divine talisman

Chapter 1898 Liu Shenji

Taoist Master Xu Tuo's proposal moved many old antiques.

In particular, Taoist Xuan Ming said without hesitation: "This suggestion is good. Our five major forces can put aside their previous suspicions and gather together, all for the successors of the sect to get a chance from the chaotic legacy. It is safest to act together when we support each other.”

After a pause, he continued: "After all, the chaotic ruins are mysterious and full of terrifying forbidden power. It would be too dangerous for one person to act alone."

Saying these words, Taoist Master Caiya couldn't help but move in his heart. As the preaching elder of the Taoist academy, he naturally hoped that his disciples could go to that mysterious place in the chaotic ruins to explore opportunities.

But immediately, he temporarily suppressed this thought, and watched coldly, to see how Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace would react.

"Let me just ask, are these five secret maps the rewards given to the No.1 Dao Discussion Competition?"

Unexpectedly, Taoist Master Xueling of Nuwa Palace spoke first, her eyes were as clear as lightning, and she swept towards the two Taoist masters, Xu Tuo and Xuan Ming.


Even if Xu Tuo and Xuan Ming were unwilling, they had to admit this fact.

"Since that's the case, why should Chen Xi take out these secret maps and let everyone share the secrets?"

This time, without waiting for anyone else to answer, Taoist Xueling said decisively, "If we knew this earlier, why would we hold the second round of Dao Discussion Competition, and even the arrival will be divided up in the end?"

The tit-for-tat confrontation of some words made Taoist Master Dexutuo and Taoist Xuanming have a gloomy look on their brows.

"Xueling, this old man's proposal is also for the consideration of all disciples. After all, the chaotic ruins are too dangerous. What's more, Chen Xi has already obtained five innate spirit treasures, and such rewards are rich enough. Could it be that in the face of such big right and wrong, Is it inappropriate for him to share the secrets in the secret map?"

Taoist Master Xutuo took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

"Forgive me for saying this unceremoniously, if Chen Xi cannot accept this proposal, he will be in a bad situation after entering the Chaotic Relic! You all must be aware of the truth that everyone is innocent and pregnant is guilty. .”

Taoist Xuanming on the other side said coldly, with a hint of threat in his voice.

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help laughing angrily. These two old things really became more and more shameless as they lived longer. They were clearly trying to snatch the secrets in their hands, but they showed a righteous and dignified face. It was simply extremely shameless.

At this moment, Wu Xuechan also frowned, and was about to speak, but was stopped by Chen Xi, "Brother, listen to me."

While speaking, Chen Xi stepped forward, his pair of black eyes swept across the two Taoist masters, Xu Tuo and Xuan Ming, his expression calm.

Immediately, he laughed and said: "The proposal of the two seniors is good. After entering the chaotic ruins, I will share the secrets in my hands with other colleagues."


This sentence made everyone else stunned. Originally they thought that Chen Xi would resist angrily, but who would have thought that he seemed to have adopted this suggestion.

Even Taoist Master Xutuo and Taoist Xuanming couldn't help squinting their eyes, somewhat unable to guess what the kid in front of him was thinking.

"However, in my opinion, this secret can only be shared with my trustworthy friends, like fellows from Nuwa Palace and Daoist Academy, they can all explore that mysterious area with me, as for others... ...Hehe, forgive me for not being interested in cooperating with them, I am not afraid of meat buns beating dogs, but I am afraid of being bitten by dogs in the end."

These words not only let everyone fully understand Chen Xi's plan, but they were also full of sarcasm, and in the end, they even used "dogs" to ridicule the Supreme Master and the seminary , to the best of his ability to insinuate.

Immediately, many people in the hall gasped. They had no idea that Chen Xi would be so bold as to say such words in front of the presence of the two Dao Masters.

At this moment, the faces of the two Taoist masters, Xu Tuo and Xuan Ming, sank together, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

How have characters like them ever been ridiculed by a junior like this?

However, before this terrifying aura oppressed Chen Xi, it was instantly dispelled by Wu Xuechan's sleeve robe.

Almost at the same time, Wu Xuechan smiled indifferently: "What are the identities of the two of you, do you still want to care about my little brother?"

"Wu Xuechan! This is your descendant of Shenyan Mountain? You have a sharp mouth and a sharp mouth, and you don't know how to measure. If you leave it to the outside world, just rely on his words, the old man will kill him immediately!"

Taoist Master Xu Tuo spoke solemnly.

At this moment, he had completely concluded that he would no longer be able to obtain the secrets in those five secret maps from Chen Xi, so he spoke unceremoniously.

"Fellow Daoist Xu Tuo is right. I hope that after entering the chaotic ruins this time, this brave little friend Chen Xi can return alive."

Taoist Xuan Ming looked cold and majestic, and there was a palpitating chill in his voice.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall became tense again, Taoist Master Caiya didn't dare to keep silent any longer, and said with a smile: "Okay, no matter what, it's not easy for our five major forces to come together and act together this time. .Before that, please don't argue again. If this happens, it will be bad for all of us."

