divine talisman

Chapter 1890 The Power of the Sword

In other words, the Imperial Dao Brush and the Taixuan Divine Book are a pair of divine treasures that complement each other!

And people like Wu Xuechan, Taoist Xueling, Taoist Xutuo, Taoist Caiya, etc., are even more aware that this pair of divine treasures is extraordinary, and they are the treasures worn by the dean of the temple when he fought in the world. Unpredictable.

There are even more legends about this pair of divine treasures.

Because of this, when seeing even the Yudao brush appearing in the hands of Donghuang Yinxuan, the outside ascetics were so shocked.

Because no one thought that the dean of the divine academy would entrust such important treasures to Donghuang Yinxuan for use!

After all, no matter how great Donghuang Yinxuan was, no matter how excellent he was, his status and status were still far behind those of the emperor-level figures in the temple.

But he was able to obtain such a treasure, and it can be seen from this that the dean of the seminary has placed high hopes on him to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition.


Chi Chi!

Donghuang Yinxuan held the Taixuan divine book in one hand, and held on to the imperial dao brush in the other, sketching in the void for a while, as if writing a chapter of the Dao.

In an instant, a "Forbidden" character with a pitch-black luster appeared in the air, exuding a kind of obscure, cold, dead silence, and the supreme momentum of wanting to imprison the world!

At this moment, the airflow, time and space, dust, brilliance of the entire Mingdao battlefield... everything seemed to be imprisoned, presenting a strange state of silence.

Everyone in the outside world couldn't help but gasp. This few forbidden words, like the brand of the Great Dao, possessed infinite and terrifying power, beyond imagination.

"According to the divine luck, writing the divine text, and controlling the gods! This son has obtained the power of the supreme inheritance of the temple!"

Wu Xuechan raised his eyebrows, sat up straight, and there was a cold gleam in his eyes. He knew what this meant. No accident, once Donghuang Yinxuan grew up, he would one day take over the seat of dean of the seminary !


And almost at the same time that Donghuang Yinxuan cast the word "forbidden", a strange fluctuation suddenly appeared on the sword in Chen Xi's palm, like ripples spreading.

The endless divine talisman runes are like a dense rain of light, turning into the ups and downs of heaven and earth, the shifting of stars, the change of time, the change of a hundred generations... and other grand visions, wrapped around the sword body, seeming to capture the infinite changes of the universe and the earth one by one. presented.

Sword talisman - the wonder of evolution!

As soon as this scene appeared, even if they were outside the battlefield of Ming Dao, everyone couldn't help but feel an indescribable astonishment in their hearts, as if they had witnessed the changes of the Great Dao and deduced the infinite meaning.

Even a big man couldn't help but change his face, secretly surprised in his heart, what kind of divine treasure is this, it has such power?Why never heard of it before?

This is the power of the sword talisman after being promoted to Xiantian Lingbao!

The sword talisman was originally a talisman weapon, completely different from other divine treasures in the world, and possessed the potential to infinitely enhance its power.

Later, after Chen Xi transformed the sword talisman into an innate spiritual treasure in one fell swoop by using the "Innate Dao Embryo" combined with the secret method, compared with before, two more rare powers appeared, evolution and devour!

Evolving the wonderful truth of Zhou Tian, ​​the divine essence that devours all things, not only has amazing lethality, but also can realize the improvement of its own power by devouring other five ranks!

Looking at the Xiantian Lingbao in the whole world, it is almost impossible to find such a power, and this is the most mysterious and powerful place after the sword inscription is promoted to Xiantian Lingbao.

At this time, when seeing this scene, even Wu Xuechan couldn't help being amazed, the little junior brother... he actually refined the talisman soldiers and dao treasures into innate spirit treasures!This is something that the sect of Shenyan Mountain has never had before!

What is this?

The other Taoist masters also squinted their eyes with a hint of surprise. They naturally knew the talisman weapon dao treasure of Shenyan Mountain, but they also saw that the talisman weapon dao treasure in Chen Xi's hand should be called Xiantian Lingbao!

But you must know that Xiantian Lingbao was born in the chaos, and it can't be refined by humans at all. What's going on?

Congenital fetus!

Almost instantly, the existence of these Taoist realms thought of the reason, and various emotions could not help but arise in their hearts.

"As far as the Taoist text reaches, all dharmas are forbidden and destroyed!"

It was too late to say, but it was too soon, all of this was completed in an instant. At this time, Donghuang Yinxuan had already let out a long roar, circling the word "forbidden" and suppressed it.


A pitch-black divine light spread like ripples, where time and space were imprisoned, light, shadow, air flow, and even divine radiance were all frozen, motionless.

An intimidating aura of death and silence suddenly pervaded the entire Ming Dao battlefield, and swept towards Chen Xi at an incomparable speed.

This is Donghuang Yinxuan's trump card, and it is being used at this moment, in order to break the stalemate and imprison Chen Xi in one fell swoop, so as not to entangle with the other party like before.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi's sword talisman was lifted up, and a heavy sword-shaped rune was derived, densely superimposed on the surroundings of the sword talisman, making his sword intent even more fierce, and even looking at it from a distance, it makes people feel like being pierced. .

This is the magic of the evolution of sword talismans.

According to Chen Xi's will, the power contained in the sword talisman can be transformed into different powers.

