divine talisman

Chapter 1884

Two peerless sword emperors who have reached the third level of sword emperors, under the eyes of everyone, launched a world-shocking peak duel.

Everyone knows that no matter who wins or loses in this duel, it will definitely be remembered in history and spread throughout the ancient gods!

Before the battle, who could have imagined that Wang Zhong, who rushed out like a black horse, would also have the power of the third level of the Sword Emperor?

Who could have imagined that this duel would take such a unique way?

It can be said that among the four duels in the third hurdle, only this one is more suspenseful and more eye-catching.


On the battlefield of Mingdao, the battle is still going on.

Chen Xi and Wang Zhong still stood in place, their bodies motionless, as firm as a rock, but their fighting strength was constantly improving as time went by.

The destructive power generated by the battle is also becoming more and more intense.

Jianmang fled.

Divine splendor swept across.

Dao sound boomed.

In the battlefield of Ming Dao, it completely turned into a sea of ​​sword energy, and the power of the sword way amazed the audience at this moment.

"Have you noticed that whether it's Chen Xi or Wang Zhong, their fighting styles are surprisingly similar!"

Many people are keenly aware that at the beginning of this duel, Chen Xi and Wang Zhong didn't use their full strength at all, and their fighting styles were almost exactly the same, neither of them completely exposed their hole cards, but as the battle continued, , Constantly improve your own strength.

Obviously, both of them couldn't see through each other's depth, so they both adopted the safest fighting methods.

For outside ascetics, such a battle is undoubtedly more attractive.

They all secretly speculated in their hearts whether it was Chen Xi who had more cards or Wang Zhong who had more cards?

Where is the limit of the two of them?

No one can see it, so it makes people more and more curious.

And it can arouse the curiosity of all the ascetics in the audience, which shows how fierce and shocking this battle is.

"From this point of view, both Chen Xi and Wang Zhong are geniuses in the way of swordsmanship, rare in eternity, and in terms of their current fighting power, they are not inferior to Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, and Kong who have already advanced. The leisurely three!"

Someone made a noise, comparing Chen Xi and Wang Zhong with others.

But soon, it was refuted.

"This is incomparable. This battle has great restrictions. The rules are different from the previous discussion. It seems extremely fierce, but invisibly, it restricts their fighting skills."

"That's right. They stood still, and every blow was head-on. But you must know that this is not the case in real battles. Some people are good at attacking, and some are good at roundabout fighting. Take the current Chen Xi and Wang Zhonghe. Compared with other people, it is impossible to tell the difference.”

No matter how you evaluate it, in the eyes of all cultivators outside, this confrontation between Chen Xi and Wang Zhong is completely a confrontation in the realm of the Dao of the Sword, and it is a competition between the Dao of the Sword they have comprehended.

Of course, this also includes the Qi refining cultivation base, Dao Xin cultivation base, Dao enlightenment cultivation base and the exercises they have mastered...etc.

These comprehensive powers gathered together became the source of power for them to exert their sword power.

When this duel is over, it will be enough to judge who is more powerful and whose sword state is better!



After a cup of tea, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly flashed with a frightening ray of divine brilliance, and the Banchen Sword in his palm was wrapped in billions of runes of radiance, as if reversing a galaxy, he smashed away.

Almost at the same time, Wang Zhong squinted his eyes, and turned the Miejie Sword to the extreme, like a bloody flame, covering the sky and covering the earth.

When the two collide, like wind and thunder stirring the nine heavens, the blazing and dazzling divine brilliance illuminates the heaven and the earth transparently and immeasurably brilliant.

Ding Ding Deng!

Under the horrified gazes of the crowd, Chen Xi and Wang Zhong's bodies retreated three steps in unison, exactly the same!

With this blow, he couldn't tell the difference between high and low.

It's just that everyone was keenly aware that at this moment, whether it was Chen Xi or Wang Zhong, their expressions became serious and serious, and their aura became stronger and stronger.

Looking from afar, Chen Xi looked like a mouthful of an abyss, and his aura became more and more deep, as if he could swallow up the whole world, while the Wang Zhong looked like a round of purple sun, raging like burning.


Wang Zhong attacked again, his sword intent reached the sky, disturbing Dao.


Chen Xi pursed his lips without saying a word, and shook his sword hard.

Witnessing this scene, everyone knows that this duel has reached the most critical moment, and this is also the most dangerous and tragic time.

It won't be long before the outcome may be determined!

No one speaks.

No one is distracted anymore.

All eyes and thoughts gathered in Mingdao battlefield, making the outside world seem strangely silent.

It even went so far as to say that the entire Ten Directions God City was completely silent, and a needle could be heard falling.

Huai Kongzi, Wen Ting, Yu Zhen, Lu Fu, Chisongzi and other big figures in the Guiyuan Hall, Shentu Qingyuan, Zhenwu Emperor, Ziwei Emperor and other emperors in the audience, will all be at this moment. Attention was focused on Chen Xi and Wang Zhong.

Only in the battlefield of Ming Dao, there are the sounds of swords groaning, collisions, time and space collapsing, wind and cloud changing... All kinds of sounds are constantly booming, resounding all over the field.



