divine talisman

Chapter 1867 Taixuan Divine Book

Taixuan Divine Book!

A mysterious and powerful innate spirit treasure has always been in the hands of the dean of the temple. Over the past countless years, there have been many rumors about this treasure.

And the most famous one is that it is rumored that there are thirteen pages of Dao scriptures in this Taixuan divine book, and each page of Dao scriptures is like a big world, containing a kind of supreme power.

The thirteen pages of Taoism scriptures in the Taixuan Divine Book represent the thirteen great worlds, and the thirteen kinds of supreme powers!

What is particularly interesting is that it is said that on the last page of the Taixuan Divine Book, there are also secrets about the Dao of the last era. In the future, achieve a truly immeasurable and free state!

All these rumors undoubtedly cast a layer of mystery on the Taixuan Divine Book.

But there is no doubt that this treasure is very powerful, and it has surpassed the innate spirit treasure in the usual sense.

It's a pity that since these boundless years, the Taixuan Divine Book has been in the hands of the Supreme Being like the dean of the God Academy, and no one has ever seen its true appearance.

But at this time, this legendary treasure was actually released in the hands of Donghuang Yinxuan, which immediately shocked Leng Xinghun and others.

Not only them, when they saw this treasure, there was an uproar in the outside world, who would have thought that for this Dao Discussion Competition, the dean of the divine academy would give this thing to Donghuang Yinxuan for use.

For a while, the outside world completely boiled.

This is the charm of the Taixuan Divine Book. As soon as it comes out, it is enough to shock the world!

"I'm really willing to spend my money."

Seeing this, Wen Ting in the Guiyuan Hall also changed his expression slightly, and spoke out coldly.

"Hehe, it's a big deal."

Chi Songzi chuckled lightly, but in fact there was a turmoil in his heart, because even he didn't know that the dean actually gave this treasure to Donghuang Yinxuan!


Wen Ting snorted coldly and said no more.

As for Huai Kongzi, Loew and the others, they were all lost in thought. They also did not expect that the Divine Academy had prepared so well this time.



Strange and ancient obscure fluctuations continuously diffused from the Taixuan Divine Book in the palm of Donghuang Yinxuan, and the Daoguang was dense, illuminating the heaven and the earth, making it extremely sacred.

Even in the Divine Formation, Chen Xi's eyes couldn't help but freeze suddenly when he witnessed this scene. Although he didn't recognize the origin of this treasure, it made him smell an unusual smell.

"Tai Xuan Divine Book!"

Gu Yan and Tu Meng recognized this treasure at a glance, and were surprised.


Chen Xi frowned.

Gu Yan quickly narrated the history of this treasure, with a rare dignified expression, "I never thought that the temple would come up with this treasure, it's a big deal."

Knowing all this, Chen Xi couldn't help becoming vigilant in his heart, knowing that even if he blew himself up to the Innate Spirit Treasure, he might not be able to do anything to the other party.

Because at this moment, Donghuang Yinxuan was obviously really angry, and sacrificed the most precious treasures such as the Taixuan Divine Book, and repeated the old tricks, which was obviously a waste of those innate spiritual treasures.

Yes, originally Chen Xi made up his mind to pay attention, even if he sacrificed all kinds of innate spirit treasures in his hands, he still had to persist until the end of the Dao Discussion Competition.

But when he saw all this, he immediately knew that he had to change his strategy.

"You stay in the formation and wait, I will go to see the power of this treasure."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi's eyes flashed with firmness, "Remember, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to take a step out of the divine formation! If you disobey, from now on, you will never recognize me as a master uncle!"

When he spoke, he strode away and disappeared in the divine formation in an instant.

"Master uncle, he..."

Gu Yan and Tu Meng looked at each other, both extremely anxious. How could they have thought that at this moment, Chen Xi would make a decision to face those opponents alone?

If something unexpected happened, the consequences would be unimaginable!

At this moment, the two of them wished they could rush out and fight side by side with Chen Xi, but when they thought of Chen Xi's order, they gave up again, and their hearts were tormented to the extreme.

"Don't bother yourself, maybe Master Uncle has another method, which is enough to deal with everything."

Gu Yan spoke in a deep voice.

"That is for sure!"

Tumon yelled.

In fact, both of them know that this is just their self-comfort, but now, they can only comfort themselves in this way.

It's a pity that their worries about Chen Xi didn't decrease but increased instead.


"What is Chen Xi going to do?"

"Is he going to fight against Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan alone? What's the difference between this and courting death?"

"Could it be that he wants to sacrifice himself to protect Gu Yan and Tu Meng?"

"It seems that the Taixuan Divine Book sacrificed by Donghuang Yinxuan has also put a lot of pressure on him, so he has no choice but to stand up at this moment."

When they saw Chen Xi take the initiative to step out of the divine formation, all the cultivators outside couldn't help being surprised and astonished. They couldn't imagine what it was that prompted him to do so.

You know, when he goes out, he will face Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and other disciples of the Supreme Master and the Divine Academy!

Under such circumstances, he is like a moth to a flame by himself, how can he change the situation?

"remarkably brave!"

