divine talisman

Chapter 1856

The faces of Li Lufeng and others were as gloomy as water.

Although they already knew that dealing with people like Kong Youran and Chen Xi would be extremely difficult, but they still didn't expect such a reversal in the battle situation.

If they had known this earlier, they definitely would not have chosen to confront Kong Youran and Chen Xi.

But now that things have happened, it is too late to regret.

"Everyone, all the ascetics in the outside world are looking at us. This time, even if the entire army is wiped out, the two of them must be left behind!"

Li Lufeng spoke in a deep voice, the voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth, revealing endless hatred.

Originally, their Taoist Academy had always followed a neutral strategy and would not help each other, but because of the current battle, Li Lufeng completely hated Kong Youran and Chen Xi.

Hearing this, Kong Youran smiled, and said calmly, "Your ambition is commendable."

She seems to be very happy to see Li Lufeng and the others react like this, and it can be seen from this that she was also really angry because of the competition for the ancient Mingdao cauldron.

Chen Xi frowned at this moment, as if he had sensed something, he sent a voice transmission to Kong Youran, "It's time to leave."

Kong Youran was startled for a moment, and then a flash of lightning flashed in his clear eyes, he glanced at Li Lufeng and the others, and said, "This time, I'll take advantage of you."


Before the voice fell, she and Chen Xi all disappeared from the same place out of thin air under the gazes of all stunned eyes, flying away into the distance.

The speed was so fast that Li Lufeng and others had no time to stop it.

"Bastard! You still want to escape!"

A priest from the Taoist academy roared angrily, and was about to rush up and chase him down.

"Are you looking for death?"

Li Lufeng's face was livid, he roared sharply, and stopped the disciple.

All of a sudden, the expressions of those disciples of the Taoist Academy changed endlessly, and their hearts were full of unwillingness, frustration, and anger.

"If the two senior brothers Yechen and Yu Jiuyue were here this time, it would be possible for them to escape!"

Someone said bitterly.

As soon as this sentence came out, it aroused the resonance of many disciples of the Taoist Academy.

In their view, Kong Youran and Chen Xi were indeed powerful beyond imagination, but they firmly believed that if Yechen and Yu Jiuyue were present, such tragedies would definitely not have happened.

Only Li Lufeng, upon hearing this, couldn't help feeling jealous and unspeakable anger, and then couldn't help but sneer and said, "Why don't you say it, it's because the two of them left the team without authorization that we will suffer such a heavy loss?" ?”

Everyone was startled and remained silent.

"So, Brother Li, do you think that all of this is my fault, Yechen and Brother Yu?"

At this moment, a deep and calm voice came from a distance.

"It seems that Brother Li is very dissatisfied with us."

Almost at the same time, another solid voice followed.

Everyone's heart was shocked, and they looked together, and saw Ye Chen, who was dressed in black and had a dignified appearance, had drifted towards him at some point.

Beside him, followed by a man with a tall figure, sword eyebrows like ink, and a stern face, it was Yu Jiuyue.

Seeing the two men coming together, Li Lufeng's expression darkened again, and he said, "Two juniors, did I say something wrong? If you hadn't left without authorization, how could our companions be eliminated so easily?"

The words were tit-for-tat and unceremonious. Obviously, Li Lufeng no longer intended to hide his anger.

Seeing this, the disciples of the other Taoist schools were all silent.

Among the descendants of the ancestral gods in the Taoist Academy, Ye Chen, Yu Jiuyue, and Li Lufeng are the three most prestigious descendants.

Now they seem to be arguing, how dare others intervene.

"Senior Brother Li, you are wrong. If we hadn't come in time this time, do you think that Kong Youran and Chen Xi would have left so easily?"

Yechen smiled lightly, "Don't say they are afraid, this reason is too lame."

It was only then that everyone realized that Kong Youran and Chen Xi had already noticed that Ye Chen and the others were coming when they left suddenly.

Li Lufeng snorted coldly, and was about to say something, when Yu Jiuyue interrupted him first: "Okay, Senior Brother Li, we are not here to quarrel, if this continues, it will only make the outside world see the jokes of our Taoist school .”

Li Lufeng was silent for a moment, and said: "Okay, let's not talk about this matter, but this account must be recorded on Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace!"

Ye Chen didn't know what to think of, and suddenly said bluntly: "Brother Li, there is a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not."

Li Lufeng frowned and said, "Say it."

Yechen's eyes suddenly became serious, and he scanned Li Lufeng and the others like a cold lightning: "This is a Dao competition, and the competition is based on their respective strengths, not conspiracy! The reason why our Dao Academy can hold this grand event is that It is nothing more than because of the four words of fairness and justice, ask yourself, have you...have achieved this?"

Every word was said, and the sound was loud, which made the atmosphere of the scene suddenly become silent.

