divine talisman

Chapter 1899

Guiyuan Hall.

Wu Xuechan called Chen Xi, Gu Yan, and Tu Meng together, and said via voice transmission: "No matter what dangers you encounter when you enter the chaotic ruins this time, you two must remember to follow Chen Xi and obey his arrangements in everything. "

Gu Yan and Tu Meng nodded seriously: "Uncle Master, don't worry."

Wu Xuechan took out an ancient bronze box about half a foot long, with many dense textures engraved on the surface, and handed it to Chen Xi, saying: "Ah Liang is about to wake up, this time you enter the chaotic ruins, take her to act together .”

Chen Xi was startled, and only then did he realize that Princess Aliang of the Primordial Fungus tribe was clearly lying in that bronze box.

"Why is this?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

"When Taoist Kunpeng went to the chaotic ruins back then, he did not act recklessly, but prepared many means. At that time, the one he relied on the most was the ancient fungus tribe."

Wu Xuechan said bluntly, "Although I don't know what role the Primordial Fungus can play when entering the chaotic ruins, since Taoist Kunpeng did this, he must have a deep meaning."

Hearing this, Chen Xi suddenly remembered that when he saw Ah Liang in the Dharma-End Realm, the remaining clansmen were guarding the sealing power left by Taoist Kunpeng.

At that time, Ah Liang's mother-in-law also said that back then, the archaic fungus tribe followed Taoist Kunpeng to conquer the world, broke into the chaotic ruins alone and survived, and did many brilliant deeds that shocked the world.

So even if Taoist Kunpeng died and disappeared, and his remains were turned into the realm of magic, none of them, the only remaining members of the Primordial Fungus tribe, were willing to leave, but chose to guard it.

Thinking of this matter now, and combined with what his elder brother Wu Xuechan said, Chen Xi suddenly also vaguely sensed that it might really be useful to take A Liang on this trip together.

Of course, taking a ten thousand step back, even if Ah Liang can't play any role, bringing her along will definitely not drag Chen Xi down.

"In addition, if my guess is correct, they will definitely do everything possible to seize the five secret maps in your hands, so after entering the chaotic ruins, the most important thing for you is to beware of the successors from the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy."

Wu Xuechan murmured, "As for the disciples of the Taoist Academy, if you can win them over, you can win them over, but don't lose your guard. If Liu Shenji survives for a day, the Taoist Academy is doomed to maintain a neutral attitude."

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but click his tongue a little. Hearing senior brother Wu Xuechan suddenly talk about the life and death of the head of the Taoist academy on the site of the Taoist academy, he couldn't help giving people a strange feeling.

Immediately, Chen Xi took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Elder brother, don't worry, whether it's an enemy or a friend, I have my own balance."

Wu Xuechan smiled and said: "That's the best, by the way, if you encounter difficult problems, you can rest assured to cooperate with the descendants of Nuwa Palace."

Chen Xi nodded.


The other side.

Taoist Master Xu Tuo of the Taishang Sect looked indifferent, and said coldly: "Remember, those five secret maps involve a supreme opportunity about the ultimate path, no matter what price you pay, you must grab it! "


Leng Xinghun and the disciples of the Supreme Sect responded in unison.

Seeing this, Taoist Master Xutuo's expression softened a little, and he said in a deep voice: "Of course, if you have the opportunity to kill this son Chen Xi, you must not miss it. This son is carrying a river map, and even has a relationship with the third Great Emperor Youming. If the connection is not removed early, sooner or later it will become another Fuxi!"

Hearing this, Leng Xinghun and the others were shocked, another Fuxi?


"Yinxuan, even if you are defeated by Chen Xi this time, you don't have to be discouraged. Discussions are after all discussions, not real life-and-death fights."

At the same moment, Taoist Xuanming slowly glanced at Donghuang Yinxuan, Zhu Qianyu, Gongsun Mu and the others, and said, "However, after entering the chaotic ruins, you must seize every opportunity to completely destroy this son. cut off!"

Speaking of this, there was a hint of sternness in his voice, "You may not know that this son has embarked on a unique path against the sky throughout the ages, and now he has made some achievements on this path. A heretic like this , once it grows up, it will definitely surpass the past and become a serious problem for our seminary."


Donghuang Yinxuan and others also set off a turbulent sea in their hearts. The unique road against the sky in the past and present?

Isn't this the rumored heresy that is not tolerated by the Dao of Heaven?

Donghuang Yinxuan and the others knew what this sentence meant, and their expressions became serious all of a sudden.

"If it's possible, I don't mind if you join forces with those descendants of the Supreme Sect to kill this son of Chen Xi in the chaotic ruins!"

The voice of Taoist Xuanming is terrifying.


"Yechen, Li Lufeng."


"There is a sentence, I must remind you that our Daoist Academy has always maintained a neutral attitude and never got involved in other right and wrong. After entering the chaotic ruins, you'd better be able to do this."

Taoist Caiya looked at Yechen and Li Lufeng in front of him, and said solemnly.

There are many disciples in the Taoist academy, but he called out Yechen to talk to Li Lufeng alone, which seemed very intriguing.

Li Lufeng's heart trembled, and he nodded repeatedly: "Master and uncle, don't worry, this disciple will definitely remember it in his heart."

Ye Chen squinted his eyes, and said, "Master Uncle, as long as we maintain a neutral attitude?"

