divine talisman

Chapter 1859 The last day

The No.20 five days of the third month of the Dao Contest.

There are only five days left before the curtain ends.

The atmosphere in Dao Cauldron World has become extremely tense. Even in the outside world, many ascetics feel nervous and almost suffocated.

Up to now, the disciples who can survive in the Dao Cauldron world are all masters among the masters, and all of them possess unrivaled prestige, like the arrogance of heaven leading an era.

At the same time, the situation in the Dao Cauldron World has long since become extremely clear, and it is no longer as it was before, and it is difficult to find an opponent.

All because of that Ming Dao ancient tripod.

This treasure cannot be put away, and the obscure dao energy permeating the whole body cannot be concealed at all. Taking it into action is like a lighthouse in the night, not only cannot hide its whereabouts, but even attracts many prying eyes.

Today, the 25 Mingdao ancient tripods have been completely divided among the five poles of the imperial domain, which means that when these disciples act, they will be easily discovered by the other party.

In such circumstances, conflict and fighting are simply unavoidable.

It can even be said that in today's Dao Ding world, there will be one tragic duel after another almost every day!


It is worth mentioning that the No.20 five days in the third month of the Dao Dao Competition.

A battle broke out between Li Lufeng and his party from the Taoist Academy and Donghuang Yinxuan and his party from the Divine Academy, which attracted the attention of all monks from the outside world.

Since the last duel with Chen Xi and Kong Youran, Li Lufeng and the others still have 18 people, but unfortunately, this kind of strength no longer holds much advantage.

During these days' actions, Li Lufeng and the others from the Dao Academy have gone through many battles, winning or losing. Up to now, including Li Lufeng, there are still fourteen descendants left.

On the other hand, there are thirteen palm print disciples in the Divine Academy, including Donghuang Yinxuan. It seems that there is only one person less than the Taoist Academy, but the real combat power of Lun is much higher than that of the Taoist Academy.

The reason is very simple, not only Donghuang Yinxuan sits in the temple, but also Zhu Qianyu, Gongsun Mu and other outstanding figures accompany him.

On the Taoist side, there is only one Li Lufeng sitting in charge. Although the other successors also have superb combat power, they can't find anyone who can compare with Zhu Qianyu and Gongsun Mu.

Of course, if Yechen and Yu Jiuyue were present, such a situation would definitely not happen.

Unfortunately, the two of Yechen were not there.

There was not much suspense about the outcome of the battle. In the end, the Daoist Academy lost seven disciples, lost two ancient Mingdao tripods, and the remaining 11 people had to flee.

On the side of the temple, four palm print disciples were eliminated, leaving nine successors.

This battle was particularly tragic, and it also caused the Taoist Academy to completely lose its original advantages.

Up to now, the ancient inscription dao tripods in the hands of the Taoist priests have changed from the original six to four, and two of them are still in the hands of Yechen and Yu Jiuyue respectively.

This was undoubtedly an extremely heavy blow to Li Lufeng.

But there is no way, this Dao Discussion Competition has continued until now, except for Shenyan Mountain, the other four major forces have all turned their eyes red in order to seize more ancient Ming Dao tripods, even if they have always regarded themselves as neutral The Taoist monastery can't stay out of it at all.


The No.20 seven days of the third month of Dao Dao Competition.

Kong Youran and his party from Nuwa Palace clashed with Leng Xingsun and his party from the Supreme Sect.

This was an almost evenly matched match, and in the end, one disciple was eliminated on the side of Nuwa Palace, leaving seven people.

On the side of the Supreme Sect, one disciple was also eliminated, and there were eight remaining.

Same day.

The Supreme Master Leng Xinghun and his party and the Eastern Emperor Yinxuan of the Divine Academy gathered together and acted together.


The No.20 nine days of the third month of the Dao Dao Competition.

Li Lufeng's luck seems to have started to turn bad. Under his leadership, a group of disciples from the Taoist Academy unfortunately encountered a joint attack from the heirs of the two major forces, the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy.

In the end, Yechen and Yu Jiuyue, who arrived in time, helped to avoid annihilation of the whole army.

But in this battle, four disciples were eliminated from the Taoist Academy again, and after adding Yechen and Yu Jiuyue, there were only nine left.


These tragic duels broke out frequently, and almost every match was shocking, causing an unknown amount of uproar and shock from the outside world.

Until later, even the big figures in the Guiyuan Hall couldn't keep calm, and they were all worried about the descendants of their respective sects.

Too tragic!

As the time for the end of the curtain approached, the world of the Dao Cauldron became completely turbulent, with a chilling atmosphere pervading, and terrifying murderous intentions surging everywhere.

No matter which side the successors of the forces have used all their means, they dare not have any reservations at all.

Everything is just for Ming Dao Ancient Cauldron.

As long as you have an ancient Mingdao tripod, it means you have the qualification to enter the second round of the Dao Discussion Competition, and you have the opportunity to enter the chaotic ruins!

Under such circumstances, who would dare to keep it?

