divine talisman

Chapter 1868

Zhen Shiyin!

Seeing the terrifying and destructive force caused by this blow, no matter whether it was Leng Xinghun or the others, as well as all the ascetics outside, all expressions changed in unison.

Is this the power contained in the first page of the Taixuan Divine Book?

If it is only used by the Queen in the hands of Donghuang Yinxuan, it can exert such power, but if it is placed in the hands of a supreme figure like the dean of the temple, what kind of power can it exert?

And Chen Xi...can he block this blow?

Many people's hearts were tugged, and they couldn't help worrying about Chen Xi.



The chant of the banishing sword is clear, like a dragon whistling and a phoenix crying, and the avenue roars.

When Donghuang Yinxuan made an outrageous move and cast "Zhen Shi Yin", Chen Xi also narrowed his pupils suddenly, and made the move without hesitation.

At that moment, Chen Xi's entire body was blazing with divine brilliance, and it evolved into billions of mysterious runes, which were blazing and dazzling, wrapping around his body with divine power.

And in his hand, the constantly buzzing Banchen Sword waved, making a deafening whistling sound, and slashed out.

Mysterious Heart Swordsmanship - Sea Cliff Style!

This most vast and majestic move, as soon as it appeared, it seemed like a galaxy falling into the nine heavens, pulling the power of heaven and earth, rumbling to crush time and space, and driving away.


The sword energy collided with that piece of Daoist scriptures, causing a world-shaking shock, and the world seemed to be shaken, ready to collapse.

The terrifying power generated made Leng Xinghun and the others retreat subconsciously, fearing that they would be involved.

Bang!Bang!Bang! ...

This kind of collision did not tell the winner in an instant, but it was like two hundred thousand mountains colliding continuously. Every time they collided, hundreds of millions of light rains shot out, flying across the sky and earth, and the destructive power spread in all directions. , will be powdered together.

Similarly, every collision, even in the outside world, would make the hearts of those ascetics vibrate violently and take a deep breath.

The power of such a duel is simply not like the power that a strong ancestor of the gods should have!Too appalling, unbelievable.

Ding Ding Deng!

In the end, under the horrified gazes of the crowd, Chen Xi in the battlefield uncontrollably retreated several steps in a row.

With every step of withdrawal, time and space shattered into spider-like cracks, spreading continuously. One can imagine how powerful the impact Chen Xi was enduring at this moment.

Although it seemed a bit embarrassed, in the end, Chen Xi blocked the blow!Blocked the "Zhen Shi Yin" from the first page of the Taixuan Divine Book!

In an instant, the pupils of the cultivators from outside widened, and the shock was unbelievable.

"So strong?"

Leng Xinghun and the others shrank their pupils, they also couldn't believe that Chen Xi's fighting power was so strong that he forcibly blocked this blow.

One must know that in the past few hours, Chen Xi had used his own power to operate the Octopus God Formation to defend against their full attack, which must have cost him a lot.

But even under such circumstances, other realms can still achieve this step, which made Leng Xinghun and the others feel a burst of confusion.


"so far so good……"

In the Guiyuan Hall, Wen Ting murmured, but the worry in his heart did not diminish much, because this duel had only just begun.

As for Chen Xi's opponents, apart from Donghuang Yinxuan, there were also Leng Xinghun and others.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi clearly did not have the advantage in the first round of fighting against Donghuang Yinxuan. How could Wen Ting not be worried about this?

Of course, this is just the beginning of the fight, and there are mostly elements of testing, so no one can predict what the final result will be.

"To be able to block this blow is also worthy of being the descendant of Shenyan Mountain, but depending on the situation, it's nothing more than that."

Chi Songzi made an understated comment, full of the sense of superiority that the victory is at hand.

Wen Ting ignored this again.

At this moment, she was worried about Chen Xi's situation, so she had no intention of fighting with him.


"It seems that using the power of the second level of the Sword Emperor to deal with it is obviously a little bit worse."

At this moment, Chen Xi seemed extremely calm. If others knew what was going on in his heart, he would probably be even more surprised.

Because obviously, in that confrontation just now, Chen Xi did not use the power of the Sword Emperor Three Heavens that he had already mastered!

In other words, the previous confrontation was a trial for Chen Xi.

"No wonder you dare to come here alone. Having such power is enough to make you proud, but to me, it still seems too weak."

Donghuang Yinxuan was obviously a little surprised that Chen Xi was able to block his blow, but soon, he smiled indifferently and regained his composure.

"Based on your performance, I can completely expel you from this Dao Cauldron World within three moves, even within a quarter of an hour."

After a pause, Donghuang Yinxuan's eyes were like lightning, he locked on Chen Xi coldly, and said, "So, you don't have any chance anymore!"


When he was speaking, the Taixuan Divine Book in his palm emitted strange and ancient fluctuations, and the Daoist light was dense, and strands of brilliant Daoist texts floated out.

These Taoisms seem to be alive, exuding a sacred and primitive grand atmosphere, constantly gathering, combining, and deriving...

Soon, a new page of Taoism can be seen faintly forming.

