divine talisman

Chapter 1879 1 stroke appointment

Who would hate someone for no reason?

This emotion was so inexplicable that Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little confused, who exactly was Wang Zhong, and why did he make himself react like this?


Chen Xi frowned and pondered, puzzled.

After an unknown amount of time, suddenly a boiling uproar sounded, waking Chen Xi awake from his contemplation.

Only then did he realize that Canaan had already been defeated by Wang Zhong on the Ming Dao battlefield!

At this moment, Canaan was dressed in a moon-white monk's robe stained with blood, and his expression was still calm and calm, but there was a hint of bewilderment in those pair of eyes, which seemed unbelievable.

Wang Zhong, on the other hand, smiled lightly, looking calm and breezy. Immediately, with his hands on his back, he walked down the ring leisurely under the gaze of shocked eyes.

From the beginning to the end, he did not show any pride and complacency, and seemed very casual, as if he had already expected the victory over Canaan.

"Canaan is defeated!"

"This Wang Zhong is so strong!"

"For the last blow, you can see what kind of magical technique Wang Zhong used, why did he burst out with such terrifying power, and seriously injured Canaan in one fell swoop?"

"I can't tell, those methods are too mysterious and obscure, and it doesn't seem to be the 'Golden Toad Jade Xianggong' inherited from Jinchan Shendao."

"Excellent, this is definitely a dark horse, we all underestimated his power before."

At this moment, there was a lot of discussion in the outside world, causing an uproar, and all the discussions were about this Wang Zhong.

Who would have thought that even the disciples of the Buddhist sect, such as the holy son Canaan, would be inferior to a previously unknown Wang Zhong?

"Fellow Taoist Huai Kongzi, do you know anything about this Wang Zhong?"

In the Guiyuan Hall, Loew raised his eyebrows.

Not only Lu Fu, even Chisongzi, Wen Ting, Yu Zhen and others were a little suspicious at this moment.

The combat power displayed by this Wang Zhong is too unusual, his whole body is like a bottomless well, people can't tell the depth, which is a bit surprising.

In front of the main hall, Huai Kongzi also frowned, and muttered: "I just know that this Wang Zhong is the closed disciple of Ke Zhenhai, the owner of Jinchanshen Island, and possesses quite a good talent, but I don't know anything else. "

"So, this kid is too low-key."

Lev murmured.

The other big figures also have their own thoughts. This Wang Zhong is not the descendant of the five poles of the Emperor's Domain, but he has such a heaven-defying ability, which they have to pay attention to.

Not only them, at this moment, Chen Xi, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran and others also paid attention to this Wang Zhong, and they couldn't help but not pay attention to such an opponent.

In short, this battle made Wang Zhong more dazzling, and the commotion it caused even surpassed all other Taoists.

The reason is nothing more than a word, unexpected!


In the sixth game, Yu Jiuyue played against Feng Zhongze.

When the two began to confront each other, many ascetics outside hadn't recovered from the shock just now. From this, it can be seen that Wang Zhong's victory over Canaan caused much commotion.

At this moment, Chen Xi also had no time to pay attention to this duel, because Canaan suddenly found him after being eliminated.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, I'm sorry, I can't discuss Dao with you this time."

Canaan apologized.

His clothes were stained with blood, and his complexion was slightly pale, but his demeanor was still calm and calm, and it was easy to make people feel good about him.

Originally, Chen Xi was grateful to Canaan, but seeing him like this, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "No problem, if you want, wait until this Dao Discussion Competition is over , we can learn from each other individually.”

When Canaan was tapped on the shoulder, he was obviously slightly startled. After a moment of silence, he said: "Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, there is a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not."

There was a hint of hesitation in the voice.

Chen Xi glanced at Canaan, and said, "Just say it."

"That Wang Zhong..."

Canaan thought for a while, then said through voice transmission, "His origin is a bit strange, if you meet him in the next duel, don't hold back."

His expression at this moment appeared to be extremely serious, which made Chen Xi's heart shudder, and thought to himself, did Canaan see something?

Chen Xi thought of the inexplicable loathing he had felt towards Wang Zhong before, combined with what Canaan said at the moment, it made him feel that this Wang Zhong was unusual.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, the little monk is going to adjust his breath first and heal his wounds."

Canaan bid farewell.

Chen Xi originally planned to ask more about Wang Zhong, but when he saw that Canaan was seriously injured, he immediately dismissed the thought, and said, "Go quickly, we can talk after the injury heals."

Canaan clasped his hands together, nodded slightly at Chen Xi, then turned and left.


Looking at the back of Canaan leaving, Chen Xi couldn't help sighing again in his heart. If it wasn't for Wang Zhong's change, relying on Canaan's strength, he might be able to enter the next round of duel.

Soon, Chen Xi shook his head, stopped thinking, and turned his gaze to the Mingdao battlefield, where Yu Jiuyue was fighting against Feng Zhongze.

It's just surprising that this duel lasted a full day and night, which seemed particularly long.

