divine talisman

Chapter 1889 Royal Dao Pen

Kong Youran's defeat meant that he would no longer be able to participate in the final round of the duel, and had completely lost the qualification to compete for No.1.

Therefore, Taoist Master Xu Tuo of the Taishang Sect made such a sigh.

Regarding this, Daoist Xueling seemed very calm, and just said softly: "Although Youran is defeated, it doesn't mean that Leng Xinghun will win the final No.1."

After a pause, she continued: "On the contrary, I think that if the Vientiane Dao Bead falls into Chen Xi's hands, it can be considered as the best use of everything, and there is no loss."

In a word, it means a lot.

Taoist Master Xu Tuo narrowed his eyes, smiled and said nothing.

Wu Xuechan smiled casually, and said to Taoist Master Xueling with a smile: "If my junior brother knows that fellow Taoist Xueling thinks highly of him, I'm afraid he will be very happy."

Xue Ling also smiled: "I'm telling the truth."

"Then I might as well tell the truth. Whether or not Chen Xi can win No. 1 probably depends on whether or not the Eastern Emperor Yinxuan of the Divine Academy agrees."

Taoist Master Xuanming of the Divine Academy suddenly spoke, indifferent and majestic, without any emotional fluctuations.

Wu Xuechan's smile faded, and a word came out of her lips: "Let's wait and see."

At this moment, Huai Kongzi's voice came from outside the hall—"Second match, Chen Xi will face Donghuang Yinxuan!"


"Chen Xi, you must be careful, don't forget that I bet on two innate treasures on you."

Shi Yu said.

Chen Xi smiled dumbly, then nodded, and his figure swung towards Mingdao battlefield.

At the same time, Donghuang Yinxuan also unfolded his figure and flew out. The actions of both of them were crisp and neat, showing extremely strong self-confidence.

At this moment, all the ascetics in the Ten Directions Divine City, and even the masters of the Dao Master Realm in the Guiyuan Hall all looked at Chen Xi and Donghuang Yinxuan with burning eyes and expectant faces.

"You say, who can win the final victory in this duel?"

"Of course it's Donghuang Yinxuan!"

"No, it's Chen Xi!"

Many people are arguing, but more people are silent, and it seems that they are not sure who is stronger in this duel.

"Just one step away, we can enter the final round of the game!"

Shentu Yanran's beautiful eyes were full, and she was silently looking forward to it. She naturally hoped to win, and even hoped to get the final No.1 and become the No.1 in this competition!

"You must win!"

At this moment, Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and others couldn't help becoming nervous.

"Uncle Master will definitely do it!"

Tu Meng and Gu Yan murmured in their hearts.


Mingdao battlefield.

Chen Xi and Donghuang Yinxuan confronted each other from afar.

At the moment, the expressions of both of them are very calm and calm, but the more they are like this, the more people can feel that for the victory of this battle, the two of them will definitely do everything at all!

After all, this battle is so critical, it will determine who among them can enter the final duel and compete for the No.1 position.

Therefore, whether it is Chen Xi or Donghuang Yinxuan, for all these reasons, they will never let themselves have any mistakes or negligence, and they will never show mercy.

"Chen Xi, we met again. Things in this world are really wonderful. When we were in Dao Cauldron World, a duel between you and me was destroyed, but now, you are standing in front of me again. This time, it won't happen. There was no accident."

Donghuang Yinxuan opened his mouth, his long hair was tied into a ponytail, revealing an extremely handsome face, with a free and easy demeanor, which was completely different from the rigid and stern temperament shared by the disciples of the seminary.

"It's best not to have an accident."

Chen Xi said indifferently, speaking concisely, he really didn't have the heart to talk nonsense with the other party.

"Hey, then let me see your way of double swords!"

Amidst the calm laughter, Donghuang Yinxuan's figure unfolded, his whole body was filled with incomparable golden brilliance, every strand of hair turned into gold, from afar, he looked like a golden god of war, with blazing and dazzling eyes pole.


The upright and unsophisticated Taixuan Divine Book filled with mysterious aura floated up, filled with Dao sounds, and released a series of strange and obscure Dao words.

In an instant, Donghuang Yinxuan's aura climbed to the extreme, and his might was overwhelming!


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi flipped his palms, and the Banchen Sword and the sword talisman appeared together, one was dark blue in color, sacred and extraordinary, and the other was filled with chaotic energy, ancient and mysterious.

As soon as he appeared, an incomparably fierce and powerful aura suddenly diffused from Chen Xi's body.


Before they really started fighting, the coercion released by the two had already collided with each other, producing a terrifying booming sound, causing time and space to become chaotic and shattered.

Those kinds of scenes made people have no doubt that if some ordinary people were involved, this kind of coercion alone would be enough to kill them on the spot!

"Brilliant and immemorial, the insignificant truth of the Tao, the Taoist uses the scriptures to spread the world—to suppress the universe!"

Donghuang Yinxuan let out a long howl, and his figure swept into the sky, and a page of Taoist scriptures was condensed from the Taixuan Divine Book in front of him. The words in the Taoist scriptures were like the sun and the moon, blooming with infinite light.

Looking from a distance, it seems that countless suns and moons are included in that small page of the Taoist scriptures, reflecting each other, illuminating the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles!

