divine talisman

Chapter 1863 Eight God Array

To correct a small typo, the Qingni Golden Bone Umbrella is the innate spiritual treasure of the Kunwu Clan of the Diyu, not the Jin Clan of the Diyu.



The eight divine talisman patterns, sitting in the direction of the eight poles of the world, reflect the grand, obscure, and infinite fluctuations, and the gorgeous and blazing divine brilliance overflows, completely covering this area.

They echo each other and build together to form a perfect array of divine talismans. As soon as it is formed, it communicates with the power of heaven and earth, reflecting various terrifying visions.

The praises of the gods, the chanting of the sages, the golden flowers, the auspicious clouds, and the resounding sound of the Tao made the area look like a sacred and pure land!

This is the "communicating the power of heaven and earth, summoning the power of spirits and gods" in the divine talisman. Without the attainments of the talisman emperor, it is impossible to achieve this step.


"A good method. Under such circumstances, the only way to avoid this catastrophe is to form an array!"

"Is this the talisman inheritance of Shenyan Mountain? Sure enough, it is rare to see it. Such a scene is enough to shock the ancients, and it looks down upon most people in the talisman world!"

"That is the divine talisman! The power of Shenyan Mountain's core inheritance is unimaginable. This Chen Xi has reached such a level in the talisman way. He is indeed the junior of the great gentleman Wu Xuechan."

"Don't be too happy, this is just a formation after all, I don't think Chen Xi and the others can stop Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and the others by relying on this."

When they saw everything that Chen Xi had arranged, it immediately caused countless uproars from the outside world. Some people were amazed, while others didn't take it seriously.

But no matter what, being able to witness the power of Shenyan Mountain's talisman inheritance at this time still surprised most of the ascetics outside.

Putting it aside, how could they have the opportunity to witness this scene?

So rare!


After doing all this, Chen Xi didn't stop.

Under the gaze of all the astonished eyes, he took out treasures full of divine light and chaotic energy.

That is a piece of innate spiritual treasure!

"God, that's the apricot-yellow flag of the Pei family in the imperial domain!"

"Look, there is also the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb of the Jin Family of the Imperial Domain!"

"Wait, isn't that the Lingwu Divine Sword of the Luo clan of the Imperial Region?"

"Not only that, but also the Ancient Realm of Soul Refinement, the Divine Bell of Blood Desolation, the Copper Coin of Falling Treasures, and the Great Luotian..."

When seeing this scene, the outside world completely boiled, and one after another exclaimed, causing an uproar.

Shock and disbelief were written all over the faces of almost all ascetics.

Who could have imagined that there are so many innate treasures hidden in Chen Xi's body?

Moreover, most of these innate spiritual treasures come from other top forces in the Imperial Domain, and they are all famous treasures.

Now, with so many spirit treasures appearing in the hands of Chen Xi all at once, one can only imagine the magnitude of the shock caused.

There were also clansmen from the Luo clan, Gongye clan, Kunwu clan, Pei clan, Zhai clan and other top powers present.

When he saw this scene, his face immediately darkened, and an uncontrollable anger welled up in his heart.

These are all treasures of their clan!

Now they are all used by Chen Xi, making their hearts almost bleed, but there is nothing they can do.

These innate spirit treasures were captured by Chen Xi in the ancient ruins of Manggu. If Chen Xi was an ordinary cultivator, he would have been caught and killed by them a hundred times already.

But unfortunately, Chen Xi was a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, so they could only suffer from this big loss, and they didn't dare to ask Chen Xi for these treasures.

"With so many treasures, what exactly is Chen Xi going to do?"

Soon, people became curious.



With a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve, the apricot-yellow flag of Shutu suddenly turned into a ray of light, which was inserted into the divine talisman of the Yellow Emperor.

In an instant, the momentum of the entire divine talisman suddenly skyrocketed, becoming more and more unbreakable.

Gu Yan and Tu Meng's reactions were the fastest, and they immediately saw that Chen Xi was going to use the innate spiritual treasure as his eyes to completely enhance the power of the divine talisman!

bang bang bang...

Sure enough, the next moment Chen Xi continued to act, inserting each piece of innate spiritual treasure into the other seven divine talismans.

When all this was completed, the aura of the entire divine talisman formation suddenly rose steadily and became more and more immeasurable.

At this point, Chen Xi stopped his movements, and sat down on the ground, out of breath, his face was slightly pale.

From setting up the formation to the present, all these things seem to be light and easy, but they have actually consumed most of Chen Xi's painstaking efforts and strength. If he hadn't been supported by the Cangwu Sacred Tree, his Taoist cultivation base would have reached the third level of the [Original Heart Sutra]. Can't even do it all.

"Uncle Master, what is the name of this array?"

Tumon asked curiously.

"Let's call it the Octopus Array."

Chen Xi said casually.

While speaking, he took a deep breath and crossed his legs.

The big formation is completed, but it needs to be controlled by him if it wants to run completely.

"I only hope that with this formation, we can persist until the end of the Dao Discussion Competition..."

Chen Xi's eyes were deep and deep, and he looked out of the big formation from afar.

