divine talisman

Chapter 1893


Time and space shattered, Leng Xing's soul blood danced wildly, and the broken blade in his palm buzzed with a clang, engulfing the sky with black calamity flames, he slashed away.


The sword talisman appeared suddenly like a ghost, blocked the blow, and then stabbed diagonally, the sword energy crushed away like a waterfall.

Leng Xinghun's figure retreated violently, and suddenly a black and white ancient chessboard appeared in his slender palm, spinning endlessly.

Innate Divine Treasure—Yitian Chessboard!


A black chess piece flew into the air, like a big black sun, crushing the latitude and longitude, and enveloped Chen Xi in the sky.

Chen Xi's pupils narrowed suddenly, his figure flickered, and he disappeared out of thin air.

With a bang, just as his figure disappeared, the place where he was standing suddenly collapsed, and was occupied by a black divine radiance soaring into the sky.

The black divine splendor was transformed by that black chess piece. From a distance, it looked like a pillar of the sky, releasing terrifying coercion, giving people an unshakable majestic momentum.


Seeing Chen Xi dodging and dodging, Leng Xinghun didn't seem surprised, the movements in his hands didn't stop, the Yitian chessboard spun, and pieces burst out.

Black, majestic and thick.

White, chilling and cold.

Black and white chess pieces criss-crossed in the void, outlining a series of straight cracks in time and space, suppressing the world in all directions.

Looking from a distance, it seems that Leng Xinghun has transformed into a chess master, using the universe as the game, and using black and white chess pieces to divide life and death, and play the game in the world.

And Chen Xi, like a prey caught in a chess game, kept dodging, but he couldn't escape from the chess game.

If life is like chess, those who hold black and white decide life and death, just like a game, if you fall into it, you can only be surrounded and suppressed!

This is the terrifying aspect of Yitian Chessboard.


In just a moment, the last black chess piece fell, completely stabilizing the game.

Vertical nineteen.

Horizontal nineteen.

There are one hundred and eight white pieces and 180 one black pieces, criss-crossing, square and upright, guarding all parts of the world, reflecting each other, releasing a terrifying divine brilliance.

As for Chen Xi, he was completely trapped in the chess game!

Looking from the outside, it seems that he is trapped in a strict world of black and white, lost in it, unable to escape.

Seeing all this, many ascetics couldn't sit still and were horrified. The power of this Yitian chessboard is too terrifying, beyond imagination.


The corners of Leng Xinghun's lips showed a hint of coldness, and he was palming the Yuyitian chessboard. The black and white pieces that were originally distributed in the Mingdao battlefield suddenly glowed with a frightening luster, and began to move alternately.


Every time the black and white pieces intersect, a terrifying destructive force is produced, smashing time and space, and the power and influence are extremely powerful and frightening.

At this moment, Leng Xinghun was like playing chess, interpreting all kinds of unpredictable chess records, black and white pieces were controlled by him, rushing to kill the chess game, and constantly suppressing Chen Xi.


Even though Chen Xi dodged repeatedly, his actions were greatly restricted in the chess game, and he was caught off guard again and again by that black and white piece, forcing him to stagger backwards. Although he was not injured, he was already in a panic extreme.

The situation has become even worse.

This made many ascetics worry, and they were worried about Chen Xi.


But in just a moment, Chen Xi, who was shaken back again, let out a cold snort, and the sword in his palm suddenly let out a strange hum, and hundreds of millions of runes floated out, evolving into a sword-shaped vortex.


A pair of black and white pieces came to kill again, but this time before they could unleash their power, they let out a sudden whine, were torn apart by a terrifying devouring force, fell into the sword-shaped vortex in an instant, and disappeared.


Leng Xinghun's eyes opened and closed, his divine light shot out, and he waved his sleeve robe.

Thirty-six pairs of black and white pieces criss-crossed, attacking Chen Xi from all directions, completely blocking all of Chen Xi's escape routes.


But as the sword talisman crossed the sky, strange fluctuations spread, and the 36 pairs of black and white pieces had no time to struggle, and were swallowed up one by one by the sword vortex deduced by the sword talisman!

Not only did it fail to hurt Chen Xi, on the contrary, following the devouring, the sword talisman in Chen Xi's palm became more and more powerful, and the sword vortex glowed with a blurred and illusory luster, as deep as an abyss, and seemed to be able to engulf the world!


There was a sound of surprise from the outside world, which seemed unbelievable.

"An innate spirit treasure that can devour the power of other innate spirit treasures, turn it into its own use, and enhance its own power?"

The turbid eyes of Master Xu Tuo of the Taishang Sect suddenly narrowed, and a frightening black thunder flashed.

"A congenital spirit treasure with such a unique magical effect is really rare. As far as I know, only the 'Hongling Gourd', which ranks second in the Three Realms, has such a magical effect, but that divine object has long since disappeared."

Taoist Master Caiya couldn't help but be amazed, for beings like them, seeing so many innate spiritual treasures of all kinds, it is extremely rare for them to have such wonderful functions like the sword talisman in Chen Xi's palm.

"It's really unexpected that a Talisman Armament Dao Treasure can condense such a unique power after being conceived and nurtured by the innate Dao fetus. It seems that when refining this treasure, it is obvious that there are expert guidance."