"There is only the last day left, who will win, tomorrow will reveal!"

"Now there are only three people left in Shenyan Mountain, seven people from Nuwa Palace, eight people from Taishangjiao, nine people from Shenyuan, and nine people from Taoist Academy. In addition to Shenyan Mountain, the descendants of the other four major forces want to enter the first place. In the second round of discussion, there are still a few ancient inscriptions. Tomorrow is their last chance!"

"That's right. The three descendants of Shenyan Mountain each have an ancient inscription, the Nuwa Palace has five tripods, the Supreme Sect has six tripods, the Divine Academy has seven tripods, and the Taoist Temple has four tripods. In other words, the seminary clearly has a great advantage."

"Now that the Divine Academy and the preachers of the Supreme Sect have joined together again, I'm afraid there will be a full-scale attack tomorrow to snatch more ancient Mingdao cauldrons."

"Everything depends on tomorrow!"

That night, many ascetics were discussing, looking forward to tomorrow, and looking forward to the final result when the Dao Discussion Competition ends.

In the Guiyuan Hall.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it."

Loew, the priest in the red robe of the Supreme Master, sighed with emotion, and his voice echoed in the hall.

Not only him, but Chisongzi, Wen Ting, Yu Zhen, and even Huai Kongzi did not expect that the Dao Contest, which lasted for nearly three months, would develop to what it is today.

It's just that they have their own thoughts, and their ideas are naturally different.

From Loew and Chisongzi's point of view, they have already made enough preparations and extremely rigorous plans for this Dao Discussion Competition.

According to their expectations, it is impossible for Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace to still have so many descendants persisting in the Dao Cauldron World when the Dao Discussion Competition has been going on until now.

Unfortunately, something unexpected happened.

There were many reasons for the accident, but from the perspective of Lu Fu and Chi Songzi, most of the variables appeared in this Chen Xi.

Yes, they never expected that Chen Xi's fighting power would be so strong. Not only did he successfully avoid many crises, but he also caused them to lose many disciples from the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy.

But things have developed to such a point that their only hope now is to completely eliminate the three descendants of Shenyan Mountain before the end of the Dao Discussion Competition tomorrow!

As for Wen Ting and Yu Zhen, they also did not expect that their descendants would suffer such a heavy loss.

They thought it was a conspiracy, and they couldn't accept Huai Kongzi's explanation. Maybe they would ask the Taoist Academy for an explanation when the Dao Discussion Competition was over!

Similarly, they are also hoping that the descendants of their respective sects can persevere until the end and enter the second round of Dao Discussion Competition.

For Huai Kongzi and other Taoist teaching elders, they also did not expect that the situation would evolve to such a point in a Dao debate.

Not only did the disciples of their Dao Academy suffer heavy losses, but in the process, they also offended Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, and the Supreme Sect and the God Academy invisibly.

So for Huai Kongzi at this moment, he couldn't feel better at all, and they were even under great pressure.

Now their only hope is that there will be no more unexpected situations!


"Have you noticed that Chen Xi of Shenyan Mountain seems to have very good luck? Since the third month of entering the Dao Discussion Competition, other people have fought countless times, but he has never met a single person along the way. opponent!"

"Huh? After what you said, I also discovered that this Chen Xi's luck is really good."

"Unfortunately, the luck of the other disciples of Shenyan Mountain is not very good, otherwise, how could there be only Chen Xi and the others left? Compared with the other four major forces, Shenyan Mountain's achievements in this first round of Dao discussion are not so good. Bad."

"Is it bad? That's not necessarily the case. Don't forget that there are only ten disciples participating in the Dao Discussion Competition in Shenyan Mountain this time. It is not easy to achieve this step."

"Stop arguing. Didn't you realize that this first round of Dao Discussion Competition has been a bit off-putting from the very beginning, and too many strange things have happened."

"I don't bother to pay attention to these things. Now I only look forward to the second round of Dao Discussion Competition, where I can really see one-on-one peak duels, instead of these chaotic group battles and killings."

There were constant discussions from the outside world, but in the Dao Cauldron World, it was completely silent. All the battles fell silent on this last night.

As if there was a tacit understanding, the descendants of each of the five major forces chose to recharge their batteries tonight instead of dispatching any more.

They all knew that tomorrow's Dao Contest will end, but the period before the end is destined to be extremely dangerous, far more dangerous than ever before!

"Tomorrow is the last day..."

Under the darkness of night, beside a dense forest and stream, Chen Xi frowned and muttered, "I haven't seen any other disciples in our sect until now. Could it be that they have all been eliminated?"

Gu Yan on the side opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, and his heart was quite heavy.

"Forget it, everything will become clear when the Competence on Understanding the Dao is over."

Chen Xi shook his head, no longer thinking about it, but secretly decided in his heart, until the last moment, he would never give up his search for other fellow disciples.

However, Chen Xi was equally clear that whether he could persist until the end of the Dao Contest tomorrow was a severe test for himself and Gu Yan.


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