divine talisman

Chapter 1888 The Power of Scourge

In Mingdao battlefield.

Leng Xinghun and Kong Youran faced each other from afar.

The atmosphere is chilling.

At this moment, all eyes on the field were focused on the two of them, holding their breath and concentrating, and no one spoke.

Even the big figures in the Daoist Realm in the Guiyuan Hall are no exception.

This is the first battle of the semifinals. Those who advance can participate in the final confrontation and compete for No.1 in the Dao Contest.

And the losers can only stop here!

"Being the blood of the ancient Peacock King, and fully mastering the five supreme inheritance powers of Nuwa Palace's five aggregates, five colors, five spirits, five elements, and five lights, you are an opponent worthy of my attention, so in the next battle, I will Go all out."

Leng Xinghun stood with his hands behind his back, his blood-colored long hair flying, and his indifferent and stern voice revealed a domineering arrogance that looked down on the world.

This was the first time he had spoken before the duel since he participated in the Dao Discussion Competition, so he knew how much he valued Kong Youran.

"Oh, should I be honored?"

Kong Youran's demeanor was lazy, his voice was cold and sweet, and his whole person was extremely comfortable and calm. When it came to momentum, he was on par with Leng Xinghun, and each was good at winning.

"That's not the case, but when you fail, you may realize the gap between you and me more clearly."

There was a tinge of blood in Leng Xinghun's eyes, and his aura became more and more compelling.

"Then stop talking nonsense and start fighting!"

Kong Youran chuckled, and suddenly launched an attack.


With one move of her bare hands, endless bright five-color light suddenly filled the air, covering the battlefield of Ming Dao, immeasurable and omnipresent, her clothes fluttered, controlling the five-color light, and her whole body overflowed with inviolable awe-inspiring power.

"Five colors are like blades, dividing heaven and earth!"

Kong Youran paced the void, traveling through time and space, condensing the endless power of five colors into a dazzling blade, rising from the sky, and killing Leng Xinghun like overwhelming the sky.

Chi Chi!

These invisible blades, which contain the power of five colors, are extremely terrifying and terrifying. Wherever they pass, time and space are cut and shattered, making them invincible.

"Excellent. This should be Kong Youran's true strength. In the previous battle, she obviously reserved too much."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and clearly felt the horror of Kong Youran's blow.

Not only Chen Xi, but also the other ascetics in the arena are keenly aware that Kong Youran has changed at this moment, and has become different from any previous duel. The existence is shocking, it is hard to imagine, she is just an existence of the ancestor god realm...


At the same time that Kong Youran launched his attack, Leng Xinghun also attacked brazenly. He had a majestic figure, his body was full of disaster and disaster, his pair of eyes were emotionless, as silent as an abyss, so cold that it made one's heart palpitate.

"In the dark world, there are two poles of turbidity, disasters are the bridge, and blood chains are the guide!"

In that indifferent and heartless voice, Leng Xinghun grabbed both hands, and hundreds of millions of blood-colored chains suddenly surged out of the void, entwined with surging and dazzling calamity power, covering the sky and the earth.

Those bloody chains exuded a palpitating and oppressive aura. They were a kind of extreme calamity power, a power of divine punishment that made all living beings fear and tremble!


As soon as this bloody divine chain full of disaster and divine punishment came out, it almost destroyed half of the power of five-color light shrouded in Mingdao battlefield.

And Leng Xinghun is like a king who holds the power of punishment for the sky, his power is terrifying to the extreme.

This kind of picture is absolutely shocking.

Kong Youran seemed to be in control of the light, and the five colors of divine brilliance filled his body, sacred and aloof, making people dare not desecrate.And Leng Xinghun is like the ruthless way of heaven, chilling, cold, and ruthless, bringing people the deepest shock and depression in their hearts.

Such a pair of men and women, confronting each other in Mingdao battlefield at this moment, the power exhibited by them simply made all the ascetics present feel horrified and felt as if they were suffocated.

"The power of divine punishment! It's amazing. With the cultivation base of the ancestral gods, he began to use the power of the heavens for his own use. This son's aptitude can be called unprecedented!"

In the Guiyuan Hall, Taoist Master Xueling of Nuwa Palace's eyes were like lightning, his divine light surged, and there was a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Congratulations, for being able to integrate the power of the five major inheritances of Nuwa Palace, the descendants of the ancient Peacock King are also very remarkable."

The Supreme Master taught Master Xu Tuo to speak hoarsely and in a low voice.

If you don't know, you may think how good the relationship between Taoist Master Xutuo and Taoist Xueling is, but those who really know them know that they are praising each other's successors on the surface, but in fact there is a faint intention of fighting openly and secretly.

"Whether it's Leng Xinghun or this Kong Youran, both of them can be called the peerless arrogance who leads an era. Both of them are worthy of praise no matter whether they win or lose."

Nian Xu, the master of Taoist Caiya, smiled, "Mr. Daoist, fellow Taoist Xuanming, what do you two think?"

Wu Xuechan smiled, noncommittal.

Xuan Ming said coldly: "It's hard to say."

Taoist Master Caiya laughed, but did not mention this topic any more.

