divine talisman

Chapter 1874 3 stroke appointment

How can this be?

At this moment, Gongsun Mu was filled with surprise and doubt.

A few years ago, he had personally witnessed the battle between Chen Xi and Tuoba Chuan in the Shentu Clan. At that time, he believed that if he did it himself, he would be more than half sure that Chen Xi would be suppressed.

But now, only a few years have passed, and Chen Xi's combat power seems to have undergone a radical change, so that he can no longer see the depth of it.

And up to this point in the confrontation, the opponent even broke his ultimate move in a single blow, which made Gongsun Mu a little unbelievable.

It is true that in the first round of Dao Discussion Grand Competition, he also saw the confrontation between Chen Xi and Donghuang Yinxuan, but at that time, the two of them only fought twice, and there was no winner at all. Gongsun Mu subconsciously thought that even if Chen Xi had become stronger in the past few years, he would not be much stronger.

But now it seems that his inference is obviously wrong!

"It seems that you only have this ability. Within three moves, you are destined to lose."

Chen Xi spoke indifferently, but did not pursue.

His words seemed very calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, but when it fell into the ears of others, he seemed extremely arrogant.

Many people clicked their tongues secretly, not knowing that Chen Xi dared to speak such big words with such a strong self-confidence.

Especially when these words fell into Donghuang Yinxuan's ears, his expression suddenly sank, you damn bastard!

Back then, on the last day of the first round of Dao Discussion Competition, he had said the same thing when he was fighting against Chen Xi, but it was a pity that all this came to an abrupt end because of a sudden scuffle.

Now that he heard Chen Xi say the same thing to his junior brother, Gongsun Mu, Donghuang Yinxuan didn't know that Chen Xi was provocative?


It's too arrogant!

As the person involved, when Gongsun Mu heard these words, he was so provoked that he was furious, his eyes were cold and stern, as if he wanted to kill someone.


Gongsun Mu, who was in a rage, let out a loud roar, and his whole body was overflowing with divine brilliance, shining brightly like a big sun.


Holding the divine sword in his hand, he brought up a piece of sword light like a vast ocean, and slashed at Chen Xi head-on, sharp, brave, and ruthless.

This sword, like a broken bamboo, appeared above Chen Xi's head in an instant, like a sea of ​​swords covering him, trying to submerge the whole person.

too fast!

This sword shattered time and space, made the sun and moon dim, and the stars dimmed. All power gathered at the tip of the sword.

Just the sound of the sword chanting that was conveyed shocked many ascetics in the audience.

"Tianshui Sword Sutra No. 30 fivefold!" Donghuang Yinxuan's eyes burst open, extremely frightening.

The sword light was approaching, but Chen Xi's expression remained unchanged. The banishing sword in his hand groaned, runes overflowed, and he pushed it out with a simple "sea cliff style".


This piece of heaven and earth shook violently, shaking the heavens and the earth, like a torrent of chaos in the world, submerging the Ming Dao battlefield.

Many ascetics from the outside world were suffocated and froze from the shock. If such a confrontation happened outside, it would be terrifying and destructive.


In the midst of that explosion, Gongsun Mu's figure flew out backwards, and retreated more than a hundred feet away in the void, and only then did he control the figure.

And his face was already blue and white, and his eyes were about to burst, full of disbelief.

The crowd was in an uproar.

Gongsun Mu's attack still failed to do anything to Chen Xi, but was crushed again!

"One move has passed, and there are two remaining moves. If you admit defeat now, you can still save some face. If you persist in your obsession, you will completely lose the face of your temple. If I were you, I would leave immediately to avoid embarrassment. , become a laughing stock."

This time, Chen Xi also did not pursue. He just looked at Gongsun Mu, and spoke lightly. It seemed that he was trying to persuade the other party to admit defeat, but in fact, his words were full of irony and sarcasm.

Everyone was stunned. Who would have thought that such a low-key and indifferent person like Chen Xi would say such words.

Even Gu Yan, Tu Meng, Shentu Yanran, Le Wuhen and the others were a little taken aback, not knowing how Chen Xi could act so forcefully at this moment.

As for Donghuang Yinxuan and the disciples of the God Academy, their faces darkened, and their hearts were aroused by Chen Xi's attitude.


Gongsun Mu let out a roar that shook the world.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, being repeatedly repulsed by Chen Xi, and repeatedly provoked and ridiculed by him, this made Gongsun Mu feel a great humiliation, and his eyes were bloodshot with anger.


The divine sword in his palm was like a raging sea, filled with billions of divine brilliance, Gongsun Mu jumped up, like a burning comet, and charged towards Chen Xi again.

Before this blow was performed, the sky and the earth changed color, time and space were chaotic, and there were bursts of overwhelmed wailing.

It can be clearly seen that the huge waves transformed by the 36 layers of huge sword energy are superimposed together and converge on Gongsun Mu's divine sword. The power is immeasurably blazing to the extreme.

