divine talisman

Chapter 1896 Incomparable

Leng Xinghun was blown away and coughed up blood.

Then, the heavens and the earth in Mingdao battlefield seemed to be collapsing, and Chen Xi struck out with an invincible posture like an emperor, crushing the universe with every slash of his sword.


This kind of power was too terrifying. In the blink of an eye, as Chen Xi swung his sword, time and space exploded. Leng Xinghun passively resisted, but every time he resisted a sword, he would cough up a mouthful of blood.

What's more, his whole body was on the verge of collapsing, and he looked miserable.

Everyone was stunned and looked at all this in disbelief. Chen Xi swallowed his anger, his black hair shawled his shoulders, and his eyes were frighteningly cold. With every step and every strike, he smashed the opponent with absolute strength. !

But Leng Xinghun retreated step by step, coughing up blood again and again, his body was about to collapse, and it was already difficult for him to withstand this terrifying lethal force.

Is this Chen Xi's real combat power?

Everyone was in awe, it was just creepy.

At this moment, Chen Xi's momentum was so powerful that it seemed to overwhelm the performance of any of the Taoists present. He was unique and unparalleled. This is unprecedented fighting power.

Even, looking at the boundless years of the Ancient God Realm, it is almost impossible to find an Ancestral God Realm existence that can rival Chen Xi!

"how is this possible?"

Taoist Master Xutuo, Taoist Master Xuanming, and even Taoist Master Xueling and Caiya in the Guiyuan Hall could not help showing shock at this moment, with disbelief written all over their faces.

Characters like them would not change color when Mount Tai collapsed in front of their eyes, but at this moment they had a shocked expression on their faces. It can be seen how much shock Chen Xi's display of fighting power caused to them.

The fact is exactly the same, if the existence of the emperor realm exerted such power, they would not be so surprised.

But the key point is that Chen Xi is only an existence at the peak of the Ancestral God!

This is incredible.

Several old antique-level beings were stunned and speechless for a moment, and this Chen Xi had reached such a level in the Ancestral God Realm, it was simply unique in the past and present, unprecedented!

"Not bad……"

Wu Xuechan also murmured in his heart. As a senior brother, this was the first time he had seen Chen Xi's full power, so he couldn't help being amazed for a moment.



In the battlefield of Mingdao, Leng Xinghun was knocked into the air again, suffered serious injuries, his body was dripping with blood, his aura was weakened, and his combat effectiveness also dropped sharply.

If this continues, he must be destroyed!

"The ancestral Tao is complete, the realm of the perfect emperor!"

Almost at the same time, those Taoist Realm existences seemed to think of some rumors, and they couldn't help being in a trance.

"This guy...has reached the Perfect Ancestral God Realm without flaws or blemishes, which is stronger than the Era Responders that have appeared before..."

Wang Zhong's eyes were like lightning, and his expression was rarely solemn, as if he had seen through something, and his whole body froze there.

"Sure enough, sure enough, one fruit is inevitable."

Holy Son Canaan murmured softly, and complex meanings appeared on Gu Jing's calm face.

This is a real road against the sky!

Anyone who embarks on this path is regarded as a heretic of the way of heaven. From the ancient times to the present, there are many people who have embarked on this path, but without exception, everyone has failed!

Moreover, the end is miserable, all of them are destroyed by the way of heaven, the body dies and the way disappears, and eternal life will no longer exist.

It is precisely because this road is too dangerous and against the heavens that very few people have dared to set foot on this road until now, and it has also made very few people in the world know about it.

But for those existences in the Taoist Realm, it is very clear that those who dare to set foot on this road are all leading figures of the era, stunning and brilliant, a generation of arrogance, famous in life, shocking the past and the present, but because of walking This road, and this fell!

Some people even suspect that this path does not exist at all, because it is too difficult, it is almost an enemy of the way of heaven, and it is necessary to replace it with the way of heaven!

Under such circumstances, how easy is it to succeed?This is harder than climbing to the sky!

However, there is a young man in front of him who seems to be advancing on this road, and has already made great achievements!

At this moment, this young man is displaying his supernatural power, invincible, killing even the Leng Xinghun who possesses the Primordial Daoguang powerless.

What kind of wonder is this?It even feels a little unreal.

Those existences in the Taoist Realm pursed their lips and kept their own thoughts.

The atmosphere in the Guiyuan Hall became inexplicably depressing, so depressing that Wen Ting, Yu Zhen, Chisongzi, and Lu Fu were almost suffocated and out of breath.


In the battlefield of Mingdao, Zijin sword energy surged, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, blood rained pouring down, and all kinds of terrifying visions appeared in the world.

This is Chen Xi's power and influence. With every movement of his hands and feet, wind and thunder rise together, and the avenue roars, accompanied by many majestic and sacred visions.

If his sword energy is unmatched, every time he strikes with a sword, he will crush everything, shattering the latitude and longitude of the universe, and making people tremble!


In the end, Leng Xinghun's body shook violently, and he couldn't hold back any longer. He coughed up blood, and his whole body showed signs of fragmentation.

