divine talisman

Chapter 1886: There is a loss to welcome

let me once

Wang Zhong, who looked like a madman, was completely stunned, and repeated a sentence in his mouth: "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible..."

And Chen Xi had already left Mingdao Battlefield at this time.

At this moment, Wang Zhong stood alone on it, with a dazed expression, alone, with a look of despair, which seemed particularly pitiful.

Seeing all this in his eyes, Huai Kongzi took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the shock in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Chen Xi won this duel!"

The majestic voice spread throughout the world, awakening the ascetics who were in shock in the field.

All of a sudden, there was an uproar and an uproar.

"Win! Chen Xi really won! It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable!"

"I didn't expect that at that last moment, Chen Xi would perform a miracle of a counterattack, defeating Wang Zhong in one fell swoop!"

"Sigh, Wang Zhong, a dark horse that has been smashed out of the sky, has stopped here. But his performance in the first few games alone is enough to make him famous all over the world, and he is well known by the entire ancient gods."

"Amazing! Can you see clearly that the divine sword that Chen Xi sacrificed at the end is extremely powerful, and it is obviously a remarkable innate spiritual treasure!"

"That's right, who would have thought that Chen Xi would hide it so deeply that he would not sacrifice this sword until the last moment."

The sound of exclamation was endless, causing a commotion in the entire Ten Directions God City.

In the Guiyuan Hall.

Wen Ting let out a long breath of foul air, let go of his hands that were only clenched, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he was in high spirits.

Although she didn't say a word, the faces of Lu Fu and Chi Songzi had become quite gloomy at this moment. How could they have thought that Chen Xi, who was destined to be defeated in the first place, would be able to survive from desperation and put on a gorgeous show? An incomparable counterattack?

"This little thing is really tough!"

The two secretly cursed in their hearts.


"If that Wang Zhong is really a descendant from that place, it would be very unusual for Chen Xi to be able to defeat him..."

Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect, was in a daze. He stared at Wang Zhong in the Mingdao battlefield, but he was recalling Chen Xi's last blow just now in his mind, and he fell into deep thought for a long time.

His behavior was completely different from other ascetics, and it seemed quite abnormal. Unfortunately, most of the people's eyes were focused on Chen Xi at this time, but no one noticed the abnormality of Canaan.



Shentu Yanran stood up, unable to restrain her excitement, her incomparably beautiful face became more and more charming.


Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing, and Zhuan Yushui also repeated the same two words, unable to calm down for a long time.

The combat power displayed by Chen Xi was too strong, and he was no different from him back then, which made them, these companions, feel unattainable.


Almost at the same time, in the isolated "Shaohua Ancient Realm", Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, and Kong Youran who were meditating all opened their eyes at the same time.

After winning the duel, the three of them were moved into this ancient Shaohua realm one after another, and they could no longer see everything outside.

Therefore, it is not clear at all about the specific circumstances of the confrontation between Chen Xi and Wang Zhong.

But just hearing the sky-shattering uproar from the outside world was enough to let them know that Chen Xi won this battle very well!

"Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong is not his opponent..."

Leng Xinghun frowned. He had a high opinion of Wang Zhong, and even regarded Wang Zhong as an opponent that must be taken seriously, but he never expected that such an unpredictable guy would lose to Chen Zhong in this duel. Shioshou.

"It seems that if we meet Chen Xi in the next duel, we must treat him as a great enemy."

Almost at the same time, Donghuang Yinxuan raised his brows, and a frightening gleam appeared in a pair of purple pupils.

"I knew that when it comes to the background, Chen Xi is more secretive than Wang Zhong."

Kong Youran got up, stretched her waist, her expression was lazy, but there was a smile on her bright red lips.


Soon, a void wave spread in the Shaohua Ancient Realm, and three mysterious portals appeared in front of Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, and Kong Youran.

Without any hesitation, the three of them stepped into it Qiqi and disappeared suddenly.

They knew that the duel of the fourth level would soon begin!


There was an uproar from the outside world, but Chen Xi didn't seem to notice it. He came to the side of Tu Meng and Gu Yan on his own, looked at Gu Yan who was meditating, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although Gu Yan was seriously injured, Dao Ji was not injured.

"Uncle Master, you should take a rest quickly so as not to affect the performance of the next round of duel."

Tumon expressed concern.

Chen Xi smiled, and said, "That's fine."

He was not injured. In this duel with Wang Zhong, it only took less than an incense stick of time from the beginning to the end, and it only consumed divine power, not a lot of mental power.

However, participating in the next round of duel according to his current state will inevitably affect his performance. After all, in the next round of duel, his opponent may be one of Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, and Kong Youran .

In a fight with such a character, even the slightest difference would result in defeat, so Chen Xi didn't dare to be careless.

He sat cross-legged and began to meditate.

