divine talisman

Chapter 1875 in full swing

The three-stroke agreement ended with Gongsun Mu's defeat!

Seeing this scene, all the spectators were shocked and speechless. After all, Gongsun Muke was not a weak person. On the contrary, he was the third palm print disciple in the God Academy, the top leader in the Ancestral God Realm!

But it happened that such an arrogant hero was completely defeated in Chen Xi's hands within three moves. One can only imagine how shocking it was.

"This Chen Xi...is too strong!"

"Did you see that Gongsun Mu's soul seems to have been severely injured, and it may not be so easy to completely repair it in the future."

"This is a duel, and some accidents will inevitably happen, as long as no one dies."

The battle between Chen Xi and Gongsun Mu had just ended, and there was an uproar in the sky above the Ten Directions Divine City. There were shocks and regrets... Even the big figures of the Emperor Realm were secretly amazed, and they felt that Chen Xi was extraordinary and deeply moved. Can't hide it.

"Win! I knew he could do it!"

Shentu Yanran exhaled a long breath, her face was radiant, and she became more and more beautiful.

"This guy is simply a monster, and it's becoming more and more difficult for people to see the depth. I don't know who can force him to use his full strength in this Dao Discussion Competition."

Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and others were also surprised, looking at Chen Xi with a hint of pride.

In the Zhengming Dojo, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran, Shi Yu, Yechen and other 28 disciples who participated in the discussion witnessed all of this, and they all had their own thoughts, and they unanimously listed Chen Xi in their hearts as someone who must be prepared opponent.


Chen Xi walked off the ring and came to Gu Yan and Tu Meng's side.

He could feel all kinds of strange eyes from all around, but he was too lazy to pay attention, and his expression didn't change a bit from the beginning to the end.

As early as a few years ago when he was in the Shentu clan, he had the confidence to take down Gongsun Mu in one fell swoop. After that, he retreated in Shenyan Mountain [Kaiyuan Pagoda] for five years. His level of enlightenment, his realm of enlightenment, and even his cultivation of swordsmanship have all undergone transformations, which has completely changed his comprehensive combat power, which is no longer comparable to the past.

Under such circumstances, dealing with a Gongsun Mu is no problem at all, and there will be no emotion in his heart.

"What a ruthless means!"

Suddenly, a deep voice rang out, Chisongzi had arrived in front of the Guiyuan Hall at some time, his expression was ashen, his voice was like thunder, shaking the world, the overwhelming anger contained in it, even the deaf could hear it.

In an instant, the uproar in the field disappeared without a trace, became silent, and the atmosphere also became depressed. All eyes were on Chisongzi who was in a rage, and he was shocked.

"It's just a discussion of the Dao, but you use such vicious methods to shock the souls of the disciples of my Dao Academy, Chen Xi, what is your intention!?"

Chisongzi has a thin body, but when he is angry at this moment, his whole body emits a terrifying aura, which stirs the world. Looking from afar, his whole body is like a dazzling sun, bringing endless pressure to people.

"The soul is the foundation of comprehending the divine way. After a serious injury, it is extremely difficult to restore it to the original state, and it may even have an impact on future practice. It is no wonder that Chisongzi is so angry."

Many ascetics felt emotional in their hearts.

"Why, your temple can't afford to lose?"

Chen Xi suddenly raised his head, met Chisongzi's gaze, and spoke calmly, without any surprise.


Chi Songzi became more and more furious, wishing he could slap the nasty kid in front of him to death.

But at this moment, Wen Ting suddenly appeared, and said calmly: "Chisongzi, this is a Dao Discussion Competition, if you are not convinced, you can wait until the Dao Discussion Competition is over, and we will have a discussion."

Chisongzi's eyes were like knives, and he locked on Wen Ting coldly, with an uncertain expression.

"Two fellow daoists, calm down. Everything that happened in the Dao Discussion Competition is under the attention of the director of our Dao Academy. I hope that the two of you will not delay the process of the Dao Discussion because of this."

Huai Kongzi on the side said in a deep voice.

One sentence made Chi Songzi's heart tremble, and finally he snorted coldly, turned around and returned to the Guiyuan Hall with a flick of his sleeves.

Seeing this, Wen Ting nodded towards Chen Xi and left one after another.

This little episode will be over soon.

Without further delay, Huai Kongzi immediately announced: "The second discussion, Leng Xinghun from Taishang vs Nuwa Palace Yu Xiuhui!"

Suddenly, all the attention of the audience was attracted.


Leng Xinghun is a peerless powerhouse in the Ancestral God Realm who has been famous in the Supreme Sect for a long time. As early as ten thousand years ago, he had the title of "One Unique in the Emperor's Domain".

There are rumors that if it wasn't for entering the chaotic ruins this time, he would have already entered the emperor's realm in one fell swoop with his cultivation base. From this, it can be deduced how powerful his combat effectiveness is.

Therefore, in this Dao Discussion Competition, Leng Xinghun is definitely one of the focal points most cultivators pay attention to.

In comparison, Nuwa Gong Yu Xiuhui's reputation is not prominent, but she is definitely not an ordinary person to be able to advance to the second round of the Dao Discussion Competition.

