divine talisman

Chapter 1870

Thank you Platinum League Leader x Trench 100000 for your support, promoted to the ranks of Diamond League Leaders, sprinkle flowers~~Congratulations~~


When Leng Xinghun said these words, he felt extremely unwilling and angry.

The reason is very simple. It was originally a battle with an absolute advantage, and Chen Xi and others were about to be eliminated, but such a scuffle happened, which made them lose all their advantages, and even lost one of them to a sneak attack. companion.

How could all this make Leng Xinghun not angry anymore?

But no matter how unwilling, no matter how angry, under the current situation, Leng Xinghun could only admit it, because as he said, it would be meaningless to continue fighting.

One is because no one can do anything to anyone.

The second is because there is only a quarter of an hour left before the end of this round of Dao Discussion Competition!

During this time, no matter how much you fight, you can't change any situation at all.

Not only Leng Xinghun, but everyone including Donghuang Yinxuan, Yechen, Yu Jiuyue, Kong Youran, Shi Yu, and Chen Xi realized this at this moment.

Unanimously, they chose to stop fighting.

In fact, taking a ten-thousand-step back, even if you continue to fight and pay all the price to go all out, the price you pay will definitely exceed the record you have obtained, and it is extremely unworthy.

After all, this is only the first round of Dao Discussion. At this moment, no one is willing to be eliminated and miss the second round of Dao Discussion Competition.


The battle came to an abrupt end, but this land with a radius of a million miles has been turned into ruins, and everything is dead, which is shocking.

The setting sun is like blood, dyeing the world red.

Taishangjiao Leng Xinghun's group and Taoist Donghuang Yinxuan's group reunited and did not leave, but chose to rest in place.

In the same way, Chen Xi, Kong Youran, Shi Yu and the others from Nuwa Palace gathered together, and arrived in front of the Octopus God Formation.

At this moment, Yechen, Yu Jiuyue, and the others from the Taoist Academy were in a delicate situation. They did not join Chen Xi and the others, but stayed alone in the other area.

Obviously, they are still trying their best to maintain the neutral attitude of the monastery, even though this neutral attitude is doubted by many people.

In any case, although there was no fighting at this time, the atmosphere was still dull and tense, and each was wary of the other, not daring to relax completely.

When they saw this scene, the practitioners outside were stunned for a while, unable to understand why an extremely fierce melee had turned into such a scene.

Soon, there were discussions and different opinions, and they all speculated on the reasons for all this.

"Obviously, time is running out. This round of Dao Discussion Competition will soon come to an end. It is meaningless to continue fighting."

"Yes, perhaps in their view, the second round of Dao discussion is the real place of competition. Under such circumstances, no one is willing to make sacrifices in vain."

In the end, most ascetics reached a consensus and understood the reason why the heirs of the five major forces stopped fighting.

In the Guiyuan Hall.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

The Supreme Master Lu Fu sighed, and there was an unconcealable resentment and resentment in his voice.

The Chisongzi on one side had a livid face and pursed his lips in silence.

Neither of them could accept this result!

Because before the start of this round of Dao Discussion Competition, they had determined their goals and formulated the most rigorous action plan, all in order to completely eliminate Chen Xi!

However, good fortune tricks people, on the last day of the Dao Discussion Competition, such an accident happened, which made them fall short, how could they accept it?

Once Chen Xi enters the second round of Dao Discussion Grand Competition, no matter what results he will achieve at that time, he already has the qualification to enter the Chaotic Forsaken Land!

This is something they absolutely don't want to see.

Therefore, whether it is Lu Fu or Chi Songzi, when they see this scene, they will show such unwillingness and anger.

"In terms of the number of Mingdao ancient tripods, your Nuwa Palace is the big winner this time. You have won six Mingdao ancient tripods. Congratulations."

Suddenly, Wen Ting congratulated Yu Zhen.

In today's Daoist world, the 25 ancient tripods are occupied by the Taishang Sect, the five tripods are occupied by the Shenyuan, the five tripods are occupied by the Daoist Temple, the six tripods are occupied by the Nuwa Palace, and the three tripods are occupied by Shenyan Mountain.

Based on this inference, the Nuwa Palace, like the Supreme Sect, obviously has some advantages, followed by the Taoist Temple and the Divine Academy, and Shenyan Mountain is at the bottom.

"This time, it's also thanks to your little uncle for giving away an extra ancient tripod inscription."

Yu Zhen smiled, she had already seen clearly before that during the battle, Chen Xi once snatched an ancient inscribed cauldron from a descendant of the temple, and presented it to them in the Nuwa Palace.

"If it can be used, it won't be cheap for your Nuwa Palace."

Wen Ting made a joke, which made Yu Zhen smile.

The two talked and laughed at Yan Yan, and treated the others as if they were nothing, making the faces of Lu Fu and Chi Songzi more and more gloomy.

In fact, when it comes to the results of this round of Dao Discussion Competition, their results in the Supreme Master and the seminary are not bad, but it is a pity that Lu Fu and Chi Songzi do not value these.