Li Lufeng's face changed slightly, and he said displeasedly: "Junior Brother Yechen, if we violated the rules, we would have been punished already, how could we still insist on continuing to discuss the Dao in the Dao Cauldron World?"

Yechen said indifferently: "Senior Brother Li, don't treat everyone else as blind. Starting from the Dao Discussion Competition, the disciples of our Taoist Academy, Divine Academy, and Supreme Sect can all gather together in the first place. Do you think it's normal that Yanshan and the preachers of the Supreme Sect can't do this?"

Before Li Lufeng could answer, Yechen said categorically: "This is abnormal! You should know how much advantage our Taoist Academy has taken advantage of over the past month or so with the advantage of having a large number of people!"

Li Lufeng's face darkened completely, and he said: "This is the arrangement of our elders, is there any fault?"

"Couldn't the elders of the master sect not make mistakes?"

Yechen said hesitantly, "Brother Li, if you feel that I've made a mistake, you can continue like this, and I, Yechen, will not accompany you!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, leaving extremely resolutely.

This scene made many disciples of the Dao Academy present a little surprised and uncertain.

As Yechen said, during the past month or so, they gathered together, and by virtue of their numbers, they became the biggest winners.

But they have been ignoring one thing. Is it really fair and just to do so?

If the successors of Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace can also get together and act together, will they be able to achieve today's achievements?

"Everyone from the same sect, let's do it for ourselves."

Yu Jiuyue, who had been silent all this time, also suddenly spoke out at this moment, said a word coldly, and turned away like Ye Chen.

This made Li Lufeng's face even more ugly. He never expected that this time Yechen and Yu Jiuyue came here not to help, but to teach them a lesson.

It just doesn't make sense!

"Don't worry, everyone, if this action violated the rules of the Dao Contest, we would have already been punished and eliminated."

After a while, Li Lufeng took a deep breath and comforted the other Taoist disciples, "What's more, this operation was arranged by the elders of our sect, so there will be no mistakes."

"Then... what should we do next?"

Someone couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Keep going!"

Li Lufeng said without hesitation, he didn't bother to pay attention to the lessons of Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue, and even thought they were too pedantic.


The conversation ended here, and the outsiders couldn't hear what they were discussing clearly, and didn't care what they were discussing at all.

The ascetics outside are now excitedly discussing this epic battle that ended abruptly.

Because this is the most unprecedented and fierce battle that has erupted since the Dao Lun Dao Competition entered its second month, it can be called shocking.

Even if Chen Xi and Kong Youran left abruptly halfway, it would not affect the shock caused by this battle in the slightest.

Who could have imagined that a battle with such disparity in strength would end with Chen Xi and Kong Youran's safe departure?

Who would have imagined that Chen Xi and Kong Youran's fighting power would be so unfathomable that they would be able to eliminate seven of them in the face of the siege of 26 descendants of the ancestors of the Taoist Academy?


That's why it shocked all the ascetics outside.

As for Chen Xi and Kong Youran, they suddenly became the hottest topic among all cultivators today.

As for who is more powerful in combat between the two of them, it was also discussed by a group of ascetics.

But no one can draw a definite conclusion.

Because the fighting power displayed by the two is so amazing and powerful, unless they have a personal duel, otherwise it is impossible to judge.

In the Guiyuan Hall.

Yu Zhen breathed a long sigh of relief in her heart.

A look of relief appeared between Wen Ting's brows.

Lu Fu and Chi Songzi were stunned, and their expressions were a little dull. The original situation of "killing people with a borrowed knife" turned into such a situation, which made them completely speechless.

They were also amazed by the combat power displayed by Chen Xi and Kong Youran, and they also slandered the performance of the disciples of the Taoist Academy.

In short, the two were a little bit unwilling, but they couldn't say anything. After all, this battle had nothing to do with their Taishangjiao or the seminary.

Seriously, seven of the Taoist disciples were eliminated in one fell swoop, which made them feel a sense of gloating.

In the main hall, only Huai Kongzi and the other Taoist teaching elders had gloomy faces.

According to Huai Kongzi's thinking, as early as Chen Xi's arrival on the battlefield, those disciples of their Taoist school should have chosen to leave. This is the most sensible choice.

However, the situation developed to such a point that not only lost seven disciples, but also completely offended Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace, the situation couldn't have been worse.

"Junior brother Win Qin, you come with me!"

Suddenly, Huai Kongzi stood up, glanced at Ying Qin beside him, then turned and walked towards the depths of the hall.

That Emperor Yingqin was startled slightly, his eyes flickering endlessly, finally got up and followed.

Seeing this, the people in the main hall didn't think much about it, they just thought that Dehuai Kongzi was a little unacceptable for the big defeat of the successor of the Taoist Academy, so they chose to leave for a while to avoid losing their composure.

Only some Taoist teaching elders seemed to realize something, they all frowned and let out a long sigh in their hearts.


ps: Around 10 o'clock in the next chapter.


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