divine talisman

Chapter 1853 Fighting side by side

The atmosphere in Guiyuan Hall is very strange.

Seeing the conflict that erupted, both Taishangjiao Lufu and Shenyuan Chisongzi were surprised, and immediately looked at Yu Zhen and Huai Kongzi in unison, and the corners of their lips couldn't help but twitch An odd smile.

As members of the Supreme Sect and the Temple of God, they were eager for such a thing to happen. They could use the power of the Taoist Temple to eliminate a crucial successor of Nuwa Palace.

If it wasn't for their status, they all wished to celebrate.

Huai Kongzi's face became gloomy for a while, if possible, he would rather his disciples not have that ancient inscribed cauldron, and not fight against Kong Youran.

In this way, wouldn't it act as a knife in the hands of the Supreme Master and the seminary invisibly?

If it was normal, Huai Kongzi would not be so resistant to this matter, but he has already noticed that this Dao Discussion Competition is full of too much conspiracy, which has already aroused Yu Zhen's displeasure, and now such a thing happened , one can imagine how angry Yu Zhen would be.

More importantly, this Kong Youran is not comparable to an ordinary disciple!

The more he thought about it, the more headache Huai Kongzi felt, and he finally understood that as the host of this Dao Discussion Competition, he looked beautiful on the outside, but the pressure and helplessness he endured were unimaginable to ordinary people.

Before, because the disciples of the Taoist Academy had an obvious advantage and became the biggest winner in the Dao Discussion Competition, it caused dissatisfaction among the Supreme Master and the seminary.

Fortunately, even Nuwa Palace was completely offended.

At this moment, Huai Kongzi wished he could give up his job, never before had he felt so aggrieved and helpless.


At this moment, Wen Ting suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, "Little Martial Uncle, why..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was also startled. When they came back to their senses, they noticed that at some time, Chen Xi's figure had already approached the edge of that battle!

All of a sudden, Huai Kongzi was completely stunned, his scalp was numb, and he thought bitterly, could even Shenyan Mountain be completely offended this time?

"Haha, hahaha..."

Lu Fu and Chi Songzi endured for a long time, but they couldn't control it in the end, and laughed out loud, which was especially piercing in this silent hall.

Wen Ting frowned, then turned to Yu Zhen and said, "Maybe there is another turning point, so don't get too entangled."

There was confidence in the voice.

Yu Zhen was stunned, and said: "I understand, your little uncle is not an ordinary person, if he can help, maybe he can resolve this crisis."

Wen Ting smiled, but sighed in her heart. Most of her self-confidence was faked. Facing such a situation, no matter how confident she was in Chen Xi's fighting power, she still had to worry about gains and losses.

After all, the opponent is more than 20 strong ancestor gods!

Hearing the conversation between Wen Ting and Yu Zhen, Lu Fu and Chi Songzi were also taken aback, and immediately couldn't help laughing silently.

Apparently, they thought that Wen Ting and Yu Zhen were comforting themselves, huddling together for warmth, and they couldn't change any practical problems at all.

Regarding this, both Wen Ting and Yu Zhen chose to ignore it, and Qi Qi stared at the battlefield.

Huai Kongzi also looked over, but his thinking was different from the others, he only hoped that their Taoist disciples would know how to measure it, and accept it as soon as it was good, so as to avoid making this matter a big mess.

"Brother, don't be so nervous."

Winning Qin Dijun on one side suddenly spoke, trying to comfort Huai Kongzi.

Huai Kongzi snorted expressionlessly and ignored him.

Emperor Yingqin's expression froze, he touched his nose embarrassingly, and said no more, but he felt a little disapproving in his heart. Right now, their Taoist Academy has a great advantage, isn't that better?What is there to worry about?


Dao Cauldron World, in that battlefield.

As many ascetics speculated, with the passage of time, Kong Youran, who was originally extremely tyrannical, had obvious signs of being weak and was about to be suppressed.

On the other hand, those disciples in the Taoist Academy became more and more courageous as they fought, and their morale was like a rainbow. Under the command of Li Lufeng, the leader, they kept besieging and attacking Kong Youran, as if they were determined to conquer the other party.


Suddenly, an incomparably clear chant resounded through the heaven and earth, shaking the four fields.

The next moment, everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and Kong Youran, who was about to be suppressed, burst into five divine lights.

Blue, yellow, red, black, white!

Brilliant and vast, it is filled with the immeasurable primitive, ancient, and pure breath of Tao.

As soon as it appeared, it went straight to the sky, illuminating mountains and rivers for hundreds of thousands of miles, extremely dazzling.


And Kong Youran's whole body turned into a beautiful and extremely beautiful peacock, his body was filled with five colors of divine brilliance, he soared into the sky and fluttered his wings, releasing a monstrous divine power!

"Five Aggregates Divine Light!"

"It forced Kong Youran to display the inheritance power of the Peacock King's blood!"

In an instant, the outside world was shocked by how many uproars sounded.


