divine talisman

Chapter 1897 The Ultimate Secret

Congratulations to sister Ming Qiyang for being promoted to the new head of Fuhuang, thank you for supporting me every day~~


Night falls.

The last duel of the Dao Discussion Competition has long since ended, but the ascetics in the Ten Directions God City did not leave just then, but instead gathered together, eagerly discussing everything about the Dao Discussion Competition.

Compared with the daytime, the city of gods in the ten directions at night is so lively that it is unimaginable. Every street, every building, and every ascetic’s mouth talk are almost all topics related to the Dao Dao.

"In this Dao Discussion Competition, the most unexpected person is Wang Zhong. Unfortunately, this son was defeated by Chen Xi."

"In terms of combat power, the one with the fiercest and fiercest fighting power must be the Eastern Emperor Yinxuan. Unfortunately, he was also defeated by Chen Xi."

"As for the one most looking forward to getting No.1, it is undoubtedly Leng Xinghun, but in the end... he was also defeated by Chen Xi."

"It seems that as long as anyone meets Chen Xi, the end will not be very good. This is a bit intriguing."

"That's right, this Chen Xi has only risen for a few decades, but he won the No.1 in this Dao Discussion Competition in one fell swoop. Who would have thought of this before?"

Various discussions resounded under the night sky, and there were many topics, but almost every topic involved the same person.

That is Chen Xi!

On the other hand, Leng Xinghun, who was ranked No.2, seemed to have dimmed.

When Chen Xi was mentioned, they all had emotions of awe, admiration, and shock, while when they mentioned Leng Xinghun, they were all consistent, that is, sigh and regret.

From these discussions alone, it is enough to see how much influence Chen Xi has brought about by being No. 1 in this Dao Discussion Competition.

It was even foreseeable that it would not be long before the entire Ancient God Realm would be thrown into a commotion, and Chen Xi's name would be spread all over the world, becoming known to the world.

After all, this Dao Discussion Competition was initiated by the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain, and its scale was unprecedentedly grand. Before it even started, it had attracted the attention of the entire ancient gods' cultivation world.

And Chen Xi, as the No.1 of this Dao Discussion Competition, can imagine how much attention he will receive.


The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Some important people have to see it more thoroughly, to understand the significance of Chen Xi representing Shenyan Mountain and winning No.1 in the Dao Discussion Competition this time, it will definitely not be so simple.

This can be seen from the purpose of holding the Dao Discussion Competition this time. The [-] successors selected through the first round of the Dao Discussion Competition already have the qualifications to enter the Chaos Remains. , why is there a second round of discussion?

This in itself is somewhat abnormal!

Regrettably, now that the Dao Discussion Grand Competition has come to an end, thirty successors including Chen Xi have been summoned into the Guiyuan Hall of the Dao Academy, and no more news has come out, leaving those who are concerned about this issue The important people in the world can only speculate wildly in their hearts.


Guiyuan Hall.

With the end of the first Dao Discussion Competition, Chen Xi and other disciples who participated in the second round of Dao Discussion had already gathered here.

A group of them stood in front of the main hall with solemn expressions, not daring to speak loudly.

Because in front of them, there are five Daoist Realm Tongtian existences, as well as a group of great figures in the Emperor Realm!

Just the aura emanating from these big shots made them all feel cautious and dare not move without authorization.

"This Dao Discussion Competition is over, and the number of winners and losers has already become a thing of the past, so there is no need to mention it again."

Taoist Master Caiya spoke in a deep voice, his old eyes swept over Chen Xi and the others one by one, his voice was filled with incomparable solemnity.

"However, there are some things that must wait until the end of the Dao Discussion Competition, such as the reward for No.1."

Saying that, Taoist Master Caiya waved his hand, and with a clatter, five jade boxes of various colors emerged out of thin air and flew in front of Chen Xi.

"These five congenital spiritual treasures were taken out by our Taoist Academy, Shenyan Mountain, Taishangjiao, Nuwa Palace, and Divine Academy, and they were specially prepared for the No. 1 disciple of this Dao Discussion Competition. Xi, you accept them."

With a swish, many eyes in the hall moved to the five jade boxes, and many eyes couldn't help showing a hint of envy.

Of course, there are also many eyes with a hint of unwillingness.

These five jade boxes contain the "Wuji Potian Shuo", "Lingxu Treasure Clothes", "Qiankun Liangyi Banner", "Vientiane Dao Bead" and "Huntian War Halberd".

Every treasure is a treasure among the innate spiritual treasures. It is mysterious and contains many inconceivable divine powers. Its value is beyond ordinary and cannot be measured.

In the outside world, each of these innate spiritual treasures is enough to make any ascetics covet, even if they grab their heads, they will get their hands.

Now, all of this has become a reward for Chen Xi alone, how can this not be enviable?How to make people willing?

But all of this is a foregone conclusion, no matter who it is, they can only envy and be unwilling.

"Thank you!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, cupped his hands in all directions, and immediately put away the five jade boxes. Although his expression remained calm, he couldn't help feeling a little excited in his heart.

Five precious innate spirit treasures!