However, this time her opponent was someone like Leng Xinghun, so for this duel, most of the spectators were not optimistic about Yu Xiuhui.

But what was surprising was that after the start of this duel, Yu Xiuhui broke out with unimaginable fighting power, and fought against Leng Xinghun so fiercely that it was inseparable.

This was really unexpected, and the impression of Yu Xiuhui became more and more profound.

Although she was still defeated by Leng Xinghun in the end, everyone knew that after going through this battle, it was enough to make her famous all over the world and well known by the entire ancient gods.

"This Leng Xinghun has obviously retained his strength, and has not used any real ultimate moves..."

Chen Xi, who saw all this in his eyes, couldn't help but feel a sense of awe in his heart, and he couldn't see through the depth of Leng Xing's soul.

"Excellent, this Leng Xinghun is indeed as powerful as the rumors say!"

"In my opinion, Leng Xingsoul is very likely to win No.1 in this competition!"

The end of this duel also caused countless uproars, and many ascetics praised Leng Xinghun's performance.


In the third match, the Eastern Emperor Yinxuan of the Divine Academy faced Zhao Qingyao of the True Phoenix Divine Palace.

This is also a battle that all ascetics have been looking forward to for a long time, because it is Donghuang Yinxuan, the chief disciple of the palm print of the temple, who is on the stage!

And his opponent, Zhao Qingyao, is extremely famous.

There is no need to describe the process in detail. In short, this battle can be described in eight words-simply neat and exciting!

In just one cup of tea time, the winner has already been decided.

Zhao Qingyao lost.


In the fourth match, Nuwa Kong Youran played against Taishangjiao Wen Canghai.

This battle ended even faster. From the very beginning of the battle, Kong Youran, whose demeanor was lazy, was like an incarnation of a goddess of war. She fought vigorously and fiercely, without giving the opponent a moment to breathe.

In less than thirty rounds, that Wen Canghai was blown away from Mingdao battlefield.

This battle also made the entire city of Gods of the Ten Directions excited. Kong Youran is a beautiful woman with an unrivaled elegance, and she has such an amazing combat power, so she naturally received more attention.


In the fifth match, Gu Yan of Shenyan Mountain played against Tuobachuan of Shenyuan.

In the end, Tuoba Chuan was defeated.

This battle also thoroughly proved that in a one-on-one situation, Gu Yan has a fighting power that is not inferior to that of Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, and Kong Youran.

The reason why he was seriously injured in Dao Ding World and was almost eliminated was entirely because he was bullied by his opponents.


In the sixth game, Shenyanshan Tumeng played against Taishang Xuexiaozi.

Chen Xi was also greatly surprised by this battle, because in his perception, Tu Meng's fighting power was enough to defeat the opponent.

But it turned out that Tu Meng was defeated by that Xue Xiaozi who took the opportunity to enter with a single move!

"It seems that this Xue Xiaozi is also a hidden character. Before that, he paid too much attention to that Leng Xinghun and neglected to teach others..."

Chen Xi sighed in his heart, but it wasn't too much of a loss. Although Tu Meng was defeated, he had already obtained an ancient cauldron with Dao inscriptions, which was enough to enter the chaotic ruins.

"Uncle Master, I..."

Tumon was unhappy, ashamed and annoyed.

"Don't worry about it."

Chen Xi comforted Tu Meng, "This Xue Xiaozi is good at fighting, so I don't blame you."

Sometimes admitting that the opponent is strong does not mean shame, because only when the strong confront each other can people understand the gap more deeply.


In the seventh match, Daoyuan Yechen played against Nuwa Palace Yin Wushuang.

After a stick of incense.

Yechen won the final victory.

The most eye-catching thing in this battle is the inheritance of "Blade of Eternal Night" displayed by Yechen. It is impossible to practice this skill at all.

How rare is the "Emperor-level" Taoist root, even rarer than the ninth-rank emperor-level Taoist root, and it can be said to be the only existence in heaven and earth, which is why the "Blade of Eternal Night" is the supreme The fundamental reason why the exercises will be lost for a long time.

Therefore, seeing the reappearance of this lost art in the hands of Ye Chen, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Because this means that when Yechen advanced to the Ancestral God Realm, he refined an emperor-level Taoist root, which possesses the supreme potential of the Emperor-level Ancestral God Realm!

When seeing this scene, even Chen Xi was shocked, a little unbelievable, because he never expected that there would be a second emperor-level dao root in this world!

How is this going?

Chen Xi clearly remembered that many people had said that what Yechen refined was a ninth-grade emperor-level dao root, how could it suddenly become an emperor-level dao root?

Where did he get this emperor-level dao root?

All of this was like a mystery, and Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little confused, and finally realized that he had underestimated Yechen in the past.

This guy seems to be unrestrained and unrestrained, but in fact he hides the most secrets.

"It turns out that the rumors are indeed true. The emperor-level daogen left over from the last era was obtained by your Ye clan."

After Yechen returned from Mingdao Battlefield, Leng Xinghun suddenly spoke out, with a hint of austerity in his expression.


ps: The 3rd update tonight, the second update before 10:[-], and the last two days of the end of the month, I kindly ask those who have a monthly pass to vote for the monthly pass, thank you~~


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