Taoist Xueling also spoke out, showing a touch of appreciation.

She guessed right, when the sword talisman transformed into an innate spiritual treasure, without the secret method taught by Lao Bai, it would have been impossible to achieve this step.

At this moment, Wu Xuechan also saw the mystery, and couldn't help being a little surprised. He didn't expect that this little junior brother of his own would have such a supreme opportunity.

Just relying on the power of the sword talisman, it is far beyond the ordinary innate spirit treasure, and it can definitely be called a treasure that reaches the sky.


"He's devouring the power of Yitian's chessboard!"

At this moment, Leng Xinghun also sensed something was wrong, couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and was about to change his attack strategy.


At this moment, Chen Xi who was standing in the chess game took the initiative to attack, and the sword talisman dragged that dreamlike sword vortex, sweeping all directions!

In an instant, the black and white pieces in the chess game trembled and exploded suddenly, and the whole chess game was annihilated as if struck by lightning.


Suffering backlash, Leng Xinghun's body trembled violently, his whole body was writhing with qi and blood, and he almost coughed up blood in pain.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi rushed over with a sword talisman.

Seeing this, Leng Xinghun quietly opened a dark and deep vertical eye between his brows, cold and indifferent, revealing endless majesty.

Eye of Scourge!

With a whoosh, a gray light quietly shot out from the vertical eyes, and it was fleeting.

Immediately, Chen Xi's attacking body froze suddenly, as if he had been subjected to a terrifying attack.

In the duel with Kong Youran back then, Leng Xinghun relied on this trick to defeat Kong Youran who was caught off guard in one fell swoop.

But at this time, this scene happened again!

All of a sudden, the hearts of all cultivators in the outside world couldn't help but suspend. Chen Xi...can he stop it?


Leng Xinghun jumped up, and the Duankong blade in his palm swept across the sky, cutting across Chen Xi's throat at an inconceivable speed!


too fast!

In fact, from the time when Chen Xi escaped from the chess game, to the moment when Leng Xinghun resolutely cast the Eye of Scourge, and attacked outrageously, this series of actions almost happened in the blink of an eye. It is dangerous and unpredictable, frightening to the extreme.

But at this moment, Chen Xi's figure stopped and Leng Xinghun attacked, and the scene reached an unprecedentedly dangerous situation.

That kind of atmosphere where life is hanging by a thread made many ascetics even feel suffocated, and their whole bodies froze there.

Seeing that black severing blade was imminent, suddenly, a terrifying light burst out from Chen Xi's eyes.


The next moment, the sword talisman in his palm seemed to have eyes, and he struck out with a bang.

Seeing this, many cultivators outside couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, they seemed to be even more nervous than Chen Xi.

However, after this shot was missed, Leng Xinghun seemed not surprised but happy, and as if he had expected all this, he opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of blood-colored horses, striking towards Chen Xi's face.

That blood-colored horse is surprisingly slender, bright red and translucent flying sword!

This change happened so fast and so abruptly that many cultivators outside had no time to react.

But Chen Xi seemed to have noticed it long ago, with a wave of his sleeve robe, clang!Zheng!Zheng!Three clear whistles sounded, and three golden falling treasure copper coins appeared in the air, in the shape of a character, blocking the blood-colored flying sword in front of him.


The sound of collision resounded, and terrifying power swept across, separating Leng Xinghun and Chen Xi's figures.

This series of changes was unpredictable and unexpected. When everything came to an end, all the ascetics outside could not help but freeze.

too strong!

In just a blink of an eye, the scenes that were staged were simply shocking and unimaginable.

And the fight between Chen Xi and Leng Xingsoul reached an inconceivable height, which was unimaginable.

No one expected that Leng Xinghun's ultimate move was not only the Eye of Scourge, but also a bloody flying sword hidden in his mouth.

Similarly, no one expected that Chen Xi would not be afraid of the interference from the Eye of Scourge, and even prepared copper coins as a countermeasure.

Seeing this dangerous duel one after another, the big shots couldn't help but secretly nod their heads in amazement.

But this battle did not end there.

"It seems that you have already guessed that the power of the Eye of Scourge can't help me, so you prepared a flying sword and tried to kill me by surprise?"

Chen Xi spoke calmly, and the divine brilliance surged in his black eyes.

"You guessed half right."

Leng Xinghun looked cold and heartless, and said, "All I have done is very clear that it may not hurt you. However, I did not intend to do so."

As he spoke, an incomprehensible Dao sound suddenly came out of his lips.

Immediately afterwards, it was seen that the three fallen copper coins that were originally suspended in front of Chen Xi, seemed to be summoned, buzzed, struggled continuously, and plundered towards Leng Xinghun.

"My purpose is to take it back. This is the treasure of my Supreme Master. How can it fall into the hands of the enemy?"

A thoughtful smile appeared on the corner of Leng Xinghun's lips, looking extremely intimidating.

"So that's the case, it's easy to calculate, but it's a pity that you underestimated Chen too much."

Chen Xi also laughed, and when he spoke, he let out a word from his lips: "Explosive!"


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