divine talisman

Chapter 1860 Luck is out

Under the same night.

On the top of a precipitous mountain, the bright moon hangs high, shedding silvery light.

"Actually, so far in the Dao Discussion Grand Competition, no matter whether it is my Grand Master or your God Academy, they have already gained a huge advantage. The only regret is that none of us have been able to eliminate Chen Xi."

With his hands behind his back, Leng Xinghun stood proudly on the side of the mountain, his clothes fluttering and his long blood-colored hair fluttering, as if he was going to ride the wind.

"There's nothing I can do about it. In the past three months, I've never met him head-on."

On one side, Donghuang Yinxuan leaned lazily on an ancient Cangqiu tree, resting his head on his arms, squinting his eyes at the full moon in the sky.

He has a free and easy demeanor, he doesn't seem to take anything in his heart, he is completely different from the cold and aloof Leng Xinghun.

"Don't you think... this is a little abnormal?"

Leng Xinghun asked with a frown.

"There are so many abnormal things, I don't have the strength to think so much."

Donghuang Yinxuan said casually.

Leng Xinghun turned around and glanced at Donghuang Yinxuan, seemingly dissatisfied with the other party's attitude.

But in the end, he just shook his head and said: "This Chen Xi is different. I heard from the elders in the teaching that this son's fate is unpredictable, and he is the ninth Hetu enlightener. You should be clear about what all this means. What."

Donghuang Yinxuan narrowed his eyes, was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "No wonder your grand master is so eager to deal with him. It turns out that there is another guy like Fuxi ancestor in this world."

Leng Xinghun shook his head and said: "No, he is different from Fuxi. Since then, when he was practicing in the Three Realms, my Supreme Master has been paying attention to him. He is not just a simple descendant of Shenyan Mountain, nor is he a simple The River Map Enlightener."


Donghuang Yinxuan seemed to be refreshed, his eyes became bright, and he said with great interest: "Then what do you think is different about him?"

"I can only tell you that this son may be related to the third Nether Emperor. As a descendant of the Eastern Emperor, you should be very clear about what this means."

Leng Xinghun said indifferently.

"The third Nether Emperor..."

Donghuang Yinxuan repeated it in his mouth, the originally free and easy expression, at this moment, became a little bit serious, exuding a rare and incomparable majesty.

"This is just one of them. There are still many secrets in this son. What I can be sure of is that if he is allowed to grow up, he will definitely become a confidant to both your seminary and my grand master in the future." Big trouble!"

Leng Xinghun's words were indifferent, he stopped every word, he was not joking, let alone boasting, Donghuang Yinxuan could hear it.

"I didn't expect that there are so many secrets hidden in this guy."

After a while, Donghuang Yinxuan sighed softly.

"So, tomorrow is the last chance. In any case, he must be eliminated from the competition, so that he will completely lose his chance to enter the Chaos Relic!"

Leng Xinghun spoke calmly, but every word was full of murderous intent.

"It seems..."

Donghuang Yinxuan took a deep breath and murmured: "That's the only way to go."


"Senior Sister Kong, I'm a little worried about Chen Xi."

On the bank of a mighty river, Shi Yu stood on a rock, watching the waves rushing and splashing under the moonlight, but couldn't help sighing.

He had already learned about Chen Xi's situation from Kong Youran's mouth, and he also knew that in order to deal with Shenyan Mountain, the Supreme Master even used the "Adverse Luck Divine Disk" and other treasures of the town school.

"Tomorrow is the last day. If anything happens then, we will do our best to help."

Kong Youran sat on one side, stuck her white and delicate feet into the river, and said casually, "Of course, the premise is that we can find him."

"That's what worries me."

Shi Yu frowned.

"It's useless to worry, leave everything to God's will."

Kong Youran was silent for a moment, then thoughtfully said, "However, I don't think Chen Xi is that easy to deal with."


This night, many people couldn't calm down.

But no matter what, as time went by, the last day came after all.

A round of scorching sun derived from the Golden Crow jumped out of the clouds, dispelled the darkness, and illuminated the entire Dao Cauldron world.

Today is the last day of the third month of the Dao Discussion Competition, and everything will come to an end when night falls!


It was just dawn.

Tu Meng woke up from the meditation, stood up suddenly, and stretched long in the face of the rising sun.

Immediately, he shook his head, strode away from the spot, and muttered in his mouth while flying.

"It's the last day, don't let anything happen..."

"Hey, it's just too strange. Why haven't I seen the little uncle and the others? Could it be that they have already been eliminated?"

"No, no, I've been able to persist until now, my little uncle and the others are much better than me, so nothing will happen."

In the wilderness, I saw Tumeng's majestic mountain figure, facing the morning sun, striding forward like a shooting star.

But no one knew that this blunt bull with a straight temper was also full of troubles at the moment.

In fact, everyone in the outside world has noticed that Chen Xi's luck has been very good in recent days, but few people have noticed that Tu Meng is the luckiest one.