The five-color divine brilliance flowed like a galaxy sweeping across, and in an instant, a Taoist disciple who was closest to Kong Youran was involved.

Amidst the divine brilliance overflowing, that Taoist disciple had no time to struggle, and was forcibly eliminated by a force of heaven and earth!

This scene made Li Lufeng's expression darken immediately, and he said sharply: "Attack with all your strength and completely suppress her!"

Without his reminding, those Taoist disciples tried their best to besiege with all their strength, not daring to neglect in any way.


The battle became more and more fierce, and under the crazy suppression of those disciples from the Taoist Academy, the slight advantage that Kong Youran finally gained soon disappeared.

There were even signs of being suppressed again.

There is no way, there are too many disciples in those Taoist schools, and each of them has amazing power. Under such circumstances, Kong Youran can persist until now with his own strength, and eliminate a disciple of the other party. It's not easy.


The same thought flashed through the minds of many ascetics outside.

Seeing this, Taoist Li Lufeng couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, but before he could be happy, suddenly, a sharp and unparalleled sword energy descended from the sky, turning into a rain of hundreds of millions of swords, and fell down with a bang!

This scene happened so quickly and unexpectedly that the expressions of all the disciples in the Taoist Academy changed slightly, and they subconsciously chose to avoid it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kong Youran finally escaped from the siege, spread her wings, and stood in the middle of the air far away.

Seeing this, Li Lufeng and the others all had gloomy faces and were sullen. At such a moment, they were unexpectedly ruined by someone who was about to successfully siege, how could they not be angry.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Kong Youran didn't choose to leave and escape, but turned his gaze to one side.

"Chen Xi, are you willing to join hands with me to eradicate these shameless guys?"

Was it Chen Xi who made the move just now?

Li Lufeng and the others froze in their hearts, only then did they suddenly see a tall figure standing in the distance at some time, with loose clothes, a handsome face, and thick black long hair draped over his shoulders. It was Chen Xi!

"Chen Xi!"

"He's actually here!"

In the outside world, some ascetics who hadn't noticed Chen Xi before were also in an uproar when they saw this scene.

In their minds, if Kong Youran represents the No.1 of the Ancestral God Realm in Nuwa Palace, then the current Chen Xi is definitely the No.1 of the Ancestral God Realm that Shenyan Mountain deserves!

Now, he actually sacrificed his life to save him, as if he was fighting side by side with Kong Youran, which was beyond the expectation of many ascetics.

"Chen Xi didn't come at the right time. Even with him, I'm afraid it would be hard to deal with those Taoist disciples."

"Taking this opportunity, it is the wisest choice for him and Kong Youran to choose to leave."

Many big men frowned, not as excited as other ascetics, but calmly analyzed the situation of this battle.

The Guiyuan Hall was silent, no one spoke, and everyone was closely watching the changes in the situation.


Hearing Kong Youran's invitation, Chen Xi couldn't help being slightly surprised.

The original intention of his attack was to help Kong Youran get out of trouble, not to fight to the death with these Taoist disciples.

But after hearing Kong Youran's words, Chen Xi immediately judged that Kong Youran had no intention of escaping. Obviously, she was completely enraged by those Taoist disciples at this moment, and she would not change her mind anymore.

"Chen Xi, if you oppose our Dao Academy at this time, the consequences will be serious, and I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Li Lufeng took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "If you leave now, what happened just now will be treated as if it never happened to us, and let it go, but if you are obsessed with it, don't blame me for being rude!"

There was an undisguised threat in the voice.

With his hands behind his back, Chen Xi said indifferently, "Are you threatening me?"

"So what if you threaten you? If you insist on going your own way again, don't even think about leaving today!"

"Yes, be smart, and disappear quickly!"

"Damn it, we have all decided to forgive him for his previous offensive behavior, this guy doesn't appreciate it, he really doesn't know what is good or bad!"

Before Li Lufeng could speak, some Taoist disciples yelled loudly, their words were aggressive, and they didn't take Chen Xi seriously.

Li Lufeng's heart sank, and the situation suddenly became worse.

Sure enough, the next moment Chen Xi suddenly smiled slightly: "Since that's the case, if Chen doesn't stay, it will appear too incompetent."

"It should have been this way."

Kong Youran spat out four words lightly from her red lips.

In an instant, the atmosphere was tense, and it was even more tense and depressing than before. Even if you were watching from the outside world, you couldn't help but get nervous.


Knowing that the matter was irreversible, Li Lufeng made a decisive decision and shouted violently.


Almost before the words were finished, all the Taoist disciples seemed to be impatient, and rushed out brazenly.

"You must hold on."

Seeing this, Kong Youran seemed very calm, and even had the leisure to give Chen Xi a word.

"You take care of yourself."

Chen Xi smiled, his voice was calm, and there was a sense of majestic contempt.

Especially in his pair of dark eyes that are as deep as the starry sky, at this moment suddenly burst out a touch of cold and murderous light to the extreme!


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