Taoist Caiya nodded and said, "Not bad."

Yechen smiled and said, "That's good."

Li Lufeng on the side saw all this, and couldn't help but feel moved.

At this time, Ye Chen suddenly turned his gaze to Li Lufeng who was on the side, and said calmly: "Senior brother Li, don't forget how Uncle Ying Qin died."

An understatement of words made Li Lufeng's face change slightly.


"Youran, Shi Yu, I'm not worried about you, as long as everything is careful, something unexpected will happen."

On the side of Nuwa Palace, Taoist Xueling said softly, "But you must remember that if necessary, you can help Chen Xi and the others more."

Hearing this, Shi Yu's lips could not help showing a hint of astonishment, and said: "This guy is so powerful, still needs help?"

Taoist Master Xueling nodded seriously and said: "It is indeed necessary. The chaotic ruins are extraordinary, and it is completely different from the one-on-one duel in the Dao Discussion Competition. Chen Xi has five secret maps, so he will definitely be killed by the Supreme Master and the God Academy. As a thorn in my side, under such circumstances, as allies, our Nuwa Palace must stand by Shenyan Mountain."

After a pause, she continued: "What's more, even if it's not for the five secret maps, I'm afraid the Supreme Master and the heirs of the seminary won't let Chen Xi go."

In the end, there was a hint of complexity in the voice.

"Why is this?"

Shi Yu was stunned.

Even Kong Youran couldn't help being curious.

"It's very simple. He has now embarked on an unprecedented path against the sky. No one has ever succeeded in this path since ancient times, but Chen Xi has achieved a lot on this path. of."

Taoist Master Xueling pondered for a moment, then spoke out slowly, "These two forces have always regarded themselves as 'walking the way for the sky', and now Chen Xi is like an anomaly, which is not tolerated by the way of heaven. The temple will not let him go."

Odd number!

Forbidden by heaven!

Hearing these words, both Kong Youran and Shi Yu were stunned, and their expressions gradually became serious.

At this moment, they finally understood why Taoist Master Xueling asked them to help Chen Xi.


In the Guiyuan Hall, only five people including Wang Zhong, Shengzi Canaan, and Zhao Qingyao were not descendants of the five poles of the Imperial Domain.

However, they have passed the first round of tests and obtained the qualifications to enter the chaotic ruins, and they will follow everyone to act together this time.

"Jaanan, don't waste your time, I don't have what you want in me, no matter how powerful your Buddhist sect 'Sky Eye' is, it will be futile."

Suddenly, Wang Zhong turned his head and looked at the holy son Canaan on one side, with an inexplicable arc on his lips.

Canaan's expression remained unchanged, he was calm, silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "But I can already conclude that you are not Wang Zhong!"

The voice is resounding and unmistakable.

Wang Zhong raised his eyebrows, with a look of helplessness on his face, shrugged his shoulders and said, "If I wasn't me, who would it be? Canaan, when you master the supreme inheritance of the Buddhist sect, 'He Xintong', you will understand , How absurd my own speculation is. What's more, if my identity is wrong, I am afraid that those big figures in the Taoist realm will have already noticed it, so how can I be kept until now?"

"He Xintong", one of the highest lineages of the Buddhist sect, is rumored to have cultivated to the extreme, and can instantly hear the deepest secrets in the hearts of all living beings. It is silent, impossible to guard against, and the most mysterious.

The meaning of Wang Zhong's words is very simple, that is, even if you have cultivated "He Xintong" and guessed my thoughts, you can only come to the conclusion that I am Wang Zhong!

Regarding this, Canaan's reaction was still very calm, and said: "Don't worry, I have realized some mysteries of 'his mind', and it will not be long before I can grasp it in my hands. It's simply not possible."

Wang Zhong squinted his eyes, stared at Canaan for a long time, and suddenly said with a smile: "Then I will wait and see."

Canaan smiled slightly, and suddenly said something inexplicable: "The sky of the ancient gods is indeed going to change, but outsiders are not allowed to touch it."

After finishing speaking, he turned around, sat cross-legged on one side, meditated with his eyes closed, and ignored everything else.

Seeing this, Wang Zhong squinted his eyes again, and shook his head after a long time, smiling endlessly.

The conversations between the two were all carried out through sound transmission, which did not attract the attention of others.

Soon, Taoist Master Caiya and Wu Xuechan, Xu Tuo, Xuan Ming, and Xue Ling left together and headed for the land of chaos.

Under the leadership of Huai Kongzi, Chen Xi and other thirty disciples left the Guiyuan Hall and went to the "Ancient Shaohua Realm" to rest and recuperate.

After many duels in the Dao Contest, most of them were exhausted, and people like Wu Xuechan and Donghuang Yinxuan were even more seriously injured.At such moments, there is also an urgent need to calmly repair the injury.

"Fun, interesting."

Just after Chen Xi and his group left, a figure suddenly appeared in the empty Guiyuan Hall.

He is thin, short and plain, and he is the Taoist principal Liu Shenji who has just left!

It's just that at this moment, with his hands behind his back, looking at the place where Chen Xi and his party left, a strange rippling luster appeared in his pair of eyes.

After standing silent for a long time, he suddenly sighed with emotion: "It's calamity, it's luck, it depends on this action..."

Before the voice fell, Liu Shenji disappeared again.

People go empty.

The Guiyuan Hall was completely silent.


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