Loew clapped his hands, with an indescribable sense of sarcasm.

Wen Ting's expression became more and more gloomy.


Outside the array.

When they saw Chen Xi appearing, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and the others were all surprised, and immediately became ecstatic.

This damn bastard finally forced him out!


After Chen Xi came out, he directly ignored the others, and sacrificed the Banchen Sword. His gaze was like lightning, and he locked on to the Eastern Emperor Yinxuan in the distance.

Because at this moment, Donghuang Yinxuan, who controls the Taixuan Divine Book, is obviously the most dangerous, and also brings Chen Xi the most pressure.

"Chen Xi, you finally came out!"

At this moment, Donghuang Yinxuan actually laughed out loud, but there was no smile on his face, instead he looked extremely cold.

He looked up at the sky, and murmured: "There are still more than two hours, enough to knock you out..."

"Not always."

Chen Xi said indifferently, "Even if you go up together, you might not be able to make it this far."

This sentence seemed calm, but when it fell into the ears of Leng Xinghun and the others, it seemed extremely arrogant, making them all sneer.

"Everyone, give me a quarter of an hour and let me solve this guy myself!"

Donghuang Yinxuan spoke indifferently.

Leng Xinghun and the others frowned. At such a moment, they didn't think fighting alone was the best way.

But when they saw the determination in Donghuang Yinxuan's expression, they all stopped insisting and acquiesced to this request.

"One quarter of an hour?"

Chen Xi smiled brightly, especially when he heard that the other party was going to fight alone with him, he didn't know whether to say that the other party was arrogant or too confident.

"Perhaps not even a quarter of an hour."

Before the voice fell, Donghuang Yinxuan's whole body was filled with boiling murderous intent, which disturbed the world and stirred up all directions.

In his hand, the Taixuan Divine Book buzzed, filled with obscure ancient light, just like the sound of the ancestors chanting scriptures in the ancient chaos, it was deafening.

The atmosphere is chilling and tense.

At this moment, even all the attention of the outside world was attracted by this scene, and they kept their eyes wide open, lest they miss any details.

One is Donghuang Yinxuan, the chief disciple of the Divine Academy palm seal, a peerless figure with the most outstanding talent among the orthodox descendants of the Eastern Emperor Clan in the eternal world, born with "Xuan Dao Fighting Physique", which is rare in the world, and is known as "the unique talent of the Divine Academy".

These titles alone are enough to know what a dazzling and amazing person this is.

Now, he has mastered the Taixuan Divine Book, and his power is so powerful that it can easily overwhelm the existence of the ancient and modern ancestors in the divine realm, and he is unparalleled in the world!

The other is Chen Xi, the younger brother of Wu Xuechan, the master of Shenyan Mountain, who rose up decades ago, whose cultivation level is unpredictable, and has caused shocking events one after another. He has already proved his strength through battle after battle.

Now, there will be a head-to-head confrontation between the two, which is destined to be an unprecedented peak duel. At this moment, who would dare to ignore it?

At this moment, the two are attracting the attention of all the people, the atmosphere is chilling, and they are about to explode!



Donghuang Yinxuan moved out first, raised his slender and fair palm, and suddenly opened a Taixuan Divine Book in his palm, revealing the first page of Taoism scriptures.

In an instant, the blazing divine light soared into the sky, and the Sanskrit chanting chanted, stirring the nine heavens and ten earths!

This area instantly turned into ashes, becoming nothingness, only the endless terrifying dao light constantly surging.

That scene is no different from "Mie Shi".

Chen Xi's pupils narrowed suddenly, his cold light surged, and the Qi machine in his body was stimulated to boil suddenly, and it began to run at full speed.

Very dangerous breath!

This was the first time he had encountered such a formidable opponent since he participated in the Dao Discussion Competition.

However, Chen Xi was unafraid.

Over the years, he has rarely felt such pressure in the same realm, not because of his arrogance, but because his opponent is too weak.

Now, being able to meet an opponent like Donghuang Yinxuan, the desire to fight in his heart that had not fluctuated for a long time was actually aroused, like a volcano that had been silent for a long time, suddenly erupted at this moment!

"Zhen Shi——Introduction!"

Donghuang Yinxuan let out a whistling sound from his lips, and immediately, as if he had heard the will, the light that filled the sky suddenly turned into a line of ancient, obscure, and distorted handwriting, dense like rain, every word was pearly, shining brightly, and it went straight to the bullfight!

If the Tao is written, then it is the Tao!

These Dao texts emerged one by one, gathered together in mid-air, and became a real Dao scripture, and fell down to kill Chen Xi in the sky.

At this moment, the world, latitude and longitude, time and space, light...everything seems to be shocked, subdued, and completely suppressed, without any fluctuations.

It seems that under this Taoist scripture, everything must be suppressed, and nothing that violates it will be allowed to exist, otherwise, it will suffer the fate of death and Taoism.

This is "Zhenshiyin".

The first page of scriptures from the Taixuan Divine Book, suppressing all things and calming all dharmas!

Obviously, Donghuang Yinxuanfu had used the strongest means as soon as he made a move, intending to complete his work and completely suppress Chen Xi!


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