divine talisman

Chapter 1882 Era Responder

In an instant, Chen Xi returned to the "Ancient Mirror of Youth".

Unlike the last time he practiced here, although he could not see everything outside this time, he could hear the voices of the outside world clearly.

The voices of those watching the battle, the voice of Huai Kongzi announcing the duel, as well as some sighs, sighs, clinking of cups... can all be heard.

This is a very weird feeling. You can hear everything, but you can't see it. People can't help but think wildly and have many thoughts.

"This rule... is strange."

Chen Xi pondered for a while, then shook his head and sat cross-legged.

He has already noticed that the power of time in the Shaohua Ancient Realm is no longer delayed, but has reached an agreement with the outside world.

Obviously, it should be the director of the Taoist academy who manipulated the power of time here.


Not long after, there was a sudden violent collision sound from outside, like thunder piercing the sky, rolling endlessly, shocking the soul.

Even in the "Ancient Realm of Shaohua", Chen Xi could still feel the intensity and horror of this duel.

Donghuang Yinxuan and Yechen have started fighting!

In an instant, Chen Xi had figured it out, but with those voices alone, it was impossible for him to recognize other circumstances of this duel.

For example, what fighting methods they used, what fighting style they adopted, and what kind of divine treasure they sacrificed...all could not be judged.

This made Chen Xi frowned involuntarily, and finally sighed in his heart, and stopped thinking about it.

He is very clear that this is the effect of this discussion, in order to prevent other descendants who participated in the discussion from prying into the specific situation of the battle.

"God! What kind of exercise is this? It's too strong!"

"Look, Yechen actually blocked it. This, this, this...is simply unbelievable."

"Awesome, stronger than ever before, compared with the previous two rounds of confrontation, this kind of battle is even more shocking!"

"It turns out that this is their real combat power..."

It didn't take long before there was an uproar, as if a pot had exploded, and it sounded loudly and endlessly, causing Chen Xi to frown again.

Although he could maintain a calm state of mind, he couldn't stop himself from thinking and imagining, but in the end he couldn't think of anything.

This is called "overwhelming thoughts", which will only interfere with one's own energy, and will not get anything useful.

Even if it goes on like this, it will only affect one's own Dao heart!

This feeling is like sitting in meditation, when the inner demon emerges, it will unknowingly corrode the original mind, and if the consequences are serious, you may even fall into a demon-like omen.


At this moment, Chen Xi took a deep breath, and a sharp thought arose in his heart, which turned into a sword of wisdom, cutting off all his miscellaneous thoughts in one fell swoop.

In an instant, although the voices from outside kept pouring in, they were already rejected by Chen Xi's six senses, and could no longer affect his thoughts.

"Those battles have nothing to do with me, as long as I stick to my Dao heart, that's enough. The so-called eight winds attack me, and I will stand still, which is definitely not the case."

Chen Xi stopped paying attention to the outside world, his expression was calm, his thoughts were clear, and he took advantage of this time to meditate.

At this moment, not only Chen Xi, but Leng Xinghun, Kong Youran, Gu Yan, Yu Jiuyue, Wang Zhong and other five people also sensed that the situation was inappropriate, immediately cut off the outside interference, and began to sit cross-legged in meditation.

Peerless people like them, who are not as intelligent as the sea, have a clear mind, and there are too many people in the same realm, they can all subconsciously take the most sensible action for themselves.

like now.


I don't know how long it took, and suddenly a voice came——

"In the first match, Donghuang Yinxuan won!"

The outside world is boiling.

Chen Xi opened his eyes, and immediately closed them again, like a clay statue, with an expression that was calm.


Two days later.

Huai Kongzi's incomparably majestic voice resounded again - "In the second match, Kong Youran wins!"

Accompanying it was still the uproar that boiled like a sea. It is conceivable how much amazement and shock this battle caused.

But at this moment, all of this seemed to have disappeared without a trace like a shadow in the cold pool, and did not have the slightest influence on Chen Xi.

He didn't even open his eyes.


Time passed, and three more days passed.

The third duel came to an end, and Leng Xingsoul won.

So far, the first three duels are over.

Just after the duel between Leng Xinghun and Gu Yan ended, Chen Xi quietly opened his eyes and stood up.

Even if Gu Yan was defeated, even knowing that Yechen and Yu Jiuyue had been defeated by Donghuang Yinxuan and Kong Youran one after another, his expression was as calm as usual.


A burst of void fluctuations, in front of Chen Xi, reflected a mysterious portal.

"Finally it's my turn..."

Chen Xi murmured, stepped into that portal, and disappeared the next moment.


"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's just a sliver of Gu Yan to win!"

"It's indeed a pity, but there is no doubt that Leng Xinghun is indeed too powerful. Who would have thought that he would have so many trump cards?"

"There is only this last duel left. If Chen Xi loses this time, then their descendants of Shenyan Mountain will be the same as the descendants of the Taoist Academy, and will not have the chance to enter the next round of the top four."

"It's hard to say, this Wang Zhong is definitely a dark horse, his strength is unfathomable, maybe he will really defeat Chen Xi."

