divine talisman

Chapter 1852 Showdown

Under the same night sky.

Li Lufeng is full of ambition and complacent.

He looked at the Taoist disciples around him, coughed twice, and then said: "My fellow disciples, the facts have proved that the strategy we adopted is undoubtedly correct. Until now, compared with the other four major forces, our Taoist school is undoubtedly Has become the biggest winner!"

The voice is full of pride.

A group of Taoist disciples were also excited and praised.

"Senior brother Li's literary and military strategy is exhaustive, and I will be amazed at it."

"That's right, thanks to Senior Brother Li's precautions, today's achievement can be achieved."

Amidst the crowd's admiration, someone sighed: "It's just a pity that the two senior brothers Yechen and Yu Jiuyue are not here, and I don't know what is going on with them now."

This sentence seemed a bit abrupt, which made the smile on the corner of Li Lufeng's lips froze and gradually faded.

The atmosphere also inexplicably became subtle.

"You don't have to worry, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue have experienced the practice in the 'Shaohua Ancient Realm', and their strength has long been different from before. Even if they act alone, as long as they don't encounter difficult situations, there will be no accidents. gone."

Li Lufeng pondered for a while, and said, "Of course, I personally can't understand the behavior of the two of them, but no matter what, we are brothers in the same school after all. It would be even better if they find their way back in future actions." gone."

These words not only frankly admitted his dissatisfaction with Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue's unauthorized departure from the team, but also expressed his magnanimity, which seemed very organized.

As for what he was thinking in his heart, no one knew.

"Sigh, Senior Brother Li has worked hard, and I only hope that no accidents will happen to Senior Brother Yechen and Yu Jiuyue. On the two of them, we have entrusted the earnest hopes of all the adults in our Daoist Academy."

Someone sighed.

"That's right, Senior Brother Yi Yechen and Senior Brother Yu Jiuyue are powerful enough to participate in the second round of discussion. If something happens to them, it will be too distressing."

Many people also echoed.

No one noticed, after hearing these words, the smile on Li Lufeng's face completely faded and disappeared without a trace.

"Okay, don't be unreasonable. We have only obtained three ancient Mingdao tripods now. In the next action, I hope you will continue to work hard, so don't slack off because of this."

Li Lufeng interrupted everyone's conversation with a deep voice.

In fact, this is exactly what makes Li Lufeng most helpless.

During this month, although they gathered together to act, it seemed that the effect was remarkable, and they became the biggest winner for the time being.

But this approach also has a disadvantage that cannot be ignored.

That is, compared to those forces that acted separately, the number of Ming Dao ancient cauldrons they obtained was pitifully small.

After all, when a group of people act together, the goal is too single, far inferior to those forces that act separately.

Now, Li Lufeng only hopes to obtain more Mingdao ancient cauldrons in the next two months.

In this way, their Dao Academy is destined to become a veritable winner in this first round of Dao Discussion Competition!

And if all this can be done, it will be enough to bring him countless honors and benefits to Li Lufeng!


After entering the second month from the Lun Dao Competition.

All the ascetics in the outside world have noticed that the situation in the Dao Cauldron World has changed!

As if there was a tacit understanding, no matter whether it was the Supreme Sect, the Divine Academy, or the Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, and the Taoist Academy, the only remaining descendants of them no longer took the initiative to attack.

Almost all of them have adopted the same strategy, either dormant or conservative, and no force is going to fight fiercely.

Obviously, because of the tragic fight last month, they all clearly realized the current situation, so they changed their action strategy.

As a result, the atmosphere in the Dao Cauldron World actually began to calm down, almost no fights and duels, and everything was proceeding cautiously.

Such changes can't help but seem a bit dull to outside ascetics.

But there are still many people who realize that this kind of calm is just a sign before the storm!


Chen Xi walked forward all the way.

He has crossed countless mountains, crossed countless rivers, traveled through both wind and rain, and unfortunately, let alone found the disciples of Shenyan Mountain, he has not even encountered many enemies.

This kind of situation is easy to judge, Chen Xi didn’t need to think about it at all, he realized that the current situation in Dao Cauldron World had changed.

But he didn't care.

What he cared about was what happened to Gu Yan, Hua Yan, and Tu Meng, the nine of them now. After so many days, how many people are left?

As time passed, it was already the middle of the second month since the Dao Discussion Competition was held.


In the evening of this day, Chen Xi's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly turned his head to look far away, and he keenly caught a faint wave of battle.


With a flash of Chen Xi's figure, he swept over there.

As they approached, the battle fluctuations gradually became clearer, and in the end, it even became extremely intense.

There is a big war happening!

Chen Xi's heart trembled, he took a deep breath, and his whole body's energy was instantly raised to the peak fighting state.

Then, his whole body turned into a ray of shadow that seemed to be nothingness, and approached the battlefield silently.