Tianshui Jianjing No.30 Sixfold Strength!

This is definitely the most powerful blow that Gongsun Mu has unleashed since he participated in the Dao Discussion Competition.

But regarding this blow, Chen Xi still appeared calm and composed, and his expression did not change at all from the beginning to the end.


He slashed out the sword again, and the sword intent became more and more simple and natural, with a charm of great ingenuity without work, great beauty without words, and great sound without sound.

With one strike, all Gongsun Mu's attacks fell apart like snow melting into water, and finally collapsed and vanished.

And his whole body was shaken by the sword so that a mouthful of blood spurted out of his lips, his body flew out again uncontrollably, and he fell thousands of feet away, his face was already pale.

Witnessing all of this, the audience was shocked and speechless, and there was a dead silence, and the sparrow was silent.

Chen Xi is too strong!

It was unbelievably strong, under his sword, that Gongsun Mu was almost vulnerable, which was completely unexpected.

You know, that Gongsun Mu is the third disciple of the palm seal of the God Academy, possessing peerless power, and it is almost rare to have an opponent among his peers!

Who would have thought that such a dazzling figure would behave so unbearably at this moment?

Strictly speaking, it's not that Gongsun Mu is too strong, but that Chen Xi is too strong, and the two are not on the same level at all.

"The second move, you still have one last chance, you should understand the gap between you and me now, it's not an exaggeration to say that a gnat can shake a big tree, you...do you want to continue to struggle?"

Chen Xi spoke calmly, staring at Gongsun Mu's eyes without any emotion, as if explaining a fact.

It's just that the words in his words fell into the ears of other ascetics, but they still seemed extremely arrogant and arrogant.

This made Donghuang Yinxuan and other disciples of the seminary all stimulated to the point of anger rising in their hearts, and their faces became more and more gloomy.

This guy is such an asshole!

At this moment, even Chi Songzi, who was watching the battle in the Guiyuan Hall, could hardly contain the anger in his heart, his expression was gloomy and terrifying.

The three disciples of their God Academy's palm prints have now become what Chen Xi called "flies". How can Chi Songzi not be annoyed by this?

Wen Ting was dumbfounded, but secretly sighed in her heart, she never thought that this little uncle of hers would have such a strong and domineering side.

However, the more Chen Xi behaved like this, the more it made her feel at ease. This can even be said to be the consistent style of everyone in Shenyan Mountain. They have always been so strong and domineering when dealing with enemies. Are you not convinced?Then fight until you are convinced!

"I...I'm going to kill you!"

Gongsun Mu's eyes were bloodshot, his beard was full of anger, and he almost went crazy. He hadn't experienced such shame and humiliation for many years.


At this moment, Gongsun Mu's energy was violent to the extreme, his long hair was flying like a demon god, and the sword in his hand seemed unable to bear the anger, and let out bursts of sharp roars.

"not good!"

Donghuang Yinxuan's heart skipped a beat, as if he had suddenly realized something, "Chen Xi is obviously deliberately trying to annoy Junior Brother Gongsun, he probably wants to..."


Before Donghuang Yinxuan could react, Gongsun Mu had already attacked in anger. All the power and sword energy gathered at the tip of the sword, as if swallowing all the air and light in the surrounding space. .

This piece of time and space collapsed, shattered and spread in all directions, and turned into a shattered turbulent flow!

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

In an instant, the whole world seemed to turn into a purgatory, with horrible visions such as mountains of corpses and seas of blood, battle drums, and shouts of gods and demons, which were extremely tragic and frightening.

The power of this blow moved all the ascetics watching the battle from afar.

"This blow is quite powerful."

Chen Xi raised his eyelids, and an astonishing sharpness burst out from his pupils.

The next moment, an extremely terrifying sword intent surged out from the banishing sword, piercing through time and space, heading straight to the sky.

It seems that at this moment, a peerless divine weapon awakens in Chen Xi's body, and it wants to slay the world!


A swipe of sword energy shot out like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, and it was instantly shaken by Gongsun Mu's blow.

At this moment, there was an earth-shattering loud noise in Mingdao battlefield, the universe was in chaos, the light was blooming, and the sound of Dao was rolling.

Everyone watching the battle was dumbfounded and their hearts fluttered.


Immediately, there was a shrill scream, which was creepy.

Only then did everyone see in amazement that Gongsun Mu was drenched in blood and fell to the ground hard, his cheeks twisted together, his whole body trembling, as if he was enduring a great pain.

This blow was unexpectedly won by Chen Xi again!

"Three strokes,... I have not lost..."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Gongsun Mu yelled like a madman, but immediately, he put his head in his hands and screamed, "My soul! It hurts! Chen Xi...you are so cruel!" s method!"

The next moment, his whole body froze, his voice stopped abruptly, and he fell straight to the ground, he was actually tortured by the pain and fainted.

For a moment, everyone in the audience was stunned.


ps: Today's 2 update, the writing state is terrible.


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