divine talisman

Chapter 1854 Fighting Against All Enemies

Fighting broke out.

Kong Youran turned into a peacock, with five colors of divine brilliance flowing around her body, and she swooped away with astonishing strength. When Chen Xi raised his hand, the Banchen Sword performed thousands of mysteries.

Both of them are arrogant people. As soon as the battle started, they used the supreme method, with overwhelming momentum, showing their peerless demeanor.


Here is boiling, filled with all kinds of supreme methods.

The more than [-] successors of the Taoist Academy are not easy to deal with. They sacrificed all kinds of divine treasures, mastered the mysterious Taoism, and joined hands to attack.

All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of miles of land were covered by divine brilliance, flowing fire, Daoguang, and precious energy. The light and rain splashed, and the divine sounds vibrated, reflecting the horrors of the doomsday, such as the roar of gods and demons, the collapse of time and space, and the powder of all things. scene.

All outside ascetics who were paying attention to this battle couldn't help but suffocate and were shocked when they witnessed this magnificent scene.

It can be said that from the beginning of this Dao Discussion Competition to the present, there has never been a battle that can compare with what is in front of us.

Even looking at the endless years of the past and present, this battle can be regarded as shocking and shocking, and it shines through the past!

No one thought that Kong Youran and Chen Xi would actually stay and fight with those Taoist disciples.

No one thought that as soon as this battle broke out, such a shocking scene would be staged.

At this moment, in the outside world, whether it was the Guiyuan Hall, the audience seats in the Zhengming Dojo, or even the entire Ten Directions God City, everything was dead silent.

No one spoke, everyone's eyes were wide open, and Qiqi stared at this duel, with agitated mind, afraid of missing any details.

They had a hunch that this battle might become the most intense and peak battle in the first round of the Dao Discussion Competition!

This battle will also become an immortal memory. In the long history of ancient times, it will be imprinted with a song and tears, affecting generations to come!


In the battlefield, Chen Xi fought against sixteen Taoist disciples alone.In other words, there are still nineteen descendants of the Taoist academy besieging Kong Youran.

Obviously, in the hearts of these Taoist disciples, Kong Youran, who has been famous for a long time, is obviously a greater threat than Chen Xi, who has only risen in the past few decades.

Therefore, most of their power was concentrated on Kong Youran.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't care at all. As soon as the battle started, he already had the idea of ​​a quick victory, and he didn't care about these details at all.


Suddenly, the figure of a Taoist disciple flashed and turned into a golden roc bird, roaring to suppress the sky, his wings cut off like a sky knife, and his feet were even more peerlessly sharp. , accompanied by the monstrous golden fire!

Chen Xi's banishment sword shook, runes overflowed, and the sword energy was like an abyss, severing the golden Dao fire. At the same time, the sword energy swept across, shaking the opponent's golden wings and claws, clanging.


On the other side, a crimson stove suddenly came. This was obviously an innate spiritual treasure. The yin and yang qi spewed out from the stove, and it was so vast that it seemed to swallow the sky and kill Chen Xi.

With a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve robe with his left hand, a sheet of blazing runes intertwined and turned into a mysterious oracle. It spun and roared, viciously shaking the red furnace, and flew backwards.

There was a lot of turmoil here, and the disciples of the Taoist school either turned into golden rocs, or sacrificed innate spiritual treasures, and besieged Chen Xi from different directions.

The golden roc bird is also one of the top ten alien divine birds of the ancient times. It controls the power of "flowing gold and fire" in the origin of chaos, and possesses monstrous power.

In the ancient times, this god bird ancestor even killed the Buddhist sect master and swallowed the old antiques of the dragon clan alive.

Right now that Taoist disciple is obviously a descendant of the golden roc, and he has completely controlled the highest lineage in his clan, that is, Chen Xi, and his cultivation has reached an unprecedented level in the realm of the ancestral gods, so he is not afraid of being killed by the other party.

The power of the other Taoist disciples was also not inferior to this golden roc. They flanked Chen Xi together and exhausted all their means, and their momentum was truly terrifying.


At this moment, Chen Xi was fighting alone with the opponent. There were countless precious lights, and the sword energy was transpiring, spreading for nine days and ten places. He had already used real means.

After the Dao Discussion Competition started, this was the first time Chen Xi had this kind of experience, so he didn't dare to be negligent.

On the contrary, in such a situation surrounded by heavy siege, the anger accumulated in his heart for a long time also broke out completely, and he tried his best to fight with all his strength, and the more he fought, the more courageous he was!

The aura of his whole body also climbed up and became more and more intense, even if he was surrounded by heavy siege, no one could cover up his radiance.


A cold snort resounded like thunder, and Li Lufeng, the most senior of the Taoist disciples, was dispatched. His body was shaken, and Daoguang surged throughout his body, smashing time and space.

In his slender and fair palm, a jade bottle flew up, and suddenly a round of Taiji patterns condensed in the bottle, black and white qi spewed out, suppressing and killing Chen Xi.

Innate Spirit Treasure——Yin and Yang Two Cylinders!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and the Banchen Sword let out a clear chant, and suddenly slashed out with a "Sea Cliff Style", the sword intent surged like a boundless and majestic sea, mighty and mighty, revealing the spirit of going forward bravely and crushing all living beings.

With a bang, the attack from Li Lufeng was abruptly defeated, and the light rained.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi's figure came out of the abyss like a startled dragon, and the banging dust sword wrapped in a towering sword energy, forcibly chopped a jade fan divine treasure that was attacking from one side to pieces!


The jade fan shattered, and the owner of the jade fan suffered backlash. He coughed up a mouthful of blood from his lips and staggered back.


