divine talisman

Chapter 1878 This is not normal

Thank you Lin Jie for your support~~


After a stick of incense.

Chen Xi's eyelids twitched suddenly.


Almost at the same time, in the battlefield of Ming Dao, there was a deafening collision sound, and the blazing divine brilliance drowned everything.

"The strength is good, but there is a slight flaw in the Dao heart. It seems that you have not fully integrated the memories of your previous life now."

Amidst the smoke and dust, the calm and indifferent voice of Donghuang Yinxuan came out.

"You're wrong, I never planned to fuse past life memories, I am me, Shi Yu!"

Immediately, Shi Yu's voice also sounded, and there was a sonorous determination in his voice.

At this time, everyone outside finally saw clearly the picture in the Mingdao battlefield.

Shi Yu's face was pale, he was squatting on the ground, his expression was calm, and he didn't show any unwillingness or frustration.

On the opposite side of Shi Yu, the majestic Donghuang Yinxuan stood with arms folded, with a majestic posture and unscathed!

Shi Yu is defeated!

In an instant, everyone judged the result of this duel, and they couldn't help being a little bit surprised.

From the very beginning, this duel has entered into the fiercest competition, killing the sun and the moon without light, beyond imagination.

But no one thought that Shi Yu would be defeated in one fell swoop in the originally evenly matched situation, which seemed too abrupt.

Only Chen Xi and a small group of people could see that Shi Yu was indeed defeated. His strength was actually not much worse than that of Donghuang Yinxuan, but in terms of power control, he was not far behind Donghuang Yinxuan.

As Donghuang Yinxuan said, Shi Yu's power is already strong enough, but for some reason, he can't completely control the power he has.

From Chen Xi's point of view, it wasn't that Shi Yu couldn't control his own power, but that he never wanted to do so from the beginning to the end, because this power came from his previous life!

In the previous life, Shi Yu was a big figure next to Nu Wa's Palace Master, who possessed world-shaking power, but it was obvious that Shi Yu didn't care about all of this at all.

The Dao heart he sticks to is his own life, and the him in this world is Shi Yu, not anyone else!

"After this battle, it might not be a good thing for him."

Chen Xi felt emotional in his heart, and he naturally knew that unless he had great perseverance, he would definitely not be able to make a choice like Shi Yu.

In this battle, Donghuang Yinxuan won, causing an uproar from all directions.


"The third match, Kong Youran vs. Zhu Qianyu!"

Not long after, Huai Kongzi announced the start of the third duel, and all the eyes of the outside world were once again attracted.

Kong Youran, No. 1 in the God Realm of the Nuwa Palace Patriarch, a descendant of the ancient Peacock King, has proved his strength in battles long ago.

Zhu Qianyu, the second disciple of the God Academy's palm seal, is a descendant of Zhulong, the master of the ancient demon god.

It's hard not to attract attention for such a duel between two people.

"My junior brother Shi Yu was defeated by your senior brother. If I want to help him out, I can only eliminate you."

In the battlefield of Mingdao, Kong Youran wore a cloud-colored dress and her jet-black hair was tied up in a bun, revealing a bright, delicate and beautiful face.

Her red lips parted slightly, and there was a lazy taste in her voice, which made her full of charm and stunning.

"Yes, I don't think so."

Zhu Qianyu smiled softly, with a proud demeanor, his eyebrows were like snow, with a pair of blue pupils, his face was extremely handsome, and in terms of demeanor, he was not inferior to Kong Youran at all.

"Then see the real chapter under your hand!"

Amidst the lazy laughter, Kong Youran moved out suddenly. In an instant, five colors of flames overflowed her body, incinerated time and space, and violently killed the opponent, her aura suddenly became extremely terrifying.


Zhu Qianyu's eyes shot cold electricity, and he rushed forward without hesitation.

The two fought together, one turned into a peacock, splashing five-color divine flames, as if to incinerate the world.An astonishingly brave man who controls the power of thunder and lightning, like the rebirth of the Thunder Emperor.

As soon as the battle was fought, various terrifying visions were staged on the stage, with the roar of Taoism and the torrential blood of the gods, which was magnificent and magnificent, and the ascetics outside were gasping for breath.

"I lost, you don't feel very sad?"

Chen Xi was concentrating on watching the battle, when suddenly a voice rang in his ear, and when he turned his head, he saw that it was Shi Yu approaching at some point.


Chen Xi was stunned, and said with a smile, "Even you, the client, are not sad, so why should I pretend to cry like a cat?"

Shi Yu punched Chen Xi hard, and laughed and scolded, "You bastard, you are too heartless."

Chen Xi said casually: "If you are really sad, when I have a chance to confront that Eastern Emperor Yinxuan, I will help you vent your anger."

Shi Yu stared and said, "That's what you said."

With that said, he turned his head and left.

Chen Xi was taken aback, seeing that he seemed to be leaving the Zhengming Dojo, he couldn't help asking, "Where are you going?"

Shi Yu didn't turn his head back: "Go to Shifang God City to place a bet, bet on you to win!"

Chen Xi is quite clear that there have been a lot of bets in the Ten Directions God City these days, causing many cultivators to participate in them, and the objects of the bets are the duels in the Dao Discussion Competition.

It's just that he didn't expect that Shi Yu would have the leisure to participate in such a gamble at this time, which is really boring.

However, it can also be seen from the side that the defeat at the hands of Donghuang Yinxuan did not affect Shi Yu's Taoism.

