divine talisman

Chapter 1855 The Power of the Divine Formation

There is a bug in the number of Taoist successors in the last chapter, sorry, it has been revised, now there are 13 people fighting Chen Xi, and 11 people fighting Kong Youran.


After two people were eliminated, four more people came to help Li Lufeng and the others all of a sudden, so that the slight advantage that Chen Xi had obtained was also immediately disintegrated.

The battle situation fell into an extremely fierce confrontation again.

It seemed that there was no difference from before, but after witnessing the heaven-defying combat power that Chen Xi had unleashed, Li Lufeng and the others no longer dared to be negligent.

Compared to before, at this moment they simply used all their strengths, fighting Chen Xi with all their strength, almost as if desperately.

All of a sudden, it was so hard for Chen Xi to find a flaw.

But in the same way, Li Lufeng and the others couldn't do anything to Chen Xi for a while, and the situation showed a fierce stalemate.

"This Chen Xi is definitely the biggest variable in this Dao Discussion Competition! Who would have imagined before that he would be able to do this?"

In the outside world, witnessing this shocking duel, many ascetics expressed emotion and were shocked.

"Indeed, we only focused our attention on characters like Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran, and Gu Yan before, subconsciously thinking that Chen Xi, who has only been promoted to the Ancestral God Realm for decades, is simply not comparable to them , but now it seems that this point of view is obviously wrong, very wrong!"

"More than that, from my point of view, the combat power displayed by Chen Xi even faintly shows signs of surpassing Leng Xinghun and the others. If anyone dares to say that Chen Xi is not as good as Leng Xinghun and the others at this time, I will be the first to say no." accepted."

"This Chen Xi doesn't know how to cultivate, and his combat power is too heaven-defying, it's simply inconceivable."

"It's very simple. He is a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain and the younger brother of Mr. Wu Xuechan. Is there anything abnormal about showing such fighting power?"

"I'm just wondering, how could the precious copper coin fall into his hands, that... it's a treasure in the hands of the Supreme Leader!"

There was a lot of discussion in the outside world, and everyone was shocked by the fighting power Chen Xi displayed, and was amazed.

"Huh? Kong Youran has shown his power!"

But soon, they were distracted by Kong Youran in the battle.



The five-color divine brilliance overflowed, and the peacock transformed by Kong Youran fluttered its wings and let out a deafening cry, and five-color thunder pools suddenly emerged around the body!

The thunder pond is ancient and grand, with extremely dense dao patterns imprinted on the surface, and colorful thunderstorms surge out.

The thunder pools echoed each other, sitting in Kong Youran's direction, and then severely suppressed it.

The time and space here exploded, like the vulnerable glass, the terrifying five-color thunderstorm swept across, and everything it passed was instantly crushed!

"Five-Color Thunder Pond!"

In an instant, the faces of many Taoist disciples changed suddenly, and they recognized this method of the Supreme Town School inherited from Nuwa Palace.

Almost subconsciously, they exerted all their strength and dodged one after another, not daring to face such a world-destructive power head-on.


But in the end, there was still a Taoist descendant who couldn't dodge, and was violently knocked out of the magic treasure in his hand by a five-color thunderstorm, and then his whole body was instantly submerged in it.

If it is normal, this person will definitely die, there is absolutely no room for survival.

But this is the Dao Cauldron World after all, when such a fatal danger occurred, a force of heaven and earth would force him out of the competition long before the disciple of the Dao Academy was killed.


The momentum created by this blow was too majestic and frightening, and it eliminated a descendant of the Taoist Academy in an instant, so that Li Lufeng and the others who were besieging Chen Xi also noticed, and then their expressions changed, and their hearts changed. Shake.


At this moment, Chen Xi seized the opportunity, and with a wave of his sleeve, an apricot-yellow flag flew into the air, shooting out hundreds of millions of divine brilliance, and in an instant, he built a divine formation of garrison land, Suddenly, this area was covered.

Shutu apricot yellow flag!

An innate spiritual treasure inherited from the Jin family of the Imperial Domain!


The entire Shutu Yaoguang Divine Formation was operating at full capacity, and the divine brilliance was transpiring, submerging the world. Caught off guard, Li Lufeng and other Taoist disciples were all caught in the formation.

"not good!"

"Break the formation!"

Li Lufeng and the others were frightened and furious, they did not need to be reminded at all, they attacked with all their strength and used the strongest means to break the formation with all their strength, without any hesitation at all.

If the apricot-yellow flag of Shutu was placed in the hands of other people, it might not be able to hold for a moment at all, and it would be broken by Li Lufeng and the others.

But in Chen Xi's hands, the power would be different.

What is the most powerful inheritance of Shenyan Mountain?

It's the Tao!

It's a formation!

A long time ago, Chen Xi had obtained the inheritance of the "Wuji Divine Talisman", and his attainments in talismans and Taoism had reached an unprecedented height. Now that the apricot-yellow flag of guarding the soil was sacrificed by him, the power was already extraordinary.

Li Lufeng and the others are also aware of this point, and understand how terrifying the attainments of the disciples of Shenyan Mountain in Talisman Dao are, so they will subconsciously attack with the most intense means as soon as they fall into the big formation.

It's a pity that Chen Xi would never watch them break the formation, and with a loud sound, the next moment Chen Xi's whole body had already rushed into the formation.


In just a few breaths, a force of heaven and earth emerged from the formation, which meant that a Taoist heir had been eliminated!

"This Chen Xi is really good at tricks!"

