divine talisman

Chapter 1887 Generous Rewards

When the old man in gray appeared, the atmosphere in the field instantly reached an unprecedented silence.


Who dared to imagine that in just a few breaths, there would be five Daoist Realm figures appearing together?

The Realm of the Taoist Lord!

A terrifying existence that has already reached the peak of the divine way and has begun to comprehend the avenue of destiny. Throughout the ages, in the entire ancient gods, those who have been able to reach the realm of Taoist masters all have the power to reach the heavens and the world.

Existences like this are too rare, too rare, you can even count them on your fingers!

In general, great figures in the Taoist realm rarely appear in the world, so that most ascetics have never really seen the true face of a great figure in the Taoist realm even until now.

But now, five Taoist masters suddenly appeared, and the shocking force was beyond description, and everyone present was shocked, and they were as silent as a cicada, not daring to make a sound.

"Fellow daoists, this discussion is not over yet, why don't you follow me to the Guiyuan Hall and watch the battle together?"

The old man in gray smiled.


"Right on my mind."

The other four Daoist Realm figures all nodded, followed the gray-clothed old man, stepped into the void, and suddenly entered the Guiyuan Hall and disappeared.


As soon as the figures of their group disappeared, the field suddenly boiled like a pot, and the uproar spread all over the world.

"Mr. Shenyan Shanda Wu Xuechan! God, such a legendary big man actually showed up today!"

"There's also Xu Tuo, the sacrificial priest of the Supreme Sect, Xuan Ming, the imperial edict of the Divine Academy, Xue Ling, the lord of the Nuwa Palace's Guangming Palace, and Caiya, the preaching elder of the Taoist Academy!"

"The five extremes of the Emperor's Domain actually sent a big person from the Daoist Realm. This is too rare. Is there any major event going to happen?"

"Don't forget, the purpose of this Dao Discussion Competition is to select [-] disciples to enter the chaotic ruins to find opportunities. The appearance of these five Taoist masters together may have something to do with it!"

"To be able to see the true face of the Taoist Lord this time is no longer a worthwhile trip!"

"Did you hear what Xu Tuo said just now? He actually said that Mr. Wu Xuechan was in a hurry to die. At that time, I was so scared that I thought there was going to be a duel between Taoist realms."

"Hehe, that's definitely not the case. All of this is probably because Mr. Wu Xuechan killed Mo Lin, the priest of the Supreme Sect a few years ago, and that Daoist Molin is the younger brother of Daoist Xutuo."

"I see."

All kinds of discussions resounded, and all the topics were focused on Wu Xuechan, Xu Tuo, Xuan Ming, Xue Ling, and Cai Ya, five great Taoist figures from the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain.

Everyone's face was full of admiration, awe, and admiration... the scene was also boiling and lively to the extreme.

After all, to be able to see the five rumored great figures in the sky all at once in one day, this kind of opportunity is too rare, and it may be difficult to meet once in thousands of years.

"Eldest brother is here too."

However, Chen Xi frowned. He knew very well that after Wu Xuechan killed Taoist Master Molin, he had been ambushed by the Supreme Leader, and if it wasn't for the help of his second master uncle Emperor Shun, he would have been robbed.

Now, Wu Xuechan has left Shenyan Mountain alone. Under such circumstances, if he is tricked by the Supreme Master again, the consequences will be really unpredictable.

But soon, Chen Xi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.Since the senior brother dared to come alone, he must have already considered this aspect.


In the Guiyuan Hall.

The atmosphere has become different from before, whether it is Wen Ting, Yu Zhen, or Huai Kongzi, Lu Fu, Chisongzi, when they saw the five Taoist masters riding together, they immediately stood up to greet each other, not daring to make any mistakes.

"Martial Nephew, you continue to preside over the Dao Discussion Competition, and leave other matters in the hall to me."

The gray-clothed old man Cai Ya gave an order, and invited Wu Xuechan, Xu Tuo, Xuan Ming and Xue Ling to sit down one by one.

Huai Kongzi took the order and left.

The remaining four, Wen Ting, Yu Zhen, Lu Fu, and Chi Songzi, each stood behind their elders.

"It's a coincidence that fellow daoists came here. There are still two rounds of duels before the end of the Dao Discussion Competition, and the list of the top four has already been announced, namely Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, Kong Youran and Chen Xi. little guy."

After taking his seat, Taoist Master Caiya smiled and said, "It's just a pity that none of the descendants of my Taoist academy has made it to the top four."

There was a hint of self-mockery in the voice.

As Taoist Caiya said, in the list of the top four, it happens that the Taishangjiao, Shenyuan, Nuwa Palace, and Shenyan Mountain each occupy a seat, but there is no successor from the Taoist Academy, which seems very subtle.

"In my opinion, this result is probably just in line with your Taoist school's thinking."

Taoist Master Xuan Ming with a staid and majestic expression spoke indifferently.

Taoist Master Caiya smiled slightly and did not defend himself. Immediately, he suddenly said: "I don't know what fellow Taoists think, among these four little guys, who can win the No. 1 in this Dao Discussion Competition?"

This remark seemed a bit redundant, the four big Taoist masters present here, Wu Xuechan, Xu Tuo, Xuan Ming, and Xueling, would definitely think that the successors of their respective sects could win.

Taoist Master Caiya is obviously not a stupid person, but it is intriguing to say such words at this moment.

Wu Xuechan smiled, and didn't answer directly, but took out a jade box filled with chaotic energy, and put it on the desk in front of him.