"It's a joke, Chen Xi's sword that defeated Xue Xiaozi is obvious to all, this Wang Zhong probably won't be able to bear it at all."

When Chen Xi appeared in the outside world, an incomparably noisy voice of discussion rushed over his face, as if he had suddenly entered the bustling city of mortals from an empty mountain and secluded valley.

The outside world was indeed very lively. Even though Chen Xi and Wang Zhong had all appeared in the Zhengming Dojo at this moment, their discussion still didn't stop, but intensified instead.

Regarding this, Chen Xi's expression remained the same, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.


Suddenly, Gu Yan in the distance caught his attention.

At this moment, Gu Yan was covered in blood and his face was extremely pale. He was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his whole body was still shaking, as if he was in great pain.

This made Chen Xi's eyes condense, and he judged in an instant that Gu Yan had suffered an extremely severe injury, and he was almost unable to hold on!


Chen Xi turned his eyes to the other side, and saw Leng Xinghun standing there with his hands on his back, his waist was majestic and majestic, his expression was cold and aloof, but his face was slightly pale.

Obviously, the confrontation with Gu Yan just now had exhausted him a lot, but compared to Gu Yan, he didn't suffer any injuries.

"Chen Xi."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Chen Xi turned his head to look, and saw Ye Chen sitting cross-legged in the distance, looking at him.

"Although there is no chance to fight against you this time, in the following discussion, if we can confront Donghuang Yinxuan, it will be enough to judge who is stronger between you and me."

Yechen's face was also a little pale, but his eyes were still bright, and there was still a free and easy smile on his lips, "Of course, the premise is that you win this duel."

Chen Xi nodded: "I will do my best."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Do you still remember that sentence I told you before, looking at the world, the person I want to fight the most is you, Chen Xi, alone. You must not let me down."

Chen Xi also smiled: "You put a lot of pressure on me."

Yechen laughed and said no more.

"Take good care of him."

Chen Xi came to Tu Meng's side, looked at Gu Yan who was on the side, fell silent for a moment, patted Tu Meng's shoulder, and whispered an instruction.

"You don't have to worry about Master Uncle."

Tumon said seriously.

Chen Xi nodded, and his eyes suddenly turned to the distance. There, Wang Zhong was standing with his hands behind his back, like a handsome young man in the world.

When he noticed Chen Xi's gaze, Wang Zhong smiled lightly and looked over.

The eyes of the two collided in mid-air. Although there was no verbal confrontation, nor any momentum contest, but suddenly, there was an indescribable murderous aura that filled the audience!

The originally noisy atmosphere suddenly became quiet at this moment, and many people felt a chill in their hearts, as if they had sensed it, and looked towards the two of them one after another.

"Fourth match, Chen Xi vs. Wang Zhong!"

Almost at the same time, Huai Kongzi, who was standing in front of the Guiyuan Hall, spoke in a deep voice, and his majestic voice spread throughout the world.


Before the voice fell, the figures of Chen Xi and Wang Zhong flashed, and Qi Qi came to the battlefield of Ming Dao, facing each other from a distance.

They were handsome and handsome, with a transcendent temperament, and dressed in brocade and feather crowns, with a leisurely demeanor. Almost instantly, they attracted the attention of all the ascetics in the entire Ten Directions God City.

"This duel is about to begin!"

"This is undoubtedly the most suspenseful duel. Chen Xi rose up decades ago and was not well-known before. The same is true for Wang Zhong. He is like a dark horse that has been smashed out of nowhere. It was a blockbuster in the big competition, and I don't know what kind of collision will erupt in this duel between them."

"That's right, haven't you noticed that from the Dao Discussion Competition to the present, the performances of both of them are unexpected, and the feeling of the two of them is surprisingly consistent, both of them are hidden, and it is impossible to know the depth of it. Very interesting."

Everyone in the outside world is discussing and has great expectations for this duel. Everyone is eager to see whether Wang Zhong, a dazzling dark horse, can create another miracle, advance smoothly all the way, or just stop there.

Chen Xi didn't care about all of this, and Wang Zhong obviously didn't care much more.

As soon as they arrived at the battlefield of Mingdao, the eyes of the two locked together, and they were sizing up each other.

"Interesting, another Era Respondent."

Wang Zhong murmured in his heart, a secretive smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he suddenly said, "Chen Xi, I have been paying attention to you for a long time."

Chen Xi remained calm, but there was once again a rare aura of loathing in his heart, which seemed extremely inexplicable.

This made him squint his eyes, and suddenly said: "Canaan has already told me about your origin."


Wang Zhong raised his eyebrows, stared at Chen Xi for a moment, and then smiled casually, "The Canaan Buddhist sect's 'Tianyantong' inheritance is indeed very powerful, but I don't have the secret that he wants to get."

Chen Xi sighed in his heart. Originally, he was just probing, but he never thought that the other party would not be fooled at all.

But the more this happened, the more Chen Xi felt that Wang Zhong's identity was not just as simple as the heir of the Golden Toad God Island!


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