From the beginning of the Dao Discussion Competition to now, he has never fought against anyone, and even after obtaining the Ming Dao Ancient Cauldron, he has not been spied on by others.

I have to say that all of this is like a miracle, which seems incredible.

Even Tu Meng himself was puzzled. He felt as if he was alone in the entire Dao Cauldron world. He couldn't find Chen Xi and the others, and he couldn't meet a single opponent. This feeling was too lonely.

Of course, Tumon knew very well that it wasn't that he couldn't meet his opponent, but that he had already turned his head and fled before the opponent found him.

The reason why this step can be achieved is all due to a wonderful secret method inherited from their golden-patterned Kui Niu clan, which can smell the breath of the other party from a very long distance.

It was with the help of such secret techniques that he avoided his opponent time and time again.

Tu Meng was war-loving like a madman, and he was not afraid of anything, but he was not stupid, and he knew very well that if he was not careful, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

Therefore, he escaped again and again, so he seemed very cowardly.

But Tu Meng thinks that he is definitely not a coward. In order to prove all this, he has made up his mind. When he successfully enters the second round of Dao Discussion Competition, he will find an opponent to fight fiercely, so that all the ascetics outside can see Let's see if Tumon is a coward.

But unfortunately, on the last day of the Dao Discussion Competition, Tumon's luck seemed to disappear all of a sudden. Not long after, he noticed that a group of people were approaching him from a very far away.

Almost subconsciously, Tumon turned his head and fled.

But only for a moment, he stopped again, because at this moment, he realized that there was also a group of people coming behind him.

Tu Meng's face darkened suddenly, he took a sip, and changed direction to try to escape, but it was a step too late.

Whoosh whoosh~~~

There was a dense sound of piercing through the air, and the time and space in all directions fluctuated suddenly, reflecting figures one after another.

Those in the lead are Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan!

When he saw them, Tumon's expression sank again.

"Huh? It's not Chen Xi."

"It seems that we found another missing fish in Shenyan Mountain by mistake this time, and we are lucky."

Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan spoke one after another, with a hint of surprise in their words, as if they did not expect that the guy they accidentally intercepted would be Tu Meng.

"Bah! Leaky fish? I think you look like a group of fat prey."

At this moment, Tu Meng went all out, cast a sideways glance at Leng Xinghun and the others, and spat a disdainful mouthful.

Having said that, a surge of incomparable golden divine radiance suddenly surged out of his body, and his aura suddenly climbed to the peak state, like an ancient God of War waking up from a deep sleep, and his momentum was astonishing.

Regarding this, Leng Xinghun just smiled, didn't care at all, turned his head and said to the others: "Don't make a move, let me subdue this stupid cow."

When he was speaking, he stepped forward suddenly, his palms and fingers were like knives, and he slashed down.


A streak of blood flowed across the sky, understated and seemingly ordinary, but when it fell into Tu Meng's eyes, his expression changed suddenly, and he smelled a dangerous aura.

"If you want to subdue Lao Tzu, you don't even look at yourself!"

Tumon roared, and threw out a huge golden axe. With a bang, it crushed time and space, and shook it hard.

This giant golden ax is extremely dazzling, one foot long, the surface of the ax looks like a full moon, the edges are unparalleled, and the surface is imprinted with dense and obscure dao patterns, transpiring billions of golden brilliance.

Facing opponents like Leng Xinghun, Tu Meng obviously used all his strength and dared not hold back.


But in just a split second, he felt the huge ax in his hand shake violently, and a strong force was transmitted through the axe, which made his whole body churn, and he couldn't help kicking back a few steps, the ground cracked , spread and collapsed like a spider.

All of a sudden, Tu Meng's face became extremely serious.

Just one blow made him realize that there was more than a gap between his combat power and Leng Xinghun's.

"Heh, your strength is much worse than that of your big brother Gu Yan, that's all, I don't bother to deal with you, so I'll send you out of Dao Cauldron World!"

Amidst the chuckle, Leng Xinghun took another step forward, his hair flying with blood, his eyes opened and closed, reflecting an incomparably frightening glare of blood.

He grabbed it with his right hand from the air, as if capturing a dragon and controlling a crane, forming a strange handprint, he headed towards Tumeng and killed him.


This piece of time and space exploded, and thick blood-colored divine chains appeared out of thin air, tens of thousands, densely packed, entwined with terrifying blood-colored divine brilliance.

Looking from a distance, it looks like tentacles gushing out of the sea of ​​blood in purgatory, as if they are going to drag this whole world into purgatory and sink into it.looks horrific,

"The Supreme Master teaches 'Blood God's Forbidden'? It's really powerful." A strange color appeared in the eyes of Donghuang Yinxuan on one side.

But at this moment, Tu Meng's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley, this blow was too terrifying, it blocked all his escape routes in all directions, and there was no escape, no escape.

He even knew that if he was imprisoned by those bloody god chains, even his own soul would not be able to break free!

How to do?

Could it be that this time, he was really going to be eliminated on the last day?

An extremely strong unwillingness welled up in Tu Meng's heart.


ps: It's gone tonight.


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