divine talisman

Chapter 1876 Dark Horse King Bell

The emperor-level Dougan left over from the last era?

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, thoughtful.

According to this statement, it is also reasonable.

Regarding Leng Xinghun's remarks, Yechen just smiled and refused to explain.

This made Chen Xi more and more aware of one thing. This time, not only was he hiding some methods, but why didn't everyone else do the same?

He even dared to confirm that, including Leng Xinghun, Kong Youran, Donghuang Yinxuan and others, they probably all prepared some means to suppress the bottom of the box!

"It seems that in the upcoming duel, we can't be careless..."

Chen Xi thought secretly.


The discussion continued.

In the eighth match, Shi Yu from Nuwa Palace faced Xiao Huaiyuan from Taoist Academy.

Now even Chen Xi knows that Shi Yu was reincarnated in the Three Realms to rebuild his cultivation. In his previous life, he was a well-known and important figure in the ancient times, and he has been following the Nuwa Palace Master to cultivate.

Now, Shi Yu has completely recovered the memory of his previous life after many years of retreat. What amazing transformation has taken place in his fighting power?

Soon, people will have an answer.

After the start of this decisive battle, Xiao Huaiyuan of the Taoist Academy used all his strength to display his trump card, as if he regarded Shi Yu as the number one enemy.

Unfortunately, after only ten moves, he was defeated by Shi Yu. There was no room for struggle, and Shi Yu also won without any effort.

Seeing all this, everyone outside was stunned and shocked, and finally realized that besides Kong Youran, there was such a tyrannical figure in Nuwa Palace.

Even Chen Xi couldn't help but look at Shi Yu with admiration, and he couldn't help feeling deeply moved in his heart. As he became stronger, why didn't Shi Yu also undergone earth-shaking changes?


In the ninth match, Zhu Qianyu from the Shenyuan faced Tai Shuhong from the God of Creation.

Tai Shuhong was defeated.

In the tenth match, Li Lufeng from the Taoist Academy faced Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect.

Li Lufeng lost.

No. 11 game, Taishangjiao Yu Wenting played against Jin Chan Shendao Wang Zhong.

Yu Wenting lost.

No.12 field...


As one duel after another was staged, the outside atmosphere became more and more heated, and the uproar sounded one after another, boiling extremely.

In the following duels, the one who attracted the most attention was not Zhu Qianyu, nor the holy son Canaan, but Wang Zhong from the Golden Toad God Island!

This person looks majestic, with a jade tree facing the wind, wearing a green dress, a white jade belt around his waist, golden boots on his feet, and a crown with two feathers and phoenix wings on his head. Is outstanding.

Like Shengzi Canaan, Tai Shuhong, and Zhao Qingyao, he all came from other ancient orthodox traditions in the Imperial Domain. Although he is famous, he is far from being comparable to figures like Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan.

However, when he confronted Yu Wenting, the Supreme Master, people discovered that Wang Zhong's fighting power was much stronger than the rumors!

In just a moment, he crushed Yuwen Ting in one fell swoop, with an air of ease and ease.

If this Yu Wenting is just an ordinary person, that's fine, but everyone knows that Yu Wenting, as the preacher of the Supreme Sect, has a strong fighting power, which is absolutely obvious to all.

But now, in a short while, he was completely defeated by Wang Zhong. How is this not surprising and shocking?

"Why did Wang Zhong become so powerful?"

Many ascetics talked about it.

"The Golden Toad God Island has been entrenched in the Dongyun Xinghai. It has been almost isolated from the world for nearly ten thousand years, and there is very little news. I only remember that this Wang Zhong only had the early cultivation of the ancestor god thousands of years ago. But he was established as the next successor of Jinchan Shendao in one fell swoop, shocking the world, and his name was known by the world just now."

"Golden Toad God Island is an ancient orthodox tradition with an extremely long inheritance. There are even powerful Taoist masters sitting on the island. How can it be determined that a young man in the early days of the ancestor god will be the next island owner? This is unbelievable."

"Yeah, it's because of the suddenness of this incident that Wang Zhong became famous in one fell swoop. It's just that he didn't expect that his fighting power would be so amazing."

"Extraordinary people must have extraordinary things, and this Wang Zhong seems to be an extraordinary talent with great luck."

At this moment, even Huai Kongzi, Wen Ting, Yu Zhen, Lu Fu, Chisongzi and other important figures began to pay attention to this Wang Zhong.

With their level of realm, one can tell at a glance that the means displayed by this Wang Zhong are not weaker than Chen Xi, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran... any of them!

"Interesting, it seems that there is another strong opponent."

There was a meaningful arc on Leng Xinghun's lips.

"Wang Zhong? Is this a dark horse?"

Donghuang Yinxuan was silent.

At this moment, other people such as Kong Youran, Ye Chen, Shi Yu and others also rushed out because of Wang Zhong's attack, each with their own thoughts.

"Another guy who can't see through the depths is not a character in the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain. This is very rare."

Chen Xi was also thoughtful.

No matter what, after this battle, Wang Zhong completely entered the field of vision of everyone in the audience, causing an uproar, and no one dared to ignore him.

Regarding this, Wang Zhong behaved very plainly. After the battle, he stood alone in the Zhengming Dojo, closed his eyes and meditated, making it unclear what his inner thoughts were.