"Isn't that the apricot-yellow flag of the Jin Clan in the Imperial Region? How could it have fallen into Chen Xi's hands just like the falling copper coins?"

"This time, those descendants of the Dao Academy seem to be in trouble!"

When a group of cultivators from outside noticed this scene, they couldn't help being shocked again. They had always thought that Chen Xi's swordsmanship was extremely terrifying, but now they finally woke up. On the other hand, Chen Xi is also extremely powerful!

Another moment later.

With a buzzing sound, a wave of heaven and earth surged again in the Shutu Yaoguang God Formation. It goes without saying that a Taoist disciple was eliminated again!

At this moment, all the Taoist teaching elders in Guiyuan Hall couldn't sit still for a while, their complexions changed suddenly, and a haze appeared between their brows.

"Not good! Brother Li and the others are in danger!"

"Go to the rescue!"

Those Taoist disciples who were besieging Kong Youran also noticed the change in the Shutu Yaoguang God Formation, and they all roared angrily.

Immediately, several Taoist disciples pulled out, sacrificed their divine treasures, operated the method, and blasted fiercely at the Shutu Yaoguang Divine Formation.


The big formation shook violently, seemingly overwhelmed and about to burst.

However, before those Taoist disciples were happy, two screams suddenly spread throughout the audience.

But it turned out that Kong Youran seized this opportunity and made a bold move to suppress and eliminate two Taoist disciples in one fell swoop!

All of this happened too quickly. There were 11 Taoist descendants who had besieged Kong Youran before, and she eliminated one of them by using the five-color thunder pool method, so there were only ten remaining Taoist disciples who continued to fight with her. fight.

But at this moment, because of the influence of Shutu Yaoguang Divine Formation, three of the ten disciples rushed out to rescue Li Lufeng and the others, but because of this action, Kong Youran was given an excellent opportunity.

It might be difficult for her to deal with ten Taoist disciples, but at this time, there are only seven opponents left. With Kong Youran's ability, how can she miss this opportunity to eliminate opponents.

So, in an instant, the two Taoist inheritances were suppressed by her in one fell swoop!



This accident happened unexpectedly, and it was unimaginably fast. When the disciples of the Taoist school realized it, it was too late to rescue them.

Their faces changed suddenly, and they roared with gloomy faces. They no longer dared to be distracted from bombing the Shutu Yaoguang God Formation, but concentrated on continuing to fight with Kong Youran.

When the outsiders witnessed all this, they couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

No one expected that Chen Xi and Kong Youran, whom they were extremely disfavored at first, would be able to launch a counterattack in such an extremely bad situation and eliminate their opponents one after another!

After careful calculation, from the beginning of the war to the present, there are already four Taoist disciples who have been eliminated by Chen Xi, and there are also three who have been eliminated by Kong Youran.

In other words, there are now only 19 descendants of the Dao Academy in the field!

It seems that the Taoist Academy only lost seven successors, but all of this happened within a short time of a cup of tea, and the loss can be described as extremely heavy.

If the situation continues to develop like this, the loss of the disciples of the Taoist Academy will probably become more and more serious.


A moment later, there was another fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth in Shutu Yaoguang formation, and another Taoist disciple was eliminated.

However, almost at the same time, the entire land garrison wave light formation also disintegrated, completely disintegrated and dissipated, revealing the figures of Chen Xi, Li Lufeng and others.

It's just that at this moment, Li Lufeng and the others have only ten people left, and all of them have pale faces and eyes that want to breathe fire.

In just a short moment, they lost three disciples in the Shutu Yaoguang God Formation. Such a heavy loss made them want to go crazy.

"Assemble! Deal with them together!"

Li Lufeng seemed very calm at this moment, realizing that splitting up his forces to deal with Chen Xi and Kong Youran would only create many opportunities for them to take advantage of.

All of a sudden, those disciples of the God Academy immediately gave up their attacks and gathered around Li Lufeng. There were 18 of them in total, each of them looked ugly, and they looked at Chen Xi and Kong Youran as if they wanted to kill someone.

Chen Xi and Kong Youran did not pursue, and the battle situation came to a brief stagnation.

"Excellent, two more than me."

Kong Youran glanced at Chen Xi and praised.

"That's ridiculous, I just took advantage of the formation."

Chen Xi smiled casually.

When the two talked, it was natural that Chen Xi had eliminated five Taoist disciples one after another, while Kong Youran had three.

If this is said in a normal way, it is not a big deal, but in such a tense battle situation, the two of them seemed to turn a blind eye to the disciples of the Taoist school while talking, such an attitude made Li Lufeng and others look pale It became much worse again, and my heart was burning with anger.

What do these two guys think of their Taoist descendants?

A living target of high or low competition strength?

It's just too deceiving!


ps: Goldfish has read the feedback messages in the book review area and QQ. Thank you to those friends who have always supported Goldfish. I have seen your encouragement, monthly tickets, and rewards.

I also apologize to those friends who expressed disappointment with Goldfish's writing attitude, I let you down.

Some friends expressed dissatisfaction with the update of Goldfish, maybe it was because of unbelief. The promises made were not fulfilled, which naturally made people uncomfortable. Here, Goldfish sincerely apologizes. I am not sure in the future and will not make updates. promise, so as not to disappoint everyone.

Of course, what should be updated will be updated, and what should explode will explode, but I dare not make promises in advance like before. If this cannot be done, everyone will be dissatisfied, and Jinyu will feel guilty.

Finally, after an update today, starting tomorrow, Goldfish will let everyone see a different update attitude, yes, it is an attitude.


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