divine talisman

Chapter 1857 Manipulating Luck

Thanks to the leader of the "Cocoa" children's shoes who just joined the v group today for the reward and support!Thanks to many other small partners for their support and monthly tickets ~ thank you!


in the wilderness.

Chen Xi and Kong Youran walked side by side.

The setting sun is like fire, and the afterglow is like burning, and the earth is covered with a layer of rose-like bright red color.

When she was not fighting, Kong Youran returned to her lazy look. She was wearing colorful clouds and neon dresses, with a slender white neck and fluffy temples, revealing a bright and refined face that was unmatched in beauty.

Elegant, calm, beautiful, sexy, exuding an incomparably noble taste, the temperament is extremely unique.

This is Kong Youran, as the No. 1 in the God Realm of Nuwa Taoist Palace Patriarch, her blood is even more pure blood belonging to the ancient Peacock King, and she was born as a well-deserved proud daughter of heaven.

"Thank you just now."

Kong Youran slowed down his pace, a pair of starry eyes stared at the fiery sunset in the distance, and his voice was clear and pleasant with a hint of laziness.

"You're welcome, even if I didn't make a move, with your strength, it would be easy to escape."

Chen Xi answered casually.

"No matter what, without you this time, I wouldn't be able to vent my anger."

Kong Youran smiled lightly, pursing her sexy red lips lightly, exuding a different kind of beauty, "Strange to say, this monastery seems to be the same as the Taishangjiao and Shenyuan, where disciples can gather in advance. Together, I have some doubts whether the Taoist Academy has stood in the same camp as the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy."

Chen Xi thought for a while, and said: "I can't be sure about this, but what can be judged is that the Taoist Academy should have known about this conspiracy from the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy long before the Dao Discussion Competition. Only our Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace have been kept in the dark."

A strange color flashed in Kong Youran's starry eyes: "You also noticed it a long time ago?"

Chen Xi nodded, but his heart was a little heavy, because he was worried about more than that.

"By the way, have you ever met my Shenyan Mountain disciple?"

Chen Xi asked.

Kong Youran was startled, and said in surprise, "You haven't seen a single disciple of your Shenyan Mountain until now, have you?"

Chen Xi said, "That's true."

Kong Youran said thoughtfully: "Do you suspect that there is something strange in it?"

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Miss Kong, do you know what kind of power exists in this world that can affect the luck of a cultivator?"

Kong Youran pursed her red lips, stretched out a jade hand, and pointed to the sky: "The Way of Heaven."

Chen Xi was dumbfounded: "I know this."

The Dao of Heaven pervades all the heavens and myriad worlds, and is the supreme law that maintains the circulation of the universe. It is infinite, illusory, and the fate, cause and effect, and luck of the ascetics will all be affected by it invisibly.This is the consensus of the entire practice community.

Kong Youran seemed to think of something, she stopped abruptly, remained silent for a moment, and said suddenly: "Chen Xi, do you think that in this Dao Discussion Competition, someone secretly used methods to affect your luck?"

Chen Xi shook his head: "I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about my other disciples of Shenyan Mountain."

Kong Youran took a deep breath, turned her head to stare at Chen Xi, and said, "It doesn't make much difference. I can't know whether your judgment is correct, but I can tell you that there is one thing in this world other than the way of heaven. Invisibly manipulating the luck of ascetics!"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and said, "What is this?"

Kong Youran paused word by word: "The Supreme Treasure of the Taishang Sect—the God of Adverse Fortune Disk!"

Adversity disk!

Too good to teach!

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and a frighteningly cold gleam suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"This treasure sits in the Taishangjiao, and its power is unpredictable. It is rumored that with this treasure, you can directly communicate with the power of the heavens, and bring down disasters, killings, scourges and other forces. It is extremely mysterious and powerful. The most important thing is that the outside world has It is rumored that one of the most powerful magical functions of this treasure is that it can manipulate and influence the luck of ascetics invisibly!"

Kong Youran's explanation made Chen Xi even more convinced that the reason why he was unable to reunite with the other disciples of Shenyan Mountain this time was probably due to the calculations of the Supreme Master!

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help sneering: "I never thought that they would not hesitate to use such a treasure in order to deal with me, Shenyan Mountain."

Kong Youran didn't say much, she was also thinking about whether her Nuwa Palace also encountered such a conspiracy, after much deliberation, she couldn't think of a reason.

"Miss Kong, thank you for reminding me this time. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, put aside distracting thoughts in his mind, and spoke.

"Actually, you can go with me. In this way, even if you are in danger, you won't be succeeded by others."

Kong Youran suggested.

Chen Xi smiled: "No need, I'm thinking about other fellow disciples in my heart, if I don't find them, I will really feel uneasy."

Seeing this, Kong Youran stopped persuading her and said, "Then you have to take care, if you are missing from the second round of discussion, it will be a bit boring."

Chen Xi smiled casually: "You too."

After all, turn around.

Under the setting sun, his tall figure was covered with a layer of blood-like twilight. He was alone, but he was not alone, because he had his own belief in his heart.

With faith as the support, people will no longer be alone.