Yu Jiuyue is very strong, not even inferior to Yechen, this is recognized, but Feng Zhongze is not inferior at all, showing extremely strong strength.

And this Feng Zhongze is very good at defense, like a solid rock, even if the eight winds attack him, he can't shake him a little bit.

But in the end, Feng Zhongze was still defeated, because Yu Jiuyue used up all his strength with his incomparably tenacious and long-lasting strength, and finally couldn't hold on, and was defeated in a disastrous defeat.

This battle lasted for nearly two days, and it was extremely exciting at the beginning, but afterward, it became boring.

Because at that time, it had become a tug-of-war of attrition, and the fight was no longer about fighting methods, but about their respective strength and perseverance.

When seeing the end of this battle, almost everyone couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and they all had the same thought at the same time, this battle is finally over...

But when Huai Kongzi announced the roster for the seventh duel, it suddenly made the low emotions of those ascetics boil.

Because this is the last duel of the second stage.

Most importantly, Chen Xi and Xue Xiaozi participated in this duel!

Chen Xi!

Needless to say, Shen Yanshan's personal disciples had demonstrated combat prowess that amazed everyone outside as early as the first round of Dao Discussion Competition.

Before that, he even destroyed Gongsun Mu, the third disciple of the God Academy's palm print, in one fell swoop within three moves. In the hearts of everyone, he has long been regarded as being able to keep pace with Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran Yechen and others. The presence.

And the Supreme Sect Xue Xiaozi was not weak either. In the previous discussion, he defeated Tu Meng, who was ranked third among the three generations of disciples of Shenyan Mountain, and completely established his own prestige.

And this Xue Xiaozi became famous very early, almost a veteran and peerless figure in the same period as Leng Xinghun.

Now, there will be a competition between such two people, which naturally makes people look forward to it.

"You say, who can win the final victory, Chen Xi or Xue Xiaozi?"

"Of course it's Chen Xi!"

"That's not necessarily true. Xue Xiaozi set foot in the Ancestral God Realm ten thousand years ago, and Chen Xi only existed in the Spirit God Realm decades ago."

"Childish, can the length of practice time measure a person's combat effectiveness?"

"Don't fight, this battle is destined to be extremely fierce, but I don't know how long this battle will last, I hope I won't be like Yu Jiuyue and the others..."

Amidst the discussions among the crowd, Chen Xi and Xue Xiaozi came to the battlefield of Ming Dao together and confronted each other from afar.

Xue Xiaozi wore a blood-colored Taoist robe, with a gentle appearance and a dignified appearance, but there was a touch of ruthlessness and cruelty in his brows, which gave him a palpitating chill.

When fighting Tumon before, the fighting methods he showed were even more ruthless, vicious and vicious.

If it weren't for Tu Meng himself being a descendant of the golden-patterned Kui Niu clan, with rough skin and thick flesh, he would have almost suffered serious injuries in his hands.

Chen Xi had already seen all this in his eyes, so when he faced Xue Xiaozi at this moment, his eyes became cold in an instant.

He said that if he wanted to vent his anger on Tu Meng, even if he didn't mention this grievance, Chen Xi would not have any good feelings for him just because of the other party's status as the Supreme Master.

"It seems that fellow daoist Chen Xi has a lot of prejudice against me. Could it be because of that Tu Meng?"

Xue Xiaozi opened his mouth with a smile, he seemed to be deliberately carrying which pot was left unopened, and his words were full of teasing.

"Yes, I have a prejudice against you."

Chen Xi looked very calm, and said, "Before, within three moves, Gongsun Mu was defeated by me. You can guess how many moves you can block me."

Xue Xiaozi raised his eyebrows, and said hesitantly: "What a big tone, do you still want to defeat me within three moves?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Leng Xinghun and other Supreme Sect disciples who were watching the battle from a distance could not help but sneer.

The faces of the disciples in the Divine Academy were somewhat gloomy. Chen Xi mentioned the matter of Gongsun Mu's defeat in public, which made them sullen, and felt that Chen Xi was humiliating and provoking them.

Amidst these various reactions, Chen Xi shook his head.

"It seems that you don't believe that you can defeat me within three moves, so... ten moves? Or within a hundred moves? Or a thousand moves? Hahaha."

Seeing this, Xue Xiaozi laughed more and more heartily, with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

Chen Xi also smiled, but the temperature in his eyes became colder and colder, and he softly uttered a sentence from his lips: "You are wrong, one move is enough to deal with you."

one move! ?

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience, and everyone suspected that they had heard wrongly. The tone of defeating Xue Xiaozi with one move was too crazy.

Even Gu Yan, Tu Meng, Kong Youran, and Shi Yu were slightly taken aback. What happened to Chen Xi?

"Hmph, I think you are out of your mind!"

Xue Xiaozi's face darkened, thinking that Chen Xi was humiliating himself with words.


Chen Xi smiled slightly, and without further words, he sacrificed the Banchen Sword, and pointed the dark blue sharp sword point at Xue Xiaozi from afar.

With a touch of murderous aura, it suddenly overwhelmed the sky and covered the earth!


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