divine talisman

Chapter 1871


Along with an obscure fluctuation, Chen Xi appeared in a mysterious place.

This place is like chaos, full of chaos, you can't see the sky, you can't see the ground, it is very quiet, as if isolated from the world.

This is Shaohua Ancient Realm?

Chen Xi could clearly perceive that the time and space here seemed to be stagnant and immobile, giving people an incomparably slow feeling. If one didn't perceive it carefully, one wouldn't even be able to feel the passage of time!

Chen Xi used to own the Xingchen Cave Mansion, so he was very familiar with this feeling, and he judged in an instant that the full power of time here was infinitely delayed!

"You and the other 25 disciples listened to the order. This place is the supreme holy place of our Taoist school - Shaohua Ancient Realm. You can practice here for a month, which is equivalent to a day in the outside world. Before the second round of Dao Discussion Competition begins , you can meditate here and recover your strength."

Huai Kongzi's majestic voice sounded again.

"Sure enough."

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, sat cross-legged, put aside distracting thoughts in his mind, and began to hurry up to practice.


The first round of Dao Discussion Competition lasted for three months.

During these three months, one match after another broke out that could be called a peerless duel, fully demonstrating the fighting power of the descendants of the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain.

All of this has also made most of the practitioners in the outside world truly realize that the heirs of the five poles of the imperial domain are indeed as powerful as the rumors say, as stunning and unparalleled, beyond imagination!

Among them, the most eye-catching ones are Chen Xi, Gu Yan, Donghuang Yinxuan, Leng Xinghun, Kong Youran, Shi Yu, Yechen, Yu Jiuyue and other disciples.

The most regrettable thing is that Hua Yan, who ranks second among the three generations of disciples of Shenyan Mountain, this peerless figure who possesses the second level of the Sword Emperor, was unfortunately defeated by the siege and eliminated, which really made many ascetics sigh endlessly.

In the eyes of many people, according to Hua Yan's combat power, he is enough to advance to the second round of the Dao Contest.

But unfortunately, perhaps because of bad luck, Hua Yan was sadly out of the game after all.

In short, during these three months, outside ascetics witnessed one after another duel, and also witnessed the sad exit of the dazzling figures in the five poles of the imperial domain.

They cheered, were shocked, astonished, startled, and were in an uproar for this. They watched the Dao Discussion Competition for three months and never moved their eyes away.

Up to now, when this round of Dao Discussion Grand Competition ended, watching the 25 successors who had obtained the ancient Ming Dao tripod enter the "Shaohua Ancient Realm", all the monks outside were also relieved, and let out a long breath.

But they knew it wasn't over.

Because the second round of Dao Discussion Competition will begin soon!

At that time, what kind of shocking confrontation will erupt between Chen Xi, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran...etc.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

But unexpectedly, before the start of the second round of Dao Discussion Competition, a major event that shocked the world happened!


"Look, that's it?"

"It seems that the elders of the Taoist Academy have won against Emperor Qin!"

"He...why was he imprisoned?"

Not long after the first round of Dao Discussion Competition ended, the ascetics in the entire ten-direction god city suddenly noticed that a figure suddenly appeared above the sky where the monastery was located.

The figure was disheveled, and the whole body was bound by thick black chains, and was imprisoned under the sky, which was extremely eye-catching.

If you look carefully, it's the Taoist Elder Winning Qin Dijun!

All of a sudden, the whole city was in an uproar and shocked. What is going on?

At such a moment, how could Emperor Yingqin be tied up here to show the public like a prisoner?

"Is it finally over?"

Some big figures seem to have guessed something, their eyes narrowed, and they secretly sighed in their hearts, knowing that this time the Taoist temple has really moved.

Guiyuan Hall.

When seeing this scene, everyone in the hall was also shocked, and their eyes looked over.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the faces of Lu Fu and Chi Songzi changed slightly at this moment, as if they were a little surprised.

On the other hand, Huai Kongzi's expression was indifferent, calm, as if he had expected this scene, but no one knew about it, and he also sighed deeply at this moment, with a touch of complexity gushing out.

Wen Ting and Yu Zhen glanced at each other, both were slightly surprised, but immediately seemed to understand everything, looking into the eyes of Emperor Ying Qin, both couldn't help showing a hint of disgust.

"Arbitrarily leaking the rules of this Dao Contest in advance, and winning Qin, can you plead guilty?"

Amidst the uproar of surprise and suspicion, a majestic and faint voice suddenly sounded from the sky and the earth.

Every word of this voice is like a great way of meditation, and it is deafening. As soon as it appeared, it immediately shocked the hearts of all the ascetics in the entire Ten Directions God City, and there was an uncontrollable sense of awe.

In an instant, all the uproar stopped abruptly, and fell into silence. Only that faint majestic voice floated in the sky and the earth, immeasurably magnificent, reaching people's hearts.

The atmosphere is solemn.

All things return to silence.

