divine talisman

Chapter 1885 Shocking Reversal

As everyone expected, when Wang Zhong mastered the second sword, his aura suddenly rose and he went straight to the bullfight.

His long purple hair fluttered all over his head, and his pupils had a strange icy luster. If the ancient demon god woke up from the years, he would be immeasurably powerful.

"This sword is named Ai Shuang, and it is my most beloved treasure. It has been a long time since anyone has been able to force me to sacrifice this sword."

Wang Zhong sighed softly, with a touch of emotion in his voice.

Along with emotion, the murderous intent on his body became more and more boiling, like a volcano that had been dead for a long time suddenly erupted.

"Chen Xi, today you were defeated by Sorrow, you are already proud of yourself."

An indifferent voice was floating, and Wang Zhong had launched another attack.


The bright red and translucent Miejie sword in his right hand was raised, cutting out a blurred and dreamlike blood light, revealing endless blood, as if to wash the world with blood.


The right hand is crystal clear, and the Ai Shuang sword, which is as bright as snow, stabs out in a simple way. In an instant, the sky is covered with frost, and the sharp edge pierces people's hearts.

Two kinds of sword powers with different powers were superimposed and reflected at this moment, producing a grand and terrifying vision, which made all the ascetics stop breathing and tremble.

This blow even made some Monarch Realm existences feel an inexplicable pressure!


The sword flow is coming, like a call from hell, to completely restrain and suppress people, giving people a feeling of powerlessness that cannot be stopped and avoided.

Many people's hearts were seized at once, hanging in their throats, worried to the extreme for Chen Xi.

This Wang Zhong is too powerful, like an unfathomable abyss, beyond imagination, and now he is displaying the power of two swords, how should Chen Xi resist at such a moment?


Chen Xi didn't resist.

The moment Wang Zhong shot, he also chose to take the initiative.


A flat, non-pyrotechnic sword energy shot out.

Mysterious Heart Swordsmanship-Jie Niu Style.

This blow seemed to be the same as before, and it didn't have a trace of world-shattering power, which made many practitioners outside sigh in their hearts.

Could it be that Chen Xi... is really at the end of his rope?


An earth-shattering collision resounded, and Chen Xi's sword qi was the first to collide with that dreamlike blood-colored sword qi, and divine brilliance burst out.

This attack was indeed blocked by Chen Xi, but before he could react, the sword energy from the Ai Shuang Divine Sword had already struck.


Under such circumstances, Chen Xi could only resist passively, but his whole body seemed to be hit hard by a hundred thousand mountains, and he retreated uncontrollably.

Three feet.

Five feet.



Every time Chen Xi's figure took a step back, the hearts of many cultivators in the audience twitched, and their worries increased accordingly. Many people couldn't bear to witness it.

Because at this moment, that crystal-clear, ice-like sword qi was almost overwhelming, and Chen Xi seemed to be overwhelmed, and seemed to be struggling extremely, so he could only keep retreating.



Wang Zhong's blow was truly terrifying. Under his control, he continuously buzzed, releasing terrifying divine power, and severely oppressed Chen Xi.

It can be clearly seen that Chen Xi's clothes, long hair, and eyebrows are all faintly covered with a layer of white frost.

And his body is still moving backwards...

In the eyes of everyone, if this situation continues, it won't even take a moment for Chen Xi to be shocked and retreat ten feet away. Even if he can block this blow by that time, according to the rules, he will already be defeated.

"How could it be that even people like Chen Xi are going to be defeated by Wang Zhong?"

Someone sighed and muttered to themselves.

"This blow is indeed too powerful. Who would have thought that the might of Wang Zhong's twin swords would be so terrifying?"

Some people sighed and were shocked by the power displayed by Wang Zhong.

"It's over. If Chen Xi is also eliminated, then Shenyan Mountain will be wiped out this time, completely missing the next round of duel."

Some people have begun to regret it.




As Chen Xi kept retreating, the minds of the ascetics in the arena were also shaken, becoming more and more nervous, and all of them opened their eyes wide.

"It seems that there is no suspense in this duel. It is undeniable that Wang Zhong is indeed unexpectedly powerful."

In the Guiyuan Hall, Lu Fu sighed with emotion, "Perhaps, only Leng Xinghun, the preacher of my Grand Master, can defeat him."

"Haha, the East Emperor Yinxuan of my God Academy is not bad."

Chisongzi laughed.

Hearing the conversation between these two people, Wen Ting's face looked a bit ugly, but in the end she didn't say anything more. At this moment, her mind was all on Chen Xi, and she was extremely worried about it. How could she have the heart to pay attention to Lu Fu and Chi Songzi? provocative.

"Little Martial Uncle, you must persevere!"

Wen Ting murmured in his heart.


In Mingdao battlefield.

The battle situation has entered an unprecedentedly fierce state, and it has also reached the most critical moment, because at this moment, Chen Xi has been forced to retreat nine feet away.

On the other hand, Wang Zhong's aura was on fire, and he became stronger and stronger. He controlled the Ai Shuang sword energy to continuously attack, and his divine power was astonishing.

