divine talisman

Chapter 1880 The Sword Is the Way

At this moment, Chen Xi's brows and eyes were filled with a cold and murderous look.

The sky was picturesque, torn apart by the unparalleled murderous intent, and the wailing and rumbling shook the nine heavens and ten earths.

This murderous intent is so strong and fierce, it's like a peerless blade is unsheathed from the abyss, intending to kill the world and the universe!

In a trance, all the ascetics in the outside world were nervous, and Chen Xi seemed to have become another person. He was calm, calm, and indifferent before, so the him at this moment is just one word——showing his sharpness!

Looking at him from a distance, one's eyes felt a stinging sensation, and an indescribable trembling was felt in one's heart.

"This is?"

Everyone was shocked, the murderous intent released alone was so terrifying, could it be that Chen Xi was not joking, he really planned to decide the outcome in one move?

"Jianhuang triple realm?"

The eyes and pupils of many big shots shrank in unison, and their hearts were shaken.

This level of kendo power is too lofty, known as "the sword is the way, the way is the sword, the way of the sword is one, and the way and the sword are inseparable"!

Looking at the whole world, those who can reach this step in the Ancestral God Realm are simply rare, extremely rare, and it is not even an exaggeration to say that even many emperor realms present have never comprehended this level!

Because all of this shows that Chen Xi has already embarked on the ultimate path of swordsmanship, and has already taken a big step forward on this path of swordsmanship!

As we all know, the first level of the Sword Emperor is known as the sword like an emperor, and he uses all the swords in the world.

The second level of the Sword Emperor has reached the level of returning to nature, creating nature, and embodying great beauty without saying anything. Arriving at this level can be regarded as stepping into the threshold of the ultimate sword path.

And this third level of the Sword Emperor has realized a trace of the ultimate truth of the way of the sword, reaching the point where "the way of the sword is the same, and the sword is inseparable". Compared with the second level of the Sword Emperor, it is no longer the same!

Who can reach this level, who is not a peerless leader who is hard to find in the past and present?And being able to control such power in the Ancestral God Realm is rare even among the Five Extremes of the Imperial Domain!

Therefore, at this time, when one notices the sword power released from Chen Xi's aura, it will shock the outside world so much.

"Is this the guy's trump card?"

Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran, Yechen and the others also narrowed their eyes at this moment, showing a dignified look on their faces.

But they didn't seem nervous, because in their cognition, they had already judged that Chen Xi was hiding a lot of tricks, so when they saw this scene, they only had a sense of awakening that "it really is so".

"Third level of the Sword Emperor, hehe, no wonder he dared to utter wild words, and wanted to defeat me, Xue Xiaozi, the disciple of the Supreme Master, in one move."

In the Guiyuan Hall, Loew sneered, "Unfortunately, in my opinion, with such power alone, we can't achieve what we want."

"Oh, let's wait and see."

Wen Ting spoke out calmly, as if she had boundless confidence in Chen Xi in her words.

This made Loew sneer again, but he stopped talking.


When he noticed the change in Chen Xi's aura, Xue Xiaozi felt an indescribable pressure, and his expression suddenly became serious.

He also did not expect that Chen Xi had already achieved such a transcendent achievement in the way of swordsmanship, which made him dare not be negligent in the slightest.

However, Xue Xiaozi still didn't believe at all that Chen Xi could defeat him in one move!

To be able to achieve today's achievements, Xue Xiaozi is quite extraordinary. This can be seen from the fact that he was able to participate in the second round of the Dao Discussion Competition and defeated Tu Meng in one fell swoop.

Under such circumstances, even though he thought that he would encounter great pressure in this battle, and that he might even lose to Chen Xi, he absolutely did not think that he would not be able to catch even one move from Chen Xi!


Without hesitation, Xue Xiaozi circulated all his power, and his whole body overflowed with divine light, like an abyss like a sea, majestic and vast, like a scorching sun, shining brightly.

At the same time, his aura suddenly climbed to the peak, with the demeanor of a king who patrols the mountains and rivers and devours everything with arrogance, and is unparalleled in arrogance.


A pair of blood-colored bronze knives appeared in the palm of Xue Xiaozi. The two knives were two feet long, and the blades were in the shape of a crescent moon. The surface was imprinted with mysterious and frightening blood-colored streaks.

Innate Spirit Treasure—Blood Moon Double Blades!

This is a pair of congenital spirit treasures that complement each other. If yin and yang are in harmony, they are like twin stars of son and mother. The power that erupts is stronger than ordinary innate spirit treasures.

"Xue Xiaozi is about to use all his strength. It seems that he did not dare to underestimate Chen Xi at this moment, but treats him as a great enemy."

"Under such circumstances, it seems ridiculous for Chen Xi to defeat Xue Xiaozi in one move. I really don't know how he dares to boast so much."

"Hey, who wouldn't brag, maybe this is Chen Xi's strategy to deliberately interfere with Xue Xiaozi's state of mind, it can't be taken seriously."

"I think so too."

Seeing Xue Xiaozi's reaction, Leng Xinghun and the rest of the Grand Master's preachers all heaved a sigh of relief. In their view, Xue Xiaozi tried his best, let alone one move, even ten moves. enough to resist.

