divine talisman

Chapter 1865 The last 3 hours

After hearing Donghuang Yinxuan's words, Leng Xinghun was also silent for a while.

After a long time, he said coldly: "This Chen Xi is indeed difficult to deal with, but since we were able to break open a gap in the divine formation before, it has proved that the current him is also struggling to hold on, we just need to keep attacking, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for too long."

As he said that, Leng Xinghun took a deep breath, and said decisively: "Don't hesitate any longer, continue to attack, no matter what, before night falls today, this guy must be eliminated!"


The battle continued and intensified, and the world was filled with all kinds of divine splendor, dazzling and dazzling, illuminating the nine heavens and the ten earths.


Under such an offensive, Chen Xi didn't dare to be negligent at all.

He was running the array with all his strength, perceiving every small change in the array with his huge mind, lest there be any mistakes.

"Tumeng, Fenghou Xunhuang divine script, the 130th rune structure, the next two are Kanli, Xunze area, Longting and Fengyan two divine patterns."

"Gu Yan, Xuandi Leihuang's divine talisman, the [-]st rune structure, the three places in the middle are the shocking areas, and the three divine patterns of Shuokong, Mingxue, and Yinhai."

"Tumeng, the Scarlet Emperor Fire Emperor divine talisman..."

"Gu Yan..."

As the battle continued, more and more flaws appeared in the "Eight Extremes Formation". Under such circumstances, Tu Meng and Gu Yan completely acted as Chen Xi's assistants, repairing the damaged rune structures everywhere without stopping.

Fortunately, both of them are from Shenyan Mountain, and have obtained the inheritance of the divine talisman. Although the talisman dao attainment is not as good as Chen Xi, it is enough to crush most people in the talisman dao in the outside world. It has already been destroyed.

But even so, as time went by, Chen Xi felt the pressure gradually increased, and his expression became extremely solemn little by little.

At such a moment, he not only had to operate the divine array to defend against foreign enemies, but also instructed Tu Meng and Gu Yan to restore the structure of the runes. One could imagine how much pressure he was under.

Even with his incomparably tenacious Dao Xin cultivation base, he felt faintly struggling. If it weren't for the continuous divine power provided by the Cangwu Sacred Tree, it would be impossible for him to persevere until now.

Compared to this, Chen Xi was more worried about Tu Meng and Gu Yan.

Both of them were injured before, but now they are dragging their injured bodies to repair the divine formation, which is obviously more difficult than him in comparison.

But now that they have no way out, they can only continue to resist like this.


Time passed without knowing it.

Several hours passed quickly, and there were only three more hours left before night fell.

During this process, all the ascetics who were paying attention to this scene from the outside world were all shocked and speechless, unbelievable.

Who could have imagined that under such an incomparably harsh situation, Chen Xi and the others were able to persevere until now?

This is too unbelievable, beyond imagination, like an impossible miracle, which is being staged on Chen Xi and the others, full of unbelievable flavor.

"Could it be that this time, Chen Xi and the others can really rely on a magic formation to tide over the difficulties and persist until the end of the Dao Discussion Competition?"

"Not necessarily, they can persist until now, Chen Xi and the others are probably on the verge of the end of the crossbow. Haven't you seen that compared to before, the power of the god formation has been significantly weakened. If Chen Xi and the others have any negligence, they will be destroyed. There could be serious and fatal consequences.”

"It's really hard to say. It's not just Chen Xi and the others. You can see that Leng Xinghun and the others have been attacking for several hours. The consumption of their physical strength is so great that many people can't take it anymore."

"But no matter what, it depends on who can persist until the end."

There was a lot of discussion from the outside world. As bystanders, they could see the overall situation and discover every detail of the battle. But even now, it is difficult for them to judge how this tug-of-war will end.



"Why is it so difficult to attack? It's even harder than the tortoise shell of the ancient Xuanwu ancestor!"

"What to do, there are only three hours, and this Dao Discussion Competition will come to an end."

Outside the divine formation, many descendants of the Supreme Master and the Divine Academy frowned and cursed, all of them were furious and their faces were as gloomy as water.

It was a shame for them to attack and kill for several hours without breaking a god formation, and they were extremely aggrieved and annoyed.

What's more important is that by now, their own physical strength has been exhausted, and they are about to be overwhelmed. This is the most terrible thing.

Of course they could choose to rest, but in this case, Chen Xi was also given time for them to adjust and recover.

In addition to three hours later, this Dao Discussion Competition will come to an end, how dare they neglect it a little bit.

At this moment, Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan also had gloomy faces, without any trace of relaxation.

This battle started early in the morning. They thought they could expel all the disciples from Shenyan Mountain in the shortest possible time and eliminated them from the competition. Who would have thought that the development of the situation was completely beyond their expectations.

A divine array, like a fortress that was impregnable, kept them out for an entire hour. How could they have thought of this before.

"It seems that the only way to use..."