Another hour passed, and the first round of the second round of the Dao Contest ended.

Since then, [-] promotion places have finally been released.

They are -

Shenyan Mountain: Chen Xi, Gu Yan.

The Supreme Master: Leng Xinghun, Xue Xiaozi, Fang Chongfeng.

Temple of God: Donghuang Yinxuan, Zhu Qianyu.

Taoist Temple: Yechen, Yujiuyue, Fengzhongze.

Nuwa Palace: Kong Youran, Shi Yu, Qin Xinhui.

Buddhism: Holy Son Canaan.

Golden Toad God Island: Wang Zhong.

Judging from the list alone, there are thirteen places occupied by the heirs of the five poles of the imperial domain, and there is not much difference between them.

Other ancient orthodoxy occupied two places, and three were eliminated. Relatively speaking, being able to dig out two places from the heirs of the five extremes of the imperial domain is already quite impressive.

Among them, the most dazzling ones are naturally Chen Xi, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran, Yechen, and the others. Their fighting power is dazzling and astonishing, shocking the entire audience, making it impossible to tell which of them is superior. inferior.

In addition, Gu Yan, Shi Yu, Zhu Qianyu, Xue Xiaozi, Shengzi Canaan and others also attracted a lot of attention, but they were able to achieve such a record, which was expected by everyone.

Only Wang Zhong from the Golden Toad God Island was like a dark horse, showing his sharpness and turning out, which was impressive.

As for the other [-] defeated successors, they no longer have the opportunity to face off in the next level.

It has to be said that this is a pity. These people are also not weak. Each of them is a peerless figure in the realm of the ancestral gods, but now they leave the stage sadly one by one. Shocked by the power of man.

You know, to reach their level, unless the cultivation base is raised to a higher level, the gap between them is so small that it can even be ignored.

But these 15 people were still defeated, which proved that even among the top ranks of the same realm, there are strengths and weaknesses among each other, and they cannot be generalized.


At this moment, the city of Ten Directions was extremely lively, and everyone was talking about the first stage duel that had just ended, and it seemed that there was still something to say.

But more, it is looking forward to!

Because the fifteen disciples who have advanced to the second stage have been selected, the next step will be another round of competition!


Before the second stage duel, three hours of rest time were reserved.

During this period of time, Chen Xi made a decision in an unquestionable tone, and left to Gu Yan the quota that could be directly promoted to Shenyan Mountain.

In other words, with this quota, Gu Yan no longer needs to compare, and can enter the third round of the duel.

This was the compensation made by the Taoist Academy to Shenyan Mountain, and it was decided by the head of the Taoist Academy himself, and no one questioned it.

As far as Chen Xi was concerned, now that Tu Meng had sadly withdrawn from the Dao Discussion Competition, he didn't want Gu Yan to have an accident in this second stage of the Dao Discussion.

After all, if his opponent is Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran, Yechen and other characters, the outcome is hard to say.

To be on the safe side, Chen Xi reserved this spot for Gu Yan.

As for Chen Xi himself, he wasn't too worried about losing in the second round of the duel.

Three hours later.

"Now we will start discussing the second stage. Before that, your opponent will be determined by drawing lots."

In front of Guiyuan Hall, Huai Kongzi spoke in a deep voice.

When he was speaking, he flipped the palm of his hand, and there was an extra bronze ancient lamp, the wick was shining brightly, exuding a holy and pure aura.

"There are fourteen strands of the Divine Flame of Destiny in this lamp, and each strand contains the power of cause and effect. One cause and one effect are connected to each other, and outsiders will never be able to peep into the mystery."

After Huai Kongzi explained it casually, he asked Chen Xi and 14 people to come forward, selected a ray of divine flame from them one by one, and swallowed them into their mouths.


In an instant, flames of different colors appeared out of nowhere above the heads of Chen Xi and the others. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, there were seven colors in total, and it happened that every two people had the same color.

The top of Chen Xi's head was purple, and when he glanced over, he suddenly saw that his opponent was Xue Xiaozi from the Supreme Master!

The purple Karma Divine Flame also means that the two of them will have a duel at the end.

In addition to the two of them, other opponents have also been separated.

The Supreme Master taught Leng Xinghun to face off against Qin Xinhui from Dao Nuwa Palace.

Yinxuan, the Eastern Emperor of the Shenyuan, faced off against Shiyu of the Nuwa Palace.

Kong Youran, Nuwa's palace, faced off against Zhu Qianyu from the temple.

Daoist Yechen, against Fang Chongfeng, the supreme teacher.

Nuwa Gongyu Jiuyue, against Daoist Feng Zhongze.

Canaan, the holy son of Buddhist sect, faced off against King Zhong of Jinchan Shendao.

When they saw such a duel list, there was another uproar from the outside world.

This kind of duel lineup is simply luxurious, each one has the posture of looking down on the world, and who else is braver than me, and now a pair of pairs confront each other, one can imagine what a shocking battle will be collided!

It is even impossible to judge which of the seven successors will stand out in the next duel.

After all, each of them is so powerful that no one dares to speak nonsense before a real confrontation.

However, the more it is like this, the more people look forward to it, isn't it?


ps: The third update is around 12 o'clock in the morning.


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