Then, he said: "Whoever can get No.1, this is the reward given by me, Shenyan Mountain."

Taoist Caiya said with great interest: "Is there an innate spiritual treasure in the jade box?"

Wu Xuechan nodded and said: "That's right, the treasure is called 'Wuji Breaks the Sky Shuttle'. How about you think this as a reward?"

Promise breaks the sky shuttle!

All the other big figures in the hall squinted their eyes, as if they had already heard about the origin of this treasure.

Taoist Master Caiya applauded and exclaimed: "Good baby! It is rumored that this is a treasure passed down by Fu Xi's predecessors. It is extraordinary and comparable. It is more than enough as the reward for No. 1 in this Dao Discussion Competition."

As he said that, he glanced at the other Taoist masters, and suddenly said with a smile: "Mr. Dao, are you not worried that this treasure will be passed on to other Taoist friends?"

Wu Xuechan smiled and said: "If you have the ability, just take it."

Master Caiya laughed and said, "It seems that Mr. Da has full confidence in his junior brother."

As he said that, he flipped his sleeves and robes, and took out a jade box, put it on the case, and said: "As the host of this Dao Discussion Competition, if you don't give out rewards, it will be a bit unjustifiable. According to my way According to the dean's instructions, no matter who gets No.1, the 'Lingxu Treasure Clothes' in this jade box will belong to him."

Lingxu Treasure Clothes!

Hearing this, many people's hearts were shocked again, this is also a treasure, mysterious and unparalleled in defense!

Soon, many eyes fell on Taoist Master Xutuo of the Taishang Sect, Taoist Master Xuanming of the Shenyuan, and Taoist Master Xueling of Nuwa Palace.

"Since you all have such an elegant interest, then my grand master will also take out something as a reward for No. 1 in this Dao Discussion Competition."

The Taishang Jiao Taoist Master Xutuo spoke hoarsely, and when speaking, he took out a black jade box and threw it on the case, "This is an ancient treasure that my Taishang Teacher found in the Three Realms back then. You must have heard of the 'Qiankun Liangyi Banner', so I won't explain further."

Qiankun Liangyi Banner!

Not only an ancient treasure, but also a prestigious innate spiritual treasure!

Seeing that Wu Xuechan, Caiya, and Xutuo all presented a treasure as a reward, Taoist Master Xuanming of the Temple of God and Taoist Master Xueling of Nuwa Palace did not hesitate to present a treasure one after another.

A "huntian war halberd" inherited from the temple.

A "Vientiane Dao Bead" inherited from Nuwa Palace.

These two divine treasures are also treasures among the innate spiritual treasures, and their divine power is extraordinary.

Seeing this, Cai Ya couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This time, even I am a little jealous, and I don't know which little guy will have the opportunity to get such a generous reward in the end."

It's not just Taoist Caiya. When they saw this scene, Wen Ting, Yu Zhen, Lu Fu, Chi Songzi and other dignitaries standing on the side of the emperor couldn't help but feel furious in their hearts, and they couldn't help feeling a deep emotion. Envious.

These are five innate spirit treasures!

And all of them are treasures, but now they have become a kind of reward together, so how can they, the emperors, not be envious?

You must know that for existences like them in the Monarch Realm, the innate spiritual treasures they carry on their bodies are definitely no more than five pieces!

However, they all knew very well that each of the five poles of the imperial domain took out a divine treasure as a reward, which had an unusual meaning, and it was obviously like a game of gambling.

The bet is which party's successor will win the No. 1 in this Dao Contest!


At this moment, a vigorous bell resounded leisurely outside the hall, spreading throughout the world.

All of a sudden, all the eyes in the hall looked outside.

Because the final matchup of the fourth stage will begin at this moment!


The bell rang melodiously, and the noise from the outside world was quickly suppressed and disappeared.

The atmosphere also became solemn and quiet, and all eyes were on Huai Kongzi standing in front of the Guiyuan Hall.

"The fourth level duel, now begins!"

Huai Kongzi looked majestic, and said in a deep voice, "This duel will be divided into two rounds. The first round will be taught by the Supreme Master Leng Xinghun against Kong Youran, the Nuwa Palace."

"The second match will be between Shenyuan Donghuang Yinxuan and Shenyanshan Chen Xi."

"The list for this matchup is determined by the head of our Taoist Academy. If you have any objections, you and the other four may wish to speak up."

As he said that, Huai Kongzi's eyes fell on Chen Xi, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan and Kong Youran who had already stood in the Zhengming dojo.

Although this duel did not take the form of a lottery, the arrangement was very subtle and reasonable. After all, it is well known that Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace have a good relationship, and the Taishangjiao and the Temple also have the same nostrils.

If Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan were to confront each other, or if Chen Xi and Kong Youran were to confront each other, there would be too much less fun and highlights.

Similarly, once this arrangement is made, it will definitely not arouse Chen Xi's disgust.It can even be said that this arrangement fully meets the wishes and expectations of everyone present, and there is absolutely no room for doubts.

Of course, it is also possible to have Leng Xinghun and Chen Xi duel, and Donghuang Yinxuan and Kong Youran to duel, but the difference is not that big, and no one will care about it.

"Since there are no objections, let's start this round of discussion now!"

Seeing that Chen Xi and the other five objected, Huai Kongzi did not hesitate, and immediately announced the start of the discussion on the Fourfold Pass here.


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