Leng Xinghun's expression was gloomy, and he spoke coldly, but in the middle of speaking, he seemed to have sensed something, and a frightening light burst out of his eyes.

At this moment, Donghuang Yinxuan also seemed to be aware of it, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and said: "They... can't hold on any longer!"

"Continue to attack! Go all out!"

Leng Xinghun shouted loudly, his clothes fluttered, and his demeanor looked down, as if he had taken Shiquan Dabu pills, his attack methods became more and more violent.

Can't stand it anymore?

The other disciples also reacted immediately, and their spirits were lifted!



In the divine formation, Gu Yan, who was about to repair the next damaged rune, froze suddenly, stood still, and then couldn't help it anymore, coughed up a mouthful of blood, which was extremely red.

His whole figure shook for a while, as if he was about to fall to the ground.

"Gu Yan, come back!"

Chen Xi's heart tightened, and he ordered in a deep voice.

"Uncle Master, don't pay attention to me, it's just a small injury, I can still persevere."

Without looking back, Gu Yan took a deep breath and was about to move on.


Suddenly, a force swept from behind, brought Gu Yan back, and fell to the ground in front of Chen Xi.

"Don't be brave, leave it to me to handle."

Chen Xi sighed lightly. Although his voice was calm, it revealed an air of undeniable refusal.

Gu Yan was startled, his heart was full of bitterness, and he stopped struggling.

"Tumon, you come back too."

Chen Xi turned his head and looked at Tu Meng in the distance.

"Master Uncle, I'm a bull, I'm fine."

Tumon yelled.


Chen Xi's face suddenly turned cold, and there was already a tinge of sullenness in his voice.

Immediately, Tu Meng didn't dare to persist any longer, stomped his feet fiercely, returned extremely unwillingly, and sat on the ground with his head downcast.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help laughing: "Could it be that you have no confidence in your master uncle?"

Tu Meng and Gu Yan were startled.

At this time, Chen Xi had already stood up, took a deep breath, and said, "The power of the divine formation has reached its limit, and it would be futile to repair it. From now on, we can only adopt another strategy."

Another strategy?

Tu Meng and Gu Yan were startled again. Under such circumstances, is there another way out?


In the Guiyuan Hall.

Yu Zhen, who had been paying close attention to the battlefield nervously, breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured: "That's fine, if both sides suffer, other people will take advantage of them instead."

It turned out that the confrontation between the Nuwa Palace and the Taoist Temple in the Dao Cauldron World at this time also ended at this time after it lasted for several hours.

The result of the battle was unexpected, neither side suffered any casualties, presenting a situation of evenly matched strength and no one can do anything to the other.

Perhaps because of this, Kong Youran, Shi Yu, Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue all chose to stop the battle with a tacit understanding.

Because if the fight continues, no one can get any benefits except that both sides will suffer.

This ending also surprised the ascetics outside. It was unexpected, but after careful analysis, it was found that this ending was also reasonable.

Because there are only seven descendants left in the Nuwa Palace at this time, and the Taoist Temple is similar, with only nine descendants left.

If both sides fight to the death and lose each other in this battle, then the number of disciples who can participate in the second round of discussion will probably become very small.

"Huh? Where are Kong Youran and the others going?"

"Look, Daoyuan Yechen and the others are walking in the same direction as Kong Youran and the others."

Soon, outside ascetics noticed that after the duel, both the descendants of Nuwa Palace and the Taoist Academy chose to move in the same direction. The scene seemed extremely weird and mysterious.

If it is not clear about the situation, it will almost make people doubt whether their two forces have formed an alliance.

"That direction is..."

Everyone followed their gazes, and their pupils shrank suddenly. The direction of Nuwa Palace and Taoist Temple was actually the area where the Supreme Sect, the Temple of God and Shenyan Mountain fought!

Could it be that in the three hours before the end of the Dao Contest, there will be a scuffle between the five major forces?

Everyone can't help but wonder.



In the Dao Cauldron World, in the Baji God Formation, under the surprised eyes of Tu Meng and Gu Yan, Chen Xi reached out and grabbed it, and a divine sword that was as black as an eternal night suddenly flew up.

That is obviously the Lingwu Divine Sword that was originally used as the eye of the "Xuandi Thunder Emperor's divine talisman"!

Master Uncle, what is he going to do?

Tu Meng and the two became more and more puzzled.

But soon, they understood the answer.

I saw Chen Xi's eyes were like lightning, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, the Lingwu Divine Sword suddenly turned into a faint black light, wrapped in an unmatched fierce aura, and rushed out of the divine formation in an instant!

It's just that after losing the Lingwu Divine Sword, the power of the Xuandi Thunder Emperor's divine talisman was weakened by more than half in an instant...

This made Tu Meng and the two of them keenly aware in an instant, could it be that his master uncle was planning to fight to the death and fight to the death with the other party?


ps: Not tonight, good night everyone.


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