Li Lufeng's face darkened, he didn't expect that Chen Xi would be so powerful, and under such heavy pressure, he would still have the power to counterattack and wound one of their companions.

"Sacrifice array!"

Li Lufeng shouted violently, and with a buzzing sound, the yin and yang cylinders in his hands became more and more crystal clear, spraying out even more magnificent black and white yin and yang qi, turning into a long dragon and driving away.

Almost at the same time, disciples from other nearby Taoist schools yelled loudly, separated into different positions, stepped on the mysterious formation, echoing each other's aura, as if fused into one body, they all gathered on Li Lufeng.

In an instant, the world mourned, conveying a terrifying and palpitating atmosphere, filling every inch of space.

It can be clearly seen that from the two yin and yang qi sacrificed by Li Lufeng, a chaotic flame unexpectedly condenses and rushes towards Chen Xi quickly!

"Chaos karma!"

Someone from the outside screamed, their complexion changed suddenly, and they were very shocked.

Karma fire can burn the causal sins of the world, purify all evil spirits, and burn all sins into nothingness. This kind of chaotic karma fire is even more powerful. It was born in the chaotic avenue, and it belongs to the karma fire in the avenue!

The gray fire light was silent, and a mysterious and obscure fluctuation surged, instantly covering Chen Xi's entire body, making the world turbid!

Many cultivators in the outside world were shocked. They couldn't imagine that Chen Xi, a first-class descendant of Shenyan Mountain, would be robbed at this moment.

Although most of them were not optimistic about what he and Kong Youran did before, when they saw this scene, many ascetics still couldn't help feeling sorry for it and couldn't bear to witness it.


However, the result was unexpected, the area suddenly collapsed, and a terrifying aura erupted, and a tall figure like a god and demon roared up.

Chen Xi stretched out his figure, billions of runes overflowed from his body, turning into patterns of divine inscriptions, which completely wiped out that piece of chaotic karmic fire, making it impossible to get close to him at all.

It's like covering the body with the avenue, everything does not touch the body!

At the same time, Chen Xi's figure swooped down and cast the Kunpeng Divine Art, disrupting time and space, and he swung the Banchen Sword with boundless sword energy!


Li Lufeng dodged subconsciously, but the golden roc on his side was not so lucky. The sword energy swept across his body, and his wings were shaken out of numerous cracks and collapsed.


Amidst the screams, the golden roc was eliminated directly!


Li Lufeng roared angrily, he would have thought that after the killing array was sacrificed, instead of being able to do anything to Chen Xi, he would extinguish the flames of chaos in one fell swoop and eliminate one of their companions.


Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't even look at it. He was as swift as a thunderbolt, as powerful as the wind, the sea and the rain, and the Banchen Sword was like a rainbow piercing the sun, and continued to slash towards Li Lufeng.

Li Lufeng's Daoguang soared to the sky, completely enraged, he controlled the two cylinders of yin and yang, and forcibly overwhelmed Chen Xi's attack.


The next moment, Li Lufeng was thrown backwards by the shock, and he was unable to dispel Chen Xi's vigorous blow at all.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, another Taoist disciple stepped in, swung a golden spear, and ruthlessly pierced Chen Xi's brain.


As if he had expected this scene long ago, Chen Xi waved his sleeve robe, and the three golden copper coins made an incomparably clear voiceless sound, appearing in the shape of the word "Pin". In an instant, the golden battle spear was forcibly imprisoned in midair. , unable to break free from the shackles, unable to advance or retreat.

"The Supreme Master drops precious copper coins!"

The Taoist disciple's expression changed suddenly.

But before he could react, a wisp of sword energy slashed down, covering his whole body, and in the next moment, he was suddenly coerced by a force of heaven and earth, and he was forcibly eliminated from the game!

Everyone outside looked at him with relaxed eyes and terrified hearts.

This confrontation happened too quickly. From Chen Xi's eradication of the chaotic karmic fire, to the shattering of the golden roc's wings with a single sword, knocking him out of the game, to the moment when he crushed that Taoist disciple with falling copper coins, All happen in just a few breaths.

But in such a short period of time, two successors from the Dao Academy were directly eliminated. Who dared to imagine this before?

This is under the siege of sixteen Taoist disciples!

Chen Xi was still able to achieve this step with his own strength, which is unbelievable, and one can only imagine how much shock it caused to the outside world.

"This child is tricky, come to help quickly, first suppress it with all your strength!"

Li Lufeng roared loudly. He finally realized that, compared to that Kong Youran, this Chen Xi absolutely should not be underestimated.

swoosh swish...

In an instant, among the group of Taoist disciples who were besieging Kong Youran, four disciples flew out suddenly, came to help Li Lufeng and the others, gathered together, and attacked Chen Xi with all their strength.

The situation in the arena suddenly changed, and 17 people from the Dao Academy besieged Chen Xi, while the other 15 people besieged Kong Youran!


ps: The second one is gone, I’m in a bad mood, and the one who gets scolded wants to be a eunuch, hehe, I’m convinced, a troll will always be a troll, less updates scold me for more trouble, more updates scold me for pouring water, in short, no matter what Fuck, you have to spray it, you argue with him, but you find that he reads a pirated version, I wonder, I have many book friends who also read pirated versions, why do they still choose to register an account and vote for me silently, while some People just spray?If you don't enjoy reading a book, don't read it, okay?Forgive me too, okay?

I know that my mentality is not right, I shouldn't complain about this in the chapter, and it will affect the mood of other friends. Please bear with me, I just feel uncomfortable, and I will adjust it.


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