Huai Kongzi also heaved a sigh of relief at this time, he was already very satisfied that those descendants of the Taoist Academy were able to obtain the five ancient tripods in the confrontation between the four major forces.

As for the anger of Lu Fu and Chi Songzi, he has directly ignored them.

"Fellow Daoist Huaikongzi, in a few moments, this round of Dao Discussion Competition will come to an end. I don't know what will be the next round of Dao Discussion Competition?"

Wen Ting suddenly turned to ask and answer.

Huai Kongzi was startled, thought for a while, then stopped hiding, and said in a solemn and solemn voice: "After this Dao Discussion Competition is over, there will be a period of time for the 25 disciples to adjust their breath. During this period, I will teach The dean of the academy personally came forward to preside over everything."

The dean of the Taoist Academy came forward in person!

Hearing this, not only Wen Ting, but everyone else in the hall was shocked, as if unexpected.

Even the other Taoist teaching elders in the main hall seemed not to have heard the news. When they heard this, their faces showed surprise.

Among them, I'm afraid there must be some reason!

At this moment, almost everyone smelled something unusual from this sentence.


"Thank you for this time."

Chen Xi looked at Kong Youran, Shi Yu and others, and spoke seriously.

"You're welcome, Nuwa Palace and Shenyan Mountain have always been in the same spirit, and it's only natural to help each other."

Kong Youran smiled lazily, full of flair.

However, Shi Yu glared at Chen Xi: "You bastard, you're still being polite to us, that's too outrageous. When the Dao Discussion Competition is over, you'll have to buy me three days of wine as punishment."

Chen Xi was dumbfounded.

Immediately, he said to Yechen and Yu Jiuyue in the distance: "Thank you very much."

Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue were obviously taken aback, and then Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "Don't think too much, we're just trying to get more Ming Dao ancient cauldrons."

Chen Xi nodded: "I understand."

These conversations between them were not concealed at all, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and the others heard them clearly, and their faces looked a little ugly.

Gu Yan and Tu Meng also walked out of the Baji God Formation at this time. Seeing them, Chen Xi sighed inwardly.

Seeing that there are so many disciples from other forces, only him, Gu Yan, and Tu Meng are left on Shenyan Mountain's side, and the latter two are still seriously injured, which makes Chen Xi feel fundamentally happy Can't get up.

And what caused all this was not the lack of strength of their Shenyan Mountain disciples, but a conspiracy from the Supreme Master Sect and the temple!

Chen Xi will never forget everything that happened to him in the past three months!

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel coldness in his eyes, and he swept towards Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and others in the distance.

"Why, do you still want to fight?"

Leng Xinghun frowned, and there was a hint of coldness in his voice.

"There are some things that have to be paid for. This Dao Discussion Competition may be over soon, but in the second round of Dao Discussion Competition, I am looking forward to a thorough battle with you."

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, then calmly spoke out.

He never liked to threaten people with words, but this time, he just wanted to tell the other party that he, Chen Xi, would not forget everything that happened in these three months!

He wants the other party to clearly and clearly feel his anger and determination, so that when he retaliates, he will make the other party even more afraid and terrified!

Hearing this, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and the others were startled, and then they all laughed angrily, this damned bastard, it's good enough not to trouble him, but he dared to speak such wild words. Lawless!

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

This is Leng Xinghun's answer, concise and to the point, every word reveals an extremely murderous intent.

"Once the grievance is formed, it is not so easy to untie it, unless...the other party dies, and I look forward to that day."

This is Donghuang Yinxuan's answer, which is even more shocking. Obviously, even if the Dao Contest is completely over, as long as Chen Xi does not die, he will continue to pursue it, and will not die endlessly!

Hearing these words, Kong Youran, Shi Yu, Gu Yan, and Tu Meng all frowned. They were about to say something, but they were stopped by Chen Xi.

Arguing is doomed to be useless.

Everything must be resolved by force after all!

"This guy is really crazy, but his temper is very likable."

Ye Chen in the distance saw all this in his eyes, and couldn't help admiring Chen Xi's courage in his heart.


The setting sun was about to set and the night was approaching. At this moment, a strange fluctuation occurred in the entire Dao Cauldron world, and mysterious ripples appeared in circles in the sky, which was incomparably grand.

Almost at the same time, Huai Kongzi's majestic and indifferent voice suddenly resounded between heaven and earth——

"The first round of Dao Discussion Competition is over, and the disciples who have obtained the Ming Dao Ancient Cauldron will be moved into the 'Shaohua Ancient Realm' of our Taoist Academy to recuperate and prepare for the second round of Dao Discussion Competition. Ding's disciples were directly eliminated from the competition and missed the second round of Dao Discussion Competition!"

As soon as the words finished, Chen Xi and the other 25 disciples who had obtained the Ancient Inscription Dao Cauldron all went dark, their bodies were uncontrollably engulfed by a strong force, and they disappeared in place.

As for the other disciples who had not obtained the Ming Dao Ancient Ding, although they persisted until now, they were unfortunately eliminated in the end.

This round of Dao Discussion Competition is over!

When seeing this scene, almost all the ascetics in the outside world let out a long breath and completely relaxed.


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