divine talisman

Chapter 1883

Wang Zhong is very mysterious, the more you get in touch with it, the more people can't figure out its depth.

To Chen Xi, this Wang Zhong was even more hidden than other disciples who participated in the discussion, but Chen Xi was too lazy to think about it.

This duel is the last match of the third level. No matter how strange and mysterious Wang Zhong's background is, this battle is inevitable.


Chen Xi sacrificed the Banchen Sword, looked at Wang Zhong in the distance calmly, and said, "Let's start fighting."


Wang Zhong smiled, but he also sacrificed a sword.

This sword is four fingers wide and three feet and two inches long. It is bright red and translucent, showing a frightening scarlet color. It seems to be poured with divine blood, releasing a terrifying and fierce aura.

Looking at it from a distance, it makes people feel in a trance, as if they saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, gods and demons roaring in it, saints and sages sinking in it, everything seems to collapse and cease to exist.

"What a horrible bloody smell, what kind of treasure is this?"

"This Wang Zhong has never used this treasure before. Could it be that his real means of suppressing the bottom of the box is his cultivation of swordsmanship?"

"This guy hides so deeply!"

Everyone outside was terrified, and they all felt a terrifying bloody and murderous aura from the bloody sword in Wang Zhong's hand.

This is not comparable to ordinary innate spirit treasures!

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi also squinted his eyes, and said two words lightly from his lips: "A good sword."

"Not only is the sword good, but my swordsmanship is also good, you have to be careful."

Wang Zhong smiled slightly. He was imposing, wearing a green dress, a white jade belt around his waist, golden boots on his feet, and a crown with two feathers and phoenix wings on his head. , appearing very polite.

But the more this is the case, the more people can't see the depth of it. Even Huai Kongzi, Wen Ting, Yu Zhen and other great figures in the emperor's realm are vaguely uncertain about Wang Zhong, which is very unusual.

The scariest thing is often the unknown.

And this Wang Zhong is undoubtedly such a dangerous person!

You know, he obviously already knew that Chen Xi possessed the third level of the sword emperor's swordsmanship, but at this moment he still dared to say something to make Chen Xi be careful, and his words were still calm, which undoubtedly made him look even better. Get unfathomable.

"Compared to the way of the sword, I have never been afraid."

Chen Xi didn't seem to be aware of it. At this moment, he seemed more calm and calm, as if from this moment on, everything in the world, the sky, the place, this person, and everything in the outside world had been abandoned by him.

In his eyes, only Wang Zhong was alone.

His sword was only pointed at Wang Zhong alone.

An invisible aura of swordsmanship diffused from Chen Xi's body, and the world fell into a stillness, causing the expressions of everyone outside to change, with a feeling of suffocation.

Noticing the change in Chen Xi's aura, Wang Zhong raised his eyebrows, and suddenly suggested: "Since it's sword against sword, why don't we adopt a unique way of comparison, how about a quick battle?"

Chen Xi's state of mind remained calm, and he said, "Say it."

At this moment, everyone outside couldn't help being curious, which one is Wang Zhong going to play?

"It's very simple. You and I stand still in place and only fight with the sword in our hands. If anyone moves out of the range of ten feet from the original place, or if anyone can't stop the opponent's sword, it will be considered a failure. How about it?"

Without hesitation, Wang Zhong spoke calmly.

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help being in an uproar.

If this kind of duel is really adopted, the difficulty will be much more difficult than the conventional duel. To ensure that you stand within ten feet of the original place, it is obvious that all possibilities of dodge are eliminated!

In other words, the most direct purpose of this method is to allow Chen Xi to have a head-to-head battle with him!

Whoever backs down will lose!

Whoever can't stop will lose!

"Where did Wang Zhong get the confidence to propose such a confrontation method? Could it be that he is [-]% sure that he will defeat Chen Xi?"

"If Chen Xi really agrees, this battle will be interesting."

"I don't know why, but this Wang Zhong behaved too calmly, as if he had a chance to win. I suddenly became a little worried about Chen Xi."

There was a lot of discussion in the outside world, most people were amazed at the courage Wang Zhong showed, and many people were faintly worried for Chen Xi.

At this moment, even Wen Ting couldn't help but frowned, and said in displeasure, "What kind of tricks is this descendant of Jinchan Shendao playing? It's too much to invent another battle rule without following the good rules. presumptuous."

Hearing that Wen Ting was dissatisfied, Huai Kongzi who was standing outside the Guiyuan Hall also frowned, and immediately turned his attention to the battlefield of Ming Dao, and said in a deep voice: "Chen Xi, according to the rules of this Dao Discussion Competition , you don’t have to agree to this proposal.”

Seeing Wang Zhong's suggestion actually caused Huai Kongzi to intervene aloud, causing everyone in the audience to stare sideways.

Regarding this, Wang Zhong just smiled and kept looking at Chen Xi.

"This way of fighting is also exactly what I want."

When Chen Xi opened his mouth, he actually agreed!

Everyone was stunned.

Huai Kongzi pondered for a moment, but finally did not speak again.

Wen Ting sighed in his heart, somewhat unable to figure out what his little uncle was thinking.

"Okay! Just relying on you, I won't let you lose too badly in the duel later!"

Wang Zhong suddenly praised loudly, but his words seemed extremely domineering and powerful.