When they were talking, their eyes were still paying attention to Mingdao battlefield all the time. At their level, they could tell at a glance that this duel might not be able to tell the winner in a short time.

"Calamity, scourge..."

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help squinting his eyes. As early as in the Three Realms, he was very familiar with the power of calamity because he fought with the disciples of the Supreme Sect all the year round.

But the calamity power that Leng Xinghun exerted was obviously very unusual, and it was filled with the power of the Great Dao and Heavenly Scourge, and its power was so terrifying that Chen Xi was also awed in his heart.

God damn it!

It's not that Chen Xi has never seen this kind of power before, but it was released from the "Eye of Scourge". How could Chen Xi have thought that Leng Xinghun could control this kind of power?

"It seems that this Leng Xinghun has obviously obtained the true instruction of the Supreme Master, and he can use the power of the Great Dao and Heavenly Scourge for his own use. It really should not be underestimated..."

Chen Xi murmured in his heart.


"No wonder you made me feel uncomfortable. It turns out that you have mastered the power of God's Scourge, so let me see if your power of God's Scourge is stronger, or my five-color inheritance is better!"

In the battlefield of Ming Dao, seeing Leng Xinghun's methods, Kong Youran's clear eyes froze for a moment, and immediately burst into a blazing light, and his fighting spirit became stronger and stronger.


The corner of Leng Xinghun's lips curled up coldly, "I will convince you in defeat."


There was a fierce confrontation between the two, the divine splendor collided, the Dao and the law collided, and a terrifying destructive power erupted, giving people the feeling that the heaven and the earth were about to collapse, shatter, and turn into nothingness.

Fortunately, all of this happened on the battlefield of Ming Dao, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

This duel can indeed be regarded as rare in the world, the grandeur and danger of the scene have all reached a new height.

It made the ascetics watching the battle feel excited and unable to control themselves.

Many people in the Monarch Realm feel that when they were still at the peak level of the ancestor gods, they would never have such shocking power.

And those Ancestral God Realm powerhouses witnessed all this, and felt a sense of frustration in their hearts, thinking that they were too far behind people like Leng Xinghun and Kong Youran, and couldn't match them.

As for Chen Xi, he has been calmly analyzing the battle situation, constantly deducing in his mind, if he were to replace Kong Youran, how would he deal with Leng Xinghun...


After a full incense stick of time, suddenly, there was a terrifying collision sound in Mingdao battlefield, which was deafening like the sky falling and the earth cracking.

The next moment, Leng Xinghun's figure staggered suddenly, and retreated tens of feet away.

Suddenly, the audience was shocked.

Could it be that Leng Xinghun is going to be suppressed?


At this moment, the cloudy eyes of Taoist Master Xutuo of the Supreme Sect could not help but froze.


Before everyone could react and seize this opportunity, Kong Youran launched another attack, and the five-colored brilliance poured out suddenly.

But when he saw this scene, Chen Xi felt horrified for no reason, and thought inwardly that he was bad!


Sure enough, just as Kong Youran unleashed this blow, the slightly embarrassed Leng Xinghun suddenly raised his head, and a dark and cold eye quietly appeared between his brows.

Those eyes were ruthless, indifferent, and deep enough to make one's heart palpitate. As soon as they appeared, they released a gray light, which was fleeting in the void.

In an instant, everyone present saw that Kong Youran's figure froze suddenly, and a look of shock appeared on that incomparably beautiful face.

The next moment, she felt as if struck by lightning, her pretty face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood suddenly coughed up from her lips.


At this moment, Leng Xinghun's figure quietly emerged, and he slapped it out.

Kong Youran resisted subconsciously, but it was too late, she was sent flying by this blow, and coughed up several mouthfuls of blood continuously, her expression was extremely sluggish.

"You are defeated."

Seeing this, Leng Xinghun immediately withdrew his hands, and spoke indifferently, but the eye that quietly appeared between his brows had disappeared.

The audience was shocked and speechless, all this happened too fast, originally they thought that Leng Xinghun would be suppressed, but who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, Kong Youran was defeated!

Even most cultivators didn't see clearly what kind of means Leng Xinghun used to achieve this step.

This is simply too incredible!

Only Chen Xi sighed in his heart, feeling extremely sorry for Kong Youran, how could he not have recognized that the eye that appeared between Leng Xinghun's brows was most likely the "Eye of Scourge"!

"The Eye of Scourge, this kind of power is not something you can control today, but in the end, you still won..."

In the battlefield of Mingdao, Kong Youran pursed his lips, sighed lightly, then turned and left the battlefield of Mingdao, his expression did not show much resignation.

Almost at the same time, Leng Xinghun also left suddenly.

At this point, the first duel ended, and there was already an uproar in the field, full of exclamations, which seemed unbelievable.

Of course, there were also many people who were shocked by the means displayed by Leng Xinghun.

"I'm a little embarrassed this time, and caused Nuwa Palace to lose a Myriad Dao Bead."

In the Guiyuan Hall, Taoist Master Xutuo opened his muddy eyes and let out a sigh, his voice was hoarse and deep, and there was a taste of satisfaction.


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