divine talisman

Chapter 1858 Little Martial Uncle's Order

Thank you "Qianxuanling" children's shoes for your support~~


The No.20 second day of the third month of the Dao Dao Competition.

Gu Yan, who was seriously injured, seemed to have bad luck, but it wasn't bad.

It is said that he was unlucky because, on this day, he was discovered again by the East Emperor Yinxuan and his group from the Holy Academy who were hunting him down.

It is said that his luck is not bad, because during the pursuit, he was rescued by Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue who were passing by.

Being rescued by two disciples from the Taoist academy was not considered lucky, so it can only be called not bad.

Witnessing this scene, many cultivators outside were stunned.

As we all know, the Taoist Academy has always maintained a neutral attitude in the five poles of the Emperor's Domain. Whether it is dealing with Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, or dealing with the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy, they all adopt a strategy of not helping each other.

Under such circumstances, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue, who have great influence in the Taoist temple, suddenly dropped the seriously injured Shenyanshan descendant Gu from the hands of the Donghuang Yinxuan and his party in the temple. If you say it, you have to make people suspicious.

what does this mean?

Could it be that the Taoist Academy has begun to change its attitude and moved closer to Shenyan Mountain?

At this moment, even Lu Fu and Chi Songzi in the Guiyuan Hall witnessed this scene, they couldn't help but their faces darkened, and there was a hint of coldness in their eyes.

"Oh, I didn't expect that before Chen Xi joined forces with Kong Youran to eliminate so many disciples from your Dao Academy, but now, fortunately, your Dao Academy disciples are still so enthusiastic and took the initiative to save a disciple of Shenyan Mountain. This is really true amazing."

Chi Songzi sneered, his voice echoing in the hall.

In fact, not only he and Lu Fu, but even Wen Ting and Yu Zhen didn't expect such a scene to happen, and they couldn't help being puzzled.

As early as many days ago, Huai Kongzi returned to the Guiyuan Hall and was sitting on the main seat in the center at this moment, but the only thing missing was Emperor Yingqin.

In other words, since Emperor Yingqin and Huai Kongzi left together that day, they seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again.

But this obviously did not cause any movement.

At this moment, when Huai Kongzi heard Chisongzi's sarcasm and questioning words, he seemed quite calm.

He just pondered for a while, and then said: "This is just the personal behavior of the two little guys, and it does not represent the attitude of my Taoist school. Maybe they just couldn't bear to lose Gu Yan, a worthy man like Gu Yan, in the second round of discussion." Respect your opponent."

Hearing this, Chisongzi sneered more and more, and said hesitantly: "I hope it's best to do what you said, fellow daoist, otherwise, I will be chilled."

There was a hint of menace in the voice.

Huai Kongzi acted as if he didn't hear it, and said with a smile: "You can rest assured, fellow daoist."

Chi Songzi snorted coldly, and said no more.

However, Lu Fu frowned, and glanced at Huai Kongzi thoughtfully, feeling that since Huai Kongzi returned to the Guiyuan Hall a few days ago, his attitude seemed to have faintly changed.

Not only Lu Fu, but Wen Ting and Yu Zhen also noticed it, but they couldn't figure out what Huai Kongzi was thinking.

But no matter what, when seeing Gu Yan being rescued by Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue, Wen Ting secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Now in the Dao Cauldron World, only Chen Xi, Gu Yan, and Tu Meng were left in their Shenyan Mountain. If another accident happened to Gu Yan, then their Shenyan Mountain would be completely defeated in this first round of discussion.


Also on this day, at night, the moon and stars are sparse.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the side of a cliff, the sea of ​​clouds was steaming, and it looked quiet and magnificent under the night.

His expression was extremely indifferent, and he could no longer see any emotional fluctuations, like a clay sculpture.

Since he separated from Kong Youran, until now, he still hasn't found any news about the other disciples of Shenyan Mountain.

He even encountered opponents along the way.

If he was the only one participating in this Dao Discussion Competition this time, he would be very happy to see such a situation. At least he has obtained the Ancient Inscription Dao Cauldron, and he doesn't have to be contended by his opponents. The situation couldn't be better.

But unfortunately, Chen Xi was not alone this time, he represented Shenyan Mountain, and he also had many fellow disciples among them.

All this means, he can't just be for himself.

"Adversity Divine Disk... the Supreme Master...you, you will pay the price!"

Chen Xi murmured in his heart, but his expression was completely indifferent, with a bone-chilling divine light surging from the depths of his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, he stood up and decided to continue, but at this moment, he suddenly frowned.


Almost at the same time, there was a whisper from far away.

Immediately, under the extremely distant night, two figures flashed out of nowhere, they were Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue.

However, Chen Xi's gaze swept over the two of them, but suddenly landed on Yu Jiuyue's back.

Behind Yu Jiuyue, there was a person on his back. That person's clothes were blood-stained, his face was pale, and his spirit was exhausted to the extreme.

But Chen Xi recognized it right away, it was Gu Yan!

In an instant, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and he drew his sword out with a clang, and the murderous aura from the tip of the sword poured out like a tide, pointing at Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue from afar.