At this moment, the world returned to silence again, all sounds disappeared, and only that page of Taoism was releasing immeasurable divine power in the world.

Compared with the previous "Zhenshiyin", this blow is obviously more terrifying, filling this area with a suffocating oppressive atmosphere.

It was as if the next moment, the sky, the earth, and everything would be destroyed in one fell swoop, and they would perish completely.

This is the power of the "Shishiguang" on the second page of the Taixuan Divine Book!

Witnessing this scene, everyone was shocked again, because they all knew that, according to the power shown in the previous blow, Donghuang Yinxuan could completely use "Zhenshiyin", which was enough to gain an advantage in the battle.

But unfortunately, he didn't use it, but used the "Shishiguang" which is more powerful than "Zhenshiyin"!

It goes without saying that, just as Donghuang Yinxuan himself said, he obviously wants to completely eliminate Chen Xi within three moves, and not give him any chance to struggle!

At this moment, Chen Xi's black eyes were filled with a deep and cold luster, his clothes were loose, his long hair was flying, and he did not show any fear.

On the contrary, when he sensed the power of Donghuang Yinxuan's blow, he took it for granted. If the opponent only had the power shown in that blow just now, Chen Xi would be disappointed.


Chen Xi clasped his fingers, and flicked the Banchen Sword, his whole body's sword spirit soared to the sky, and his aura was as grand and fierce as ever, stirring up the situation in all directions.

This time, he planned to take the initiative.

Being beaten passively is not Chen Xi's style!

The war is about to start.

Everyone could feel the tension and horror of the atmosphere, it was so oppressive that people couldn't breathe, and their breathing stagnated.

However, at this moment of intense attention and intense tension, a sudden change occurred——


A shrill scream came from a very far away, it seemed so abrupt, it immediately made Leng Xinghun and the others change their expressions.

"No, someone sneak attack!"


Noisy exclamations sounded, and I saw the descendants of the Supreme Master and the seminary, as if they were frightened, shouted angrily, and dodged one after another.

The chaos there caused Donghuang Yinxuan's expression to become extremely indifferent and gloomy. He never expected that at such a critical moment, the situation would be disrupted by someone.

But for letting him give up this opportunity to eliminate Chen Xi like this, he felt extremely unwilling, and his heart was almost entangled and angry to the extreme.


But what Donghuang Yinxuan didn't expect was that at this moment, Chen Xi actually seized this opportunity, took the initiative to attack, and killed him with a single blow.

Time and space were cut open suddenly, like a piece of thin paper being cut by an extremely sharp pair of scissors. This wisp of sword energy was too fierce, extremely sharp, chilling, and extremely precise.

It's as if under this sword, the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, all things in the world, and the latitude and longitude of the avenues will be cut in one fell swoop, and it is impossible to beat their sharpness!

This is the Xuanxin swordsmanship - Jieniu style!

It was a powerful blow that used the power of Chen Xi's sword emperor third level realm!

Caught off guard, Donghuang Yinxuan acted subconsciously, displaying the long-prepared Taixuan Divine Book, the second page of the Taoist scripture "Death to the World".


Terrible crashing sounds erupted, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, light and rain flew like flying, and an indescribably terrifying torrent swept all around.

The momentum of this duel was so great that it even covered up the chaos in the distance, which was extremely terrifying.

Ding Ding Deng!

This time, Donghuang Yinxuan's expression changed, and his body was shaken backwards a few steps, his expression changing.

There was an uproar from the outside world.

This is the "Shishiguang" who is much stronger than "Zhenshiyin", but not only can't do anything to Chen Xi, Donghuang Yinxuan was shocked back!

Who would have believed this before?

And doesn't this mean that Chen Xi is not as bad as before, and this blow is his real fighting strength?

"The power of the sword emperor's third heaven, it seems that everyone underestimates your power."

Donghuang Yinxuan's expression was extremely indifferent, he stared at Chen Xi for a moment, finally pursed his lips, turned and left.

The fighting power that Chen Xi exploded surprised and shocked him, but more importantly, he knew very well that there was nothing Chen Xi could do in a short time.

The reason is that the chaos in the distance is still happening, and it is getting worse!

Seeing this, Chen Xi did not pursue, but also looked at the chaos.

Not only the two of them, at this time, the eyes of many ascetics outside were also attracted by the chaos.

The source of the confusion came from a sudden surprise attack by a disciple of the Supreme Master, who was eliminated in an instant.

And it was Ye Chen, Yu Jiuyue and other Taoist disciples who attacked that Supreme Master disciple!

Not only them, but Kong Youran, Shi Yu and the others from Nuwa Palace also arrived, and they are now confronting the disciples of the God Academy.

It is indeed confusing!

Yechen and the others fought against Leng Xinghun, the supreme teacher, while Kong Youran and the others fought against the disciples of the temple, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

When he saw them, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised, not because of Kong Youran and the others, but because of those Taoist disciples.

At such a moment, they actually fought with the Supreme Master, which seemed too unusual!


ps: The third update tonight, and the second update around 10 o'clock.


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