This is also a good thing.

Chen Xi turned his gaze to the Mingdao battlefield again.

After tea time.

Chen Xi's eyes shifted, and they all focused on Kong Youran.

Because it was very simple, he had already seen that Zhu Qianyu was bound to be defeated, and it was no longer worth paying too much attention to. It was Kong Youran's display of fighting power that attracted Chen Xi's attention.

Although the relationship between Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace has always been good, this second round of Dao Discussion Competition is a one-on-one battle after all, and no one can predict whether Chen Xi will have a duel with Kong Youran.

Of course, Chen Xi didn't want such a thing to happen, but making preparations in advance is absolutely beneficial and has no disadvantages.

Sure enough, after only a quarter of an hour, the duel came to an end. Zhu Qianyu tried her best, but she couldn't do anything to Kong Youran, and she was injured and lost in the end.

This battle also caused an uproar in the audience, and there were all kinds of exclamations, some were shocked by Kong Youran's fighting power, and some felt sorry for Zhu Qianyu, and so on.

"Chen Xi, I bet on two innate spirit treasures, you must win the Eastern Emperor Yinxuan, otherwise my family will lose everything."

At this moment, Shi Yu came back, and said something mysteriously in Chen Xi's ear.

Chen Xi was stunned immediately, and said, "In this second round of the duel, my opponent is the Taishang Jiao Xue Xiaozi, so how did you determine that I will confront Donghuang Yinxuan?"

Shi Yu shrugged and said: "This is a preset gamble. Even if you don't meet in this duel, maybe you will meet in the next match. If your luck is really that bad, you will never have the chance to fight Dong Huangyin." If you fight against Xuan, then this gamble will not count."

Only now did Chen Xi understand, and he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

"Let me tell you, in this game of gambling, compared to you, most ascetics are more optimistic about Donghuang Yinxuan, and the bets are all on Donghuang Yinxuan. If you win, we will definitely win." Big bucks."

Shi Yu said slightly excitedly.

Chen Xi sighed, "It seems that I won't be able to do it if I don't fight..."

While the two were chatting, the fourth duel had already begun, and they were facing Daoyuan Yechen and Taishangjiao Fang Chongfeng.

There is no need to go into details about this battle. Yechen, who possesses the emperor-level Daogen, fully demonstrated his ancestral "Blade of Eternal Night" inheritance, and defeated his opponent in just a cup of tea.

That Fang Chongfeng is naturally not weak, on the contrary, his combat power is not even inferior to that of Zhu Qianyu, but unfortunately, he met Yechen this time.

And at the beginning of the sixth duel, it immediately attracted the attention of all the ascetics in the audience, including Chen Xi, who became serious.

Because this duel is a duel between Canaan, the holy son of Buddhist sect, and King Zhong of Jinchan Shendao!

Canaan, the generation of preachers of the Buddhist sect, was born with a pair of golden Buddha bones, possessed supreme wisdom, and refined the nine-rank emperor-level Taoist root, and obtained the "Great Self-Contained Bodhi Relic Root" passed down by Lord Saha Buddha. His strength is profound , has already transcended the group, not inferior to any peerless talent in the field.

From Chen Xi’s point of view, even he can’t see through the depths of Canaan today!

And that Wang Zhong is a dark horse that turned out in the Dao Contest this time. He was not very famous before, but he showed an extremely shocking fighting power in the first round of the duel , suddenly entered the field of vision of outside ascetics, and even attracted the attention of many powerful forces.

At this time, there will be a duel between Buddha's son Canaan and Wang Zhong, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Everyone has an intuition that the winner of this duel must have the qualifications to stand up to Chen Xi, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran and others!

As far as Chen Xi is concerned, he naturally hopes to see Canaan, the son of Buddha, win. However, he also has some incomprehension about Wang Zhong, so he doesn't like to judge in his heart, who will win in this duel? The odds of winning are greater.

The battle will soon begin.

What surprised Chen Xi was that from the beginning of the fight, Canaan did not take advantage of anything, and as the battle continued, while Canaan's combat power continued to improve, Wang Zhong's combat power also increased steadily!

Such a scene surprised all the ascetics outside, as if no matter how strong Canaan became, Wang Zhong had the means to deal with it.

Keep it hidden!

This Wang Zhong obviously also hides a lot of strength, making it impossible for people to judge its depth!

Of course, the strength of Canaan's fighting power is obvious to all, but when he meets Wang Zhong, it's like encountering a nemesis. No matter what shocking methods he uses, they are all resolved by the opponent one by one, and he can't hurt him at all.

As time goes by, this sign becomes more and more obvious.

Even Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran and the others couldn't help showing a dignified look, feeling awe-inspiring at the strength Wang Zhong displayed.

"This Wang Zhong hides very deeply. Depending on the situation, other people present have not seen through the specific combat power he possesses. This is a bit unusual..."

Chen Xi frowned, staring at Wang Zhong in Mingdao Battlefield, very abruptly, an indescribable feeling of disgust rose in his heart.

This made Chen Xi's heart tremble suddenly, since he practiced so far, he had never felt such emotion towards anyone he had never met before.

In other words, this was the first time he felt such emotions because of a stranger he didn't know at all.

This is not normal!


ps: Around 11 o'clock in the next chapter, the last few hours of the end of the month, friends who have a monthly pass in their hands should vote quickly, and it will be cleared after zero o'clock.


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