"I think you'd better not be too happy."

Chen Xi said indifferently.

"You're right, I'm indeed a bit aggressive."

As soon as Wang Zhong patted his forehead and smiled freely, his expression became serious, and his whole person instantly became extremely calm, without any emotional fluctuations.

"This sword is named Miejie, I hope you will never forget this name in your life."

Amidst the calm and indifferent voice, a strange purple divine flame suddenly flashed in Wang Zhong's eyes, taking his soul away.

In an instant, his whole body was enveloped by a piece of purple divine brilliance, like a round of purple sun, dazzling and shocking all directions.


It can be clearly seen that within a radius of ten feet with Wang Zhong as the center, time and space suddenly collapsed, shattered, turned into turbulent currents and rotated violently, making a sharp and ear-piercing booming sound.

Standing in it, Wang Zhong stood in his clothes, his purple eyes were like lightning, and he was like an emperor awakened from the sword, with a kind of domineering arrogance.

All these changes happened in an instant. When everyone looked at Wang Zhong again, it was as if they saw another stranger. The domineering aura made many people change slightly.

"He... actually possesses the power of swordsmanship at the third level of the Sword Emperor!"

A big man in the emperor's realm exclaimed.


Before everyone could react, Wang Zhong had already slashed out with a sword.

The bright red and translucent Mie Jie Sword crossed the sky, like a strand of blood and tears flowing from the corner of a lover's eye, coquettish, bloody, and wrapped in an indomitable and destructive power.

As soon as he appeared, there was a torrential rain of blood and a vision of a sea of ​​blood surging on the ring, as if it was about to sink the world into it, it was extremely horrifying.

Almost at the same time, a cold sharpness shot out from Chen Xi's eyes, and without any hesitation, the Banchen Sword turned into a gleam of light, and flew across the sky.

Xuanxin swordsmanship - streamer style.

This sword energy seems to be illusory, without trace, giving people a sense of unreality like a willow beard.

But when the sword energy swept through the air, it cut the blood rain, and it could not fall anymore, tearing the blood sea, like cutting a painting from it.

Then, it suddenly descended on top of Wang Zhong's head!

All of this happened extremely quickly, and there was no collision sound, and there was no earth-shattering power, but the power displayed in such a calm and quiet place seemed particularly shocking.


Wang Zhong smiled lightly, as if he was not surprised that Chen Xi could achieve this step. With a flick of the Mie Jie Sword in his palm, he pulverized that imminent streak of sword energy.


Amid the sound of admiration, Wang Zhong slashed out with a sword again.


The power of this sword is obviously stronger, and the murderous intent is full, and the sound of the sword qi resounds around the world, resounding through the world.

Among the spectators in the distance, some of the weaker ones were so shaken that their eardrums were about to burst, their whole bodies were churning with qi and blood, and they were extremely uncomfortable.

Even those who existed in the Monarch Realm changed their colors slightly. The power of this sword was beyond their imagination.

Regarding this, Chen Xi's expression was calm, and there was no slight change from the beginning to the end.


He also slashed out with a sword, with the momentum like thunder rushing through the universe, and the strength like the vast sea breaking down a solid rock, mighty and boundless.

It is the Xuanxin swordsmanship - the sea cliff style.


In this confrontation, the movement was astonishing, the divine light exploded, the sword glowed like rain, like the sun and the moon colliding, resounding throughout the nine heavens and ten earths.

The terrifying scene was appalling and moved many ascetics in the audience.

This is obviously the confrontation between the two peerless sword emperors. The power displayed by every gesture is enough to destroy the sun and the moon, kill the universe, and possesses immeasurable divine power. It can be called shocking and beyond human reach.

Such a peak duel like this will not even happen in thousands of years, it is rare in the world!

Those ascetics in Shifang God City have never seen such a shocking duel since they practiced. They were stunned, they all lost their voices, and they almost forgot to breathe.

"You take my sword too!"

Chen Xi's expression was calm, his thick black long hair flew up, his whole body seemed to be unsheathed, and his might was overwhelming.

When he spoke, Banchenjian uttered a clear moan, and slashed out with a fierce, chilling, and unparalleled aura of precision.

Wang Zhong squinted his eyes, and his aura became stronger accordingly. The Mie Jie sword in his palm became brighter and brighter red, as if it was about to bleed.


He slashed out with a sword, and the sword screamed like thunder, resounding through the universe, the momentum was fierce, turbulent, and tyrannical to the extreme.

In just a few breaths, the sword qi of the two clashed at least a hundred times, and the earth was shaken, and the sun and the moon were dimmed, and one kind of terrifying vision after another erupted.

There were avenues collapsing, divine voices mourning, lightning and thunder, warps and latitudes being reversed, all kinds of visions erupted in battles, which shocked the entire audience, their eyes widened, and their souls trembled.

Too strong!

Whether it's Chen Xi or Wang Zhong, they all stood in place from the beginning to the end, their bodies were motionless, but the swordsmanship they displayed in their hands had already surpassed the same realm by far, far too much, fully displaying the might of the Sword Emperor Three Heavens .


ps: Since the power outage, this chapter is done in the bar. Everyone else is lol. I am not used to the keyboard, seat, and atmosphere. There will be Chapter 2, and it may be later. Don’t worry .


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