divine talisman

Chapter 1881 Competition for the top 4

Hearing this voice, Chen Xi's frowning brows became smoother, and he regained his composure. Without hesitation, he turned and walked out of the Mingdao battlefield.

He has fully understood that it was the head of the Taoist academy who made the move.

To Chen Xi, the headmaster of the Taoist academy himself might have answered a doubt in his heart, but to the outside world, it was like a thunderbolt that caused an uproar among all cultivators.


at a loss.




All kinds of emotions are like a storm that has been suppressed for a long time, and suddenly swept through the hearts of every ascetic, making them unable to help but exclaim.

This piece of world is no longer silent, it has become boiling, and all kinds of discussions are like waves one after another, overwhelming the sky and covering the ground.


"Within one move, Xue Xiaozi really lost!"

"What happened just now? Why did such a weird scene happen?"

"God, this duel actually caused the head of the Taoist Academy to come forward in person. It's simply unbelievable!"

"What kind of move, Xue Xiaozi didn't even block a single move. If my guess is correct, if it wasn't for the director of the Taoist academy before, Xue Xiaozi would have already died, how could he be able to stop it?"

At this moment, even the entire Shifang God City fell into an unprecedented uproar, causing an uproar.

This battle was too shocking and shocking.

Previously, in the eyes of most cultivators, the promise of that move that Chen Xi made was simply nonsense and ridiculous.

Coupled with the terrifying aura Xue Xiaozi displayed when he started the battle, as well as the "Slaughtering Sky Cross Slash" that was full of power to destroy the world, they became even more convinced that Chen Xi was impossible. Defeat Xue Xiaozi in one move.

But who would have thought that at this very moment, Chen Xi would actually do it!

What's more, Xue Xiaozi couldn't resist even one of his moves, so he was directly sent out of the game!

As a result, the audience boiled and exploded, and the momentum was so strong that it completely overwhelmed the limelight of the previous duels.


At this moment, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran, Yechen and others couldn't keep calm.

Xue Xiaozi's defeat was already a fact.

Compared to this, they paid more attention to how Chen Xi defeated Xue Xiaozi!

"The sword emperor's third level should not be able to exert such power. Perhaps all the reasons for this are in the inheritance of the sword he used."

Leng Xinghun thought silently, he didn't have time to feel sorry for Xue Xiaozi, the sword that Chen Xi used before made him also feel a heavy pressure.

"If I were to face Chen Xi's sword, although there is a way to block it, there is no guarantee that the other party will not have other sword moves..."

At the same moment, Donghuang Yinxuan and other people were also thinking about the same question, as if they regarded Chen Xi as an imaginary enemy, comparing and analyzing each other's strengths.

The more they thought about it, the more serious and serious their expressions became, and none of them dared to belittle any more. On the contrary, they unconsciously regarded Chen Xi as a strong opponent that must be treated with caution!

"Fellow Daoist Lu Fu just said it was right. This matchup is indeed a pity. It's really surprising that the little guy of yours taught you that he didn't even block a single move."

In the Guiyuan Hall, Wen Ting spoke calmly, even though she looked extremely calm at the moment, she couldn't conceal the joy in her heart.

Chen Xi's previous performance even surprised her.

Hearing this, Lu Fu's face became extremely gloomy, he pursed his lips, and Xue Xiaozi's defeat made him feel suspicious, and when he heard Wen Ting's sarcasm, he didn't have the heart to fight with each other.

"Win! Chen Xi won!"

Shentu Yanran, Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui all made noises of joy, unable to restrain their excitement.

"The Banchen sword fell into the hands of this son, it is not a disgrace to the prestige!"

At the viewing table, Emperor Zhenwu murmured.

At this moment, Chen Xi seemed to be the focus of everyone's attention, making him even more powerful, like the sun in the sky!

As for Xue Xiaozi, who had become a loser, his expression was still pale, and he stood there alone, with a dazed expression, as if he had lost his soul.

This moment is very lively, but he seems to have been forgotten by the whole world.


Huai Kongzi shook his head, waking up from his slightly dazed thoughts.

He was equally astonished by Chen Xi's performance, but what made him even more concerned was that in the duel just now, the old dean actually did it himself!

Obviously, the dean, the old man, has long seen that Xue Xiaozi couldn't stop this move, and he, Huai Kongzi, as the host of the Dao Discussion Competition, failed to do this step in time, which made him feel uncomfortable. Can not help but feel a little embarrassed and ashamed.

However, once it was enough to see how transcendent Chen Xi's attack was, it made Huai Kongzi and other important figures in the Emperor Realm unable to react in time.


Huai Kongzi let out a long breath of foul air, and had completely recovered his composure.

The seven rounds of the second round of duels have come to an end at this moment. The seven successors who won this round of duels are Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran, Yechen, Wang Zhong, Yu Jiuyue, Chen Xi.

Among them, only the Taoist Academy has two descendants who have advanced, undoubtedly occupying a lot of advantages and becoming the winner of the third pass.