But all the ascetics present couldn't calm down for a long time. It turned out that Emperor Yingqin had leaked the rules of this discussion without authorization!

No wonder he was tied up in the sky to show it to the world!

"The disciple pleaded guilty."

In the sky, Emperor Ying Qin looked up like a prisoner, and made a hoarse and weak voice, revealing a trace of deep annoyance and remorse.

At this moment, his face was pale and transparent, his pupils were dimmed, and there was no trace of the power that belonged to the existence of the emperor.

Even his miserable and desolate appearance is unbearable to witness.

"It's good to confess your guilt, it's enough to die without complaint."

That faint and majestic voice sounded again.

Only this time, when he heard these words, Emperor Yingqin's face changed suddenly, and he shouted: "Principal! Principal! This disciple has confessed his crime, please spare his life!"

The voice was extremely frightening.

At this moment, the ascetics in the city were shocked. They never expected that they would execute a great person in the emperor realm just because they leaked the rules of the Dao Contest without authorization.

What was even more unexpected was that the one who spoke before was actually the head of the Taoist Academy!

This is a supreme existence who can keep pace with the master of Shenyan Mountain, the master of Nuwa palace, the master of the supreme sect, and the dean of the temple!

And it can cause the head of the Dao Academy to personally come forward and make punishments. It is conceivable how determined the Dao Academy has made this time in order to defend the fairness of the Dao Discussion Competition.

"This crime cannot be forgiven."

In the midst of the shock, the voice of the head of the Taoist academy sounded again, and with the voice, a gray thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the sky.

The thunder and lightning seemed ordinary, but it caused Ying Qin Dijun's face to change suddenly, and he let out a hysterical roar: "No——!"


The next moment, the thunder and lightning fell, and Emperor Yingqin was chopped to death immediately, his body disappeared, and he completely disappeared into nothingness, with no possibility of resurrection.

The whole city was terrified, gasping for air. A great man of the emperor just disappeared before his eyes. The shocking force made most ascetics tremble, as if falling into an ice cave.

In the Guiyuan Hall, all the Taoist teaching elders including Huai Kongzi couldn't help but change their faces slightly when they witnessed this scene, and their hearts were shocked.

Yes, no one thought that the punishment imposed by the head of the Taoist Academy would be at the cost of erasing the life of Emperor Yingqin.

This is the existence of the Emperor Realm, and he is also the teaching elder of the Dao Academy, one of the five extremes of the Emperor's Domain. Not only is he powerful, but his status and status are also extremely lofty, compared to those patriarchs in the top powers.

But now, he was punished and died like this!

For a moment, the world was silent, and everyone was shocked by the iron-blooded wrist of the head of the Taoist academy.

"Three days later, the second round of Dao debates will continue as usual. If there is another violation, it will not just end like this."

The sound of the headmaster's voice was both a reminder and a warning.

"Just punishing one Taoist elder, it's over? I, Shenyanshan, was the worst victim in this Dao Discussion Competition!"

Suddenly, Wen Ting stood up and spoke in a clear voice, the voice suddenly spread outside the hall and echoed between heaven and earth.

Both Lu Fu and Chi Songzi's expressions changed. Could this woman continue to pursue her?

Huai Kongzi and the others were also surprised and couldn't believe it.

And in the entire ten-direction god city, many ascetics were shocked when they heard Wen Ting's words. Facing the head of the Taoist school, it is indeed too surprising that the descendant of Shenyan Mountain dared to speak like this.

"You can rest assured, little friend. When the Dao Discussion Competition ends, I will personally give an explanation to Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace."

After saying these words, the voice of the head of the Taoist academy completely fell silent.

Wen Ting saw this, although she was still unwilling, but she could only admit it, and said in her heart: "That's fine, if the uncle and the two patriarchs can't be satisfied, they probably won't let it go."

Seeing this, both Loew and Chisongzi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, just as they were in shock. They were really worried that at such a moment, if the head of the Taoist school continued to pursue it, it would be very difficult for them both the Supreme Master and the seminary. Very unfavorable.

This accident came to an end, but the shock it brought to the cultivators present could not be recovered for a while.

Only then did many ascetics finally understand that in the first round of Dao Discussion Competition, Shenyan Mountain encountered a long-prepared conspiracy.

Combined with what they saw before in Dao Ding World, they almost knew without thinking that the masterminds of this conspiracy were the Supreme Master and the Divine Academy!

This made a lot of people angry, but no one dared to speak out, fearing that it would cause trouble to the upper body. It can also be seen from this that the power of the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy in the entire ancient gods is so overwhelming.

Before I knew it, three days had passed.

But for Chen Xi and his 25 descendants who were meditating in the "Shaohua Ancient Realm", a full three months had already passed.


On this day, a solemn and solemn Taoist bell resounded through the heaven and earth, causing all the ascetics in the city to stop talking and look forward to it.

The second round of Dao Discussion Competition will begin today!


ps: Chapter 211 or so.


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