It's not just Leng Xinghun and the others. At this moment, most people think that what Chen Xi said before is completely unbelievable, and they are very disapproving of Chen Xi's actions.

"Can he do it?"

Shen Tu Yanran murmured.

"Natural energy."

Shentu Yanran asked and answered.

This move seemed very inexplicable, but it could also be seen that she was actually extremely worried about Chen Xi's words.


Under the eyes of everyone, this duel has successfully attracted the attention of all ascetics from the outside world before it even started.

All because of the one-trick promise Chen Xi made.

can he do it

Many people don't believe it.

Even Huai Kongzi and other big figures expressed their doubts.

But no matter what, the answer to all of this will be revealed soon, and they want to see if Chen Xi is bragging, or if he can really do it.


Unexpectedly, Xue Xiaozi made the first move. He swung the bronze blood knife in his hand, and his whole body was like a startled dragon coming out of an abyss. Surrounded by violent, cold, and extremely murderous divine power, he suddenly soared into the air and slashed down.

The two knives interlaced, cutting out a cross blood-colored aura.

The horizontal knife, like iron ropes across the river, divides yin and yang!

The vertical knife, like nine heavens falling into the Milky Way, splits the universe with force!

One horizontal and one vertical, simple and clean, but it reveals a terrifying power that is indestructible and indestructible.

"Killing the Sky Cross Slash!"

At this moment, Xue Xiaozi looked like the supreme sword, with two swords intertwined, as if he had the might of heaven and earth, shocking the audience.

"It actually forced Junior Brother Xue Xiaozi to even use the method of pressing the bottom of the box..." Leng Xinghun's eyes were as bright as lightning, glowing with a frightening brilliance.


In the battlefield of Ming Dao, the light of the sword shot out, the color of blood was like a sea, and the terrifying murderous intent dyed the world red, and there was a sound of mourning from Dao Dao.

All the ascetics in the audience changed their faces, this blow was so powerful that it was beyond imagination!

Chen Xi...can he stop it?

At this moment, people even directly ignored the promise of one move, because under such circumstances, they all doubted whether he could block this blow, let alone defeat Xue Xiaozi with one move.


Regarding this, Chen Xi stood still on the spot, motionless, except for the Banchen Sword in his palm, which lightly swept across the void.

The action is understated, like reaching out to brush the dust off the clothes, or trimming the dense flower branches with scissors, it looks so plain and casual.

But the next moment——

Everything in the Ming Dao battlefield seemed to be still, falling into a strange silence, and all the pictures were like a freeze frame.


Then, time and space burst.


Then, the pair of cross-blooded sword lights collapsed.


With Chen Xi at the center, there is a destructive force that spreads continuously, and wherever it passes, everything turns into dust like paper paste.

At this moment, the pupils of all the people in the audience dilated and their bodies became stiff.

And Xue Xiaozi's figure was in mid-air at this time, maintaining a slashing posture, but at this moment, he didn't have any spirit of giving up to me.

On the contrary, his complexion changed suddenly, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and his eyes shrank like needles, like a puppet that was stunned.


That destructive force has spread, and Xue Xiaozi has no way to avoid it, and he doesn't even have time to react!

At this moment, he even smelled a deadly breath, and felt a horrible taste of dying.

Do not!

Do not--!

Xue Xiaozi was screaming inwardly, hysterical.


Then, he felt his eyes go dark, and his whole body was engulfed by an irresistible force, and his body flew upside down uncontrollably.

When Xue Xiaozi opened his eyes again, he was already standing outside the battlefield of Mingdao, but he seemed to have lost his soul, and his whole body was frozen there.

Just now... what happened?

At this time, the audience was silent, and there was no sound even in the battlefield of Ming Dao.

Only Chen Xi's tall and tall figure stood on it. At some point, he had put away the Banchen Sword, but he did not leave. Instead, he looked at the sky, frowning slightly.

I lost?

Xue Xiaozi's face was pale and transparent, and his whole body was drenched in cold sweat. He looked around, but found that Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran, Yechen...all had a bit of shock on their faces, and seemed a little dull.

Not only them, but also a group of ascetics in the auditorium in the distance were shocked and speechless as if struck by lightning at this moment.

The atmosphere seemed eerily silent.

I... really lost?

Xue Xiaozi froze there, his eyes finally fell on Huai Kongzi, only to find that the other person's expression was also incredulous, as if he couldn't believe it.

All these abnormal atmosphere caused Xue Xiaozi's Dao Xin to suffer an unprecedented shock, and even nearly collapsed.


What exactly happened just now?

Xue Xiaozi frowned in pain, trying desperately to recall what happened just now.

Inexplicably, he remembered that sword that Chen Xi slashed, so calm, so casual and natural...

But to Xue Xiaozi, all of this was like a nightmare, causing a great terror to surge out in his heart, making it difficult to breathe and lost his soul.

"Chen Xi wins this duel!"

At this moment, a voice filled with supreme majesty suddenly resounded from above the sky, breaking this strange atmosphere of silence.

This is the voice of the head of the Taoist academy!


ps: I’m going to attend the children’s shoes and children’s full moon banquet tonight, and I can’t refuse. As a single dog, I can only go there with tears in my eyes.There is no second update at 10 pm, so there is no need to wait.

Although there is no promise to update chapters, it can be guaranteed that there will be more updates this month than last month.


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