Just like now, the other party displayed the "forbidden" Taoism, intending to imprison and kill Chen Xi, but Chen Xi's reaction was very simple - break the ban!

Naturally, the runes derived from the sword talisman possessed the strongest power of destruction, assisting Chen Xi's kendo cultivation at the third level of the Sword Emperor, plus the most powerful and unparalleled move in Xuanxin swordsmanship. The bull style has brought the power of this blow to the extreme.


Slashing away with a sword, the pitch-black imprisoned power surged violently, and the speed of spreading suddenly became stagnant.


Donghuang Yinxuan raised his eyebrows and turned all his strength, the word "forbidden" in mid-air buzzed endlessly, deafeningly, and the pitch-black imprisonment fluctuations released were like the roaring Yangtze River, mighty and mighty, shaking the entire Mingdao battlefield. Trembling slightly!

But Chen Xi's blow didn't dissipate. On the contrary, more and more "Forbidden Breaking" rune power was derived, superimposed on the sword energy, and the power increased again.


All of a sudden, the attacks of the two became stalemate in mid-air, colliding with hundreds of millions of divine lights, sweeping across the world.

Seeing this, Chen Xi did not hesitate, and suddenly cut out the Banchen Sword with his right hand.

This sword, like a world-destroying torrent pouring down from the collapsing sky, smashed time and space, and charged away fiercely.

bang bang bang...

With the two swords coming out together, in an instant, a series of ear-piercing explosions pierced the world, and the word "forbidden" suspended in mid-air instantly shattered into pieces and disappeared without a trace.

Caught off guard, Donghuang Yinxuan was also staggered by the shock, and his whole body was churning with energy and blood.

So scary!

The hearts of everyone outside were trembling, and they were all horrified at the strength of Chen Xi's blow.

"how is this possible!?"

In Guiyuan Hall, Chisongzi couldn't help crying out, but the next moment, he froze all over, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Because at this moment, Taoist Xuan Ming turned his head and glanced at him with indifference and majesty. Although it was just a look, it shocked Chisongzi into silence.

"Hehe, anything in this world is possible."

Seeing this, Wu Xuechan couldn't help chuckling.

"Hmph, the victory is not over yet, Mister Da, don't be too happy."

Master Xuan Ming said coldly.

"Then continue to watch the battle."

Wu Xuechan smiled again, disapproving, in fact, in his heart, he also admired the little junior's performance, which was beyond his expectation.


"What kind of sword are you?"

Donghuang Yinxuan's face was serious, he was uncertain of surprise, he couldn't imagine that even though he sacrificed the imperial brush, he still couldn't suppress the other party.

This was beyond his estimate.

"When you lose, I will tell you naturally."

While speaking, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he charged again with two swords.

"Hmph! Do you think that's all I have to do?"

Donghuang Yinxuan's face sank, and the Taixuan divine book in his palm buzzed, pouring out lines of mysterious Taoist scriptures. These Taoist scriptures were controlled by him with the Taoist brush, shining brightly in the void!






Accompanied by loud shouts, a Dao Wen rushed out, killing Chen Xi, each Dao Wen possessed supreme divine power and was different from each other.

From a distance, those Daowen are like peerless powerhouses, constantly rushing out, releasing monstrous power.

Obviously, at this moment, Donghuang Yinxuan had been enraged, and he was completely motivated to kill. He was unpredictable with every move, as if he wanted to suppress Chen Xi with all his might.

"No matter how many methods there are, it will be futile."

There was a cold arc on Chen Xi's lips, his majesty looked down upon him, and he swallowed all directions with anger. He also no longer held back, stepped on the gangster, held two swords across the void, and charged forward.


The Taoist text of "Pro" was chopped into pieces.


The Daoist text of "Fighting" was cut into pieces.


The Taoist text of "soldiers" was chopped into pieces.

Under the horrified gazes of the crowd, they saw that Chen Xi was like an unrivaled sword master, destroying the dead all the way, like a broken bamboo, even though Donghuang Yinxuan used various killing moves, they were all defeated by Chen Xi one by one, and Chen Xi couldn't hurt him at all. Xi the slightest.

On the contrary, following the attack, Donghuang Yinxuan's face darkened a little bit, his eyes fixed on Chen Xi, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

It’s too unexpected!

The combat power that Chen Xi displayed at this time was much stronger than when he was fighting Wang Zhong back then, it was as if he had become another person.

All these changes caught Donghuang Yinxuan by surprise, and made him feel shocked and angry.

At this moment, it wasn't just Donghuang Yinxuan, when other cultivators outside saw such a scene, they couldn't help being stunned and speechless.

That is the Eastern Emperor Yinxuan, the existence that ranked among the top four in this Dao Discussion Competition, and even controls the Taixuan Divine Book, Yu Dao Brush and other divine treasures, under such circumstances, there is nothing he can do. Xi's attack! ?

Who would have thought of this before?

"How much power does this guy hide?"

Leng Xinghun murmured, his eyebrows frowned, and he suddenly realized that he couldn't see through that Chen Xi any more.

"It turns out that he has indeed hidden a lot of power..."

Wang Zhong, who had long since stopped talking about the Dao Competition, had been paying attention to this duel, and when he saw Chen Xi's invincible offensive posture, he couldn't help but feel a sense of heaviness in his heart.

He finally understood that his loss in that duel was not wronged, this Chen Xi was much stronger than he expected!


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