These words are not bad. In the presence, no matter which faction it is, if it leaves any one, it will definitely not be able to open the passage to enter the chaotic ruins.

Therefore, in such a situation, it would not be worth the loss for any force to start a dispute again.

The two Taoist masters, Xu Tuo and Xuan Ming, obviously understood this, and they both snorted coldly and said nothing more.

It's just that they looked at Chen Xi as if they were looking at a dead person. Obviously, they already held Chen Xi in their hearts.

For an existence like them, once they get angry, it will definitely be an unimaginable disaster for anyone.

Chen Xi understands this, because he heard the empress from Taichuguan say a long time ago that the Daoist Realm exists and has already stood at the pinnacle of the ancient God Realm, and her temperament is the most unscrupulous, ruthless, and as long as she provokes her. They don't care what forces are behind you!

Of course, Chen Xi wasn't afraid of them.

The current him may be far from being able to compete with existences like the Daoist Realm, but he still has his elder brother standing behind him and Shenyan Mountain, so he will not be afraid of anyone in the world.

What's more, these two old guys want to kill themselves, so why doesn't Shenyan Mountain want to kill them?

In the final analysis, the two of them may be able to sit together and live in peace now, but the hatred between them has already been forged a long time ago, and the situation is like water and fire, and it will never die.

In the face of such hatred, none of them will be merciful to anyone.


Suddenly, there was a fluctuation in the void of the hall, and a dreamlike rain of light appeared, reflecting a figure.

This figure was thin, short, and ordinary. Standing there, his height was even a head lower than Chen Xi's.

But as soon as he appeared, all conversations in the hall stopped abruptly, and the silence was filled with a sense of majesty and immeasurable holiness!

In an instant, Chen Xi and the thirty Ancestral God Realm existences all trembled in their hearts, and an uncontrollable awe rose up.

This figure was obviously extremely thin and short, and extremely ordinary, but facing him, it made them all feel incomparably small.

It's like a group of ants looking up at an insurmountable peak!

At this moment, even those emperors and dignitaries couldn't help but froze, their expressions were stiff, they didn't dare to speak loudly, and they were afraid of the people in front of them!

Only Wu Xuechan and other Taoist masters could remain calm, but seeing this figure appear at this moment, they still got up together and bowed their hands in salute.

"I've seen the dean!"

This person is unexpectedly the head of the Taoist Academy——Liu Shenji!

In an instant, the hearts of Chen Xi and the others were shaken again. This person was the supreme existence in the rumors, a giant who could keep pace with the master of Shenyan Mountain, the master of Nuwa palace, the master of the supreme sect, and the dean of the temple!

Such a legendary figure, sitting in the Taoist temple, has not shown himself for many years, but at this moment, he appeared in front of everyone like this, one can imagine how shocking it was.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the hall became more and more silent and solemn.

And Liu Shenji, the headmaster of the Taoist academy, who was short in stature and unremarkable in appearance, seemed to be the most eye-catching existence in the hall, supreme!

"Everyone, have you ever brought the treasures of your respective sects?"

Taoist Dean Liu Shenji spoke, his voice was full of majesty, he stood with his hands behind his back, a mysterious dao light overflowed from his body, making his face unclear.

"It's ready."

Wu Xuechan and the others nodded one after another.

"In this case, Caiya, you will set off immediately with a few fellow Taoists and go to the chaotic ruins later."

Liu Shenji casually ordered, "In three days, I will personally take these thirty little guys to the Land of Chaos."

As soon as these words came out, everyone dared not to follow.

Even such figures as Xu Tuo and Taoist Xuanming dare not make mistakes.

This is the power and influence of the head of the Taoist Academy. If you look at the entire Ancient God Realm, you can't find many people who can be on an equal footing with him.

"Huai Kongzi, if you place these little guys in the Shaohua Ancient Realm, three days is enough for them to restore their state to the peak level. After three days, bring them to the Guiyuan Hall together."

Liu Shenji looked at Huai Kongzi and instructed again.


Huai Kongzi bowed to accept the order.

Seeing this, Liu Shenji shifted his gaze to the other people in the main hall, and said: "Everyone can take advantage of this time to communicate with the disciples of the sect. According to my calculations, the time to go to the Chaotic Relics this time will be at least three to five years, and at most ten years or more. , and there may be many dangers, no one can guarantee that all thirty of them will return safely, you'd better... be mentally prepared."

The voice was still echoing in the hall, and Liu Shenji had disappeared.

Suddenly, because of Liu Shenji's words before leaving, the atmosphere in the hall became more and more silent.


It is possible that those disciples who are about to enter the chaotic ruins will not be able to return safely?

Those who don't know will doubt whether Liu Shenji, the director of the Taoist academy, said these words in order to stop this action.

But everyone in the hall didn't think so.

For someone like Liu Shenji to say such a thing at this moment, it must mean that this action is really extraordinary!

There may even be dangers beyond imagination, so you must be fully prepared!


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