divine talisman

Chapter 1866

Dao Ding World.

Outside the divine formation, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and others unexpectedly discovered that the power of the "Baji Divine Formation" in front of them suddenly weakened a lot in an instant!


Excellent opportunity!

Everyone's eyes lit up, and there was even an indescribable excitement in their hearts.

This tug-of-war has continued until now, making them suffocated. Now that they finally see such an opportunity, how can they not be excited?

Even people like Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan felt emotional at this moment, this battle was really too difficult.

Fortunately, the other party obviously couldn't hold it anymore, and now it's time to reap the rewards!

As soon as they thought that the divine formation would be broken the next moment, that hateful Chen Xi and the others would be completely exposed to his own butcher's knives, an uncontrollable excitement rose in their hearts.


Leng Xinghun shouted loudly, but just as he uttered a word, his voice stopped abruptly.

Because at this moment, a fierce black light suddenly pierced through time and space, and shot out from the divine formation.

Lingwu Divine Sword!

Leng Xinghun's pupils suddenly dilated, and he recognized this innate spiritual treasure inherited from the Luo family of the imperial domain.

But that's not the point!

Because at this moment, a picture suddenly appeared in Leng Xinghun's mind——

A few hours ago, the blue gold bone umbrella suddenly exploded, caught off guard, and directly eliminated the three descendants on their side...

At that time, even people like them were almost affected, and they were in a panic to avoid.

And this time, the sudden appearance of the Lingwu Divine Sword, will it also produce such a power of self-explosion?

Thinking of this, Leng Xinghun's heart twitched suddenly, his face changed suddenly, and he subconsciously yelled: "Hurry up and hide!"

All this sounds slow, but in fact, it is all completed in an instant.

Not only Leng Xinghun, but everyone else couldn't help but think of the scene of the blue gold bone umbrella exploding itself at this moment.

There was no need for Leng Xinghun's reminder, the others subconsciously adopted the evasion strategy.

Brush brush!

In an instant, everyone fled far away, as if frightened.

But to the astonishment of all of them, the Lingwu Divine Sword did not explode. After rushing out, like a patrolling emperor, it returned home and flew back into the divine formation!

This scene suddenly became a little embarrassing and funny.

The faces of Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and the others suddenly became cloudy and irritated, and they felt a strong sense of shame.

A group of ascetics outside were paying close attention to all this, but when they saw such a funny scene, they couldn't help but startled, and immediately burst into laughter.

None of them expected that at such a critical moment, Chen Xi would dare to use such methods to play tricks on his opponents.

And the reactions of Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and the others... seemed a little too cautious, it was like the wind and cranes were panicking, the grass and trees were all soldiers, it was ridiculous and ridiculous.

"Damn bastard! He, he, he... dare to play tricks on us!"

One of the Taishangjiao disciples was trembling with anger.

"No matter what, this time we must get rid of this despicable bastard, and use such indecent means, he is simply not worthy of being the successor of Shenyan Mountain!"

The others also had a dull face, jumping their feet in anger.

"Hehe, very good, very good!"

Leng Xinghun gritted his teeth and sneered, his voice seemed to come out of his teeth, and he hated Chen Xi to the bone.

When had he, Leng Xinghun, been so ashamed?


"Don't talk nonsense, let's talk about it after breaking the formation!"

At this moment, Donghuang Yinxuan also became murderous.

Everyone was outraged, and without any hesitation, they gathered together again.


However, just when they were about to make a move, suddenly there was another wave of time and space, and the Lingwu Divine Sword wrapped in a terrifying sword energy, smashed again.


Leng Xinghun and the others' eyes narrowed.


The next moment, they subconsciously dodged into the distance again. There was no way, even if they were not sure whether the Lingwu Divine Sword would explode this time, but they didn't want to be eliminated at such a moment, it would be too uneconomical.


The Lingwu Divine Sword swaggered around again, and then returned to the divine formation.





All of a sudden, the corners of Leng Xinghun's and the others' lips couldn't help twitching, it felt like an invisible slap had been slapped hard on the face, the pain was so hot that they lost all face.

When the cultivators outside saw this scene, they all burst out laughing and were overjoyed. No one expected that such a funny lake scene would be staged in a tragic duel that was originally extremely tense.

Even Tu Meng and Gu Yan, who were in the divine formation, couldn't help laughing out loud. His uncle is too good at teasing, right?

But those guys are really timid.

In the Guiyuan Hall.

Seeing this, Wen Ting, Yu Zhen, Huai Kongzi and the others couldn't help but smile instead of laughing.

But in the eyes of Lu Fu and Chi Songzi, that smile made their faces heat up, and they were annoyed and embarrassed at the same time. They cursed secretly in their hearts, this little thief Chen Xi is simply too despicable!

Of course, the performances of Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan also dissatisfied Lu Fu and Chi Songzi. Is it necessary to be so nervous and careful?

