divine talisman

Chapter 1892 Animal Skin Secret

Guiyuan Hall.

Taoist Xuanming fell silent, although he knew that Donghuang Yinxuan might be defeated, but when he saw this scene with his own eyes, he couldn't help being a little stunned for a while.

How could the little guy from Shenyan Mountain be so strong?

Is it true that as the Supreme Master said, this son, as the ninth Hetu Enlightenment, possesses a power that ordinary people can't match?

Fate is unpredictable!

This is really against the sky...

Master Xuanming sighed in his heart.

"The last blow is obviously the ultimate swordsmanship passed down by the lord of Manggu, 'Xuan'. Control the sword with your heart, and shatter the ten directions!"

Taoist Master Caiya of the Taoist Academy said with a little surprise, "I never expected that this little friend from Shenyan Mountain's cultivation of Taoism has reached such a mysterious level."

"It is indeed from Xuan's inheritance of swordsmanship."

Taoist Xueling nodded.

"Hmph, this Manggu Lord is a heretic. In order to avoid being killed by the heavens, he had to flee outside the ancient gods."

The Taoist Master Xu Tuo snorted coldly, "Having his inheritance may not be a good thing!"

Regarding this, Wu Xuechan just smiled and did not argue with him.

"I'm sure you all know that the reason why No. 1 is to be competed in this Dao Discussion Competition is not just to let the disciples of the sect decide who is the best."

Suddenly, Taoist Caiya spoke, his voice became serious and solemn, attracting the eyes of other Taoist masters.

"Now, the final duel on Dao will start soon. Who will win No. 1 will soon reveal the answer. At this moment, please take out the secret map in your hand."

As Taoist Caiya said, he took out a broken and ancient animal skin and put it on the case in front of him.

This animal skin is only the size of a baby's palm, and the whole body is gray and inconspicuous, but there is a strange and obscure power surging on its surface, making it impossible for people to peek into its contents.

Even big figures like Wu Xuechan, Xueling, Xutuo, Xuan Ming and other Daoist Realm can't do this step!

Seeing this, Wu Xuechan smiled and said: "I have been waiting for a long time."

As he said that, he also took out a piece of animal skin, which was also broken and ancient, with strange and obscure fluctuations.

Soon, as if there was a tacit understanding, Taoist Xueling also took out a piece of animal skin.

"Hmph, take it!"

Daoist Xuanming seemed unwilling, but in the end he snorted coldly, took out a piece of animal skin, and threw it to Taoist Caiya directly from the air.

Apparently, he already knew that his family members were completely out of luck in the final duel. No matter whether Leng Xinghun won the first place or Chen Xi won the first place, he still had to hand over the animal skin after all.

Only Taoist Master Xutuo was silent for a long time, and then he said hoarsely, "When the Dao Discussion Competition is over, the old man will hand it over."

Seeing this, Taoist Caiya didn't force it, and said with a smile: "That's fine, but fellow Taoist Xutuo must be aware that these five secret maps involve a mysterious place in the chaotic ruins. According to the five poles of our imperial domain, It is agreed that when this Dao Discussion Competition is over, no matter what the result is, it must be handed over.”

Taoist Xu Tuo nodded indifferently and said, "This is natural."


In the Zhengming Dojo, Chen Xi was sitting cross-legged, and was calmly adjusting his breath.

Defeating Donghuang Yinxuan also cost him a lot, and his physical strength was faintly overwhelmed. Fortunately, he did not suffer any serious injuries.

Now, there is still six hours of rest time before the last duel on the Dao. According to Chen Xi's speculation, this period of time is enough to completely restore his state to its peak.

On the other side, Leng Xinghun was also meditating.

It's just that he deduced the combat power that Chen Xi possessed in his heart.

The previous confrontation between Chen Xi and Donghuang Yinxuan was clearly seen by Leng Xinghun, and he also felt a little uncertain about the fighting power Chen Xi displayed.

This made him even more vigilant, taking this opportunity, he began to silently deduce in his heart that he wanted to figure out how many tricks Chen Xi had!

In order to get a comprehensive insight into all of Chen Xi's powers, he even analyzed Chen Xi's performance in the Dao Cauldron World one by one, not wanting to miss a single detail.

This is not to say that Leng Xinghun has developed fear, but that he has already regarded Chen Xi as the number one enemy, and he must be foolproof when dealing with such opponents!

After all, there is only the last duel left. At this critical juncture, it is worth being ten thousand times more careful.

Both Chen Xi and Leng Xinghun closed their eyes and meditated with calm expressions, preparing for the final confrontation.

In the outside world, there was already an uproar at this moment, and various discussions were heard endlessly. They were also discussing who would have the last laugh in this upcoming final match.

But soon, this discussion was diverted by another news.

"What? The existence of the five Taoist realms each took out a congenital spiritual treasure as a reward for the No. 1 Dao Discussion Competition?"

"Wuji Breaking Sky Shuttle, Lingxu Treasure Clothes, Qiankun Liangyi Banner, Huntian War Halberd, Vientiane Dao Bead... These five innate spiritual treasures are all treasures with a long history, and they are comparable to extraordinary innate spiritual treasures!"