That's horrible!

People can't bear to see it.

But even so, Leng Xinghun still gritted his teeth and persisted, his heart was burning like fire, full of deep unwillingness and incomparable anger.

Because he simply couldn't accept that he would be defeated by Chen Xi!

It is even more unacceptable that No.1, who is so close at hand, just missed him!

But obviously, all his struggling in the face of Chen Xi's absolute strength was doomed to be futile.


Chen Xi's expression was indifferent, the sword talisman was wrapped in a monstrous purple-gold luster, the oppressive time and space exploded, and then exploded with a bang, releasing a terrifying sword energy.

This kind of power was too terrifying, the next moment Leng Xinghun's whole body was like a falling meteor, with an unknown number of bones scattered all over his body, and smashed hard on the ground with a plop.

But he still did not admit defeat, wanting to struggle to stand up and fight again.

Seeing this scene, even many ascetics couldn't bear it, and sighed endlessly. At this moment, Leng Xinghun didn't have any majesty at all, he was even more miserable than a beggar.

And the Chen Xi at this time can be described as divine power!


For this, Chen Xi showed no mercy. With a flash of his figure, he held his sword and came to Leng Xinghun. If possible, he didn't even mind destroying Leng Xinghun in one fell swoop at this moment.

But at this moment, a terrifying and supreme force suddenly blocked Chen Xi, making it impossible for him to get close to Leng Xinghun.

"He has already lost, please hold back."

Following that, the voice of the headmaster of the Taoist academy, full of supreme majesty, suddenly rang in Chen Xi's ears.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes and remained silent.

"Chen Xi, come on, keep fighting! If you don't kill me this time, I will definitely kill you the next time we meet!"

Leng Xinghun, who fell to the ground, yelled hysterically like crazy. His blood-colored long hair was disheveled, his body was stained with blood, his face was distorted and livid.

Chen Xi quietly clenched the palm holding the sword talisman, the veins on the back of the palm burst, as if he couldn't hold back the murderous desire in his heart.

This stalemate made all the ascetics in the outside world terrified. Suddenly, the atmosphere became extremely silent.

In the arena, only Chen Xi was confronting Leng Xinghun who was ten feet away.


Suddenly, another hoarse and deep voice resounded, and the emaciated body of Taoist Master Xu Tuo of the Supreme Sect suddenly appeared in front of the Guiyuan Hall.

It's just that at this moment, his face is gloomy, with a cold light in his eyes, and his power is extremely terrifying.

A few words fell into Leng Xinghun's ears, but it was no less than a thunderclap, which made his whole body go stiff, and he suddenly woke up from his anger.

When he looked at Chen Xi again, apart from unwillingness, there was a touch of complexity in his eyes, with fear, resentment, and bewilderment.

"Next time, I will kill you without hesitation!"


Chen Xi put away the sword talisman, and without looking at Leng Xinghun, he turned and left the Ming Dao battlefield.

In a word, Leng Xinghun's expression changed again, his teeth were almost gnawed, and finally he took a deep breath, and his figure staggered away from the ring.

Looking from a distance, he was alone, covered in blood, his breath was weak, his appearance was miserable, and his initial state was bleak, which caused many ascetics to sigh again.

Looking back at the previous duels, Leng Xinghun, who was unanimously favored by everyone, was like a scorching sun, shining brightly and unparalleled in power.

But in this last duel, he was defeated, and he lost completely. His situation was so miserable that he was completely different from him before.

"Defeated, Leng Xinghun actually lost..."

"Sigh, bad luck. Since there is a Leng Xinghun in this world, why is there another Chen Xi?"

Many people sighed and sighed with emotion.

"The last duel, Chen Xi wins!"

At this moment, Huai Kongzi's voice resounded throughout the audience, announcing the end of the discussion.

And this also means that all the duels in this Dao Contest have come to an end at this moment.

Chen Xi wins!

Chen Xi wins!

Chen Xi wins!

The sound reverberated in the nine heavens and ten places, and echoed in the ears of all the ascetics in the entire god city of ten directions. It was as if there was magic power, making all eyes look at Chen Xi who had already left the Ming Dao battlefield at the same time. body.

There were shock, awe, admiration, admiration, disbelief, bewilderment and bewilderment in those eyes...

Great attention!

At this moment, Chen Xi's clothes were also stained with blood, and his face was also pale, but in the eyes of everyone, Chen Xi was like the most dazzling star, with boundless radiance!

Yes, Chen Xi won.

At this moment, he has won the final No.1, and has become the biggest winner of this competition!

Similarly, he has proved with iron-like facts and superb combat power that all the cultivators in the Ancestral God Realm in the entire Ancient God Realm are worthy of the title of "No. 1 Ancestral God Realm"!

And this result, who would have thought of it before?


But at this moment, no one paid any attention to these things. Everyone knew that the result of this duel would spread throughout every corner of the Ancient God Realm within a short period of time, setting off one after another monstrous waves.

And the name Chen Xi is destined to be known by everyone in the world!


ps: The second is later.


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