoist, you don't have to misunderstand. We are just expressing emotion. Your Taoist school's method this time is really powerful, but it is also a bit disgraceful. I believe that all fellow daoists in the outside world have seen it in their eyes, and it will be useless to say more."

Loew's words were indifferent, and after such a conversation, he stopped talking.

Seeing this, Huai Kongzi didn't make any further explanations, but his complexion became more and more ugly.

Just like what Loew said, during this month, the actions of their Taoist disciples in the Dao Cauldron World were indeed somewhat unspeakable. I am afraid that the outside world is now slandering and slandering this.

These rumors, of course, can't affect Huai Kongzi's state of mind, what he is most distressed and angry about is not these at all.

Rather... a fact that he has roughly judged!

Thinking of this, Huai Kongzi couldn't help but glanced at the Daoist Elder Ying Qin Dijun who was seated next to him. Seeing that he was still looking at himself at this moment, Huai Kongzi couldn't help feeling complicated again.

During this process, Shen Yanshan Wen Ting and Nuwa Gong Yuzhen kept silent, as if they were indifferent to this, and their behavior was a little abnormal.

This kind of abnormality was seen by Huai Kongzi, and it made him even more frightened, and he couldn't calm down after all.


In any case, during this month, too many fierce competitions broke out, and there were also battles that were exciting, shocking, or sighing.

The great influence produced cannot be explained by a few words.

As for the Dao Dao Competition, it must continue after all.

The final victory and defeat, and which 25 disciples will stand out in the end and enter the next round of discussion, will only be known after two months!


Dao Ding World.

"It seems that we really underestimated the strength of the disciples of Shenyan Mountain."

Under the night, Leng Xinghun stood there for a long time with his hands behind his back, and let out a soft sigh.

Beside him, the remaining thirteen Ancestral God Realm powerhouses of the Taishang Sect are all silent.

No one spoke again, only the whimpering wind echoed between the heaven and the earth, and there was a solitude.

Looking back on the actions of this month, no matter how unwilling they are, they still have to admit that the ten disciples participating in the discussion of Shenyan Mountain this time are indeed extremely powerful existences.

If not, they would not have suffered such heavy losses.

"There are still two months left for this Dao Discussion Competition, so we can't continue to fight like this, otherwise we will only be taken advantage of by other forces in the end."

After a long time, Leng Xinghun suddenly spoke, his eyes glowed with a deep luster, "Starting tomorrow, take a short rest for a while, don't act separately, you follow me to search for the ancient Mingdao cauldron, when the time comes, It's not too late to attack Shenyan Mountain."


When everyone heard the words, they all took orders.


"Senior Brother Donghuang, we have received the news that the Supreme Master has changed their strategy, what should we do next?"

In another area, Zhu Qianyu spoke in a deep voice.

"Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly the wisest choice to lie dormant for a period of time. I heard that the Taoist Academy has become the biggest winner now. Hehe, even I admire the friends of the Taoist Academy."

Donghuang Yinxuan smiled, and said slowly, "That's it, we only have 22 people left now, we can't fight like this anymore, let's act together in the next time."

Zhu Qianyu, Gongsun Mu, Tuoba Chuan and others all nodded.


"Senior Brother Shi Yu, until now, there is still no news of Senior Sister Kong and the others. I am worried... Many of them are afraid that something bad will happen to them."

A plain skirt woman said worriedly.

"I see."

Shi Yu pursed his lips, his expression was gloomy, and his resolute and sharp brows were filled with a murderous air.

Beside him, there are six other female disciples from Nuwa Taoist Palace, and with him there are only seven.

It was a fluke.

You must know that during this month, the seven of them finally got together, and they encountered many dangers and crises along the way.

Up to now, they can't even judge how many disciples are left among the forty disciples in Nuwa Palace who participated in the discussion.

But they can roughly judge that the situation is not optimistic!

Because they, like Chen Xi, smelled conspiracy from being besieged time after time.

"This damn Supreme Master Sect and the Divine Academy have obviously planned it for a long time. They must have used some shady means in this Dao Discussion Competition!"

After a long silence, the more Shi Yu thought about it, the angrier he became, and he couldn't help cursing.

"Senior Brother Shi Yu, it's not just them, the Taoist Academy seems to have known all this already."

The plain skirt woman reminded.

Shi Yu was startled, then suddenly burst into a wry smile, and said, "So, only our Nuwa Palace has been kept in the dark?"

Speaking of this, he shook his head again: "No, I'm afraid Shenyan Mountain Chen Xi and the others must be in the same situation as us."

The woman in the plain skirt and the others were all silent, with a heavy heart.

"But you don't have to worry, Senior Sister Kong Youran will definitely be fine. What we have to do now is to preserve our strength, endure it, and concentrate on finding the ancient Mingdao cauldron. Maybe in a few days, we will be able to join Senior Sister Kong Youran and the others at the same place." Together."

Seeing the silence in the atmosphere, Shi Yu couldn't help uttering a voice to appease everyone, but he secretly felt ruthless in his heart. When this round of Dao Discussion Competition is over, he must seek an explanation!


In a wilderness under the darkness of night, Chen Xi was walking alone.

"It's been a month..."

After a long time, he raised his head indifferently, and looked at the full moon hanging in the night sky. Under the reflection of the moonlight, his pair of Ruoyuan black eyes shone with a bone-chilling icy light.

In a month, he defeated many opponents and went through fierce battles one after another, but he never encountered a single Shenyan Mountain disciple from the beginning to the end.

"In this world, is there really a power that can reverse luck?"

Chen Xi has always been unable to understand that his luck in this month would be so bad, and he was frequently besieged by the enemy, yet he never saw their disciples from Shenyan Mountain.

This is so abnormal!

Chen Xi was very confident, because of the special nature of his fate, no one would be able to affect his luck.

But he couldn't be sure whether the fortunes of Gu Yan, Hua Yan, and Tu Meng in Shenyan Mountain's Dao Discussion Competition had been changed unknowingly.

"Changing luck, at least requires the existence of a Taoist realm who has begun to comprehend the avenue of destiny, right? If that's the case, who can do this under the eyes of everyone?"

Chen Xi couldn't figure it out.

The more he couldn't figure it out, the angrier he felt in his heart, the more indifferent his expression became, and the more murderous intent boiled over!


ps: I found out by chance today that one of my favorite books by a great god was scolded by readers and turned the book into a eunuch today. I feel very complicated. The writing industry has unimaginable pressure and hard work. Unfortunately, many readers are very sad. Difficult to understand and understand.Not much emotion, Chapter 210 o'clock, Chapter 3 around 12 o'clock in the morning.


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