The abundance of such rewards really surprised Chen Xi himself.

"You don't have to be polite, little guy. I said earlier that the Vientiane Dao Beads in my Nuwa Palace are prepared for outstanding figures like you."

Taoist Xueling laughed lightly, his words were gentle.

But these words fell into the ears of Taoist Xuan Ming, but it made his face darken, and he smelled a hint of sarcasm.

Because a long time ago, he had won Kong Youran because of Donghuang Yinxuan, and teased Nuwa Palace unceremoniously.

But who would have thought that in the end, all of this would be done for Chen Xi, which made Daoist Xuan Ming and other big figures like Taoist Master Xuan Ming feel depressed for a while.

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Taoist Caiya coughed dryly and changed the subject: "Chen Xi, besides these rewards, there is another reward I want to give you."

Chen Xi was startled.

The other disciples who participated in the discussion were also puzzled. Are there other rewards?Is it more precious than those five innate spirit treasures?

Soon, there will be an answer.

After Caiya Daoist finished speaking, he took out four pieces of ancient and broken animal skins. Each piece of animal skin was filled with an obscure mysterious power, which could block any investigation and make it impossible for people to peep into the records. what content.

But the more this is the case, the more curious people are, what kind of secrets are hidden in these four pieces of animal skins?

Taoist Master Caiya did not reveal the answer, but looked at Taoist Master Xutuo of the Supreme Sect on the other side, and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Xutuo, at this moment, you should also hand over the secret map in your hand. right?"

Another piece of hide?

Everyone was stunned, and all looked at Taoist Master Xutuo.

At this moment, Taoist Master Xutuo's complexion is still gloomy, in other words, from the moment Leng Xinghun was defeated, his complexion has not been better.

But at this moment, listening to Taoist Master Caiya's words made his wrinkled old face look even more gloomy.

"Hehe, you don't need to be reminded by Taoist Caiya, the old man will hand over this secret map."

After a moment of silence, Daoist Xu Tuo let out a sneer, and with a wave of his sleeve, a piece of ancient animal skin that was also broken emerged out of thin air and was thrown away.

After finishing all this, he suddenly sighed and said with emotion, "Forgive me, it's not that the old man intended to do this, but this secret map is too important, and it involves a mysterious place in the chaotic ruins. Entering it, it is very possible to obtain the real mystery from the ultimate path, and under such circumstances, the old man feels a little bit reluctant."

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples, including Chen Xi, were shocked. The true mystery of the ultimate path! ?

If this is true, then these five pieces of animal skins are too precious, and the value is so great that they can even cause big figures in the Taoist Realm to seize them!

This can be seen from the performance of Daoist Xutuo just now.

But when they heard these words, Wu Xuechan, Taoist Xueling, Taoist Caiya and others couldn't help frowning, as if they were displeased that Taoist Xutuo revealed such a shocking secret at this moment.

"Master Xutuo, don't give up. Even if these five secret maps are pieced together, it is difficult to piece together a complete secret map."

Taoist Caiya pondered for a moment, then smiled disapprovingly, "What's more, the rumors about the true mystery of the ultimate path, as well as these five secret maps, are all left by Taoist Kunpeng, so they may not be true. .”


Daoist Xutuo said decisively, "Throughout the ages, only Daoist Kunpeng has intruded into the chaotic ruins. Although he was robbed and died in the end, the things left behind must not be falsified. In my opinion, this It's very likely that it's true."

Hearing all of this, to Chen Xi, he couldn't help being startled, how could all this have something to do with that Taoist Kunpeng again?

Thinking about it carefully, Chen Xi suddenly discovered that after he entered the realm of the end of the law from the Three Realms, he seemed to have started to hear everything about that Taoist Kunpeng.

Even the domain of Namo Dharma was transformed by the remains of Taoist Kunpeng!

Back then, Chen Xi even happened to meet Princess Aliang and the others of the Primordial Fungus Tribe in the Domain of Doom, and was fortunate enough to obtain a Kunpeng power left by the Kunpeng Taoist master.

Until later, because of the empress who lived in Taichu Temple, Chen Xi learned that the original Kunpeng Taoist once broke into the chaotic ruins, but because of the "Forbidden Dao Tribulation Power" Finally fell!

But at this time, when he learned that these five ancient secret maps and the rumor about the true mystery of the ultimate path were all left behind by Taoist Kunpeng, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion in his heart. ...What kind of existence is it?

As for Master Xu Tuo, why did he tell all these secrets outright at this moment?

In an instant, an inexplicable cold current gushed out of Chen Xi's heart, which made him suddenly wake up from his contemplation.

This old guy must not have evil intentions, and let the whole world know that he has obtained these five secret maps, right?

"According to the old man, these thirty little guys entered the chaotic ruins this time. I am afraid that it is absolutely difficult to enter that mysterious place with the strength of one person. Why don't you put these five secret maps together How about sending the secrets to other disciples one by one, let them participate in it, and act together with the strength of everyone?"

At this moment, Taoist Master Xu Tuo suddenly spoke and made a suggestion.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi sneered in his heart, this old bastard had such a plan!


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