Of course, Shenyan Mountain also had a slight advantage, because apart from Chen Xi, Gu Yan already had a place to advance smoothly.

However, this is only the second level duel, this advantage is nothing, the real competition will fall in the next discussion!

In this second duel, the eliminated disciples were Qin Xinhui, Shi Yu, Zhu Qianyu, Fang Chongfeng, Shengzi Canaan, Feng Zhongze and Xue Xiaozi.

Among them, the most regrettable ones are undoubtedly Shi Yu, Zhu Qianyu, and Canaan. According to the fighting power displayed by the two, they are obviously better than Qin Xinhui, Fang Chongfeng, Feng Zhongze and others.

But there is no way, their opponents are too powerful, and there is nothing they can do.

And in this crucial duel, Xue Xiaozi was undoubtedly the one who lost the most. He was eliminated without a single move, which was unexpected.

It was also this battle that allowed Chen Xi to show his sharpness, and his limelight seemed to overwhelm the others, becoming the most attention-grabbing person in the audience.

But no matter what, all of this has come to an end at this moment, and a new round of duel will soon begin. This is undoubtedly a brand new beginning for the eight members of Chen Xi who have successfully advanced.


"Now I announce that the third level duel will now begin!"

"This duel is different from the previous ones. It is a closed duel. The outside world can pay attention to the progress of a duel, but those who participate in the discussion cannot see other people's duel scenes."

"Similarly, this duel will be in the form of drawing lots to select opponents. In the end, four of you will be successfully promoted to participate in the next round of the duel."

Huai Kongzi spoke in a deep voice, announcing the matter of the third Chongguan Discussion. His voice shook the world and attracted the attention of everyone present.

Judging from the rules of this duel, it is indeed very different, and it has adopted a closed duel form.

In layman's terms, after Chen Xi and the other eight people each chose their opponents to start the duel, the other disciples who did not have their turn to play would no longer be able to see the scene of the duel.

Of course, a group of ascetics outside still see all this clearly.

"It's a bit strange to do this. Is it because you are worried that other disciples participating in the discussion will spy on something?"

"It must be the case. In this duel, no matter who it is, I am afraid that they will use all means and use their trump cards. If they are seen by other participants in the discussion, in the next duel, they will lose a kind of deterrent."

"That's right, if someone else comes up with a way to deal with it, then it won't be called a trump card."

"I don't think it's that simple."

There was a lot of discussion in the field.

As far as Chen Xi and the others were concerned, when they heard the rules of this duel, they couldn't help feeling puzzled.

But if you think about it carefully, if you follow this rule, it is obviously beneficial to each of them, so it is acceptable.

The reason is very simple, except for their own opponents, no one wants to expose more hole cards to be seen by others.

Just like the previous confrontation between Chen Xi and Xue Xiaozi, the power of the sword shocked the audience, making Leng Xinghun and the others clearly see it, and naturally there will be some comparisons in their hearts, and they will think of some countermeasures, so as not to When he met Chen Xi, he was caught off guard.

"Now, start drawing lots!"

Huai Kongzi sacrificed that ancient bronze lamp again, the light was shining brightly, releasing a holy and pure aura.

Chen Xi, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran, Yechen, Wang Zhong, Yu Jiuyue, and Gu Yan stepped forward one by one, selected a ray of divine flame from the ancient bronze lamp, and swallowed it into their mouths.

Soon, divine splendors of different colors surged from their respective bodies.

There are four colors in total, and every two people have the same color, so the eight of them are divided into four groups.

Chen Xi, against Wang Zhong.

Leng Xinghun, against Gu Yan.

Kong Youran, against Yu Jiuyue!

Donghuang Yinxuan, against Yechen!

When witnessing the release of this discussion, the audience was immediately detonated, and discussions arose everywhere.

"Wang Zhong, the dark horse that turned out to be out of nowhere, unexpectedly ran into Chen Xi. Do you think he can create another miracle and successfully enter the next round of the semi-finals?"

"I didn't expect that the Taoist No.1 Yechen and the Shenyuan No.1 Donghuang Yinxuan met together this time. The outcome is really unpredictable."

"In comparison, I'm most looking forward to the duel between Leng Xinghun and Gu Yan!"

"Oh, it's a pity. I originally expected Kong Youran, a proud girl like Kong Youran, to fight Leng Xinghun. Who would have thought that her opponent would be Yu Jiuyue."

"Don't underestimate Yu Jiuyue. Those who can be among the top eight are all peerless figures who can lead an era!"

The ascetics in the audience were excited and looking forward to it, but Shi Yu was a little depressed. He had bet on two innate spiritual treasures on Chen Xi. Who would have thought that his opponent this time would not be Donghuang Yinxuan...

"The first match, Donghuang Yinxuan vs. Yechen!"

Soon, Huai Kongzi announced the start of the first duel, "The other six participants will go to the 'Shaohua Ancient Realm' to rest!"

As he spoke, he waved his sleeve robe, and opened a mysterious portal in the void, allowing Chen Xi and the other six people to enter it.


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