"A fun guy indeed."

A smile appeared on the corner of Kong Youran's lips, until Chen Xi's figure completely disappeared, then she stretched a long way, her clothes fluttering, and disappeared in place.


Since the second month of the Dao Discussion Competition, the atmosphere in the Dao Cauldron World has been very calm, and there are no frequent battles like the first month.

Therefore, when Chen Xi and Kong Youran teamed up to fight against the 26 descendants of the Dao Academy, it would be so shocking.

However, with the end of this battle, the atmosphere in Dao Cauldron World once again fell into a strange silence.

No matter which side the successors of the forces have adopted an extremely conservative action strategy, proceeding cautiously.

But as time went by, everyone outside felt a sense of tension that was about to come.

Because under their watchful eyes, the 25 inscribed ancient tripods have all been found now, and there is no one left without an owner.

From the current point of view, the descendants of Shenyan Mountain have each obtained an ancient inscription, and they seem to have become the biggest winners among the five major forces. But don't forget, only Chen Xi, Gu Yan, and Tu Meng are left in Shenyan Mountain. Three people!

Nuwa Palace obtained four ancient tripods with inscriptions.

The Taoist temple has won six statues.

The Taishangjiao won five statues.

The temple has won seven statues.

In such a comparison, Shenyan Mountain is clearly at a disadvantage in the competition for the Ming Dao Ancient Ding Ding.

Nuwa Palace is second only to Shenyan Mountain.

Instead, the God Academy became the biggest winner.

Of course, this is just a comparison of the number of ancient Mingdao tripods. There is still more than a month before the end of this Dao Discussion Competition. , and fierce battles took place.

This is inevitable.

After all, apart from Shenyan Mountain, there are still many disciples from the other four major forces who have not won the Ming Dao Ancient Ding Ding.

And this also means that in the following time, fighting and fighting are destined to inevitably happen!

All the ascetics in the outside world are aware of this. They are watching nervously and looking forward to it. Even though the atmosphere in the Dao Cauldron World seems a bit dull, their enthusiasm has not been dampened.


After the third month of the Dao Contest, the dull atmosphere that lasted for many days was finally broken by a series of sudden battles!

The first day of the third month.

Shi Yu and his party from Nuwa Palace meet with Yinxuan, the Eastern Emperor of the God Academy, and a fierce confrontation breaks out.

In the end, Nuwa Palace lost three descendants and was deprived of an ancient inscription, and had to choose to retreat.

On the other side of the temple, the remaining ten black deacons were all eliminated, and the other twelve palm seal disciples did not suffer any losses.


Fifth day of the third month.

Kong Youran and Shi Yu's party joined together, so far, all the descendants of Nuwa Palace have completely gathered together, the number of them is eight.


The seventh day of the third month.

Gu Yan, who ranked number one among the three generations of disciples of Shenyan Mountain, was besieged by Leng Xinghun and his party from the Supreme Sect. Gu Yan eliminated the opponent's two heirs with his own strength, and was finally defeated by Leng Xinghun, who died with serious injuries.

As soon as this battle came out, all the ascetics outside were shocked.

Gu Yan of Shenyan Mountain was known as an existence on par with Leng Xinghun, Kong Youran, Donghuang Yinxuan, Yechen and others, but now, he was eliminated by only one line, how could he not be moved?

The reason is not that Gu Yan is weak, but that his opponents not only have Leng Xinghun in charge, but also other heirs of the Supreme Sect. Under such a besieged situation, he can still eliminate the two opponents, and finally break through. Going away from the siege, it can be seen how powerful the strength is.


No.13 day of the third month.

Ye Chen, the descendant of the Taoist school, clashed with the disciples of the temple, and was killed by eleven palm-print disciples led by Donghuang Yinxuan, who had to flee.

No.15 day of the third month.

It was still Yechen, who clashed with Kong Youran, Shi Yu and the others in Nuwa's palace, and finally fled helplessly.

No.19 day of the third month.

It was still Yechen, who witnessed the conflict between Yu Jiuyue and Leng Xinghun and his party from the Taishang Sect, and came to rescue in time, which saved Yu Jiuyue from the danger of being eliminated.


This series of battles broke out almost every few days, completely making the situation in Dao Cauldron World turbulent, full of gunpowder, and the dullness before.

And when witnessing all this, all the ascetics in the outside world were overwhelmed, dazzled and in an uproar.

Sounds of exclamation, regret, surprise, surprise... all kinds of voices have almost never stopped these days, which shows how tense and intense the situation in Dao Cauldron World is.

Among them, the most eye-catching one was not Gu Yan, but Ye Chen.

During these days, he not only fought against the God Academy and the Supreme Sect, but also fought against the Nuwa Palace. Although he had to flee every time, he managed to attract the attention of all ascetics .

No one dared to underestimate him.

On the contrary, almost all of his comments are praise and admiration.

Because everyone knows that not everyone can escape from the hands of Donghuang Yinxuan, Leng Xinghun, and Kong Youran under the situation of less against many like Yechen!


ps: The next chapter will be around 12 o'clock in the morning.


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