Before the duel in the fourth stage, there was nearly three hours of cultivation time, which was enough for Chen Xi to restore his state to the peak.

During this period, Huai Kongzi came to inquire, wanting to allow Chen Xi to enter the Shaohua Ancient Realm to adjust his breath. In this case, the speed of recovery will undoubtedly be much faster.

But he was rejected by Chen Xi, not out of pity, but because he felt that it was unnecessary.

"Uncle Master, I have seen all the four duels in the third stage, and I can roughly judge that with the hole cards you showed just now, it is enough to fight against any of Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, and Kong Youran. .”

While Chen Xi was adjusting his breath, Tu Meng was helping him analyze the situation.

"But you can't be careless, those three guys are extraordinary characters, maybe they still have some tricks they haven't used."

Chen Xi listened quietly, but he secretly speculated in his heart that if he compared the methods of suppressing the bottom of the box, he would not be afraid of anyone.


"Eldest senior brother, you have to be careful about Chen Xi, he still has an even more powerful divine sword in his hand, which is an extraordinary innate spiritual treasure..."

"Yes, what Senior Brother Donghuang said is correct. Chen Xi defeated that Wang Zhong in one fell swoop with the power of his two swords."

"Senior Sister Kong, Chen Xi's fighting power is extremely astonishing, and he hides extremely deeply. If you encounter him by any chance, don't be careless."

Almost at the same time, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, and Kong Youran were also listening to the analysis of the brothers next to them.

In fact, it's not just them. After experiencing the shock caused by Chen Xi's counterattack, all the ascetics in the entire Ten Directions Divine City are analyzing Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran, and Chen Xi. combat effectiveness.

The duel between the four of them has been seen clearly by the outside world, but it is extremely difficult for them to choose a stronger one from these four.

In other words, in the hearts of those ascetics, they all have their own judgments, and it is difficult to unify the one who thinks they are stronger.

Therefore, the controversy is also great.

"No matter what, Leng Xinghun wins every battle cleanly, which is not something other people can do."

This is the attitude of the ascetics who support Leng Xinghun.

"Hmph, how can you judge the level of combat power in this way? I feel that Donghuang Yinxuan is the strongest. His fighting style is steady and steady, and he advances step by step. The more he is like this, the more terrifying he is."

This is in support of Donghuang Yinxuan.

"You have also seen Kong Youran's fighting style. She is absolutely strong and does not give her opponent any chance to breathe. Whoever becomes an opponent with her will definitely not get any benefits."

This is to support Kong Youran.

And the ascetics who support Chen Xi often use one word to describe Chen Xi—"Unfathomable"!

In short, for the upcoming semi-final matchup, every ascetic present was full of anticipation, discussing excitedly, and the scene was extremely noisy.

But soon, all these voices disappeared at the same time, and all the ascetics seemed to feel it, and looked at the sky in unison.

There was a hint of surprise in his expression.

At this moment, Chen Xi, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran, and others, as well as Huai Kongzi, Wen Ting, Lu Fu, Chisongzi and other important figures in the emperor realm, all trembled in their hearts, and looked up suddenly. same direction.

The atmosphere was indescribably silent at this moment, only the sound of the wind was floating between the sky and the earth.


"It's okay, it's okay, I finally arrived before the end of the discussion."

Suddenly, a warm voice resounded, and along with the voice, a majestic figure appeared out of thin air.

His snow-white hair was like silver, his face was warm and moist, and his eyes were like stars floating in the sky, deep and boundless, exuding an aura of indifference and distance.

"What are you rushing to do? Are you going to die?"

Almost at the same time, a skinny, wrinkled, old man quietly appeared on the other side of the sky. As soon as he appeared, he looked at the snow-haired man who had appeared before with a pair of cloudy eyes.

Seeing this, the snow-haired man just smiled and said nothing.

"It seems that everyone is here."

A melodious and magnetic voice sounded, and on the other side of the sky, a snow crane with incomparable steeds galloped towards a woman in plain clothes.

At the same time, from another direction, a middle-aged man in Taoist clothing quietly appeared, with a rigid and resolute face, immeasurably majestic.

In a blink of an eye, four figures appeared in the four directions of the sky!

The aura of each figure didn't seem very powerful, but when they appeared, all the ascetics present couldn't help being shocked, their pupils dilated, as if they couldn't believe it.

Even those existences in the Monarch Realm were shocked in their hearts, with a look of surprise on their faces, a little restrained and awed.

The atmosphere became more and more silent, only those four figures stood upright in the air, like four supreme masters, sitting in the four poles.

"Hahaha, the four fellow daoists came here, and the old man was too far away to greet you, and I was rude."

At this moment, an old and heroic voice resounded from the sky above the Guiyuan Hall. Accompanied by the voice, an old man in gray clothes with mottled gray hair appeared out of thin air.


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