"Great generosity, this is definitely a great generosity. I was still wondering why there was no reward for this discussion. It turns out that the Wuji of the Emperor's Domain has already been prepared!"

"Tsk tsk, no matter whether it is Chen Xi or Leng Xinghun, as long as they get No.1 this time, they will become the real big winners. Not only will they be famous all over the world, they will become the No.1 of the Ancestral God Realm recognized by the entire ancient gods, and You can also get a lot of rewards from divine treasures, it’s a combination of fame and fortune, double win with one stone!”

"God, facing such a generous reward is enough to make any emperor-level existence jealous."

The audience was in an uproar, and everyone was shocked by the news. The value of the five innate spiritual treasures was beyond anyone's imagination.

It is precisely because of this news that all the ascetics in the outside world are looking forward to this last duel.

Only Shi Yu was a little speechless. He came back from the city just now, because Chen Xi won the victory and defeated the Eastern Emperor Yinxuan, which made his bet a lot of money all at once, and he not only got back the two innate spirits that he had bet on. Treasures, and at the same time obtained a lot of various treasures.

The value is so great that it is definitely no less than earning two more innate spirit treasures!

But all of this pales in comparison to the No. 1 rewards of the Dao Contest, and it's not worth mentioning.

"That's good, at least there is no need to share the treasure won from this bet with this guy..."

Shi Yu laughed at himself. He subconsciously believed that Chen Xi would definitely win, and he would also be able to obtain the rewards of those five innate treasures.

This is trust in a friend, without any reason.


Six hours later.

"The last discussion, start now!"

In front of the Guiyuan Hall, Huai Kongzi spoke concisely. He seemed to be very clear that everyone had been looking forward to this duel for a long time, so he announced the start of the discussion without any nonsense.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi and Leng Xinghun who were meditating opened their eyes at the same time, their figures flashed, and the next moment they had arrived at the Ming Dao battlefield.

Confronting from a distance.

All of a sudden, all kinds of discussions from the outside world stopped abruptly, the atmosphere was silent, and there was a sense of nervousness and tension in the air.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, staring at Mingdao battlefield, holding their breath, lest they miss any details.

This battle is the last duel of this Contest.

This battle will also compete for the final No.1 candidate.

There is even no doubt that no matter who wins or loses in this battle, it will be recorded in the annals of history, leaving a strong and colorful stroke in the long history of the ancient gods!

And for the great figures in the Guiyuan Hall, the meaning of this battle is even more extraordinary, involving five animal skins related to the mysterious place in the chaotic ruins!

"Let's fight!"

There was no dialogue, no temptation, the moment Leng Xinghun stepped onto Ming Dao's battlefield, it was as if Leng Xinghun had become another person.

His bloody hair was flying, his blood pupils were dark, and his whole body was filled with a cold, ruthless, and indifferent aura, and his aura had also climbed to the extreme. It can be clearly seen that the great aura around him is surging, agitating the wind and clouds, rushing straight to nine days away, powerful To the extreme.


The voice has not yet fallen,

Leng Xingsoul has been brazenly mobilized, controlling a black broken blade, slashing across the sky, time and space are suddenly torn apart, wind and thunder rush, and the aura of disaster sweeps out.

The name of the black broken blade [殛kong] was inherited from one of the great treasures of the Supreme Master Sect. Its power is unpredictable. It is rumored that it can kill the heads of saints and the souls of gods and demons!


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi also attacked, the sword talisman sliced ​​through the air, the chaotic and fresh air permeated, and he deduced billions of runes, which were blazing and dazzling.

This time, he did not use the Banchen Sword, because against an opponent of Leng Xinghun's level, the Banchen Sword's power was already slightly inferior, and it could no longer exert enough power.

However, using a single sword also has an advantage, that is, it allows Chen Xi to concentrate all his strength in one place and completely explode it.


When the two collided, the divine splendor collapsed and fluctuated like the undulations of the vast sea, and the turbulent waves crashed on the shore.


Before the skill was exhausted, Leng Xinghun's figure swept away, his power became more and more powerful, and the Duankong Duanblade in his palm came to kill again with unparalleled killing power.


Chen Xi squinted his eyes, and his expression became more and more calm and indifferent. Holding the sword talisman, he fought with the opponent, fighting fiercely.




In just a short moment, the two have fought against each other no less than a hundred times, the Taoism is booming, and the divine splendor is blooming, bright and frightening.

This place is boiling, the top masters are fighting for supremacy, the supreme decisive battle, fighting from the sky to the ground, and from the ground to the sky!

This last duel, from the very beginning of the fight, staged a world-shocking and fierce scene, unparalleled!

Looking at any previous duel, when it comes to fierceness and horror, it is no longer comparable to this battle.

Because from the very beginning of the battle, neither Chen Xi nor Leng Xinghun had any reservations, and used their ultimate moves one by one.

Every ultimate move contained power beyond the level of the ancestor gods, enough to easily kill most of the ancestor gods in an instant!


ps: Jinyu is not at home today, but I have sent the manuscript to a friend for help, Chapter 28:[-].


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