It was another extremely fierce confrontation, Chen Xi's eyes narrowed slightly, his blood was surging, and he couldn't help but retreat six steps.

Almost at the same time, veins appeared on Wang Zhong's forehead, and he gritted his teeth suddenly, but his body was uncontrollable, and he also retreated six steps.


The two snorted coldly almost at the same time, and confronted each other again.


After hundreds of rounds, Chen Xi's figure staggered, avoiding a distance of eight feet to one side, and his whole body roared.

On the other hand, Wang Zhong is as imposing as a rainbow!

Everyone couldn't help shrinking their pupils. Could it be that Chen Xi was about to be suppressed?

But very soon, they realized that their judgment was wrong, because at the next moment, Chen Xi attacked outrageously, and also defeated Wang Zhong, and his figure was forced back a distance of nine feet!

This caused everyone to be shocked again.

It seems that there is only a difference in distance, but this is a collision between two peerless sword emperors. One can imagine how terrifying it is. defeat!

The battle is still going on, but it is more dangerous and tragic than before.

As the battle progressed, Chen Xi's face became tense and solemn, and his whole body was churning with energy and blood.

Wang Zhong's forehead burst out with veins, his teeth were clenched, and his eyes were filled with cold light. His whole body seemed to be completely on fire, shrouded in a billowing purple flame.

"Chen Xi, you will definitely lose this time!"

Suddenly, a stern arc appeared on the corners of Wang Zhong's lips, and there was a long cry, the phoenix wing crown suddenly shattered, his long hair stood on end, and he released a frightening purple light, his whole body turned into an ancient sword god.

His aura, at this very moment, suddenly rose sharply again!

Seeing this, all the ascetics outside were shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Destroy the catastrophe!"

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Wang Zhong held the Mie Jie sword in his hand and slashed out.


At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and everything fell into a sign of silence, as if it would cease to exist.

That terrifying aura shocked the hearts of those beings in the Monarch Realm. What kind of swordsmanship inheritance is this?

Many ascetics were even terrified by the shock, as if falling into an ice cave, almost tearing their livers apart!

too strong!

The aura contained in this sword seems to obliterate even catastrophe, causing everything to fall into silence, which is unimaginable.

"Mie Jie, Mie Jie... This person... Could it be that he really came from that place?"

In the Zhengming Dojo, Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect, had deep eyes, full of wisdom, as if he had seen something, but his expression was rare and dignified.

Facing this blow, Chen Xi also smelled a dangerous aura, and felt an invisible oppressive force blowing towards his face.


Without any hesitation, he performed the Xuanxin swordsmanship to embrace the circle, and the shadows of the sword turned into a round light curtain, covering the world and the self!


A huge force struck fiercely, and Wang Zhong's blow looked extremely terrifying, beyond imagination. Although Chen Xi resisted it, his body was forcefully pushed back.

Ding Ding Deng

Under the horrified gazes of the crowd, his figure finally stopped at a place ten feet away from the original place, and if he missed it by a line, he would be eliminated from the competition!

This made many ascetics heave a sigh of relief, but they couldn't help being secretly astonished. Wang Zhong, the descendant from Jinchan God Island, is too strong, isn't he?

Chen Xi's blood was boiling, his face was slightly pale, but his expression was still indifferent, without any change.

Only in his pair of black eyes, there was already a trace of chilling aura.


Seeing that this blow did not defeat Chen Xi, Wang Zhong's expression became more and more icy, and murderous intent also gushed out of his eyes.


Before he could make another move, Chen Xi moved first, and the Banchen Sword turned into a streak of rainbow, seemingly ignoring the barriers of time and space, breaking the shackles of latitude and longitude, and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, he was within a foot of Wang Zhong's throat!

This blow seemed extremely mysterious and erratic, and it was also incredibly fast, causing Wang Zhong's pupils to shrink suddenly, and his face changed slightly.


Caught off guard, although he blocked the blow without any risk, his whole body was also sent flying, barely stopping ten feet away!

This made his complexion finally change and became gloomy, but in the end, he suddenly smiled slightly, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Is this your strongest method? Very good, but unfortunately, this is not my strongest method!"

Amidst the indifferent laughter, Wang Zhong rose out of thin air, and in his left hand, a divine sword reappeared, the whole body was like snow, crystal clear, as if transparent, releasing a chilling and terrifying aura.

Double swords!

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but gasp. There are not no sword cultivators who sacrificed two swords, and there are even those who can sacrifice thousands of divine swords, but those are just for use, and the real power that can be exerted is the key.

For an existence like Wang Zhong, being able to use a sword to its limit is enough to kill any enemy!

But at this moment, he has sacrificed his second divine sword, which often means that with his current strength, his combat effectiveness will probably be doubled!


ps: It's gone tonight.The goldfish man is about to vomit, the smell of smoke and instant noodles mixed with the weird computer smell in the bar makes people dizzy, I still sit in the non-smoking area!If it is not necessary, I don't want to step into this kind of low in my life.


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