In this comparison, as long as he is not blind, it is obvious that Chen Xi is at a disadvantage.

In such a situation, perhaps in the next moment, this duel will be decided!

"Chen Xi, your fighting power is indeed beyond my expectation, but it is far from reaching the point where I am afraid. Someone like you is destined to be my opponent."

At this critical moment, Wang Zhong suddenly smiled slightly, and spoke leisurely, with an appearance of winning, as if he thought that Chen Xi was hopeless and would lose.

Chen Xi pursed his lips and remained silent, his expression was as indifferent as usual, without any emotional fluctuations.

While talking, his body was shaken back two steps again, and the distance of ten feet was less than one step away!

"Do you still want to resist? Sure enough, in an era like yours..."

Wang Zhong spoke again, halfway through his words, he seemed to realize something, shut up immediately, and just let out a sneer.

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly raised his head, looked at Wang Zhong in the distance, and said, "It seems that you do know a lot, but you made a mistake about one thing."


Wang Zhong squinted his eyes, but thought that Chen Xi was delaying on purpose, and he didn't intend to give Chen Xi any chance!


He controlled that Sorrowful Shuang Sword Qi, and his power became stronger and stronger, as if he wanted to completely defeat Chen Xi.

One step away is ten feet away.

This distance also means the dividing line between victory and defeat!

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the ascetics in the outside world couldn't help hanging together, and they were extremely nervous.

Time seemed to stand still.

Shentu Yanran, Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and others couldn't help showing expressions that they couldn't bear to see.

Tu Meng and Gu Yan opened their eyes wide.

Wen Ting couldn't help clenching her hands tightly.



At this moment of urgency, a sword chant sounded as clear as a chime.

Then, under the horrified gazes of everyone, Chen Xi's left hand unexpectedly had an extra divine sword!

The shape of this sword is simple and simple, and the whole body is filled with wisps of innate clear color, which has evolved into dense and obscure patterns of divine scriptures, winding around the body of the sword.

From a distance, this sword looks like it was derived from a talisman, with a mysterious aura of ingenious workmanship and deduction of good fortune.

As soon as it appeared, the sword chanted boundlessly, stirring the nine heavens and ten earths!

This is?

The audience was shocked!


Before they could react, Chen Xi had already slashed out with his sword!

In an instant, the mysterious runes filled the air, covering the sky and covering the earth, and the sword energy flowed like a rainbow, rushing to kill ten directions, the power and power were simply terrifying to the extreme.


In an instant, the Ai Shuang sword energy from Ruo Shenshan's oppression burst into pieces, and the seemingly vulnerable Liuli was completely destroyed.


There was another soul-stirring howl of the sword, that sword energy had crushed time and space, cut through latitude and longitude, and suddenly came in front of Wang Zhong.


Wang Zhong's pupils suddenly shrank, seemingly unbelievable.

He swung his two swords to resist, but in just an instant, he was violently shaken by Chen Xi's sword, and he flew backward uncontrollably.

Once you retreat, you will be hundreds of feet away!

With a plop, when Wang Zhong fell to the ground, his face was already flushed with suffocation, his veins were covered with veins, his clothes were torn all over his body, he took a quick breath, but couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

In an instant, his flushed face turned pale, pale and transparent, and his whole body froze there completely.

The whole place was silent!

The atmosphere was extremely silent.

Everyone was dumbfounded, as if they couldn't believe what was happening before them.

Indeed, all of this happened so fast, it was unbelievably fast. From the time Chen Xi was about to be defeated in one fell swoop just now, to when he suddenly swiped out his left-handed sword and came back out of the encirclement like a counterattack, knocking Wang Zhong flying in one fell swoop, a series of movements almost happened. suddenly.

It was so fast that most cultivators didn't have time to see clearly what kind of sword moves Chen Xi had used, and the duel was over.

As a result, all of this was particularly shocking, as if an incredible miracle had been staged before people's eyes, and people had no time to accept and digest it.

So, everyone was stunned there, shocked and speechless.

"The thing you got wrong is that I can also use the dual swords, and this is my trump card."

In this silence, Chen Xi looked at Wang Zhong in the distance, and calmly spoke out, breaking the atmosphere of silence.

Wang Zhong stood there in a daze, with a trace of dark red blood on the corner of his pale and bloodless lips, which seemed unacceptable.

"Impossible, impossible... How can a person like you be my opponent? It's not true, it's not true!"

Amidst the murmurs, Wang Zhong's face suddenly became gloomy and ferocious, and finally he yelled hysterically, revealing a deep sense of unwillingness.

"But, you have already lost."

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head, put away his two swords, and wanted to turn around and leave Ming Dao's battlefield.

"Chen Xi! This is not my trump card. I still have a lot of tricks that I haven't used yet. Let's keep fighting, and I will definitely defeat you!"

Wang Zhong looked crazy and shouted, "Come on, even if you lose, this promotion quota is still yours, how about it?"

"I said, you have already lost, and I have already won the promotion spot, why should I fight you again?"

Chen Xi didn't even look back, and said while walking, "Don't forget, you set the rules for this duel, and I've already let you do it once!"


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