divine talisman

Chapter 1872

The melodious sound of the bell floats between heaven and earth.


In the contending arena.

Before the bell tolled, there was a wave of fluctuation in the void, and figures appeared one after another. They were Chen Xi and the other 25 disciples who had entered the second round of Dao Discussion Competition.

They stood in the center of the Zhengming Dojo, their expressions were more or less dazed, as if they hadn't fully awakened from the meditation.

To the outside world, only three days have passed, but to the 25 of them who are meditating in the "Shaohua Ancient Land", three full months have passed.

Just by looking at the aura they displayed, one can tell that their physical strength has been restored to its peak state during this period of retreat.

Even Gu Yan and Tu Meng, who were injured, had recovered to their original state at this moment.

"It's about to start!"

"Six people from the Taishang Sect, five people from the Divine Academy, five people from the Taoist Academy, six people from the Nuwa Palace, and three people from Shenyan Mountain. I don't know what kind of comparison this second round of Dao Discussion Competition is about."

"Just wait and see."

In the auditorium, a group of adults from all major forces in all directions talked about it.

"Huh? That's..."

Soon, someone noticed that in the Zhengming Dojo, five figures appeared again, each of them had the cultivation of the Ancestral God Realm, and their aura was strong. When it came to momentum, none of them were weaker than Chen Xi and the others.

"I understand. These are five other disciples selected. Don't forget, before the start of the Dao Discussion Competition, there were two batches. 25 qualifying places.

"The second batch is a duel between many other disciples of the ancient orthodoxy, competing for the final five places."

"Obviously, these five people are the unnamed disciples who finally stood out and advanced to the second round of Dao Discussion Competition."

"So, they will also participate in the second round of Dao Discussion Competition together?"

"It must have been."

"Look, among these five people, there is Tai Shuhong, the first disciple of the Ancestral God Realm from the Divine Creation Mountain, Zhao Qingyao, the descendant of the Zhenhuang from the Zhenhuang Temple, and Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect... all of them are there. They are all extremely tyrannical existences.”

"That's right, I heard that when the Buddha son Canaan advanced to the Ancestral God Realm, he refined a ninth-grade emperor-level dao root, and obtained the 'Great Self-Contained Bodhi Relic Root' passed down by the Buddha Sect Master Saha. A body of cultivation is definitely not to be underestimated."

There was a lot of discussion in the auditorium, and soon everyone recognized the origins of the five new successors.

At this time, Chen Xi and the others also noticed those five people, but most of them reacted very calmly.

He just glanced at the other party, then withdrew his gaze.

This is also normal, as the successors of the five poles of the imperial domain, whoever is not a peerless and stunning generation, all have their own pride and temper, so they will not be surprised by it.

In other words, in the hearts of most of them, they probably didn't care about the five new competitors at all.


Only Chen Xi couldn't help being a little stunned when he saw Canaan, the disciple of the Buddha among them, and he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed in his heart when he remembered something he had promised to Canaan.

In front of the "Xuanzhu Ancestral Temple" in the ruins of Manggu, Canaan once helped, using the Six Treasures of Buddhism to suppress the power of "Black Witch God Gu" in Zhen Liuqing's body, Chen Xi remembered it and was very grateful.

At that time, the Buddhist disciple Canaan only made one request, and that was to let Chen Xi go to the Buddhist sect ten years later to confront Chen Xi head-on.

But due to many delays, Chen Xi actually missed this agreement. Now that he met Canaan at this time, Chen Xi naturally couldn't help feeling a little bit sorry.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi."

Canaan was the same as before, with a calm and calm expression, and the ancient well was not disturbed. When he saw Chen Xi, he clasped his hands together and said, "Being able to meet each other this time can be regarded as a fate. I am very much looking forward to this Dao Discussion Competition. You can learn from fellow Taoists.”

The implication is that the previous agreement is ignored, if we can learn from each other this time, it can be regarded as a fate.

"That's fine too."

Chen Xi smiled, and he had secretly decided in his heart that he would have a good chat with the holy son Canaan after the Dao Discussion Competition ended.

"You wait for thirty disciples to listen to the order. From now on, I will announce the rules for the second round of Dao Discussion Competition."

Suddenly, the figure of Huai Kongzi appeared in front of the Guiyuan Hall, and he spoke in a deep voice, and the majestic voice spread throughout the world, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present.

"The second round of Dao Discussion Competition will be divided into five stages. In the first stage, 30 of you will compete one by one. In the end, 15 people will be selected to advance."

"In the second round, there will be one disciple who can advance directly without having to fight, and the other fourteen disciples will fight one by one, and finally seven people will be selected."

"In the third round, the eight selected people are divided into four groups, and they will face off one by one. Finally, four people will be selected."

"For the fourth level, two of these four will advance."

"The fifth level will finally compete for the No.1 in this Dao Discussion Competition."

Huai Kongzi explained the regulations of the second round of Dao Contest in a concise and concise manner.

