divine talisman

Chapter 1891 Turning Tao into Blood

"It's amazing, it's really amazing."

Seeing this scene, Kong Youran couldn't help feeling a little emotional in her heart. Before the Dao Discussion Competition, although she knew Chen Xi, she didn't care much about him at all.

But who would have thought that such a guy would create miracles repeatedly, and now he has reached the semi-finals?

Not only Kong Youran, but also other ascetics from the outside world can't calm down at this moment. This descendant of Shenyan Mountain who rose up only a few decades ago is really too strong, beyond imagination.


The battle is still going on.

Seeing Chen Xi who was approaching constantly, Donghuang Yinxuan's expression was already gloomy, and he could no longer maintain his composure.

He tried his best, and almost used what he had learned all his life to the extreme, and his whole body was shrouded in thick blazing golden light, which was extremely dazzling.

And in his palm, the Taixuan Divine Book kept buzzing, and the Royal Dao Brush continued to outline, releasing lines of dense ancient mysterious Dao script.

Each Daowen possesses terrifying power, and if it deals with ordinary ancestor gods, it can be easily killed.

But at this time, under Chen Xi's slaughter, these Daoist texts were repeatedly chopped, pulverized, and disintegrated, and they couldn't hurt Chen Xi at all.

And with the passage of time, Chen Xi's fighting power became more and more fierce, with the potential to be invincible and smash the world.

This also made Donghuang Yinxuan's complexion even more ugly, and an uncontrollable irritability and anger appeared in his heart.

"You bastard! I am the great disciple of the Holy Academy, the most outstanding Tianjiao among the orthodox descendants of the Donghuang Clan, with a Xuanhand combat body, how could I be defeated by you!"

Donghuang Yinxuan shouted loudly, his eyes were about to burst, and he was burning with anger. He almost gritted his teeth and exerted his strength to the extreme, as if he was desperate.

He couldn't accept defeat, and he was never willing to stop before the final round of confrontation!


In the battlefield of Mingdao, there were constant rumbles, like thunder piercing the sky, a tsunami swept across, divine splendors flowed everywhere, time and space collapsed, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

But even under such circumstances, everyone could still clearly see that Chen Xi's tall figure was constantly moving forward, never wavering, never stagnating, like the sharpest blade, disintegrating the defense line of Donghuang Yinxuan.

At this moment, everyone can see that if Donghuang Yinxuan does not have more powerful means, he is doomed to be powerless to turn the situation around.

At this moment, he is like an insect caught in the bondage of a spider, and the danger is imminent!

"This little guy...how could he be so powerful..."

This time, Chisongzi didn't make a sound, but Daoist Xuan Ming couldn't help but mutter to himself, with a hint of puzzlement in his voice.

To be able to make a Dao Master Realm reach the sky like this, it can be seen that the fighting power displayed by Chen Xi is against the sky.

"I am a descendant of Shenyan Mountain, and my combat effectiveness has always been good."

Wu Xuechan smiled slightly.


Daoist Xuan Ming was startled, then snorted coldly and fell silent.

"Before, wasn't it difficult for Chen Xi to enter the final duel?"

Taoist Xueling of Nuwa Palace didn't seem to want to let go of this opportunity to taunt Taoist Xuanming, and said leisurely, "In my opinion, Chen Xi can not only enter the final duel, but also the Vientiane Dao Orb." It will definitely be obtained by it.”

Although she didn't say bluntly that Chen Xi could get No.1, the meaning in her words was fully revealed.

This made Taoist Xuan Ming frowned, and a cold look appeared on his rigid and majestic face, but in the end, he didn't say much.

"Haha, the outcome is still undecided, it's still too early, fellow Daoist Xueling, don't just talk about it."

The Supreme Master taught Master Xu Tuo to laugh, his voice hoarse and deep.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? You'll know when you see it when the Dao Discussion Competition is over."

Taoist Xueling didn't take it seriously, and seemed very calm.

"I'm also looking forward to that moment."

Taoist Master Xu Tuo pursed his dry lips, and no emotion could be seen in his cloudy eyes.


On Mingdao battlefield.

Seeing that Chen Xi was approaching, Donghuang Yinxuan was completely panicked. With a loud roar, he operated the Taixuan Divine Book to the extreme, and scattered thousands of scriptures, gathering them into a Taoist scripture. Suppress and kill fiercely.

"Still struggling?"

Chen Xi glanced at the other party, and the sword talisman and the banishing dust sword slashed out together, drawing two completely different trajectories.


That Taoist scripture was cut to pieces abruptly, turning into light rain and bursting into pieces.

Almost at the same time, Donghuang Yinxuan suffered a backlash, as if struck by lightning, he flew upside down for hundreds of feet, his incomparably handsome face was faintly distorted.

"This is impossible!"

Donghuang Yinxuan opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, soaking the tip of the imperial brush in his palm, dyeing it bright red and translucent, breathtaking.


The imperial dao pen sketched in the void again and again, and unexpectedly condensed one by one blood-colored dao texts, each one seemed to have been soaked in the sea of ​​blood, full of unparalleled destructive power.

"This kid, he didn't hesitate to damage his Dao foundation!"

Master Xuan Ming frowned.

"It's so scary, turning Dao into blood, what is he going to do?"

