divine talisman

Chapter 1862 Generous

The purple sun soared into the sky, shining brightly, rendering the world into a mysterious purple.

The mountains and rocks in this world suddenly melted, and the vegetation was burned to ashes. The world seemed to be trapped in a furnace of troubled times, and thousands of waves of purple fire evaporated, surging like a sea of ​​purple fire.

Daziyang Town Demon God Art!

Leng Xinghun's eyelids twitched, as if he hadn't expected that Donghuang Yinxuanfu would display such a supreme method as soon as he made a move. This was not a temptation, but a real move to keep Chen Xi behind!


The purple sun was like a fire, and wherever it passed, everything was burned, and its speed was extremely fast, and it came to the top of Chen Xi's head in an instant.


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and the Banchen Sword suddenly came out of its sheath, slashing away with a simple and natural sword energy.

Mysterious Heart Swordsmanship - Jie Niu Style!

With a bang, that round of purple sun was cut into two, and the flames splashed.

Suffering this blow, although it didn't cause any damage to Chen Xi, it made his flying speed obviously weaken a bit.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Qingxu Shenzhou came pressing on.

"The strength is really good, take another blow from me!"

Seeing this, Donghuang Yinxuan smiled generously, grabbed his slender white palm suddenly, and a round of purple sun rose into the sky again.

It can be seen with the naked eye that this round of purple sun is menacing, and it is obviously stronger than before. As soon as it appeared, the world was in chaos, and a terrifying aura permeated it, as if it was about to completely melt this world!

"At this time, it is not suitable to fight alone!"

Leng Xing's soul blood was flying, and he shot at the same moment. In an instant, thousands of thick blood-colored chains were condensed, criss-crossing, like a cage on the road, and crushed towards Chen Xi.

Forbidden by the Blood God!

Obviously, he wanted to cooperate with Donghuang Yinxuan to make a quick decision so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Chen Xi is in danger!

The ascetics outside gasped, their expressions shocked.

Peerless figures like Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan join hands to attack. Among the powerful Ancestral Gods in the whole world, who can stop them?

Not only that, but when the two of them attacked, those descendants of the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy also mobilized one after another, sacrificed divine treasures, performed magical techniques, and besieged Chen Xi together.

It wasn't that they thought that Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan couldn't deal with Chen Xi, but that they knew very well that at such a moment, they had to hurry up and get rid of Chen Xi.

After all, this is the last day of the Dao Discussion Competition, if Chen Xi takes the opportunity to escape, the consequences will be hard to say.

All of a sudden, the purple sun swept across the sky, the bloody divine chains danced, one divine treasure screamed, and one after another magical techniques poured out, causing everything to fall into a great turmoil, and the scene was extremely horrifying!

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

Wen Ting's face suddenly turned pale.

Shentu Yanran, Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing and the others were completely frozen there.

Lu Fu and Chi Songzi had a smug smile on their lips.


At this moment, Chen Xi also felt a dangerous aura, which stimulated his whole body to boil and shake.

But his expression was still indifferent and calm, and his eyes were still cold without any emotional fluctuations.


This time, instead of using the Banchen Sword, he took out an umbrella.

An innate spiritual treasure inherited from the Jin family in the imperial domain——"Qingni Golden Bone Umbrella"!

All of a sudden, the surface of the umbrella became hundreds of times larger, and billions of blue radiances glowed, blocking Chen Xi and the others.


That round of purple sun, those thick blood-colored chains, those divine treasures and all kinds of supreme Taoism, all blasted on the Qingni Golden Bone Umbrella almost instantly.

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, this piece of heaven and earth collapsed suddenly, unable to withstand this terrifying collision, everything within a radius of [-] li was smashed together at the same moment.

Chen Xi suffered an extremely powerful impact all over his body, his face turned pale, and he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood from his lips.

Instead of resisting this force, he forcibly endured the danger of being injured. With the help of this force, he escaped again, obviously faster than before.

"In order to escape, I don't even want this innate spirit treasure..."

Amidst the smoke and dust, there was a burst of disdainful sneer.

"Put this treasure away, let's continue to chase, with the Qingxu Shenzhou, I want to see how long he can escape!"

Donghuang Yinxuan smiled coldly and gave orders.

A disciple dispatched to put away the Qingni Golden Bone Umbrella.

But at this moment, Leng Xinghun seemed to notice something, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said sharply: "Quickly hide!"


Many people were startled. What else is there to hide at this time?


At this moment, a deafening and terrifying explosion resounded throughout the nine heavens and ten earths. The blue neon gold bone umbrella suddenly exploded, spreading out a torrent of indescribable power, sweeping in all directions, engulfing the entire world. This piece of heaven and earth.

Looking from a distance, it seemed as if a hundred thousand volcanoes erupted together, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. The terrifying power produced shocked many ascetics from the outside world and made them tremble all over.

This is horrible!

Who would have imagined that an innate spiritual treasure that was born in the chaos and could not be found suddenly exploded at this moment! ?

Who would have thought that such an existence as the Xiantian Lingbao could be destroyed?