At this moment, all the ascetics present finally dared to be sure that this second round of Dao Discussion Competition was indeed a one-on-one confrontation!

And this is what they are looking forward to the most.

Because only a one-on-one confrontation can Chen Xi, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan... all these peerless figures be able to truly determine the outcome!

It's just that the only thing that puzzles all ascetics is, in the second level comparison, why is there a disciple who can smoothly enter the next level duel without having to fight?

As if seeing the thoughts of everyone present, Huai Kongzi announced the answer before he announced the specific rules for the second round of Dao Discussion Competition.

"Everyone must be very curious, who is the disciple who can successfully advance to the second level, you might as well tell you bluntly, this quota belongs to Shenyan Mountain!"

When Huai Kongzi said this, the audience was stunned. Why?

Even Wen Ting, who was sitting in the Guiyuan Hall at this time, was slightly taken aback, a little surprised.

"Why? Why are you a disciple of Shenyan Mountain and not someone else? It's not fair!"

A disciple of the seminary couldn't help asking, it was Zhu Qianyu, the second disciple of the palm print.

The other disciples of the seminary also agreed, and they were all very displeased.


Huai Kongzi remained expressionless, and said indifferently, "In the first round of Dao Discussion Competition, some accidents happened, which was unfair to the disciples of Shenyan Mountain. This quota is a kind of compensation."

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Qianyu and the others immediately froze. They didn't expect the Taoist Academy to come up with such an excuse.

"However, in this way, it seems unfair to our other participants in the discussion. Why do we need to bear the mistakes made by your Taoist school?"

Zhu Qianyu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

There was an uproar in the audience, and no one expected that such an accident would happen before the second round of Dao Discussion Competition even started.

"This decision was arranged by me. Ying Qin is already dead. There are some things that I don't plan to go into any further. If you little children are not convinced, we can have a good chat when the Dao Discussion Competition is over."

At this moment, the voice of the principal of the Taoist academy, full of supreme majesty, suddenly resounded in the Zhengming dojo, making the atmosphere of the audience quiet.

Zhu Qianyu's expression changed slightly, and he was about to say something, but Donghuang Yinxuan stopped him and said, "Forget it, don't argue any longer."

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but sneered in his heart. He didn't care for a compensation spot, and he even wished to continue to investigate further.

It's a pity that he also knows that under such circumstances, no matter who it is, they will not let other things hinder the smooth progress of the Dao Discussion Competition.

"If there is no objection, the first round of the second round of the Dao Contest will now begin!"

Huai Kongzi said in a deep voice, "You wait for thirty disciples to obey the order, now please take out the ancient Mingdao cauldron you have obtained."

Everyone acted according to their words and took out the ancient Mingdao cauldron one after another.

"Each of these thirty Mingdao ancient tripods has a unique power, and can form a connection with another Mingdao ancient tripod."

Huai Kongzi said in a deep voice, "And your respective opponents will be born from this connection."

It was only now that Chen Xi and the others finally understood that the ancient Mingdao cauldron still had such effects. Doesn't this mean that their opponents were already doomed when they obtained the ancient Mingdao cauldron?

This arrangement is really unexpected.

Not only Chen Xi and the others, but even the ascetics in the spectator seats were all amazed. This arrangement is indeed unimaginable, but if you think about it carefully, in this way, it will more and more ensure the success of this Dao Discussion Competition. fairness.

After all, these Ming Dao ancient tripods were obtained by those disciples from the Dao tripod world, full of chance, it is impossible to be arranged in advance.


With a wave of Huai Kongzi's sleeve robe, a fist-sized, crystal clear bronze tripod exuding an ancient and grand atmosphere floated in midair.

This bronze tripod is the tripod of the Mother of Transformation inherited from the head of the Taoist Academy!

The previous "Dao Ding World" was also derived from this treasure.

hum ~ hum ~

As soon as Dingfu, the mother of transformation, appeared, a strange wave suddenly appeared, enveloping all 30 of Chen Xi and the others.

In the next moment, everyone present saw that the ancient Mingdao cauldron in Chen Xi's and his hands erupted a brilliant divine rainbow at this moment, and suddenly flew into the sky.

Each of these divine rainbows communicates with another divine rainbow in mid-air and echoes each other, which is very miraculous.

Through this scene, all the ascetics in the field could clearly identify the opponents of the thirty disciples.

And at this moment, Chen Xi finally confirmed his opponent, and it was Gongsun Mu, the third palm print disciple from the God Academy!

The divine rainbow released by the Mingdao ancient cauldron in their hands is communicating and echoing together at this moment, so there is no need to confirm it.

"Hehe, what a coincidence, Chen Xi, I still remember that when I was in the Shentu Clan, I said that I was looking forward to a showdown with you at this time!"

At this time, Gongsun Mu also noticed Chen Xi, and the corners of his lips could not help but show a cold arc.


ps: Not tonight, good night everyone.


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