The sky and the earth trembled, everything wailed, rocks crumbled, the earth cracked, and all kinds of gorgeous divine splendor whizzed and whizzed, whistling and spreading under the sky, turning the land of millions of miles into a chaotic and turbulent place.

This battle is vast and fierce.

If you look closely, you can see that there is a huge disparity between the two sides in the war.

There are more than twenty people on one side, but only one person on the other side!

When Chen Xi quietly approached, he immediately recognized that it was a battle between a group of disciples from the Dao Academy and Kong Youran from Nuwa Palace.

In other words, the scene unfolding at this moment is that Kong Youran is fighting with 26 ancestral god realm powerhouses from the Taoist temple all by himself!

This was the first time Chen Xi met Kong Youran since he entered the Dao Cauldron World, and also the first time he truly saw her combat power.

It has to be said that, as the No. 1 in the God Realm of the Nuwa Palace Ancestor, and as a direct descendant of the ancient Peacock King, Kong Youran's combat effectiveness is extremely powerful.

Even facing a total of 26 Ancestral God Realm powerhouses from the Taoist Academy at this moment, she can't help her for a moment!

It is no exaggeration to say that, looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, you can count on your fingers those who can achieve Kong Youran's step.

However, Chen Xi could see that although Kong Youran could not be suppressed for a while, her situation was not optimistic.

Even, as time goes by, her situation will only become more and more dangerous!

After all, those 26 disciples from the Taoist Academy were also not ordinary characters. Each of them belonged to the existence of peerless arrogance in the same realm, and possessed outstanding combat power that ordinary people could hardly match.

Facing this kind of siege, no matter how outstanding Kong Youran's talent and combat power were, it would be difficult to turn the situation around.

"These Taoist disciples are really shameless."

Chen Xi's eyes were full of indifference and coldness, and he quietly approached the battlefield over there.


After this battle broke out, it undoubtedly broke the calm for many days, and it was particularly attractive.

Many ascetics in the outside world couldn't even believe that if the battle did not break out, such a shocking scene would be staged once it broke out.

On one side are the 26 ancestral gods in the Taoist temple.

On one side is Kong Youran, No. 1 in the God Realm of the Ancestor of Nuwa Palace.

There is no need to compare at all to know how big the disparity between the two sides in the battle is.

It was also because of this that this battle seemed extremely shocking, and almost at the moment it broke out, it attracted the minds of all the ascetics in the outside world.

Unlike Chen Xi, outside cultivators knew very well that the reason for the outbreak of this battle was all caused by an ancient cauldron with Dao inscriptions.

Before that, Kong Youran and the 26 disciples from the Taoist academy discovered the undiscovered ancient Mingdao cauldron at almost the same time, so they all made moves.

What the 26 disciples of the Taoist Academy didn't expect was that in such a situation, Kong Youran actually retreated without knowing the difficulty, and instead took the initiative to rush forward, so that they could only choose to fight.

According to their thinking, they are actually unwilling to fight against the disciples of any other force, unless the situation like the scene before them happens.

That's right, as long as those disciples of the Taoist Academy make a move, it must be because they are competing for the Ming Dao ancient cauldron. They seem to be extremely conservative, but in fact, they have eliminated many opponents in more than a month, relying on the advantage of their numbers.

Even they have almost never failed, it can be said that they are invincible.

Therefore, even if they meet Kong Youran, who has been famous for a long time and has already been famous all over the world, they are not afraid at all.

Because there are so many of them!

It's that simple.

Even thinking of knocking out Kong Youran, a peerless figure like Kong Youran, in this Dao Discussion Competition, the disciples of the Taoist Academy felt an inexplicable excitement in their hearts.

It was as if they were about to overthrow an authority that cannot be violated at ordinary times, which brought them a great emotional stimulation.

Think about it, Kong Youran was defeated by himself and eliminated in the first round of discussion, how exciting would that feel?

Thus, the battle broke out, and as soon as the battle started, it entered an extremely fierce battle!

"If Kong Youran suffers a disastrous defeat in this battle and is eliminated, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the Supreme Master!"

"Depending on the situation, there is a high probability that Kong Youran will not escape this catastrophe... It's a pity, it's a pity, without her, the second round of Dao Discussion Competition is destined to be much less exciting."

This is the consensus of most ascetics outside.

After all, Kong Youran's opponents are a total of 26 Taoist Ancestral God Realm powerhouses. In such a disparate situation, how can Kong Youran have any hope of winning?

Even, her way of escape seems to have been completely blocked!

Guiyuan Hall.

This sudden duel also attracted the attention of all the big shots, even Wen Ting and Yu Zhen, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but fix their eyes on it at this moment.

In just an instant, Yu Zhen's face changed suddenly, and she was as cold as ice.


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