"Put him down!"

The words are like knives, full of murderous intent, this world is in a wail, almost collapsed.

"What if I don't let go?"

Yechen was startled, but couldn't help laughing.

"Little uncle?"

At this moment, Gu Yan, who was lying on Yu Jiuyue's back, raised his head. When he saw Chen Xi, his dim eyes suddenly burst into light, but immediately, he realized that Chen Xi had misunderstood, and hurriedly said: " Little Martial Uncle misunderstood, they saved me."

"What are you talking about, I was just about to fight this guy, and you're bored too."

Yechen curled his lips and cast a look at Yu Jiuyue.

Yu Jiuyue understood, and immediately put down Gu Yan from his back.

Chen Xi was stunned, staring carefully at Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue for a long time, then at Gu Yan who was walking towards him, finally put away the banishing sword, and rushed to meet him.

"How is this going?"

Chen Xi supported Gu Yan to sit down on the side of the rock, and then took out some panacea and stuffed it into the latter's lips, and then he frowned.

There was a hint of worry in his voice. According to his observation, Gu Yan's injury was too serious, he almost hurt Dao Ji, and his whole body was in disorder. Even if he had a panacea at this time, he couldn't relieve the other party's injury immediately.

"When we saw him, he was being hunted down by the East Emperor Yinxuan and the others in the temple."

Yechen and Yu Jiuyue also came over.

"House of God?"

Chen Xi's eyes were full of chills.

"It's not the God's Academy. I was seriously injured when I fought against the Supreme Master Leng Xinghun and the others, but it's worth it to be able to eliminate two of their disciples. It's just that I didn't expect it. My luck seems to be a bit too bad. Today, I met Yinxuan and the East Emperor of the Shenyuan again, if it wasn't for Yechen and the others helping each other, I'm afraid..."

Gu Yan gasped and spoke, his voice a little hasty, before he finished speaking, cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

A strong man in the Ancestral God Realm with a peerless appearance has fallen to such a state at this moment, and he is so exhausted even talking, one can imagine how serious his injuries are.

"Don't talk too much, you can rest first, and leave everything else to me."

Chen Xi was resentful and distressed at the same time. After stopping Gu Yan from speaking, he looked at Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue.

"This time...thank you both."

Chen Xi took a deep breath and said.

Yechen smiled and said, "Aren't you surprised why people from our Taoist academy saved him?"

Chen Xi nodded calmly: "That's right, I just can't understand this point. Along the way, many Taoist disciples have been defeated by me."

"It does not matter."

Ye Chen shook his head, his expression became serious, and he said, "Because this is a Dao Contest, there are winners and losers, and I won't regard you as an enemy just because of these."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, looked at Ye Chen with a little surprise, and said, "Since that's the case, why did you help Gu Yan?"

Yechen and Yu Jiuyue looked at each other, and finally said frankly: "I just hope that you, Shenyan Mountain, don't hate the Taoist monastery."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes: "How do you say that?"

"Some people have made mistakes, so someone should make up for it. I just want to tell you that my Daoist Academy has always pursued a fair and just attitude to host this Dao Discussion Competition. But when things have developed to this point, I believe many people Didn't even think of it."

Ye Chen sighed softly, "I hate conspiracies the most. No matter what the reason is, such disgraceful means should not be used in the Dao Discussion Competition."

Chen Xi could feel that the other party was telling the truth, and he had even judged that Ye Chen probably already understood certain things, so he would adopt such methods to try to resolve his hostility towards the Dao Academy.

"If you make a mistake, it's not just compensation, but you have to pay a corresponding price for it. If you can't do this, forgive me."

Chen Xi was silent for a long time before speaking.

The attitude towards Chen Xi didn't make Yechen feel that it was too much. After thinking for a while, he nodded seriously and said, "I believe that the Daoist Academy will give you Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace an explanation."

Chen Xi said: "Then I will just wait and see."

"That's it, let's take my leave first, Chen Xi, no matter what, the Dao Discussion Competition must continue. I am really looking forward to the day when I fight with you. Maybe when we meet next time, we will be opponents."

Yechen smiled, put his hands behind his back, and Yu Jiuyue turned and left.

"These two guys are not bad."

Chen Xi stared at them leaving, pondered for a long time, finally shook his head, stopped thinking, and looked at Gu Yan.

"Little uncle, don't worry, just keep me here. Even if I get eliminated this time, I have no regrets. It is you who must persevere until the end."

Gu Yan felt Chen Xi's gaze, opened his eyes, and squeezed out a smile on his pale and transparent cheeks.

He was worried that he would drag Chen Xi down.

Chen Xi patted Gu Yan on the shoulder, and regardless of Gu Yan's objection, he carefully carried him on his back, and then said, "Heal your wounds with peace of mind, I'm here, no one can eliminate you."

The words are flat and calm, but there is a firm and unquestionable force.

Suddenly, an unstoppable warm current surged in Gu Yan's heart, he hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing more.

——This is the order of the little uncle.

He will never forget it in his life.


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