And obviously, all of this is from Chen Xi's handwriting!


The divine splendor ran and covered the whole field. In this sudden explosion, three people were caught off guard on the spot, were involved in the turbulent flow of the explosion, and were eliminated directly.

Two of them were disciples of the palm seal of the temple, and one was a descendant of the ancestors of the Supreme Sect. They didn't even scream, and their fate was extremely miserable.

Not only them, although Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and others avoided this catastrophe, they were affected by it, and they seemed quite embarrassed.

And what caused all of this was the self-destruct power of an innate spirit treasure!

But this is also normal. Before the undead galaxy, Nandu Dijun and other figures were seriously injured and almost died under such power.

In contrast, it is reasonable for the Qingni Golden Bone Umbrella to explode to cause such destructive power.

But for Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and others, they couldn't accept all this at all.

At this moment, their faces were gloomy, and their eyes were ready to breathe fire. They never thought that such an accident would happen.

"Chasing! No matter what price you pay this time, you will be eliminated!"

Leng Xinghun's voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, revealing an incomparably chilling hatred.


Donghuang Yinxuan uttered a word lightly from his lips, and the next moment, he drove the Qingxu Shenzhou, carrying everyone away through the air.

At this moment, they really hated Chen Xi to the core.


"Explode an innate spiritual treasure! God, how did Chen Xi do it?"

"Great, absolutely generous, that's an innate treasure!"

Before, many ascetics in the outside world were still worried about Chen Xi's situation, but when they saw this scene, they suddenly became overwhelmed, and they were all stunned by the shock.

Who could have imagined that Chen Xi's method of resolving this crisis would be to take a slanted sword and make such a big commotion?

"What a big deal. If I'm not mistaken, it's the Qingni Golden Bone Umbrella inherited by the Jin Family in the Imperial Region. Even if it's damaged, how could Chen Xi feel distressed?"

"Ha, so that's the case, yes, yes, the one who should be distressed should be the Emperor Jin family."

"But this time, Chen Xi completely offended the Jin family of the Imperial Region."

Someone pointed out the origin of the Qingni Golden Bone Umbrella, which caused many ascetics to react and burst out laughing.

However, they had to admit that Chen Xi's move was indeed formidable. If it were someone else, they would rather be eliminated than destroy an innate spirit treasure.

Of course, even if they were willing to do this, they might not be able to do this.

After all, it was a congenital spiritual treasure, and there were very few people in this world who could completely destroy it, let alone one who displayed an incomparably incomparably powerful power like Chen Xi.

"so far so good……"

Yu Zhenchang heaved a sigh of relief. Since she practiced so far, she has never been as nervous as before. Seeing that Chen Xi is temporarily out of trouble, her hanging heart is also relaxed a lot.


Both Lu Fu and Chi Songzi were a little bit unwilling, but they also knew that this hunt was not over yet.

They didn't believe that Chen Xi was able to avoid the joint pursuit from Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and others this time.


In front of a rolling mountain range.

Chen Xi stopped walking abruptly, his gaze swept around, and he landed in a canyon among the mountains.

"Depending on the situation, we have been locked by the other party this time, and it is difficult to escape. In this case, we can only use some other means."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the boiling blood in his body, and said with a stern expression.

"Uncle Master, what do you want?"

Tumon couldn't help asking.


While speaking, Chen Xi rose out of thin air, and with a swipe of his palm, streams of sword energy shot out, spreading in all directions.

In an instant, the mountains within a radius of a hundred miles were cut and razed to the ground.

After finishing all of this, Chen Xi didn't hesitate any longer, stepped on the pole, and moved in the void. At the same time, he waved his sleeve robe, splashing out one piece after another of dense and obscure runes.


In an instant, runes circulated in this piece of heaven and earth, densely packed, glowing with gorgeous divine brilliance, reflecting the sky and earth.


Chen Xi let out a sound from his lips, and then heard a bang, a piece of runes were densely intertwined, and suddenly outlined a pattern of a divine talisman, sitting in the eastern land.

Qing Emperor Wood Emperor divine talisman!

Seeing this, Gu Yan and Tu Meng couldn't help showing a look of amazement in their eyes, and with a flick of their fingers, the divine talisman took shape!

This kind of incomparable talisman attainment is far beyond them!

As far as they know, even in Shenyan Mountain, only Wen Ting and other emperors can achieve this step.




... Just when Gu Yan and Tu Meng were amazed, voices came out from Chen Xi's lips, shaking the world.

Just like a decree from heaven, the next moment, one after another divine talisman patterns emerged out of thin air, reflecting the world, releasing different powerful powers.

They are the Golden Emperor's talisman of the White Emperor, the Water Emperor's talisman of the Black Emperor, the Fire Emperor's talisman of the Red Emperor, the Earth Emperor's talisman of the Yellow Emperor, the Thunder Emperor's talisman of the Xuandi Emperor, the Godly talisman of the Emperor Xun of the Wind, and the Divine talisman of the Demon Ancestor Spirit Emperor. .


ps: The next chapter will be around 12 o'clock in the morning.


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