"The third page of the Taixuan Divine Book—Suppressing the universe! The sun and the moon are shining brightly, and the light shines for nine days. Once it is used, it can suppress everything!"

"The scriptures reproduce the sun and the moon, and the universe is changing, which is amazing!"

"It seems that Donghuang Yinxuan has realized that Chen Xi should not be underestimated, and the moment he makes a move, he has already used his trump card!"

All the big figures in the field were shocked.


The Dao Sutra is like thousands of suns and moons emerging in the sky, producing an extremely terrifying force of suppression. Being in it is like being in the eye of a cosmic storm, imprisoned and squeezed uncontrollably, as if to Human souls are dragged into the endless abyss and killed!

"This knockdown is formidable, Dao Yun is natural, and the power of suppression is astonishing. If it were anyone else, I would be wiped out on the spot..."

Chen Xi's thoughts swept out like a flood and storm, feeling the horror of Donghuang Yinxuan's blow, he did not hesitate to take a look.


The next moment, he had already cast the Kunpeng Divine Art, and if he swung above the Qing Ming and wandered between the virtual and the real, the figure had disappeared.

quick!quick!quick!Incredibly fast!

Chen Xi's figure, in less than a tenth of an instant, had escaped from the envelopment of the suppressing field, and then the two swords in his palms vibrated, and he slashed out.

The Banchen Sword is erratic and unpredictable.

The sword talisman is like a majestic vast sea, driving away for a long time.

The two completely different sword qi, at this moment, present the same rune divine brilliance, intersecting time and space, showing terrifying power.


The shocking sound of collision resounded, and for a moment, the surrounding void was shattered inch by inch, as if the sun and the moon collided, landslides and tsunamis, and the sky and the earth were in chaos.

However, under such a fierce conflict, the two were evenly matched, and no one took advantage of it!


With a cold snort, Donghuang Yinxuan's body was full of gold, he was in charge of the Taixuan Divine Book, and he was dressed in clothes. He stepped through time and space, and came here again.

Lines of ancient and obscure Taoist texts emerged, like knives, swords, and halberds, filled with supreme Taoist rhyme, and the power of each Taoist text was not weaker than each piece of innate spiritual treasure!

For this, Chen Xi remained calm, holding two swords, and using the Kunpeng divine technique, fighting with him continuously.

And his fighting style has also changed, no longer head-to-head, but by virtue of the kunpeng magic, he launched a flexible assault in speed, like an illusory shadow, shuttling between the virtual and the real.

Sword cultivators are known for their agility, speed, and attack power.

Chen Xi, who has reached the third level of the Sword Emperor, has brought this characteristic to the extreme. When he is strong, he is strong, and when he avoids, he avoids it.

And Donghuang Yinxuan is still his style, controlling the Taixuan divine book, with great power, the offensive is relaxed, and the water can't get in.

The two of them flashed endlessly like a fleeting shadow, making Donghuang Yinxuan's offensive come back in vain, but similarly, Chen Xi's attack also failed to break through Donghuang Yinxuan's defense.

It seems very ordinary, but in fact this battle is definitely not inferior to the battle between Leng Xinghun and Kong Youran, and it is even more dangerous and intense.

Because from the beginning of the battle, the two of them used their strongest means, and the power they released was shocking.

Under such circumstances, the ascetics outside have long been dazzled and shocked, and almost forgot to breathe.

"I didn't expect this Taixuan Divine Book to be so miraculous. If I want to break through the opponent's defense, I'm afraid it will take some time..."

During the battle, Chen Xi was always looking for an opportunity, but he couldn't do it for a while. Everything was because the power of the Taixuan Divine Book was too heaven-defying. Daowen Tiancheng contained all kinds of wonders, and it was difficult to be defeated. up.

However, Chen Xi was not in a hurry. Although the Taixuan Divine Book was strong, he had more confidence in the sword talisman that had already been promoted to the Xiantian Spirit Treasure!

Compared with Chen Xi, Donghuang Yinxuan was also secretly surprised. He never expected that Chen Xi's combat power was stronger than what he had shown before. Not only the power of the two swords was powerful and unpredictable, but even his body skills were also mysterious and erratic. pole.

"This guy's speed is fast, and his swordsmanship is amazing. Even if he uses the power of the fifth page of the Taixuan Divine Book, he can't do anything to him. If I continue to consume like this, I'm afraid I will completely expose my details and be defeated by Leng Xinghun." The guy spied on."

"In that case, even if we win against Chen Xi, in the next duel, Leng Xinghun will definitely take the lead..."

"It seems that there is only another method to use!"

Between the opening and closing of Donghuang Yinxuan's eyes, there was a hint of determination and ruthlessness.


Suddenly, his figure paused, and golden light burst out of his body, making him look like a god and demon coming to the world.

At the same time, in his palm, there was an extra half-foot-long jade pen with a smooth and simple body.

"Royal way pen?"

In Guiyuan Hall, Wu Xuechan frowned imperceptibly.

At this moment, not only Wu Xuechan, but also many important people recognized this treasure, and it was another supreme divine treasure inherited from the temple—the Royal Dao Brush!

Yudao, the meaning of imperial avenue!

Used alone, the power of this pen may not be very miraculous, but once it is used together with the Taixuan Divine Book, it can double its power!


ps: Chapter 210 is around 312:[-], Chapter [-] is around [-]:[-].


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