"If I can enter the second round of Dao Discussion Competition this time, I, Man Niu, will definitely let the Taishangjiao and those bastards of the Holy Academy have a taste of it!"

Tumon gritted his teeth and said harshly.

"It's inevitable."

Gu Yan's eyes were also cold and murderous.

Before, he was besieged along the way, and he was almost eliminated from the competition. All this was not because of his poor combat effectiveness, but because there were too many opponents.

If it was one-on-one, even if Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan came, he would not be afraid!

"Watch out, they're coming."

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly made a sound.



"This guy is really powerful. He knew he couldn't escape, so he decided to put all his eggs in one basket."

With a crash, the Qingxu Shenzhou appeared out of thin air and came before the "Eight Extremes Array". When seeing this scene, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan both squinted their eyes.

The faces of the other disciples were also a little ugly.

As we all know, Shenyan Mountain Talisman Dao is famous all over the world, and there is no one who can compare with it. Under such circumstances, no one can be happy when encountering such a large array of divine talismans.

"Among you, is there anyone who can see the flaws in this divine array?"

Leng Xinghun asked aloud.

The Taishangjiao and the disciples of the seminary all looked at each other in blank dismay and remained silent.

Among them, there are many people who are proficient in talismans, but in front of the disciples of Shenyan Mountain, how dare they try to break the formation?

Seeing this, Leng Xinghun frowned, and suddenly turned his gaze to the divine formation, and said coldly, "Chen Xi, do you think that a divine formation can save the day?"

"If you don't try it, how will you know?"

Chen Xi spoke indifferently, and he could clearly see everyone in Leng Xinghun through the divine formation.


A disciple of the Supreme Sect couldn't help it, and said sharply, "If you have the guts, don't be a coward. Is this what you descendants of Shenyan Mountain are capable of?"

"Bah! You still have the guts to say that. I, Man Niu, have never seen such brazen people like you. If you didn't make a move together this time, I would have skinned you one by one!"

Before Chen Xi could speak, Tu Meng gave a vicious mouthful.

Leng Xinghun frowned again, stopped this meaningless scolding, and said indifferently: "Chen Xi, I can give you one last chance, our goal is only you, as long as you are eliminated, we can let you go." past your two companions. What do you think?"

"Absolutely not!"

Gu Yan and Tu Meng spoke in unison.

Regarding this, Leng Xinghun didn't pay attention to it, but just looked into the divine formation, as if waiting for Chen Xi's reply.

"How about I make a condition for you too?"

Chen Xi spoke calmly.

"But it doesn't matter."

Leng Xinghun said without hesitation.

"You and Donghuang Yinxuan give up this Dao Discussion Competition with me, okay? It's a good deal to replace the two of you with me."

Chen Xi said calmly.

Leng Xinghun's pupils had a glint of brilliance, and he was really angry.

"There is no need to waste your tongue. If this continues, it will only delay for a longer time."

Donghuang Yinxuan took a deep breath and said, "Let's fight, before night falls, we can solve all this."


Leng Xinghun was silent for a moment, and said two words lightly from his lips.

In an instant, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan made a bold move.

The former sacrificed a black jade ruler, and the latter sacrificed an ancient bronze sword, and smashed down towards the "Baji God Formation" one after another.

At this moment, the two of them sacrificed their respective divine treasures at the first time, obviously determined to do their best to destroy this divine formation in the shortest possible time!

This battle broke out suddenly, and all the key points fell on the "Eight Extremes Array".


Under the attack of the two people, the entire Baji God Formation suddenly fluctuated, with circles of ripples, overflowing with divine brilliance, reflecting the nine heavens and ten earths,

Almost at the same time, without any hesitation, Chen Xi activated the power of the entire large formation to resist and resolve this attack with all his strength.

"The power doesn't seem to be as strong as imagined."

With one blow, Leng Xinghun roughly judged the power of the "Octopolar Array" in front of him, and the corners of his lips curled up in a stern arc.

"Let's do it together, don't keep it!"

He ordered in a deep voice, and attacked again.


The other disciples didn't dare to be negligent at all, and they shot one after another, using all their skills. Suddenly, this world was plunged into a shocking shock, and all kinds of divine treasures flew into the air, pouring out blazing and dazzling rays of light.

In the divine formation, Chen Xi had a stern expression, sitting cross-legged on the ground, controlling the eight-direction divine talisman, and constantly defusing the defensive force that came upon it.

His divine power was transpiring all over his body, and his whole body released blazing divine brilliance. The divine power in the universe in his body was like a flood flooded into the formation, maintaining the operation of the entire formation.

It is a pity that this is in the Dao Cauldron world, there is no source of power that can be used as the foundation of the formation. If it is outside, Chen Xi can completely use the power of heaven and earth as the source of power, and defuse all attacks without any effort.

Fortunately, he has the Cangwu Divine Tree in his body, which can continuously provide him with divine power, making up for this defect to a large extent.

But there are also disadvantages, that is, once the divine power controlled by Chen Xi cannot bear the consumption of running the divine formation, it will be dangerous!

This was what Chen Xi was most worried about.


ps: Sorry, I had a chat with the editor about the future plot, and I was delayed for some time. This chapter is a bit late.


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