Many ascetics outside exclaimed.

"This blow is enough to threaten the existence of ordinary emperors..."

The hearts of many dignitaries in the Emperor Realm trembled, and they keenly noticed the horror of Donghuang Yinxuan's blow, which even exceeded the power that the Ancestral God Realm should have!

"Heretics are rampant, the Dao collapses, and I am the only one buried in blood to cross the world!"

Amid the shouts of endless anger, Donghuang Yinxuan's eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body was like a madman. Holding the imperial brush, he rose into the air and swiped fiercely.


In an instant, a Taoist scripture composed of dense blood-colored scriptures appeared in the air, dyeing the entire sky in blood, and the voices of sages mourning and avenues roaring resounded in the sky, shaking the nine heavens and ten earths, making everyone Many ascetics outside were shocked and almost fell to the ground.

This blow was against the sky!

Facing this blow, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and there was a deep and frightening coldness in his eyes.

He actually put away the banishment sword.

The sword talisman, instead of the banishing sword, appeared in his right hand, with a terrifying chaotic aura surging through his body.


His right wrist trembled, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

An indescribable power was accumulated in a wisp of sword energy, which suddenly swept into the air and disappeared.

The outside ascetics felt empty for no reason, as if they had lost something, and felt extremely awkward.

But in just a moment, all these strange feelings disappeared.


A picture that is enough to make everyone unforgettable for a lifetime began to be staged in the field of vision.

The blood-colored world is like a still picture, without any sound, but at this moment, it seems that a sky-shattering blade cuts through it, cutting a straight crack in the blood-colored world.

At the end of the crack is Donghuang Yinxuan!

Everything is quiet, there is no sound of collision, no sound of breaking, let alone the roar of Shenhui, the noise caused by the chaos of time and space, the silence is terrifying.

And then--


This still picture scroll that was cut in half was broken, crushed, and pulverized, producing a terrifying booming sound.

The shock made the hearts of most ascetics tremble, and they almost coughed up blood, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

The shock caused the eyelids of many big shots to jump, and there was a hint of horror on their faces.

It was so shocking that those Taoist realms in Guiyuan Hall all squinted their eyes with different expressions.

All of this, from the extreme stillness to the extreme movement, has produced a shocking force that has reached an unprecedented level.

Most ascetics in the outside world only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the Mingdao battlefield was shrouded in white haze, and they could no longer see everything in it.

In this blow, who was defeated?

Many people couldn't recognize, and even, they didn't see clearly from the beginning to the end, what the sword energy that Chen Xi displayed looked like!


Only in the Guiyuan Hall, there was a sigh, which was issued by the Taoist Master Xuanming of the Shenyuan.


Soon, the smoke and dust dispersed.

The Mingdao battlefield returned to calm, and then everyone saw that Chen Xi was standing with a sword in his hand, his figure was tall and straight, like a long spear that could never be bent.

And not far from him, Donghuang Yinxuan fell down on the ground, with disheveled hair, pale cheeks, and a trace of blood on the corner of his lips.

"I lost, I actually lost, and I still lost in your hands..."

At this moment, Donghuang Yinxuan seemed to be in a daze, his pupils were dull, and there was an unbearable sense of loss in his voice.

Immediately, he got up with a sigh, cast a cold glance at Chen Xi, and said, "I will remember today's shame!"

After all, turn around and leave.

Regarding this, Chen Xi was silent for a moment, forced himself to suppress the murderous intent in his heart, and then let out a long breath, looked at the back of Donghuang Yinxuan leaving in the distance, shook his head, turned around and left as well.

Putting it aside, when he heard such resolute threatening words, he would definitely kill the other party without hesitation.

But now it is the Dao Discussion Competition, he can only keep all this in his heart.

He knew why Donghuang Yinxuan hated him so much, not only because he had destroyed the cooperation between Shentu clan and Shenyuan, but also because he was the descendant of Shenyan Mountain!

After all, as we all know, the relationship between Shenyan Mountain and the Divine Academy is the same as that of the Supreme Sect.



"This time, Chen Xi won again!"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable! Donghuang Yinxuan, such a peerless figure against heaven, is no match for Chen Xi, a descendant of Shenyan Mountain who has only risen for a few decades."

"The last blow, who of you saw it clearly? What kind of power is contained in that sword, how could it knock down Donghuang Yinxuan in one fell swoop? Isn't this too unbelievable?"

"I don't know, maybe, only the emperor level can see some clues. After all, the power of this level of swordsmanship is no longer something we can spy on."

"This Chen Xi is truly an incomprehensible genius. It seems that since he participated in the Dao Discussion Competition, there has been nothing he can't do. It's really shocking."

When witnessing the end of this duel, outside ascetics were completely unable to maintain their composure, and made an uproar, their voices full of amazement.

Among them, Tu Meng, Gu Yan, Shentu Yanran, Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing, etc., who had a close relationship with Chen Xi, were even more excited and joyful at this moment, cheering uncontrollably.

The end of this duel also means that Chen Xi has become another existence that entered the final round of duel!

It won't be long before the No.1 position will be born between him and Leng Xinghun!


ps: The third update is here. In addition, Jinyu said sorry for the fact that he asked for leave yesterday and did not update it, which made many friends angry.


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