In fact, after thinking about it calmly, it is reasonable for Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and the others to react like this. After all, there are only three hours left before the conclusion of this Dao Discussion Competition.In addition, the power of the self-explosion of the Qingni Golden Bone Umbrella before was too terrifying. Under such circumstances, how could they dare to be careless?

The only regret is that outside practitioners are bystanders after all, and most of them are destined to watch the excitement. When they see this scene happening again and again, they feel very ridiculous.


Dao Ding World.

Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and others were all silent, their faces were ugly, and their teeth were about to be gritted with hatred. If there were no outsiders watching, they might feel better in their hearts.

It's a pity that they don't even need to think about it at this time, they know that all the cultivators outside have seen all this clearly.

They even vaguely felt that those ascetics outside were probably laughing, which made them feel even more uncomfortable.

And it was that Chen Xi who caused all of this!

At this moment, they almost wished they could immediately tear Chen Xi into pieces, chop them up and feed them to the dogs.

"How to do?"

Someone breaks the silence.

Yes, what if something like this happens again next time?

Do you want to keep dodging in such embarrassment?In that case, you must lose your life!

Leng Xinghun took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, stared at the divine formation in the distance, and quickly said: "Look, the power of the divine formation is gradually weakening, and it can no longer be recovered. Obviously, Chen Xi is powerless to recover. , so he had to use such despicable means to deceive us."

Everyone raised their eyes and saw that the situation was indeed as Leng Xinghun said, so their expressions improved a lot.

"Under such circumstances, we just need to be more cautious...Damn it! Why is it happening again!"

Just as he was speaking, Leng Xinghun suddenly discovered that the Lingwu Divine Sword shot out from the divine formation again, with such a fierce and terrifying aura.

When he saw this scene, Leng Xinghun was so angry that he almost burst into anger, and made a move desperately.

"Ah—I can't take it anymore, I'm going to kill this bastard!"

Leng Xinghun could hold it back, but some people couldn't. Hearing a roar from a disciple of the divine academy, like a thoroughly enraged ancient ferocious beast, he sacrificed his divine treasure, and ruthlessly charged at the Lingwu Divine Sword. kill and go.

not good!

For no reason, Leng Xinghun thumped in his heart, and when he wanted to stop it, it was already too late.


An earth-shattering, deafening explosion suddenly stirred the world.

It can be clearly seen that before the Lingwu Divine Sword was attacked, it suddenly produced an incomparably terrifying thunder and divine brilliance, which exploded in an instant, spreading out a violent torrent containing the might of destroying heaven and earth. , Sweeping all directions!

This time, it really exploded!

Everyone outside couldn't laugh immediately, and their hearts were shocked.

As for Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and others, when they realized that this scene was happening, they all subconsciously avoided it again.

But the descendant of the God Academy who attacked angrily did not have such good luck. He was directly involved in this explosive turbulence and was eliminated!

At this moment, everyone in the outside world couldn't help laughing, and everyone became suspicious. They didn't expect that Chen Xi would actually sacrifice another innate spirit treasure!

Is it worth paying such a price?

You know, before Chen Xi had already given out a green gold bone umbrella, and now he has given out a Lingwu divine sword, even though these two innate spirit treasures did not originally belong to Chen Xi, when they saw that they were destroyed , still makes many practitioners feel distressed.

If it were them, I'm afraid they would rather be eliminated than destroy such treasures.

"Too deceiving!"

Outside the divine formation, Donghuang Yinxuan spat out four words lightly from his lips, each word was like a knife, full of murderous intent, completely enraged.

Just before today, there were still nine disciples on their side of the seminary, but just today, three disciples of the seminary were eliminated one after another.

Two were involved in the self-detonation power of the Qingni Golden Bone Umbrella, and one was eliminated by the self-destruction of the Lingwu Divine Sword just now.

Now, including Donghuang Yinxuan, there are only six descendants left in the temple!

There is one less Supreme Master than at this time!

This result was simply unacceptable to Donghuang Yinxuan.


The next moment, a strange and ancient obscure fluctuation suddenly appeared in the right palm of Donghuang Yinxuan, condensing a square, thick and simple divine book.

As soon as it appeared, the sky and the earth suddenly lit up, and the sky was filled with divine light!

A Taoist sound like the sound of heaven came out leisurely from that Taoist book, as if the ancestor gods were chanting scriptures, explaining the wonderful meaning of chaos and ten thousand dharmas. The palm of the hand is like a supreme being who opens the altar to teach, and has a majestic and majestic aura.

"Shenyuan's 'Taixuan Divine Book'! This guy is finally going to get serious, but he didn't expect that the dean of the Shenyuan would pass on this treasure to him..."

The heart of Leng Xinghun on one side was shocked, and the cold light surged in his eyes.


ps: I have to go out to do errands today. This is a manuscript I made by staying up all night in the early morning. It has been updated in advance. The next chapter is at [-] pm, and there are two chapters in total.

In addition, the ordinary group of goldfish ponds is already full, and it is crowded every day. The administrator is very anxious. Don’t add more big guys. Friends who add groups, please add a second group. The group number is: 410189159


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